Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product BHG Heatcraft Refrigeration Products
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L A R G E U N I T C O O L E R T echnical Guid e Model s BH A | Air De fro st • BHE/BHL | E lectric Defr ost • B HG/BHF | Ho t Ga s Defro st www .thecoldstandard.
2 Nomencla ture BH A 850 C P A V oltage B = 208-230/1/60 M = 460/1/60 C = 208-230/3/60 X = 380-400/3/50 D = 460/3/60 Y = 200-220/1/50 E = 575/3/60 Bohn Large Unit Cooler Capacity x 100 (standard motor.
3 F eatur es & Benets Bohn introduces it’ s latest line of heavy dut y large unit coolers for warehouse coo ler/f ree zer appl icat ions . W ith a wide r capa city rang e and the pate nte d T hermo- Flex coil design, these large unit coolers provide ecient, reliable operation.
4 60 Hz P er formance * 208-230/3/60 and 460/3/60 motors are 3/4 HP Note s: TD = T emp erature Dierenc e = (Room temperature - saturated suction temper ature) T able 1. Model BHA 60 Hz Air Defrost Model Capacity BTUH/ w atts 10°F TD 25°F SST F an Data Standard Motor Data HP T otal Amps CFM/ m 3 h No .
5 60 Hz P er formance Model Capacity BTUH/ w atts 10°F TD -20°F SST F an Data Standard Motor Data Defrost Heaters HP T otal Amps W atts T otal Amps CFM/ m 3 h No .
6 60 Hz P er formance Model Capacity BTUH/ w atts 10°F TD -20°F SST F an Data Standard Motor Data Dr ain P an He at er s (S td .) † HP T otal Amps W atts T otal Amps CFM/ m 3 h No .
7 60 Hz P er formance Note s: High CFM models can handle external static pressure up to 1/2” of w ater High CFM models are designed for operation below 15°F SST CFM is at 0.0 external static pressure Note s: TD = T emp erature Dierenc e = (Room temperature - saturated suction temper ature) T able 4.
8 60 Hz P er formance * This model with 3-Phase drain pan heaters † Hot gas drain pan available Note s: High CFM models can handle external static pressure up to 1/2” of w ater High CFM models are designed for operation below 15°F SST CFM is at 0.
9 50 Hz P er formance * 380/3/50 motors are 3/4 HP Note s: TD = T emp erature Dierenc e = (Room temperature - saturated suction temper ature) T able 6. Model BHA 50 Hz Air Defrost Model Capacity BTUH/ w atts 6°C TD -4°C SST F an Data Standard Motor Data HP T otal Amps CFM/ m 3 h No .
10 50 Hz P er formance Model Capacity BTUH/ w atts 6°C TD -29°C SST F an Data Standard Motor Data Defrost H eaters HP T otal Amps W atts T otal Amps CFM/ m 3 h No .
11 50 Hz P er formance Model Capacity BTUH/ w atts 6°C TD -29°C SST F an Data Standard Motor Data D e f r o s t H e a t e r s ( S t d . ) † HP T otal Amps W atts T o t a l A m p s CFM/ m 3 h No .
12 50 Hz P er formance Note s: High CFM models can handle external static pressure up to 1/2” of w ater High CFM models are designed for operation below 15°F SST CFM is at 0.0 external static pressure Note s: TD = T emp erature Dierenc e = (Room temperature - saturated suction temper ature) T able 9.
13 50 Hz P er formance Note s: High CFM models can handle external static pressure up to 1/2” of w ater High CFM models are designed for operation below 15°F SST CFM is at 0.0 external static pressure Note s: TD = T emp erature Dierenc e = (Room temperature - saturated suction temper ature) T able 10.
14 Ph y sical Specic ations Model No . of F ans Connections (in.) Appro x. Net Wt. (lbs./ kg . ) Coil Inlet ODF Suction ODF External Equalizer ODF Drain FPT BHA Models 6 Fins P er I nch BHA520 2 1-.
15 Ph y sical Specic ations Model No . of F ans Connections (in.) Appro x. Net Wt. (lbs./ kg . ) Coil Inlet ODF Suction ODF External Equalizer ODF Drain FPT BHE Models 6 Fins P er I nch BHE450 2 1-.
16 Ph y sical Specic ations Model No . of F ans Connections (in.) Appro x. Net Wt. (lbs./ kg . ) Coil Inlet ODF Suction ODF External Equalizer ODF Drain FPT Hot Gas Side Port Hot Gas Drain Pan Ref .
17 Dimensional Data A B C 26 1 / 4 24 1 / 4 21 5 / 32 29 1 / 2 4 9 / 16 G F Diagram 1. All Models 6 7 / 8 Refrigerant Piping End Acc epts 1 / 2 ” Hanger Rod Electrical End 8 Air Defrost Models Electric & Hot Gas Defrost Models Dimensions (in./ mm.
18 Dimensional Data Diagram 2. All Models T able 15. All Models Dimensions A B C D E 35 21 / 32 34 23 3 / 4 32 4 7 / 16 41 3 / 32 7 9 / 16 G F Refrigerant Piping End Electrical End Acc epts 5/8” Hanger Rod Air Defrost Models Ele ctric & H ot Ga s Def ros t Mo dels Dimensions (in.
19 Nozzle Selection T able 17. Standard Nozzle Selections *Also suitable for R-507, R-502, R-134A, R-401A, R-402A Nozzles sized for 90-100°F liquid temp. at expansion v alve. Refer to manual H-IM-64 if liquid temp . is not 90-100°F Consult Bohn Application Engineering if evapor ator TD is not 10° - 15°F , (room temp.
20 Replacemen t P ar ts T able 18. Motor/F an Blade/G uards Part Number Description Unit V oltage Model Wire Lead C olor Code 24711201 Heater 230V 1300W 208-230V & 460V 400, 450, 480, 550 Black 24.
21 Replacemen t P ar ts Air Defrost Model Electric, Hot Gas Defrost Model Drain Pan* Side Panel Left Back Panel (Refrig. c onn.) 520, 630 400, 450, 480, 550 40402003 40834901 40834701 750, 850 560, 64.
22 Notes.
23 Notes.
A Brand of Heat craft Refrigeration Products LL C 2175 W est Park Plac e Blvd. • Stone Mountain, GA • 30087 800.537.7775 • F AX 770.465.5990 ww w F or more information on Bohn refrigera tion products, contact your Sales Representativ e or visit us at ww w .
An important point after buying a device Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Heatcraft Refrigeration Products BHG along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center