Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB Gravely
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Part s Manual Models 915146 – ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 – ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 – ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 – ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+) 915170 – ZT 42 CARB (SN 030000+) 04699300 7/15 Print ed in USA ZT E10 The use of any gasoline exceeding 10% ethanol (E10) or 10% MTBE will void the product w arranty.
2 T HE M ANUAL Before you o perate yo ur unit, carefull y and c ompletely read ma nuals s upplied wi th the uni t. The co ntents will provide you wi th an under standing of s afety in structions and con trols du ring nor mal oper ation and maint enance .
3 M ODELS Domestic Model 91 5146 (Z T 34) Briggs & S tratton with 34” Mow er Serial No . 030000 an d up Model 91 5148 (Z T 42) Kawasaki wit h 42” Mower Serial No . 030000 an d up Model 91 5150 (Z T 50) Kawasaki wit h 50” Mower Serial No . 030000 an d up Model 91 5168 (ZT 34 CARB) Briggs & S tratton with 34” Mow er Serial No .
4 D ECALS – S AFETY Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . Description 1 03271900 2 Decal, T ransmission Disconnect 2 07757600 1 Decal, Instructional S teering 3 07800410 2 Decal, Safe.
5 D ECALS – S TYLE Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . Description 1 07800101 1 Decal, ZT 34 (91 5146, 168) 07800210 1 Decal, ZT 42 (91 5148, 170) 0780021 1 1 Decal, ZT 50 (91 5150).
6 F RAME , H OO D , F ENDERS , C ASTERS AND T IRES Model 915168, 170 T o engine purge port T o purge port on item 39 T o fuel tank neck T o tank port on item 39 1 3 5 2 14 15 7 8 10 9 6 17 11 13 25 22.
7 F RAME , H OO D , F ENDERS , C ASTERS AND T IRES Model 915168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 51525900 1 Weldment, Frame 2 03768600 1 Fender , Right Hand 3 03768700 1 Fender , Left Hand 4 07.
8 F RAME , H OO D , F ENDERS , C ASTERS AND T IRES Model 915146, 148, 150 T o fuel tank neck T o engine purge port 1 3 5 2 14 15 7 8 10 9 6 17 11 4 13 16 18 19 8 18 13 17 5 4 4 4 4 12 23 23 19 22 22 2.
9 F RAME , H OO D , F ENDERS , C ASTERS AND T IRES Model 915146, 148, 150 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 51525900 1 Weldm ent, Frame 2 03768600 1 Fender , Right Hand 3 03768700 1 Fender , Left Han.
10 S EAT AND S EAT S UPPORT Model 915146, 168 2 6 8 7 1 9 5 11 10 12 3 4 13 14 15 16 3 4.
11 S EAT AND S EAT S UPPORT Model 915146, 168 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 03795800 1 Seat, 13 in G rey 2 03782051 1 Seat Plate 3 05900033 4 Bolt, Hex 5/16-18 x 3/4 4 07412000 2 Screw , T apping .25- 20 x .50 He x W asher Hea d Thread 5 03753351 1 Guard, Fan 6 06542000 2 Nut, .
12 S EAT AND S EAT S UPPORT Model 915148, 150, 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 9 17 19 18 21 20 22 23 24 16 15 14 13 12.
13 S EAT AND S EAT S UPPORT Model 915148, 150, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 04376251 1 Plate, Adjus table Seat 2 04376951 1 Plate, Adjust ab le Seat T rack 3 04377051 1 Plate Adjust able Se at Slide 4 04377167 1 Weldm ent, Adjust able Seat Latch 5 06439200 4 Wa sher , Flat S teel .
14 T RANSAXLE , D UMP V ALVES AND R EAR W HEELS Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 5 6 3 6 2 8 7 1 4 9 4 11 11 10 15 3 13 12 10 10 14.
15 T RANSAXLE , D UMP V ALVES AND R EAR W HEELS Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 03872300 1 Tra nsaxle, Lef t Hand EZT D-Shaft (9 15146, 16 8) 04382300 1 T ransaxle,.
16 P ARKING B RAKE Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 1 2 3 4 24 22 28 25 8 16 14 9 15 23 21 4 6 12 11 9 10 17 18 19 7 16 7 5 6 20 7 27 26 9 7 6 13 29 30.
17 P ARKING B RAKE Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 03759400 1 Link, Brake Handle 2 03759167 1 Handle, Parki ng Brake 3 03823300 1 Link, Neutra l Left H and 4 05946900 3 Bolt, Hex .31-18 x 1.00 5 05514800 1 Bushing, Fl ange .
18 S TEERING C ON TRO LS Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 T o Transaxle. 15 6 33 17 18 2 8 25 22 23 12 8 20 5 4 5 28 30 18 23 20 31 4 6 22 26 21 29 13 27 6 6 23 6 21 6 32 21 6 9 17 10 20 19 15 3 10 13.
19 S TEERING C ON TRO LS Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . De scription 1 04193051 1 Weldm ent, S teering Handle Right Hand 2 04257400 2 Grip, Handl ebar 15" Fo am 3 05710200 2 Ring, Ret aining External .438 x 1.00 x 0 .83 4 03943800 2 Damper 5 03652200 4 S tud, Ball 6 06545400 12 Nu t, .
20 E NGINE , E XH AUST , B ELT S AND I DLERS Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 2 3 5 6 1 Rear of Unit 8 9 15 14 13 12 11 10 23 26 19 18 19 19 22 20 21 17 24 25 31 30 27 32 29 29 28 16 34 33 1 7 7 35 36.
21 E NGINE , E XH AUST , B ELT S AND I DLERS Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 08200638 1 Engine, 16.5 HP Briggs an d S tratton Intek witho ut Muffle r (915146, 168 ) 08200631 1 Engine, Kawas aki FR651 21.5HP (91 5148, 170) 08200717 1 Engine, Kawas aki FR691 23HP (915150 ) 2 07414700 4 Screw , T apping .
22 F UEL T ANK Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 04191900 1 T ank, Fuel with V ent Port 2 03278800 2 Clamp, Fuel Line 3 07500206 2 Bushing 4 03771451 1 Bracket, T ank S trap 5 03278100 N A Hose, .25 Low Perm Gas (as req uired) 6 04333600 1 Assembly , Fuel Pick up 7 06219900 1 Bolt, Round H ead Square N eck .
23 C ONTIN UITY D IAGRAM Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 (03290500) Seat Switch (03654200) Solenoid (00696900) 12 12 OPERA TOR OFF SEA T OPERA TOR ON SEA T (04399600) PE0771.
24 E LECTRICAL S YSTEM Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 T o Frame T o Engine Harness T o Engine Ground T o Frame T o Frame T o Engine Ground T o Engine Starter 3 5 20 21 10 12 25 30 19 9 8 17 6 26 18 .
25 E LECTRICAL S YSTEM Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . De scription 1 03927000 1 Key 2 03042800 1 Relay 3 09351 100 1 Fuse, 30 AMP 4 03290 500 1 Ke y Switch with K ey 5 00696900 1 Solenoid 6 04382200 1 Battery , 12V 20 Hou r (Can be replaced w ith U1 190 o r large r) 7 05946800 2 Bolt, Hex .
26 W IRING D IAGRAM Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Y ellow / Red Parking Brake Switch CLUTCH A B.
27 N OTES.
28 M OWER D ECK L IF T Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 17 18 27 20 9 17 29 26 19 16 22 28 23 24 19 30 31 25 21 7 11 16 22 8 23 8 19 24 18 24 19 27 27 24 18 27 9.
29 M OWER D ECK L IF T Model 915146, 148, 150, 168, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 04434567 1 Weldm ent, Footpe dal 2 04434467 1 Weldm ent, Rear D eck Lift 3 04377367 1 Weldm ent, Lif t/HOC Li.
30 M OWER D ECK , B ELT AND I DLERS Model 915146, 168 19 8 15 29 30 21 22 23 32 10 17 16 11 9 25 26 7 18 12 27 5 13 2 14 21 28 4 24 1 6 3 23 31 6 21 26 20 23 6 6 19 21 12 21 33 35 34.
31 M OWER D ECK , B ELT AND I DLERS Model 915146, 168 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 51525700 1 Kit, Grav ely 34” Dec k wtih Dec als 2 61559 900 2 As sembly , S p indle 3 04430 867 1 Weldme nt, Idle r Arm 4 07300039 2 Assemb ly , Idler 4" 5 03828853 1 Wireform, Belt Fi nger 6 06542000 5 Nut, Lock ing T op Fl ange .
32 M OWER D ECK , B ELT AND I DLERS Model 915148, 150, 170 915148, 17 0 915150 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 19 6 7 7 27 20 13 14 15 16 17 10 10 10 9 7 11 10 3 4 5 6 5 5 12 15 17 10 10 10 10 10 7 18 6 .
33 M OWER D ECK , B ELT AND I DLERS Model 915148, 150, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 51523800 1 Kit, Grav ely 42” Dec k with Dec als (9 15148, 170) 51523 900 1 Kit, G ravely 5 0” Deck wit.
34 B ELT C OVERS AND B LADES Model 915146, 168 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 00662653 1 Chute Reinforc em ent 2 03994300 1 Molded Chu te 3 06800002 1 Pin, 5/16 x 3.88" 4 03971900 2 Blade, Mower 17.35 5 06445700 2 Wa sher , Beveled .6 3 x 1.625 x .
35 N OTES.
36 B ELT C OVERS AND B LADES Model 915148, 150, 170 915148, 1 70 915150 1 20 17 14 5 4 6 11 9 10 20 20 15 17 21 19 13 12 8 2 21 3 18 17 17 14 15 8 11 10 9 20 12 20 22 19 13 18 1 2 3 5 4 6 20 23 16 16 .
37 B ELT C OVERS AND B LADES Model 915148, 150, 170 Item Part No. Qty . D escription 1 04265400 3 Mower Bl ade, 14.83 " (915148 , 170) 03971900 3 Blade, Mo wer 17.35 " (915150) 2 06445700 3 W ashe r , B ellville .63 x 1.62 5 x .14 3 06500630 3 Nut, Hex .
Gravely 655 W est Ryan S treet Brillion, WI 541 10 920-756-46 88 Fax 920 -756-2407 www .gravely .com.
An important point after buying a device Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Gravely 915146 ZT 34 (SN 030000+) 915148 ZT 42 (SN 030000+) 915150 ZT 50 (SN 030000+) 915168 ZT 34 CARB (SN 030000+) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center