Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 005336-1, 005337-1 Guardian
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ST ANDBY GENERA T OR O WNER'S MANU AL This manual should remain with the unit. A ne w standar d of reliability Serial Number 1.6L 20kW Models: 005336-1 005337-1 — CAUTION — ONL Y QU ALIFIED ELECTRICIANS OR CONTRA CT ORS SHOULD A TTEMPT INST ALLA TION! DEADL Y EXHA UST FUMES.
Standby Generator Sets T able of Contents SECTION P AGE SAFETY RULES ................................................ 1-1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1-3 Read this Manual Thoroughly ..............................
Study these SAFETY RULES carefully before install- ing, operating or servicing this equipment. Become familiar with this Owner’s Manual and with the unit. The generator can operate safely , efficiently and reli- ably only if it is properly installed, operated and maintained.
• Before performing any maintenance on the gen- erator , disconnect its battery cables to prevent accidental start -up. Disconnect the cable from the battery post indicated by a NEGA TIVE, NEG or (–) first. Reconnect that cable last. • Never use the generator or any of its parts as a step.
1-3 I NTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing this model of the standby generator set product line. Every effort was expended to make sure that the information and instructions in this manual were both accurate and current at the time the manual was written.
I DENTIF ICA TION R E C OR D D A T A LA BE L Every generator set has a DA T A LABEL that contains important information pertinent to the generator . The data label, which can be found attached to the .
E QUIPM ENT DE SCRI PTION This equipment is a revolving field, alternating cur - rent generator set. It is powered by a gaseous fueled engine operating at 1800 rpm for 4-pole direct drive units, 3600 rpm for 2-pole direct drive units and 2300 - 3000 rpm for quiet drive gear units.
ENGI NE P RO TE CTIVE DEVICE S The standby generator may be required to operate for long periods of time without an operator on hand to monitor such engine conditions as coolant tempera- ture, oil pressure or rpm.
F U E L SYST E M FUE L RE QUIRE MEN T S The standby generator may be equipped with one of the following fuel systems: • Natural gas fuel system • Propane vapor (PV) fuel system The Manual Drawing .
SP E CIF ICA TIONS GEN ERA T OR T ype ............................................................................. Synchronous Rotor Insulation .................................................................... Class F Stator Insulation ...........
COLD WEA THER KIT F or cold climates, optional cold weather kit (part number 0F6148) is recommended. The kit includes: • Battery W armer • 4” Junction Box with hardware • 6 qt. pack 5W -30 synthetic oil (engine) R E C ONF IGU RI NG TH E FU EL SY S TEM NOTE: All models are configured for natural gas or LP vapor from the factory .
GEN ERA T OR A C LEAD C ON NECTIONS See “V oltage Codes”. This generator may be rated at any one of three voltages, either single -phase or three -phase. The electrical wires in the unit ’s A C con- nection (lower) panel should be installed according to the number of leads and the voltage/phase required for the application.
I NS T ALLA TION Refer to the separate “Installation Guide QT Product Line” supplied with the unit. P REP AR A TION BEFOR E ST ART -UP The instructions in this section assume that the standby generator has been properly installed, ser - viced, tested, adjusted and otherwise prepared for use by a competent, qualified installation contractor .
• Battery charger connection to 120 V AC. • Communication wires connected between transfer switch and generator (HTS only). • Unit secured to pad. S T ART -U P CH E CKLIS T Before working on the generator , ensure the fol- lowing: • The AUTO/OFF/MANU AL switch is in the OFF position.
GEN ERA T OR C ONTROL AN D OP ERA TION Refer to the appropriate control panel operator’s manual for this unit. OP ERA TI NG U N IT WITH MAN U AL TR ANSFER SWIT CH If the generator was installed in conjunction with a transfer switch capable of manual operation only , the following procedure applies.
MAI NTENANCE PER FOR M ED B Y SERVICE F ACI LITIES Before working on the generator , ensure the fol- lowing: The AUTO/OFF/MANU AL switch is in the OFF position. The 15A fuse has been removed from the con- trol box. The 120V AC supply to the battery charger is switched OFF .
Figure 10.1 - Oil Dipstick and Oil Fill Cap OIL FILL CAP OIL DIPSTICK B A TTE R Y FL UID Check battery electrolyte fluid based on the Maintenance Schedule. Fluid should cover separa- tors in all battery cells. If fluid level is low , add dis - tilled water to cover tops of separators.
CHANGI NG ENGIN E OIL Refer to maintenance performed by service facilities for engine oil and filter change frequencies. Drain the oil while the engine is still warm from run- ning . This means warm up the engine, shut it down and drain immediately as follows: 1.
M IS CELLAN EOUS MAINTENANCE CLEAN ING TH E GENER A T OR Keep the generator as clean and as dry as possible. Dirt and moisture that accumulates on internal gen- erator windings have an adverse effect on insulation resistance. P eriodically clean generator exterior surfaces.
SERVICE S CH EDULE The following is a recommended maintenance schedule for small standby and residential generator sets. The established intervals in the schedule are the maximum recommended when the unit is used in an average service application.
Maintenance Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 T asks Recom- T ask Required T ask Required T ask T ask mended Comp . to be done Comp . to be done Comp. Required Comp. to be done (Date- 3 months/ (Date- Semi- (Date- to be done (Date- monthly Initials) Break-in Initials) annually Initials) Annually Initials) 10 Hrs.
Maintenance Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 T asks Recom- T ask Required T ask Required T ask T ask mended Comp . to be done Comp . to be done Comp. Required Comp. to be done (Date- 3 months/ (Date- Semi- (Date- to be done (Date- monthly In itials) Break-in Initials) annually Initials) Annually Initials) 10 Hrs.
TROU BLESHOO TI NG GU IDE P ROBLEM CAUSE C OR RECTION Engine won’t crank. 1. 15 amp fuse blown. 1. Replace fuse. 2. Loose or corroded or defectiv e 2. Tighten, clean or replace batter y cables. battery cables as necessar y . 3. Defectiv e star ter contactor .
Standby Generator Sets Notes.
Standby Generator Sets Notes.
Standby Generator Sets Notes.
Standby Generator Sets Notes.
ROT 0RS BE LOW M UST BE VE R IFIE D BY SE RIAL NO. AND B.O .M . 1 0G29 27 1 RTR- 102-20. 0AD1 CPL (2 006) (FOR U NITS B UILT AFTER FEBRU ARY 20 07) 0G28 27 1 ASS Y RTR 25KW 2P (20 06) (FO R UNIT S B U.
C O M PO N EN T S IN CL UD ED IN 0 G3 3 6 5 E 1 0F 18 2 3A 1 E N CL HS B C ON T R OL P A N EL 2 0F 3 0 7 8 1 C OV ER C O N TR O L PA N E L 3 0F 2 6 0 6 1 H IN G E C O N T IN U OU S H - P A N E L 4 03 6 26 1 6 R IV E T P O P .
1 0F7211 1 SUPPORT R AD IATOR LH SIDE 2 0G07 60 1 VENTU RI 16" DIA F AN 3 0F7210 1 SUPPORT R ADIATOR RH SIDE 4 0E98 37B 1 RADI ATOR 1.6 L CHY 5 0F0230 B 1 FAN COOL 16" DI A 8 BLA DE 6 04652 6 5 WASHE R LO CK M10 7 0G0910 1 LOWE R RA DIATO R HOSE 1.
1 0F34 08B 1 BATT ERY TRAY C1 CPL 2 0F34 11 1 STRAP BA TTERY RET AINME NT 3 02 5507 1 WASHE R SH AKEPRO OF EX T 7/1 6 STL 4 05 9980 1 SCREW HHC M 10-1.
1 0G075 9 1 MOUN TI N G BAS E 1. 6L 2 0 27 482 2 WASHER SHAK EPROOF EXT 5/ 16 STL 3 07093 6 2 DAMPE NER VI BRATIO N 4 070936 C 2 VIB. ISO. 70 -75 D URO 5 0392 5 3 8 SCRE W HH C M8-1. 2 5 X 20 G 8.8 6 0221 45 12 WAS HER FL AT 5/16 ZI NC 7 0221 29 12 WAS HER LO CK M 8-5/16 8 0457 71 4 NUT HE X M8- 1.
1 098 290 1 ASM MOTOR STEPPER 2 09894 1A 1 HOUSING GOVERNOR CON NECTOR 3 09 8958A REF CON NECTO R INTE RFACE ASSEM BLY 4 09 89 4 2A 1 COVE R CO NNE CTO R HOUS I NG 5 098225 2 S CREW FHM #2 X 5/ 8 SELF TAP 6 0431 46 3 SCREW HHC M 6-1. 0 X 1 0 G8. 8 7 0220 97 5 WASHE R LO CK M6- 1/4 8 084543A 1 SCREW PHM M3-0.
1 02681 2 2 EL BO W 9 0D 3/4 NP T 2 07558 0 1 FLANGE F UEL INLE T 3 0G1397 1 FUE L RE G U LATO R 1. 6L RE W O R K 4 0392 53 2 S CREW HH C M 8-1.2 5 X 20 G 8.8 5 0221 45 2 WA SHER FL AT 5/ 16 ZI NC 6 0221 29 4 WA SHER LO CK M 8-5/ 16 7 0457 71 2 NUT HEX M 8-1.
1 0F 700 3 (XX) 1 ROO F C 1 CPL 2 0F 7004 ( XX) 1 COR NER P OST L H SIDE C1 CPL 3 0F 7008 ( XX) 1 DOO R REA R C1 CPL 4 0F 7005 ( XX) 1 COR NER P OST RH SIDE C1 CP L 5 0F 7007 ( XX) 2 DOO R LH & RH S IDE C1 CPL 6 0F 7006 ( XX) 1 DUC T FRO NT DIS CHARGE C 1 CPL 7 0C26 34A 1 ASS EMBLY COVER ACCE SS 8 091297 0091 1 ASSY WIR E 14 AW G 13.
1 0F73 66 1 MUF FLER C1 2 0F76 47 1 MUFFL ER SA DDLE 3 0F8095 1 PIPE EXHAUST OUTLET 4 0F75 38 1 PIPE EXH I NLET M UFLR S IDE 1.5L 5 0E 3257 4 SCREW HWHTF M 6-1.0 X 16 6 0F76 44 2 MUF FLER STR AP 7 0C 6119 1 BOLT U 5/ 16-18 X 2-1 /4 8 03 6434 3 BOLT U 5/16- 18 X 2.
Standby Generator Sets W arranty Printed in U.S.A. GENERA C PO WER SYSTEMS ST ANDARD LIMITED W ARRANTY FOR HOME ST ANDBY/LIGHT COMMERCIAL PRODUCT 45kW AND BELO W For a period of two (2) y ears from the date of sale, or start-up by A uthorized/Cer tified Generac P ower Systems Dealer , or branch thereof , Generac P ow er Systems, Inc.
An important point after buying a device Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Guardian 005336-1, 005337-1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center