Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TH-P3 Genius
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G-1 CAUTION T o reduce the risk of electrica l shocks, fire, etc.: 1. Do not re move scre ws , covers or cabine t. 2. Do not ex pose this appliance to rain o r moisture. CAUTION— button! Discon nect the mains pl ug to shut the power off completely (the ST ANDBY la mp goes off) .
G-2 IMPORTAN T FOR LASER PROD UCTS 1. CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT 2. CA UTION : Do not open the top cover . There are no user serviceab le parts inside th e unit; lea ve all servicing to qualif ied serv ice per sonne l. 3. CA UTION : V isible and/or in visible class 1M lase r radiation when open.
1 Introduction ........................................... 2 Notes on h andling ......................................................... 2 Supplied accessories ...................................................... 2 About discs .....................
2 Introduc ti on 7 Important caut ions Inst alla tion of the syst em • Select a place which is leve l, dry and neither too h ot nor too cold; between 5°C a nd 35°C. • Leave sufficien t dis tance between the syste m and the TV . • Do not use the sy stem in a pla ce subject to vib ration.
3 About discs This syst em has been designed to play bac k the follo wing disc s: The √ in the list below sh ows a vailable disc types and rec ording fo rmats . * 1 This system ca n pla y finalize d discs o nly . * 2 Recor ded with UDF Bridg e format.
4 About discs For al l playab le files • The system ca n only r ecognize and play files with one of the follo wing extensio ns, w hich ca n be in any com binatio n of upper and low er case; MP3: “ .MP3” , “ .mp3” WMA: “ .WMA ” , “ .w ma ” JPEG: “.
5 Index of par ts and controls The n u m bers in the figures indicat e the p age s where the d etails o f the parts a re described. Front pane l (center unit ) Rear panel (center unit) Display window .
6 Index of par ts and controls Remo te co ntrol Putting batteries in the remote control If th e ran ge o r effective ness of the rem ote c on trol decr eases, repl ace b oth batter ies.
7 Conn ec tions 7 AM loop antenna Settin g up su pplied AM loop an tenna Connecting AM loop antenn a • T urn the loop an tenna un til you hav e the best recep tion during AM broadcas t pr ogram r eception. NOTE • Make sure the ante nna conductors d o not touch any ot her terminals, connecting cords or power cords.
8 Connec tions 7 Assembling the front and surround speakers for TH-P7 • Check th e model nam e o f each s peaker fro m the label on t he rear to locat e each speaker co rrectly . Before as sembling — • Prepar e a Phillips screwdriver (not supplied).
9 Connec tions 7 Connecting speakers fo r TH-P 7 CAUTIO N • If yo u connect s p eakers o ther than th e supplie d ones , use spea ke rs of the sa me speak er im peda nc e (S PEAKER IMPEDANCE) indicated on the rear of the center unit. • D O NOT connect mo re than one speaker t o one speaker term ina l.
10 Connec tions 7 Connecting speakers fo r TH-P 3 CAUTIO N • If yo u connect s p eakers o ther than th e supplie d ones , use spea ke rs of the sa me speak er im peda nc e (S PEAKER IMPEDANCE) indicated on the rear of the center unit. • D O NOT connect mo re than one speaker t o one speaker term ina l.
11 Connec tions T o obtain the be st possi ble soun d from this system, you need to place all the speakers except the sub woofer a t the same dist ance f rom the list ening p osition. If your speakers cannot be placed at the s ame distance from the listening p osition Y ou can ad jus t the dela y time of the s peakers.
12 Connec tions Y ou can en joy the sound o f an analog co mponen t. NOTE • If you conn ect a sound-enhancing device such as a graphic equalizer between the sour ce components and this system, the sound outpu t through this sy stem may be dis torted.
13 Opera ting the T V 7 To ope rate a J VC’s TV Y ou can perform the fo llowing opera tions on the T V . Y ou can use the rem ot e cont rol t o operat e not only t his unit b ut also JV C T Vs. • Refer also to the man u als su pplied fo r the T V .
14 Basi c operations On the re mote co ntro l: Press A UDIO . On the center unit: Press . When D VD or USB MEMO R Y is selected as the source (see page 15), the follo w ing m essages will ap pear on the TV screen. NOTE • T he STANDBY lamp goes off when the po wer is turned on, and the lamp lights when the power is t urned off.
15 Basic operations On the remot e control: Press one of the sourc e selecting buttons (DVD 3 , USB MEMORY 3 , FM /A M or AUX ). DVD 3 : T o pl ay ba c k a d is c (DV D V ID EO, VC D et c. ) . ( S e e page 17.) USB MEMO RY 3 : T o play back a f ile in a USB mass storag e class d evice.
16 Basic operations The sys tem turn s off au tomatically when the specified period of time has pas s ed. Press SLEEP wit h SHIFT pressed. Each time y ou repea t the pr ocedure , the sh ut-o f f time change s. Example : To chec k the re mainin g time Press SLEEP once with SHIFT pressed.
17 Playback • The i con such as shows the dis c formats or f ile t ypes the opera tion is a vailable for . 7 To play a disc 1 Press 0 on the cen te r un i t. The s ystem turn s on and the disc tra y come s ou t. 2 Place a disc. 3 Press D V D 3 (play button).
18 Playback 7 Playback information on the dis play wind ow DVD VIDEO Exam ple: When a DV D VIDEO encoded with Dolb y Digital 5.1ch is pla yed DVD VR disc Exam ple: During pla yback on the Original progra m * 1 Exam ple: During pla yback on the Playlis t * 1 * 1 Pressing T OP MENU/PG or MENU/PL , you can cha nge the play m ode.
19 Playback JPEG file NOTE • Y ou can change the time informa tion mode (except for MP3/ WMA/ASF/MPEG-2/MPEG-1/D ivX). (S ee page 24.) • You can also check the playback informat ion on the TV screen. (See page 23.) 7 Screen save r An image ma y bur n in on a TV screen if a static p ic ture is displa yed for a lon g t ime.
20 Playback While p laying back a l ong file, you ca n skip within the file at a bout 5-mi nu te intervals. 7 During pla yback Press C ursor 3 / 2 . Each time yo u pre ss the butt on, the pla y back posi tion skips to the beginning of the p revious or next in ter val.
21 • The i con such as shows the dis c formats or f ile t ypes the opera tion is a vailable for . Y ou can en joy mo re r e alistic sound fiel d than a stereo soun d by us ing the surr ound mode. 7 Auto Surround (AUTO SUR) This function a utoma tically selects the appr opriate surro u nd mode acc or ding to the in put signals.
22 7 DSP • ST ADIU M ST ADIU M mode adds c larity and sp read s the so und, like in an out door stad ium. • All Channe l Stereo All Channel S ter eo (ALL ST) m ode can r epr oduce a larg er ster eo sound field u s ing all the co nnected (and activat ed) spea kers.
23 Advanced opera t ions Y ou can ch e ck disc inf ormatio n and you can u se some functions us ing the on-scr een b ar . Showing the on-screen bar 7 Whenev er a disc is loaded Pr ess ON SCREEN. Ea ch ti me you press the button, t he on- scr een bar ch an ges as follows on the TV scr een.
24 Advanced opera t ions Changing the time inform ation Y ou can cha nge the time informa t ion in the on-scr e en ba r on the TV screen a nd the displa y windo w of the cent er unit. 7 During pla yback 1 Press O N SCREEN twice . The on- screen bar a ppears on the T V scr een.
25 Advanced opera t ions Locating a d esired scene using a VCD/SVCD menu with PBC A V CD or SV CD r ecorded wi t h PBC has its own m enus suc h as a list o f con tained songs.
26 Advanced opera t ions Locating a desired position by specifying the time Y ou can loca te a desir ed posi tion by s pecifying the time from th e beginning the disc (while sto pped) or the curr ent title/track (d uring pla yback).
27 Advanced opera t ions 7 Fo r MP3/WMA: During playback o r while stopped 7 Fo r JPEG/AS F/MPEG -2/MPEG- 1/DivX: W hile sto pped 1 Press C ursor 3 / 2 / Y / 5 to selec t the desired gr oup/track/ file. • Fo r MP3/WMA, pla y back s tarts from the sel e cted track.
28 Advanced opera t ions 7 During pla yback of a disc/file contai ning subtit les in s eve ral lan guages When us ing th e SUBTI TLE butto n: 1 Press SUB TITLE. Exam ple (DVD VIDEO): “EN GLIS H” is selected ou t of 3 subt itl e l angua ges recorde d.
29 Advanced opera t ions Frame-by-frame pl a yback 7 During pla yback Press 8 repe atedl y . Ea ch ti me you press the button, t he s til l pict ure adv ances b y one frame. To retu rn to normal pl ayback Press pl ay button for corres pond ing s ource ( DVD 3 or USB MEMORY 3 ).
30 Advanced opera t ions 6 Press E NTER. The curr ent VFP settings a p pear ag ain. 7 Repeat steps 3 to 6 to adjust other para meters. 8 Press V F P . NOTE • Although the setting display disappears in the middle of the procedure, the settin g at that time will be stored.
31 Advanced opera t ions Repeating the current selec tion 7 For DVD V IDE O/DV D VR : During pla yback 7 Fo r VCD/SV CD: During playback withou t PBC function or while stopped 7 Fo r CD/MP3/WMA/JPE G/ASF / MPEG-2/MPEG-1/Di vX: During pla yback or while stopped When using t he RE PEAT bu tton: Pr ess REPEA T with SHIFT pressed .
32 When using t he on -screen bar: 1 Press O N SCREEN twice . The on- screen bar a ppears on the T V scr een. 2 Press C ursor 3 / 2 to hi ghlight . 3 Press E NTER. 4 Press C ursor Y / 5 repeatedly to select “ A-B”. 5 Press E NTER at the beginning of the par t you want to repe at (p oint A).
33 • Y ou can ch ange the langua ge used in the setu p menus. See “M enu descri ption ” below . Bas ic op era tion on the se tup m enu s 7 Wh ile st opped 1 Press SET UP with SHIFT pr essed. 2 F ollow the instructions tha t appear on the T V screen.
34 Setting DVD pref erences 7 PICTURE SOURCE Y ou can o btain o ptimal p ictur e quality by selecting wh ether the con tent o n the disc/file is pr o cessed b y field (vid eo sour ce) or b y fra me (film sour ce). Nor ma l ly se t t o “ A U TO”. •A U T O U sed to play a disc/file con taining both video and film sour ce ma terials.
35 7 Subwoofer menu (SUBWOOFER) LEVEL Y ou can set the o utpu t level of the sub woofer in the -6 dB t o +6 dB range. CROSS OV ER The signals belo w the pr eset frequency level will be sent to and be re produced b y the sub woofer . Select one o f t he cr ossover fr e quen c y levels a ccording t o the size o f the small speaker con nec ted.
36 Some c ountries sp ace AM stations 9 kHz apar t, and s ome countries u se 10 kHz spacing. Y ou can o nly chan ge the AM t uner in ter val spacing while selecting AM as the band. On th e center unit ON L Y : 7 T o chan ge the in terval spacing int o 10 kHz Press 8 wh ile holding down 7 .
37 Once a sta tion is as signed to a channe l number , the station can be quickly t uned in. Y ou can p reset 30 FM a nd 15 AM stations. 7 To preset the st ations 1 T une in the station yo u want to preset. • If yo u wan t to stor e t he FM recep tion mode for a n FM station, select the recep tion mo de yo u want.
38 7 Handling Di scs • Remo ve the disc fro m its case b y holdin g it a t the edge while pr essin g the cent er hole ligh tly . • Do not to uch the shin y surface of the disc o r bend the disc. • Put the disc back in it s case after u se to pr e ven t warping.
39 Referen ces 7 Center unit (XV-THP 7/XV-THP 3) Audio sectio n Front/ Sur roun d: 40 W per c ha nne l, RMS a t 3 Ω at 1 kHz, with 10 % to tal harmonic dis to rtio n. Center: 100 W, R M S a t 4 Ω at 1 k H z , w it h 10 % total harmon ic disto rtion.
40 7 Satell ite speakers (For TH- P7) Front sp eakers (SP -THP7F ) Ty p e : 1 - W a y B a s s - R e f l e x Ty p e (Magnetically-shielded T ype) Speaker: 5.
EN 0406R YMM D W JEM © 2006 Victor Company of J apan, Limited TH-P7/TH-P3 D VD DIGIT AL CINEMA SYSTEM EN_THP7-P3[U] Pa ge xliv Tuesday, April 4 , 2006 5:08 PM.
An important point after buying a device Genius TH-P3 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Genius TH-P3 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Genius TH-P3 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Genius TH-P3 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Genius TH-P3 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Genius TH-P3, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Genius TH-P3.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Genius TH-P3. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Genius TH-P3 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center