Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A Goodman Mfg
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GPC 14 SEER R-410A Package Air Conditioners with R-410A Copyright © 2009 - 2010 Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. RT6322007r6 September 2010 **Note that these tax credits are subject to specific requirements set forth in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and in the Internal Revenue Code.
PRODUCT IDENTIFICA TION 2 The model and manufacturing number are used for positive identification of component parts used in manufacturing. Please use these numbers when requesting service or parts information. WARNING WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE! Disconnect ALL power before servicing or installing this unit.
PRODUCT IDENTIFICA TION 3 The model and manufacturing number are used for positive identification of component parts used in manufacturing. Please use these numbers when requesting service or parts information.
4 PRODUCT DESIGN GPC Package Cooling Units are designed for outdoor instal- lations only in either residential or light commercial applica- tions. The connecting ductwork (Supply and Return) can be con- nected for either horizontal or vertical airflow.
PRODUCT DESIGN 5 36" 36" 24" P L E N U M U N I T P L A T F O R M C U R B Rooftop Installation - Horizontal (H) In installations where the unit is installed above ground level and not se.
6 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS GPC14[24-60]H41A* Ch ass i s M o d el A B GPC 142 4 33 3 0½ GPC 143 0 33 3 0½ GPC 143 6 33 3 5½ GPC 144 2 33 3 5½ GPC 144 8 33 3 8½ GPC 146 0 33 3 8½ Dime n s ion s in i n c he s La rge Sm a l l Me d i u m 34.075 66.5 42 4. 51 2 14 .
PRODUCT DESIGN 7 HKR ELECTRICAL DA T A All wires and overcurrent protection devices are sized for use with electric heaters only and without refrigeration.
ACCESSORIES 8 GPC14[24-60]H41A* P ar t N u mb er D esc ri p t i o n O T 18- 60 A O utdoor T her mos ta t Ki t w /Loc ko ut S tat O T /E HR 18 - 60 E me r gen c y Heat Relay Ki t HK R E l ec tr i c Hea.
BLOWER PERFORMANCE DA T A 9 Dry Coil Data GPC14[24-60]H41A* 0. 1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 0 .6 0 . 7 0 . 8 C F M 9 34 75 9 75 5 63 8 58 1 4 8 9 - - W A T T S 9 57 77 67 38 39 0 - - C F M 9 90 83 7 80 1 74 .
10 BLOWER PERFORMANCE DA T A 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 11 0 1 2 0 100 13 0 14 0 15 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 OUT P UT B TU/ H R x 10 00 BT U OUTPUT vs TEMPER AT URE RISE CHART TEMPERAT URE RISE 600 C FM 700 900 1000 1100 1200 140 0 160 0 1800 2000 220 0 240 0 C F M FORMULA S BTU OUTPUT = CFM x 1.
P ACKAGE COOLING SPECIFICA TIONS 11 GPC14[24-30]H41AA IMPORTANT: While this data is presented as a guide, it is important to electrically connect the unit and properly size wires and fuses/circuit breakers in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or all local codes.
P ACKAGE COOLING SPECIFICA TIONS 12 GPC14[36-42]H41AA IMPORTANT: While this data is presented as a guide, it is important to electrically connect the unit and properly size wires and fuses/circuit breakers in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or all local codes.
P ACKAGE COOLING SPECIFICA TIONS 13 IMPORTANT: While this data is presented as a guide, it is important to electrically connect the unit and properly size wires and fuses/circuit breakers in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or all local codes.
14 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1424H41AA MOD E L : G P C 1424H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER FO R MANC E D ATA C OOL I NG OP E R AT I ON De s ign Sub c ooli ng , 9 ± 2°F @ the l i qui d a c c e s s fitting c onn e ct i on A HRI 9 5 te s t c ondi t io ns .
15 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1424H41AA MOD E L : G PC 1424H41A * EX PA N DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D AT A C OOL I NG OP ER AT I ON De s i gn Sub cooli ng , 9 ± 2°F @ the l i qui d acce s s f i tting c onn e ct i on A HRI 9 5 te s t c ondi t i ons .
16 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1430H41AA MOD E L : G P C 1430H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOLI NG OP ER ATI ON De s i gn S ubc ooli ng , 1 0 ± 2 °F @ the l i qui d a c ce s s f i tting c onnec tion A RI 9 5 test c ondi tio ns .
17 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1430H41AA MOD E L : G PC 1430H41A * EX PA N DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D AT A C OOL I NG OP ER AT I ON De s ign S ubc ool i ng , 1 0 ± 2 °F @ the l i qui d a c ce s s f i tting c onne ct i on A R I 9 5 t e st conditio ns .
18 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1436H41AA MOD E L : G P C 1436H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOLI NG OP ER ATI ON De s i gn Sub cooli ng , 10 ± 2 °F @ t he l iqui d a cc e ss fitting con ne c t i on A RI 95 te st c onditi ons. De s i gn S uperhe at 9 ± 2 °F @ t he c omp r e ssor su cti o n acc ess f it ti n g co n n e cti o n .
19 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1436H41AA MOD E L : G PC 1436H41A * EX PA N DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D AT A C OOL I NG OP ER AT I ON De s i gn Sub cooli ng , 10 ± 2 °F @ t he l iqui d a cc e ss fitting con ne c t i on A RI 95 te st cond i tions.
20 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1442H41AA MOD E L : G P C 1442H 41A * EX PAN DE D P ER FO R M ANC E D AT A C OOLI NG OP E R ATION Desi g n Su b co o l i n g , 8 ± 2 ° F @ th e l i q u i d acc ess f it ti ng co n n e cti o n A H R I 9 5 test c o n d i t i o n s.
21 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1442H41AA MOD E L : G PC 1442H41A * EX PA N DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D AT A C OOL I NG OP ER AT I ON Desi g n Su b co o l i n g, 8 ± 2 ° F @ th e l iqu i d acc ess f it ti n g co n n e ct i o n A HR I 9 5 t est c o n d i t i o n s.
22 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1448H41AA MOD E L : G P C 1448H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOLI NG OP ER ATI ON De s i gn Sub cooli ng , 10 ± 2 °F @ the l i qui d a c ce s s f i tting c onne c tion A HRI 95 te s t c ondi ti ons .
23 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1448H41AA MOD E L : G PC 1448H41A * EX PA N DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D AT A C OOL I NG OP ER AT I ON De s i gn Sub cooli ng , 10 ± 2 °F @ the l i qui d acce s s f i tting c onnec tion A HRI 95 te s t c ondi ti ons .
24 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1460H41AA MOD E L : G P C 1460H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOLI NG OP ER ATI ON Desi g n Su b co o l i n g, 6 ± 2 ° F @ th e l iqu i d acc ess f it ti n g co n n e cti o n A H R I 9 5 t est c on d i t i o n s.
25 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1460H41AA MOD E L : G PC 1460H41A * EX PA N DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D AT A C OOL I NG OP ER AT I ON De s i gn Sub cooli ng , 6 ± 2 °F @ the l i quid ac c es s fi t t i n g co nne c tion AH RI 9 5 t e s t c ond iti ons.
26 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A PERFORMANCE TEST All data based upon listed indoor dry bulb temperature. .00 inches external static pressure on coil of outdoor section. Indoo r air cubic feet per minute (CFM) as listed in the Performance Data Sheets: If conditions vary from this, results will change as follows: 1.
28 GPC 14 SEER R-410A 5mm Package Air Conditioners GPC Package Cooling Units are designed for outdoor instal- lations only in either residential or light commercial applica- tions. The connecting ductwork (Supply and Return) can be con- nected for either horizontal or vertical airflow.
PRODUCT DESIGN 29 Location and Clearances NOTE: To ensure proper condensate drainage, unit must be installed in a level position. 36" 36" 10" UNIT WALL 36" Outside Slab Installation - Horizontal (H) Minimum clearances are required to avoid air recirculation and keep the unit operating at peak efficiency.
P ACKAGE COOLING SPECIFICA TIONS 30 IMPORTANT: While this data is presented as a guide, it is important to electrically connect the unit and properly size wires and fuses/circuit breakers in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or all local codes.
P ACKAGE COOLING SPECIFICA TIONS 31 IMPORTANT: While this data is presented as a guide, it is important to electrically connect the unit and properly size wires and fuses/circuit breakers in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or all local codes.
32 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1424H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1424H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOLI NG OP ER ATI ON O ut d o o r A m b i en t T em p er atu r e 65 75 8 5 95 10.
33 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1424H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1424H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOL ING OP E R AT ION O ut d o o r A m b i en t T em p er atu r e 65 75 8 5 95 1.
34 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1430H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1430H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R MANC E D ATA C OOLING OP ER ATION Ou t doo r A m bi en t Te mpera ture 65 75 8 5 95 10 5 115 E nt.
35 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1430H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1430H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOL ING OP E R AT ION O ut d o o r A m b i en t T em p er atu r e 65 75 8 5 95 1.
36 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1436H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1436H 41A * EX PAN DE D P ER FO R M ANC E D AT A C OOLI NG OP E R ATION O u t doo r A m bi ent Te mpera ture 65 75 8 5 95 10 5 115 .
37 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1436H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G PC1436H41A * EX PA NDE D P ER FO R M AN C E D ATA C OOL ING OPER ATION O ut d o or A m b i en t T em p er atu r e 65 75 8 5 95 10 5 115.
38 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1442H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1442H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOLI NG OP ER ATI ON O ut d o o r A m b i en t T em p er atu r e 65 75 8 5 95 10.
39 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1442H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1442H41A * EX PAN DE D P ER F O R M ANC E D ATA C OOLIN G OPE R A TION Ou t doo r A mbi e nt Te m pera ture 65 75 8 5 95 10 5 115 E.
40 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1448H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1448H41A B EX PA N DE D P ER FO R MANC E D ATA C OOLI NG OP ER ATI ON O ut d o o r A m b i en t T em p er atu r e 65 75 8 5 95 10 5.
41 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A GPC1448H41AB 5MM COILS MOD E L : G P C 1448H41A B EX PA N DE D P ER F O R M AN C E D ATA C OOL ING OP ER ATI ON O ut d o o r A m b i en t T em p er atu r e 65 75 8 5 95 1.
42 COOLING PERFORMANCE DA T A PERFORMANCE TEST All data based upon listed indoor dry bulb temperature. .00 inches external static pressure on coil of outdoor section. Indoo r air cubic feet per minute (CFM) as listed in the Performance Data Sheets: If conditions vary from this, results will change as follows: 1.
An important point after buying a device Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Goodman Mfg GPC 14 SEER R-410 Package Air Conditioners with R-410A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center