Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ti18524d Graco
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3A2012J Instructions - Parts FRP Proportioner Low emission interna l/external mix gel coat and chop proportioners. For use with resin and catalyst in hazar dous and non-hazardous locations. For professional use only. See page 4 for mod el and age ncy approv als infor mation.
2 3A2012J Contents Related Manua ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Agency Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Accessor ies .
Relate d Manual s 3A201 2J 3 Related Ma nuals Manuals are a vailable at www.g Compo nent manuals in Engli sh: Agency Appr ovals * Solvent pots do not aff ect Atex rating.
Models 4 3A2012J Models Ratio Internal or External Mix Gel or Cho p No Cart Cart Cart, Mast, and Boom Part No. Hose Length ft (m) Part No. Hose Length ft (m ) P ar t No . Hose Length ft (m) 13:1 Internal M ix Gel 16R065 25 (7.6) 16R002 25 (7.6) 16R05 3 25 (7.
Acce ssori es 3A201 2J 5 Accessori es The foll owing ite ms can be purchase d separa tely from the sys tem to gain addition al functi ons. Many of the items r equire u ser installa tion; refe r to the S ystem Assembly secti on beginning on page 18 for the required p rocedures.
Warnings 6 3A2012J Warnings The foll owing warni ngs are for the setup , use, ground ing, ma intenanc e, and repa ir of this equipment . The excl ama- tion po int symbol alerts yo u to a ge neral warn ing and the hazard sy mbols refe r to pro cedure-spec ific ris ks.
Warn ings 3A201 2J 7 TOXIC FLUID OR FUMES HAZARD Toxic fl uids or fum es ca n cause ser ious inju ry or death if sp lashed in th e eyes or on skin, inhale d, or swallo wed.
Importan t Methyl Ethy l Ketone Pe roxide (MEK P) Safety Info rmation 8 3A2012J Important Methy l Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP) Safety I nformat ion MEKP is among the more hazar dous ma terials found i n commerc ial channel s. Proper handlin g of the “uns table (react ive)” chem icals pres ents a seriou s challen ge to the plastics industr y.
Importa nt Two-Compon ent Materi al Informa tion 3A201 2J 9 Polyester Resins and G el-Coats Spraying and Laminati on Operations Graco r ecommends that you c onsult OSHA Sections 1910.94, 1910.106, 1 910.107 and NFPA No . 33, and NFPA No. 9 1 for furthe r guidance.
Overvi ew 10 3A2012J Overview The FRP proportioner dispen ses pig mented, tool ing, low-VO C, and spe cialty gel coats, as we ll as po lyester resin a nd vinyl e ster che micals. T he FRP p roportione r supplie s the indi vidual ca talyst an d resin ma terials, an d fibergl ass roving to the gun.
Compone nt Identif icatio n 3A201 2J 11 Component Ide ntif icatio n Key: AC a r t BA i r M o t o r C Resin Dis placem ent Pump DC a t a l y s t P u m p E Solvent Flush (Diaph ragm Pu mp Option Shown, .
Component Id entifica tion 12 3A2012J Air Control Panel Air inlet (AA): from air line. Air regulator 1 (AB): controls air to res in pump. Air outlet 1 (AC): air line to resin p ump. Air pressure ga uge 1 (AD): indica tes air pressure to resi n pum p. Air regulator 2 (AE) : for ex ternal mix gun s only: con - trols catal yst atomi zation air.
Compone nt Identif icatio n 3A201 2J 13 Air Motor and Resin Disp lacement Pump The air m otor powers the resin d isplaceme nt pump which supplie s resi n to the spray g un. Air inle t (M): conne ct air hose to the air inlet. Fluid filter (N): removes particles from the f luid.
Component Id entifica tion 14 3A2012J Catalyst Pump The ca talyst pump su pplie s cata lyst to the spra y gun. Pump arm (U): con trols catal yst flow . Ratio adjustment knob (V1): use to lock /unlock pu mp position and adjus t the resi n to catal yst ratio.
Compone nt Identif icatio n 3A201 2J 15 Solvent Flush Systems Solvent Flush Diaphragm Pump The solvent flush dia phragm pump pr ovides solvent to the gun to c lear out mi xed flui d and preve nt it from cur- ing in the gun. See t he diaphr agm pump manual li sted on page 3 f or detail ed compo nent id entification .
Setup 16 3A2012J Setup FRP pr oportioner s are not app roved fo r use in hazard - ous loc ations unles s all a ccessories , all kits , and all wir- ing me et local, s tate, and nat ional co des. See Ag ency Approvals on page 3. This sec tion pr ovides ins tructions for basic system s etup of the FRP proportio ner.
Setup 3A201 2J 17 NOTE: Catalyst res ervoir ou tlet must be ab ove the cata- lyst pum p inlet fitti ng for true g ravity fee ding. b. Insert p ole clam p bolts th rough pum pline mounting plate then e ach of the two lower pole clamps , then ins tall and ti ghten nuts to secu re mounting plate and c lamps in p lace.
Setup 18 3A2012J System Assembly When t he system i s shipped f rom the fa ctory so me items ma y be shi pped loos e. Perform the follow ing instruc tions to pr operly in stall each of the comp onent items . 1. For car t and boom sy stems on ly, instal l legs: a.
Setup 3A201 2J 19 3. Install so lvent flus h diaphrag m pump or pressur e pot (if o rdered). a. Use the s upplied h ardware to ins tall the d ia- phragm p ump or pres sure pot on to the base of the ca rt in the mounting h oles pr ovided. b. Use supp lied hardwar e to instal l solven t supply tank onto the base o f the cart .
Setup 20 3A2012J Grou ndi ng General Gr ounding Guidelines Pump: use ground wire and clamp (su pplied). Co nnect ground c lamp to a tru e earth gro und. Air and fluid hoses: use only electricall y condu ctive hoses. Spray gun: ground throug h connection to a prop erly grounded fluid hose a nd pum p.
Setup 3A201 2J 21 Connect Flu id and Ai r Lines NOTE: When conne cting gun hose bund le, the whi p end conne ction s in the bund le sho uld be co nnected to the gun and the non -whip end connect ions sho uld be connecte d to the proportion er. The whi p end of the bun- dle is the e nd with mor e flexible lines.
Setup 22 3A2012J Resin Pump and Optional Heater Connections 6. Verify the pressu re reli ef/recircu lation va lve (P) is set to pressure relief. 7. Place a waste contai ner belo w the fluid outlet then remove the pump fl uid inle t cap. D rain the t est oil then disc ard.
Setup 3A201 2J 23 Solvent Flush Connections (if applicable) NOTE: See Solvent Flush Systems component identi- fication on page 15 for conn ection loca tions. 13. Connec t solvent air line from air control panel to dia- phragm p ump or pres sure pot ai r inlet.
Operati on 24 3A2012J Operation Trigger Lock Always engage the trigger lo ck when y ou stop s praying to preve nt the gun fro m being triggered accidental ly by hand or i f dropped or bumped. Boom Oper ati on The hei ght of the bo om can be adj usted by adjusting which li nk in the chain is s ecured to th e boom arm.
Operatio n 3A201 2J 25 5. Engag e trigger l ock. 6. Turn c atalyst pump pre ssure relie f/recirc ulatio n valve to the pres sure rel ief posit ion. 7. Verify tha t the res in press ure relie f/recircula tion flui d line is routed to a grounded c ontainer , then tur n the pressu re relief/ recircul ation va lve to the pressure relief p osition.
Operati on 26 3A2012J Startup NOTE: Do n ot ex ceed 20 psi (0 .14 MPa, 1. 4 ba r) on t he material ai r pressu re regulat or until a steady mat erial flow ha s been es tablished. 1. Verify wetc up is fill ed with G raco Throat Seal Liquid (T SL ™ ).
Operatio n 3A201 2J 27 Prime Perfor m this proc edure upon i nitial s ystem setu p, when- ever ho ses are discon nected, if the suppl y hose i s removed from the supply con tainer, o r if either pump is run dry. If done prop erly, this will prim e the line s with fluid and /or remove any air bu bbles from the fluid lin es.
Operati on 28 3A2012J 5. Verify the pressu re relief/ recircul ation va lves on the resin p ump is s et to the pr essure rel ief/recir culation position . 6. Turn th e main ai r supply p ressure re gulator full y counte r-clockwi se to rel ieve pres sure an d set to zero pr essure.
Operatio n 3A201 2J 29 13. Turn th e main ai r supply ball valve to th e closed position . 14. Turn th e cata lyst pum p pressure relief/rec ircula tion valve t o the pres sure re lief po sition.
Operati on 30 3A2012J Flush Flush the system: • Befor e first use • When c hanging fluids • Befor e repairi ng equipm ent • Befor e fluid dries or settles out in a d ormant pu mp (check th e pot life of cataly zed fluids ) • Befor e storing t he pump.
Operatio n 3A201 2J 31 Spray NOTE: If using an NXT air motor with DataTrak, s ee DataTrak O peration , page 33 , for instr uctions on using the DataTra k counter/totaliz er. Prior to p roduction u se, spray onto a clean piece of paper un til all sy stem setting s are ad justed to o ptimize the sp ray patte rn.
Operati on 32 3A2012J 7. Turn th e main air s upply ball valve to th e open posi- tion. See F IG . 28. 8. Slowly tur n the main air suppl y pressure regulator clock wise unti l the main air sup ply press ure gaug e reads th e desired p ressure. See F IG .
Operatio n 3A201 2J 33 DataTrak Operation For DataTrak installa tion instru ctions, see NXT Air motor for FRP m anual. Controls and Indicators NOTE: See F IG . 31. The disp lay (Y) will tu rn off a fter 1 minu te of ina ctivity i n Run mod e or 3 minutes in Setup mode.
Operati on 34 3A2012J * 13:1 pump set ting is 80cc (fo r 2 in s troke). 17:1 pum p setting is 60cc (for 2 in . stroke)..
Operatio n 3A201 2J 35 Setup Mode 1. See F IG . 31. Pres s and hold for 5 se conds unti l Setup menu ap pears. 2. To enter s ettings for runaway, lo wer size, a nd flow rate uni ts, and to e nable ru naway, E1, E2, and E 5 error opt ions, pr ess to change the va lue, then to sav e the value a nd move th e cursor to th e next data fi eld.
Operati on 36 3A2012J Prime/Flush 1. See F IG . 31. To ente r Prim e/Fl ush mode, pr ess any key to wa ke up t he display , then pre ss . The Prime/Fl ush symbol will ap pear in the d isplay and the L ED wi ll flash . 2. While i n Prime/F lush mod e, runaway pr otection is disable d and th e batch tota lizer (BT) will not count.
Operatio n 3A201 2J 37 Table 1: Diagnostic Codes Symbol Code Code Name Diagnosis Cause Runawa y (DataT rak only) Pump run ning f aster th an se t runa way limit. • Increase d air p ressure. • Increase d fluid output. • Exhauste d fluid s upply .
Operati on 38 3A2012J Replace DataTrak Battery or Fus e Replac e Battery 1. Unscrew cable from the back of the ree d switch assembl y. See F IG . 33 . 2. Remove the cable fr om the two cable cl ips. 3. Remove Dat aTrak mod ule from bracket. Tak e mod- ule and a ttached c able to a non-hazar dous lo cation.
Maintena nce 3A201 2J 39 Maintenanc e Componen ts See comp onent manu als listed on page 3 f or mainte - nance schedules and proced ures for ea ch comp onent.
Troub leshooti ng 40 3A2012J Troubleshoot ing Probl ems Try the r ecommen ded soluti ons in t he order given fo r each pr oblem, to a void unnece ssary r epairs. Catalyst Pump See Ca talyst Slave P umps parts illustratio n on pa ge 66 for par ts identifi cation.
Troubles hootin g 3A201 2J 41 * To determi ne if flui d hose or g un is obstr ucted, follo w Pressure Relief Pr ocedure and Shutdow n , pag e 24. Dis- connect fluid hos e and plac e a contain er at pump fluid out let to catch a ny fluid . Turn on ai r power ju st enou gh to start pu mp.
Repair 42 3A2012J Repair General Inform ation • Refer ence numb ers an d let ters in par ent heses i n the text r efer to the c allouts in the figu res and the parts draw ing. • Alway s use Gen uine Gr aco Parts and Acc essories , availab le from you r Graco dis tributor.
Repair 3A201 2J 43 Reconnect th e Displacement Pump 1. Disconn ect air su pply from air motor . 2. Hand-tur n the displa cement pu mp into the adapter plate. 3. Install c oupler sp ring gua rd and TSL reservo ir. 4. Hold the a ir motor p iston rod u p with one han d.
Repair 44 3A2012J Disconnect th e Air Motor See ma nual 3A2 315 for air mot or servi ce and par ts informat ion. S ee F IG . 36 on page 45. 1. Relieve the pressu re, see page 24. 2. Disconn ect main air supply line fr om the i nlet on th e air con trol pane l (AE).
Repair 3A201 2J 45 F IG . 36 AA AB AC AE AD AF AJ AG AH AK ti18 456 c.
Repair 46 3A2012J Replace Pumpline This proc edure is o nly neede d if the enti re pumpl ine will be repla ced. If jus t installi ng repai r parts in the air motor and/or di splace ment pum p, see Discon nec t the Dis- placement Pump on page 42, Disconnect the Air Motor on page 44, d isplacement p ump m anual 3A 2313, and air motor manual 3A2315.
Repair 3A201 2J 47 Repair Catalyst Pump See F IG . 37 on p age 49 f or reference numbers. Remove Catal yst Pump fro m System 1. Flush the pump, see page 30. 2. Relieve the pressu re, see page 24. 3. Close catal yst suppl y ball valv e and disconnec t fluid lines.
Repair 48 3A2012J 30. Hold s pring (911 ) upright, pla ce valv e (912) on top of spring, s lide trans fer housin g (914) ups ide down over the spring the n flip upr ight. 31. Instal l transfer housing ( 914) onto piston rod (910). Use flats on rod and tr ansfer hou sing to to rque transfer housing against the pis ton rod to 30-50 in-lb (3.
Repair 3A201 2J 49 F IG . 37: Cataly st Pump Details 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 920 919 925 923 921 940 945 924 922 903 903a 903b 903c 932 947 901 902 910 926 928 929 927 935 946 909 907 909 908 Apply pipe sealant to t hreads. Apply thread lock er to mati ng surfaces or threads.
System Parts 50 3A2012J System Parts Systems 107 106 121 114,115 ,116 108 110 105 111 102 104 108 113 103 109 122 113 Loosen grounding lug locknut and washer, insert grounding wire into slot in lug and tighten locknut securely. Apply grease to outer diamet er, not to the t hreads.
System Part s 3A201 2J 51 Systems See Models ta ble on pag e 4 for detailed descriptions of each system number to ide ntify whi ch system number you have.
System Parts 52 3A2012J ◆ Item no t shown. ▲ Replacem ent Danger and Warnin g labels , tags and cards are availa ble at no cost. Ref. Part Descripti on 16R030 16R033 16R036 16R039 16R044 16R047 16.
System Part s 3A201 2J 53 ◆ Item not s hown. ▲ Replacem ent Danger and Warnin g labels , tags and cards are availa ble at no cost. Ref. Part Descripti on 16R100 16R103 16R106 16R109 16R114 16R117 .
System Parts 54 3A2012J ◆ Item no t shown. ▲ Replacem ent Danger and Warnin g labels , tags and cards are availa ble at no cost. Ref. Part Descripti on 16R1 70 16R1 73 16R1 76 16R1 79 16R1 84 16R1.
System Part s 3A201 2J 55 Carts ◆ Included in Cataly st Outle t Kit 16N8 54. 201 202 204 203 205 Apply sealant to threads. 1 1 210 211 207 209 208 1 Ref Part Description Quantity Cart , for use with boom Cart, not for use with boom 201 --- CART, chop 1 --- CART, pole 1 202 16P425 RESER VOIR, grav ity feed, 2.
System Parts 56 3A2012J.
System Part s 3A201 2J 57 Wall or Pole Mount K it, 16N918 NOTE: For systems that do not use a cart. Can be used to mount to a wall or po le. ◆ Included in pipe c lamp kit 16 P291.
System Parts 58 3A2012J Boom, 16N761 ◆ Not shown. --- No t for sa le. Item shown for reference only. 2 in. ID schedule 40 pipe not included. NOTE: Use rubber straps to s ecure gun hoses to boom.
System Part s 3A201 2J 59 Air Panel 512 525 533 501 517 506 505 503 514 509 522 515 541 510 Plug supplied w ith regulator (504). Apply sealant to all non-swiv eling pipe threads.
System Parts 60 3A2012J Slave Pump Linkage, 16P125 Ratio Indi cator la bels (111), 7 5cc (16 M565) and 100cc ( 16M564) , are not inc luded. Pu rchase sepa- rately .
System Part s 3A201 2J 61 Resin Pumpline s * Includ ed in Connecti ng Kit. See pag e 62 to order the correct ki t for you r pump. †S e e Resin Pumpline Kits on page 62. 612 604 605 603 608 607 602 606 616 611 610 601 613 615 614 617 609 Torque to 50-55 ft-lb (68-75 N•m).
System Parts 62 3A2012J Resi n P umpl ine K its NOTE: For displacement pump repair ki ts , see man- ual 3A23 13. For air motor rep air ki ts , see manual 3A2315. Air Motor and Pump for Resin Pumpline See air motor manual 3A2313 a nd pump ma nual 3A2315 for parts ide ntificat ion.
System Part s 3A201 2J 63 Resin Filter 24F620 ▲ Replacem ent Danger and Warnin g labels , tags and cards are availa ble at no cost. * Straine r Options: Press fit spring (710) to bottom of fil ter bowl (701). Apply thread lubricant. Apply grease. Apply thread sealant to all non-swiveling pipe threads.
System Parts 64 3A2012J Resin Supply Ho se 16M736 * Other filter mes hes availa ble: 50 mesh (2039 7-03), 100 mesh (20397- 02). 805 804 803 802 801 807 Apply pipe sealant to all non-swiveling pipe threads. 1 Ref Part D escription Qty 801 220372 HOSE, coupled, 6 f t 1 802 19 7682 TU BE, suctio n 1 803 114967 COUPLING, pi pe, 1 in.
System Part s 3A201 2J 65.
System Parts 66 3A2012J Catalyst Slave Pump s Apply pipe sealant to t hreads. Apply thread lock er to mati ng surfaces or threads. Apply grease to mating surfaces or threads. Torque to 240 in-lb (2 7.1 N•m). Torque to 225-275 in-lb (25.4-31.1 N•m).
System Part s 3A201 2J 67 Catalyst Pumps Installation Tools (not shown): Foot v alve seat i nstalla tion tool, 16N966 Foot v alve se at deluxe remova l tool, 24N253 (i ncludes foot val ve seat ins tallatio n tool, 16N996) Weep s eal inst allation tool, 16N96 7 ✿ Rod Assem bly Bulle t Installatio n Tool, 16D0 07 ✿ --- Not for sal e.
System Parts 68 3A2012J Catalyst Re servoir 16P425 1001 1002 1010 1001 1011 Apply pipe sealant to threads. Apply sticker so that the level line is even with t he 2.5 gallon mark on tank (1001). 1 2 1 2 For outl et strainer a nd filter, s ee Car ts on page 55.
System Part s 3A201 2J 69 Cart not included in kit, sho wn for re ference onl y.
System Parts 70 3A2012J Hose Bundles 1114 1102 1104 1109 1101 1111 1107 1103 1113 1108 1102 (Cata lyst) 1105 (Ex ternal A tomizin g Air/ Internal C hop AAC Air ) 1101 (Ch opper Air/Inter nal Gel AA C).
System Part s 3A201 2J 71 Hose Bundles ▲ Repla cement D anger and Warnin g labe ls, tags and cards are a vailable at no c ost. † The 25 ft and 35 ft hose b undles c ome with 5 0 ft of resi n hose. Th e extra resin ho se is coiled a t the fa ctory and is part of th e press ure surge suppress ion system .
System Parts 72 3A2012J Accessory Parts Heater Kits 1201 1202c 1202f 1202b 1210 1202a 1204 1206 ti2134 7a 1215 1213 1211 1203 1202e 1202d 1205 1204 1202d 1214 1210 1204 1203 1202d 1202a 1202b 1202f 120 2e 1202d 1202a 1202c 1215 1214 1210 1213 1211 1208 ti2134 6a 1213 1210 1 Use 1/2-14 npt x 3/8-18 npt fitting f or gel systems.
System Part s 3A201 2J 73 Heater Kits * Items ar e available in heater hardware k it 16N119 . † Part s availabl e in pipe clamp kit 1 6P291. ★ Heaters can be di sassemb led to remov e cure d material.
System Parts 74 3A2012J Solvent Pressure Po t Kits ASME Pre ssure Po ts, 2-gallon 1 6M893 an d 5-gallon 1 6M894 1304 1305 1302 1301 1303 1309 1310 1306 1307 1311 To assemble strainer (1311), rem ove the dip tube f rom tank (1301). Slide strainer onto bottom end of dip tube.
System Part s 3A201 2J 75 ASME an d CE-Appr oved Pres sure Pots, 16M874 and 16M875 ▲ Replac ement Dange r and Warn ing la bels, tags a nd cards are avail able at no cost. 1408 1411 1406 1410 1408 1412 1401 1404 1401 1403 1402 1409 1406 1401 1405 1414 Apply pipe sealant.
System Parts 76 3A2012J Solvent Diaphrag m Pumps 2-gallon 16M560 and 5-gallon 16M561 Base Syst em shown for referenc e only 1501,150 3 1502,1503 1504 1505 Ref Part Desc ription Qty 1501 16M 559 P UMP , sol vent, FR P, fl ush 1 1502 16M 652 TANK, solv ent, 2.
System Part s 3A201 2J 77 DataTrak Upgrade Kit 16M881 * See F RP air mo tor manua l. 1602 1602 Ref Part Descrip tion Qty 1601 * 24A354 SMART AIR V ALVE (not shown) 1 1602 24 A576 DATATRAK CONVERSION K.
System Parts 78 3A2012J Carts for 55 Gallon Barrel, 16M896 --- No t for sa le. WLE 1701 1717 1703 1702 1716 1711 1714 1715 1713 1706 1712 1710 1709 1708 1708 1707 1705 1718 1704 1704, 1.
System Part s 3A201 2J 79 Roving B ox Bracket 16M961 † Lon g bolts are only used i f two kits wi ll be instal led side by side. Ref Part Descr iption Qty 180 1 16M619 BR ACKET, r oving 1 180 2 16M622 B RACE, roving box 1 1803 1227 41 S CREW, hex cap , 1/4 x 0 .
System Parts 80 3A2012J Exte nsion H oses ▲ Replacem ent Danger and Warnin g labels , tags and cards are availa ble at no cost. * Series C and prior c hop hose s use 12 3554.
Dimensions 3A201 2J 81 Dimensions Cart and Boom ¡ ¡ C A B ti18526 b Ref. A (Max Width ) B (Max Height) C (Max Depth) E (Radius) F (Radius) Descripti on 144 in. (3658 mm ) 100 in. (2540 m m) 192 in. (4877 mm ) 144 in. (3658 m m) 72 in .
Dime nsions 82 3A2012J Cart Only Wall/Pole Mount Ref. Cart Only A (Max Width) 29.5 in. (749 m m) B (Max H eight) 47.75 in. (1213 m m) C (Max Depth) 32.5 in. (826 m m) ti18496 b B A C Ref. Wall/Pole Mount A (Max Width) 39.0 in. (991 mm) B (Max Height) 46.
Technica l Data 3A201 2J 83 Pumpline Wa ll Mounting B racket Dimensions The pumpli ne bolts directl y to this mounting plate. Technical Da ta System Tec hnical Data * Maximum fluid tem perature r ating determ ined by lowest ra ted co mponent in syst em.
Technic al Data 84 3A2012J Pumpline Technical Data Catalyst Pump Te chnical Data ** Series A and B systems (buil t prior to Apri l 2013) have non-met allic nylon c atalyst tub e fitting s. To covert your syste m to s tain- less stee l fitti ngs, see the FRP Prop ortioner m anual 332 451.
Technica l Data 3A201 2J 85.
All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publica tion. Graco rese rves the right t o make changes at any time without notice. For patent information, see ww
An important point after buying a device Graco ti18524d (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Graco ti18524d yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Graco ti18524d - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Graco ti18524d you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Graco ti18524d will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Graco ti18524d, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Graco ti18524d.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Graco ti18524d. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Graco ti18524d along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center