Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product BM6250 ORA X Gorenje
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Mikrovalovnapečica Mikrovalovnapećnica Mikrotalasnarerna Microwaveoven Mikrowellengerät Micro-ondes Mikrohullámúsütő Kuchenkamikrofalowa Microunde Mikrovlnnárúra Mikrovln.
2 SI Navodila za uporabo .............................................. 3 HR Upute za uporabu ................................................ 10 SRB, MNE Uputstvo z a upotrebu ......................................... 17 MK .
3 N AV O D I L A Z A U P O R AB O SI Pozorno preber ite navodila in jih shran ite! Specifikacije Poraba el. Energije ............................... 230V~50Hz,128 0W .
4 8. Kot pri vseh drugih aparatih je tudi pri tem potreben skrbe n nadzor, ko ga up orabljajo otroci. OPOZORILO: TA APARAT J E POTREBNO OZ EMLJITI. 9. .
5 2. a men obleke, papirja ali drugih predmeto v in je ne uporabljajte za s terilizacijo.
6 1. 2. - 3. .
7 Navodila za upravljanje 1. Segrevanje z enim pritiskom na gumb Z enim samim pr itiskom na gumb lahko .
8 6. Samodejni meni Izbrati morate le vr sto hrane in maso, Primer: Sa m odejno kuhanje 0,4 k g ribe.
9 6.
10 U PU T E Z A U P OR A B U HR Pozorno proučite upute, te ih sač uvajte. Specifikacija Potr .............................................................................................. 230V~50Hz,128 0W Radna snaga .
11 5. Kako bi osigura li kvalitetno provjetrav anje, a nad njom 10 cm.
12 uporabu .
13 1. Odabir vremena + 2. Odabir vremena - 3. �.
14 Uputstva za upravljanje 1. ZAGRIJAVANJE S PRITISKOM NA JEDAN GUMB �.
15 6. SAMOSTALNI meni �.
16 5. �.
17 U PU T S T V O Z A U P O T R E BU SR B, M N E Pažljivo pročitajte uputstva i sa čuvajte ih . Specifikacije . energ ije: ........................................................................................
18 5. 6. Da biste obezbedili dov oljnu ventilaciju, �.
19 .
20 1. Izbor vremena + 2. Izbor vremena - 3. �.
21 Uputstva za rukovanje 1. Priprema namirnica jednim pritiskom na dugme �.
22 6. Auto meni Morate od abra ti s a mo vrstu hrane i m a su, a pe snage i vremena delovanja.
23 mikrotalasne rerne 1. 2.
24 .
25 - �.
26 .
27 �.
28 1. 2.
29 1. .
30 : 2, 15 .
31 - 1.
32 O WN E R S I NS T R UC T I O N M AN U A L EN Read the Instruct ions carefully and Keep for Future Refe rence. SPECIFICATIONS Power consu mption: ............................................................................................... 230V~50 Hz,128 0W Output: .
33 9. The plug socket should be within e asy reach of the pow er cord 10. This oven requ ires 1.3 KVA for its input consultation w ith service engineer is suggested w hen installing the oven . CAUT ION: Thi s oven is protected internally by a 250V,10 A mp Fuse.
34 4. Do not use the oven cavity for any type of storage, such a papers, cookbook s, etc. 5. Do not cook any food surrounded by a membrane,such a s egg yolks, potatoes, chicken livers, et c without first bei ng pierced several times w ith a fork. 6. Do not insert any obje ct into the o penings on the outer ca se.
35 Computer control panel 1. TIME UP 2. TIME DOWN 3. Micro/defrost/Grill/Doub le Grill/Comb 4. Display Window 5. Clock / Timers 6. AUTO / MENU 7. START / RESET Feature diagram 1. Door Safety Lock Sy stem 2. Oven Window 3. Oven Air Vent 4. Roller Ring 5.
36 Operation Instruction 1. Single Button Heating Only with a sing le press of a button , you can start si m ple cooking, it is very convenient and qui ck to heat a gla ss of water etc. Example: To hea t a glass of milk a) Put a glass of milk onto the glass turntable and clo se the door.
37 Touching Times "1min" Menu, Weight (kg) A-1 Rice A-2 Vegetable A-3 Noodle s 1 0,1 0,1 1 2 0,2 0,2 2 3 0,3 0,3 4 0,4 0,4 5 0,5 0,5 6 0,6 Touching Times "1min" Menu, Weight (k g) A-4 Meat A-5 Fish A-6 Chicken 1 0,2 0,2 0,2 2 0,3 0,3 0,4 3 0,4 0,4 0,6 4 0,5 0,5 0,8 5 0,6 0,6 1,0 6 0,8 0,8 7 1,0 1,0 7.
38 Care of your microwave oven 1. Turn the oven off and remove the power plug from the w all socket before cl eaning. 2. Keep the inside of the oven clean. W he n food splatters o f spilled liquids adh ere to oven w alls,wipe with a damp cloth. The use of harsh deterge nt or abrasives i s not recommended.
39 G E BR AU C H S AN W E I S U N G DE Gebrauch auf.
40 - - - �.
41 Bei Auftreten von Rauch den Mikrow ellenherd sofort abschalten , das �.
42 �.
43 Bedienungshinweise 1. Zeiteinstellung + 2. Zeiteinstellung - 3. Auswahl der Betrieb sart (Mikrowe l le, Abtauen, Grill und Kombination) 4. Display 5. Zeiteinstellung und Zei tschaltuhr 6. 7. Start-/Stoppfunkti on Diagramm des Mikrowellenherdes 1.
44 1. Erhitzen mit einem einzigen Knopfdruck ein fachen Garvorg ang mit einem einzigen Knopfdruck aktivier en.
45 b) Ste c) -Taste.
46 Pflege des 1. Bevor Sie mit der R einigung des Mikrow ellenherdes beginnen, trenn en Sie Versorgungsnetz. 2. Der Garrau m soll te immer sauber gehalten werden.
47 N OT I C E D' U TI L I S A TI O N FR Veuillez lire at tentivement ces inst ructions et conserver cet te �.
48 5. NE METT EZ RIEN sur le dessus du four. 6. �.
49 .
50 16. eu dans le four : a) ne prolongez pas inutilement la cuisson.
51 Fonctionnement 1. minute chauffage en appuyant sur une seule touche.
52 c) Start/Reset 6. Cuisson automatique (Auto Menu) �.
53 Entretien et nettoyage 1. -le. 2.
54 HU .
55 hhoz, hogy megta rtsa a 4. - - 5.
56 �.
57 - vagy 15.
58 1. 2. 3.
59 1. �.
60 a) -5".
61 6.
62 I N ST R U K C J A PL Charakterystyki techniczne Zasilanie elektryczn e .
63 3. 14 ,5 �.
64 �.
65 �.
66 Opis kuchenki 1. 2. - 3. (mikrofale, roz m ara anie , ruszt i kombinacja)/ Cooking mode (microw ave, defrost, grill and combination) 4.
67 1. jednego przycisku .
68 5.
69 9. .
71 AC EST APARAT TREBU IE Pentru acest cuptor este nevoie d e o putere de alimentare de 1.
73 PANOU DE COMENZI 1. TIMP SUS 2. TIMP JOS 3. Microunde / Dez ghetare / Grill / Grill dublu 4. fereastra afi saj 5. Ceas / Crono metru 6. AUTO / MEN IU 7. PORNIT / ANUL ARE 1. Sistem de blocare a u sii 2. Geam 3. Ventilare 4. Inel rotativ 5. Tava 6. Panou de comenzi 7.
74 Instructiuni de funtionare 1. Incalzire cu un singur buton Apasati butonul doar o data pentru a porni incalzirea este o modalitate rapi da de a incalzi un paha r cu apa etc. Exemplu: Pentru a incalzi un paha r cu lapte a) Puneti paharul de lapte pe tava de sticla rotativa si inchideti usa.
75 b) Introduceti greuta tea apasand pe butonul "1 min" (1 kg) si pe buton ul "10 sec" (0.1 kg). c) Apasati "Star t/Reset".
76 la 8.
77 U SK ia .
78 na sled ov ne: �.
79 6. predmety. 7. 8.
80 1. 2. 3. 4.
81 Pokyny k obsluhe 1. vania �.
82 Casy "1min" A -1 A -2 Ze lenina A -3 Cestoviny 1 0,1 0,1 1 2 0,2 0,2.
83 tkaninou. 9. �.
84 CZ .
85 8. Pokud mus ej .
86 m V �.
87 Diagram trouby 1. 2. - 3. .
88 1. .
89 b) a �.
90 7. �.
91 BG �.
92 4.
93 .
94 12. .
95 1. 2. 3.
96 1. .
97 5. �.
98 1. 2.
99 UA .
10 0 6. �.
101 7.
102 1. 2. 3. 4.
103 1. .
104 6. A �.
105 5.
106 RU .
107 .
108 7.
109 1. 2. 3.
110 1. .
111 �.
112 1. 2.
113 I S TR U Z I O N I D ' U S O I T Leggere attentament e le istruzioni e conservatele! Specificazioni ........
114 6. Per assicurare l'aerazione a suffi cienza bisogna lasciar e uno spazio ai lati de l forno di almeno 8 cm e sopra il forno di a lmeno 10 cm. 7. Non togliere la giunzione di appog gio del vasoio girevole. 8. Come con tutti gli altri apparecchi , l'uso da parte dei ba m bin i deve essere sor vegliato dagli adulti.
115 Le istruzioni di sicurezza per un'uso generale In seguito trov erete alcune regole e norme di sicurezza che, come con gli altri apparecchi, bisogna rispettare pe r assicurarsi u n'uso sicuro e un funziona mento ottimale del forn o: 1.
116 Diagramma del forno 1. Scelta del tempo + 2. Scelta del tempo - 3. Scelta del modo di cucinare o arrostire (microonde, scon gelamento, grill e funzionamento combinato ) / Cooking mode (microwav e, defrost, grill and co mbination) 4. Display 5. Impostazione tempo e timer / Time set and Timer 6.
117 Istruzioni di gestione 1. Riscaldamento premendo il tasto una sola volta Premendo una sola volta il tasto p otete adatta per ris caldare molto velocemen te un bicchiere d'acqua , etc.
118 Possibilità 2: Funziona mento combinato (30% raggi del microonde + 70% gr ill). Sul display appare la scritta "C-2". Esempio: Prepar azione di cibo co n la - 15 minuti.
119 Cura del forno a microonde pulizia e manutenzione 1. Prima di effettua re la pulizia del for no bisogna staccare il cavo di collega m en to dalla rete elettri ca.
120 B R UG S A N VI S N I N G DK g ge m den til evt. fremt idlig brug. TEKNISKE DATA ..................................
121 5. Der anbringes noget som hel st 6. og venstre side og 10 cm til ovnens bag side for at sikre korr ekt ventilation.
122 Sikkerhedsanvisninger ved almen brug Nedenfor er listet regler og sikkerhedsforanst altninger til sikring af 1.
123 c) .
124 Betjeningsvejledning 1. Opvarmning med en enkelt knap Du kan begynde at lave mad ved at trykke Det er meget belejligt og hurtigt at var m e e t glas vand op, osv.
125 b) (= 0,1 kg) .
126 Drejeringe n kan vaskes med en mild Damp fra madlav ningen samles v ed .
127 B R UK S AN V I S N I N G SE �.
128 8. Som med de fle sta elektriska prod ukter, se kning . OBS: JORDAS.
129 3. tom, eftersom de tta kan skada de n.
130 KONTROLLPANEL 1. ka tiden 2. Minska tiden 3. Mikro/upptining/grill/dub belgrill/kombi Display 4. Display 5. Klocka/tidur 6. AUTO / MENU 7. 1.
131 1. SNABB- Med ett enda knap ptryck kan man sta rta �.
132 Antal tryckningar "1min" Meny, vikt (kg) A-1 Ris A-2 A-3 Pasta 1 0,1 0,1 1 2 0,2 0,2 2 3 0,3 0,3 4 0,4 0,4 5 0,5 0,5 6 0,6 Antal tryckningar "1min" Meny, vikt (kg) A-4 A-5 Fisk A-6 Kyckling 1 0,2 0,2 0,2 2 0,3 0,3 0,4 3 0,4 0,4 0,6 4 0,5 0,5 0,8 5 0,6 0,6 1,0 6 0,8 0,8 7 1,0 1,0 7.
133 blandningen i ugnen i 5 minuter, to rka rent och torrt med en mjuk trasa. 9. bytas , �.
135 6. Still ovnen mins t 8 cm borte fra beg ge sideveggene og minst 10 cm borte fra ventilasjon.
136 1. bruker ovnen .
137 DATASTYRT KONTROLLPANEL 1. Tid opp 2. Tid ned 3. mikro/tining/grill/dobbel grill/komb 4. Displayvindu 5. Klokke/Timere 6. Autom. /meny 7. Start/Nullstill 1.
138 Brukerinstruksjoner 1. EN -KNA PPS OPPVAR M ING Du kan sette i ga ng enkel matlagin g med ett du raskt vil var me opp f.
139 c) Trykk "Start/Re set". Antall trykk "1min" Meny, Vekt (kg) A-1 Ris A-2 r A-3 Pasta 1 0,1 0,1 1 2 0,2 0,2 2 3 0,3 0,3 4 0,4 0,4 5 0,5 0,5 6 0,6 Ant.
140 plass igjen i riktig posisjon.
141 S FI TEKNISET TIEDOT Virrankulutus: .
142 8. �.
143 kananmaksaa t ms. ennen kuin olet pi stellyt 6. ulkokuoren aukko ihin.
144 OHJAUSPANEELI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
146 b) Valitse paino paina malla "1 min"- painiketta (1 kg) ja "10 sec"-painiketta (0,1 kg). c) Paina "Start/Rese t". Painallus- kertoja "1min" Valikko, paino (.
147 �.
148 LV �.
149 4. 5. NENOVIETOJIET 6.
150 .
151 1. 2. 3. Mikrobangos/atitirpini mas/Grilis/Dvigu b 4.
152 1. �.
153 6. �.
154 5.
155 N AU D O J I M O I N ST R U K CI J A LT �.
156 7.
157 5. �.
158 VALDYMO SKYDELIS 1. 2. 3. �.
159 Operation Instruction 1. Kaitinimas vienu mygtuku �.
160 c) 6. Automatinis gaminimas - Meniu Jums tik rei kia pasirinkti gamina mo.
161 1. 2.
162 K AS U T U S J U H E N D EE �.
163 HOIATUS-SEE S E A DE P EA B OLEM A M A AN D A TUD. 9. seinakontakti st eemaldada. 10. See ahi vajab 1 .3 konsulteerige ahju pa igaldamisel hooldustehni kuga.
164 6. ventilatsiooniav ade ette. 7. �.
165 JUHTPANEEL 1. AEG JUURDE 2. AEG MAHA 3. Mikro/sulatus/Grill/Topelt-grill /Komb 4. Dispeiaken 5. Kell / Taimerid 6. 7. START / RESET OSADE DIAGRAMM 1. 2.
166 Kasutusjuhend 1. amine �.
167 Vajutuste arv "1min" A-1 Kuumu- tus A-2 Kartulid A-3 Pizza 1 0,1 0,1 1 2 0,2 0,2 2 3 0,3 0,3 4 0,4 0,4 5 0,5 0,5 6 0,6 Vajutuste arv &quo.
168 ahju pinnad hoolika lt kuivaks. 9. Kui osutub vajali kuks vahetada ahj ulampi, vahetamisest.
170 5. NO coloque obje tos encima del ho rno. 6. Mantenga el hor no al menos a 8 c m. de distancia de las paredes laterales y a 10 cm. de la pared tra sera para asegu rar u na 7. NO quite el eje del plato giratorio.
172 b) bolsa d colocar la bolsa en el horno.
173 Instrucciones de uso 1. �.
174 6. lo necesi ta seleccionar el tipo de �.
175 CUIDADOS DE SU HORNO MICROONDAS 1. Apague el horno y de sconecte el e nchuf e de la toma de pared antes de limpi ar. 2. Mante nga l impio e l in terior del hor no.
An important point after buying a device Gorenje BM6250 ORA X (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Gorenje BM6250 ORA X yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Gorenje BM6250 ORA X - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Gorenje BM6250 ORA X you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Gorenje BM6250 ORA X will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Gorenje BM6250 ORA X, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Gorenje BM6250 ORA X.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Gorenje BM6250 ORA X. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Gorenje BM6250 ORA X along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center