Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Intelliprint ML450 Genicom
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Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 ii GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide T rademarks The fol lowing are trad emarks or registered tr ademark s of their respect ive owne rs. Other prod uct names mentioned in this manual may al so be trademarks or r egistere d trademarks of their r espective owners.
Aug 01 Genicom Publication No. GEG-99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intellipri nt mL450 U ser Guide iii Chapter 1 Unpacking and Installing Y our Printer How This Manual is Or ganized This manual consists of 7 c.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 iv GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide How This Manual is Or ganized Appendix E GENICOM Customer Suppor t and P ar t Numbers This app e nd ix lists the par t numbers for GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 printers, options , and consumables.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Contents How This Manual is Or ganized -iii Pr eface We l c o m e -2 Features -2 Standar d Confi gurations -3 Base Configuration (for table-top use) -3 Exte.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 vi GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 Installation Guide Unpacking the Printer 1-4 Instal li n g the EP Ca r tri dge 1-6 For standar d configuration 1-7.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 Installation Guide vii Media Si ze s Sup por te d 3-4 Media T ypes supp orted 3-5 Pape r Orie ntatio n 3-6 Paper Orienta.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 viii GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 Insta llation Guide Navigati ng the Contr o l Panel Menus 4-4 Menu Structur e 4-6 Pape r Menu 4-7 Interf ace M.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No. GEG- 99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 Installation Guide ix Solvi ng Pr inter Powe r -on Pro blems 6-2 Solvi n g Pr int Qualit y Pr o bl ems 6- 3 Clearing Pap .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 x GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 Installation Guide Appendix A General Informa tion Abou t this App endix A- 2 Specifications A-2 Main Unit A-2 Prin.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 Installation Guide xi Server Comma nds D-3 Pr otocol Command s D-6 Appendix E GENI CO M Cus t omer S up port and Part Nu.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 xii GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL45 0 Installation Guide.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Pr eface Pr eface In this Chapter . . . " “W elcome” on page 2 " “F eatures” on pa g e 2 " “Standa r d Conf igu ratio ns ” on pag.
Publication No. GEG-99126 Genicom Aug 01 2 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Gui de Features W elcome Thank you for selecting the GENICOM LN45 or Intellipri nt mL450 laser printer . In this manual y ou will find important infor mation reg arding operation and care of your p rinter .
Aug 01 Genicom Publication No. GEG-99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intellipri nt mL450 U ser Guide 3 Base Configuration (f or table-t op use) Standard Configurations The LN45 or Intelliprint mL 450 printe r ca.
Publication No. GEG-99126 Genicom Aug 01 4 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Gui de Standar d Configu rations Extended Configuratio n (floor-standing) Memor y: 64 Mbytes RAM Memory Reso.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5 Extended Configurat ion (f loor- stan din g) Manu al Conv en tion s NOTE: Notes contain tips, extra inform ation, or important inform ation that deserves emphasis or rei te r a t io n .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Manual Conven tions.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Chapter 1 Unpacking and In stalling Y our Printer In this Chapter . . . " “ About this Chap ter” on pa g e 1-2 " “Ins tallati on Pr ecautio .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-2 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Installation Pr ecaution s About this Chapter Describes a suitable locatio n for your laser printer an d ho w to unpack and inst all it. Be s ure to read th is chap- ter befor e s etting up th e printe r.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-3 Space requir ements T op View of Printer (standar d configuration) Measurement s in inc hes (mm ) T op View of Printer (when options ar e installed) Measurement s in inc hes (mm ) 14.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-4 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Unpacking the Printer Unpacking the Printer 1. Cut th e shippi ng strap s off the ex terior carton. 2. Remo ve the four plastic inserts at the base of the sh ipping contain er by pulling on the tabs of each inser t.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-5 Space requir ements 5. R efer t o the c auti ons bel ow o n ho w to carr y the pr inter . Then, wit h the as sist ance of another pers on, lift up the printer and place it on t he f loor.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-6 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Installing the EP Cart ridge When yo u unpac k the pri nter , ma ke su re that all th e items s hown bel ow ar e included . If any items are mi ssing or dam ag e d, co nta ct your point o f purch ase.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-7 For standard configu ration can wash it off wi th warm wat er and so ap . If toner get s on your cloth ing, you should tr y to immedi- ately bl ow it off wit h compres sed ai r .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-8 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Installing the EP Cart ridge ing th e car tr idg e, a noise may be he a rd wh e n tur nin g on the p rinte r and th e EP car t rid g e m ay be dam - aged.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-9 For standard configu ration 5. While hol ding the orang e handle with o ne hand, g ently push the ca r tridg e all the way into the printer. I 1. Gently pull out th e sealing tape in the directio n of the ar row .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-10 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Adding pa per to the 500 -she et u niver sal pape r cass ette 2. Close th e fron t co ver and t he upper left co v er . NOTE: When closing th e uppe r left cover, do not use the lat ch on the c over .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-11 For standard configu ration 2. Prepare a stack of paper . Make s ure the tops o f the sh eets are prope rly alig ned. NOTE: Do not use paper with creases or wrinkles.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-12 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Adding pa per to the 500 -she et u niver sal pape r cass ette 4. While pressin g down the g ray handle, slide the side guide all th e way until it stops .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-13 For standard configu ration 6. Adjus t the s ide gu ide t o the p aper w idth. NOTE: Adjust the gui de to the paper size corr ect ly; otherwi se pape r may not b e transp orted corre ctly and may r esul t in a pa pe r ja m.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-14 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Connecting th e Parallel Cable 8. Adjust the lengt h guide to the paper len gth. NOTE: Ma ke sur e the gui d e stoppe r is locked firmly in the guide h ole on the bot tom of the casse tte.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-15 For standard configu ration Connecting the Ethernet Cable 1. Attac h app ropriat e cable to y our Ethernet hub . 2. Attac h th e oppos ite en d of the cable t o the et hernet port on th e print er .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-16 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Connecting the Power Cor d 2. V erify tha t th e po w er swi tc h of the p rinte r is set to t he [ O ] (off) position th e n inser t the plu g of t he pow er cord in to the A C out let.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-17 For standard configu ration T urning the Prin ter On Set the power sw itch to the [I ] pos i tio n to tur n on th e print er .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-18 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Installin g Printer Drive rs 1. From the R eady status , press MENU , the control panel display will read: Menu Paper 2. Press PRE VIOUS or NEXT un til th e displa y re ads: Menu System Menu 3.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-19 Installing Printer Driv er s for MacOS The UnixSW folder c ont ains GENICOM UNIX Printin g Soft ware , w.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-20 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Printing a Configuration Summary.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-21 Installing Printer Driv er s for MacOS Printing a T est Page Y our printer can print a test pag e that lists th e ind ica tes , g rey scale, reso lution sett ings, page cou nt er, and other relevant infor m ation about your printer .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-22 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Printing PCL and PostScript Font Lists Printing PCL a nd PostScript Font Lists Y our printer has the capa bilit y of printing lis ts o f all in stalled PCL or P ostScript fonts .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 1-23 Installing Printer Driv er s for MacOS 4. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS un til th e displa y re ads: Functions Print Fonts 5.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 1-24 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide T urning th e Printer Of f.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Chapter 2 Printer and Options Par ts and Functions In this Chapter . . . " “ About this Chap ter” on pa g e 2-2 " “Main Unit” on page 2-2 .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 2-2 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Main Unit About this Chapter Descri bes the pa rts of the p rinter and pa per hand ling op tion s and th eir fu nctions. A discu ssion of t he paper path is also included .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 2-3 Rear Vie w NOTE: The upper left cover can be closed only when t he EP cartrid ge is installed in t he p rinter . Do not close it when the EP car t ridge is not in s ide the printer .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 2-4 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Main Unit Contr oller 1 Optional Network Interfaces 2 Parallel Por t 3 Ethernet Reset Switch 4 LED ON - 100Ba seT Connection active OFF - 10Ba s eT Connec ti on act i ve 5 LED ON - Indicates Ethernet connection is active.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 2-5 Inside the P rinter Inside the Pr inter 1 Fuser Fixes toner onto the pape r 2 EP Cartrid ge The integrated car tridge contai ns the toner and the photosensitive drum.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 2-6 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Options Options The above illustration show the print er wi th th e standard cassette feeders , duplexer , and face-up tray installed. 1 Duplexer For printing on both sides of a sheet.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 2-7 Inside the P rinter The above illustration shows the prin ter with the e nv elope feeder installe d. The above illustration shows the prin ter with the Finis her/Stapler unit ins talled.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 2-8 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Options NOTE: Additional options such as network interfaces, m emory DIMMs, consumables and user publications are availab le for your p rinter .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Chapter 3 Understand ing Pap er , Paper Paths, Paper Deli very and Pape r Loadi ng In this Chapter . . . " “ About this Chap ter” on pa g e 3-2 &qu.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-2 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Paper About this Chapter Provides infor m ation on pape r qualities, paper siz e req uiremen ts, paper pat hs, paper ou tput d eliver y and loading of paper in yo ur print er and op tions.
Aug 01 Publication No. GEG-99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-3 Main unit Main unit High Capacity Feeder Option (T ray s 3, 4, and 5) Paper Source Paper Size Simplex Printing Duplex Printing X (mm) Y(mm) Tr a y 1 T ray 2 A4 LEF 210 297 Y e s Y es B4 SEF 364 257 Y e s Y es 8.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-4 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Media Sizes Supporte d NOTE: 1. Differ ent size p apers c annot b e mixe d and loaded int o the same pa per sour ce . 2. Duplex printing is possible only wh en the opti on al du p lexer is install ed.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-5 High C apacity Fee der O ption (T ray s 3, 4, an d 5) Media T ype s suppor ted NOTE: In th e fo l low ing tables , SEF refers to Shor t Edge Feed wh ereas LE F refers to Long E dg e Fee d.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-6 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Paper Orientation Paper Orienta tion Paper Orie n tat io n in T r ay s 1, 2, or 3 Paper Orie n tat io .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-7 Pap e r Orie nta tio n in T ray 5 " 2 repr esent s sim ple x pr inti ng Paper Orie n tat io n in T r.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-8 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide Paper Orientation Paper and En velo pe Orien tation in t he Bypa ss F eeder T op View of Shor t Edge F.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-9 Paper and Envelope Orient ation in the Byp ass Feeder Long and Sh ort Edge Duplex Bind ing in Po rtrait a.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-10 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Long and S hort Edge Duplex Bind ing in Po rtrai t and Landsc ape Orientations Long Edge Duplex Bin.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-11 Paper path fo r standard configuratio n Paper Paths Th e followi ng illu stratio ns show the p aper p ath t hroug h the printer in its standa rd config uration and also when opti on s are ins tall e d.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-12 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Paper Paths Paper p ath wh en opti ons are inst alled Finisher/Stapler.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-13 Paper path when options ar e installed The following illustratio n shows the printer wit h the optional HC F unit, d uplexer , and face-up tray installed 1.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-14 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Paper Deliv ery Paper out put tra y The standard output tray enables printouts to emerge facing do wn. It can store up to about 500 sheets of print ed pa per .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-15 Face-up tray with the Dup lexer (option) Face- up t ray w ith the Dupl ex er (o ption) When in stalled and s elected , the fac e-up tr ay c an st ore up to abo ut 200 sh eets of prin touts coming o ut fac e down.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-16 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Adding pa per to the 500 -she et pap er cassett e, T ray 1 or T ray 2 Fin isher/ Stapl er un it ( optio n) Adding paper to the 500-sh eet paper cassette, T ray 1 or T ray 2 1.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-17 Fini sher/ Stapl er un it ( option) 2. Prepare a stack of paper . Make s ure the tops o f the sh eets are prope rly alig ned. 3. Gently lift up the lengt h guide, and slide it all the way until it stops .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-18 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Adding pa per to the 500 -she et pap er cassett e, T ray 1 or T ray 2 4. While pressin g down the g ray handle, slide the side guide all th e way until stops .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-19 Fini sher/ Stapl er un it ( option) 6. Adjus t the s ide gu ide t o the p aper w idth. NOTE: Adjust the guide to the paper si ze corr ectl y otherwise pap er may not be transported cor re ctly and ma y r esu lt in pa per j am.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-20 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Adding pa per to the mul ti byp a ss feeder 8. Adjust the lengt h guide to the paper len gth. NOTE: Ma ke sur e the gui d e stoppe r is locked firmly in the guide h ole on the bot tom of the casse tte.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-21 Fini sher/ Stapl er un it ( option) 1. If neces sary , pull out t he exte nsion tra y to a l ength desire d for t he pa per to b e loaded . 2. Place pa per alon g the ri ght side of the multi bypa ss feed er.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-22 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Adding pa per to the HCF un it (2500 -sheet) 4. Inser t t he paper stack a s f ar as it can g o in to the pr inter. The pa per is now r eady for us e.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-23 T ray 3 (500-sh eet univers al paper cas sette) T ray 3 (500-sheet universal paper cassette) 1. Pull out T ra y 3 until it stops. 2. Prepare a stack of paper .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-24 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Adding pa per to the HCF un it (2500 -sheet) 3. Gently lift up the lengt h guide, and slide it all the way until it stops . 4. While pressin g down the g ray handle, slide the side guide all th e wa y until it stops.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-25 T ray 3 (500-sh eet univers al paper cas sette) 5. Align t he four corners of the paper and plac e the paper in th e casset te. The paper sh ould en ter easi ly betw een th e guides .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-26 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Adding pa per to the HCF un it (2500 -sheet) 7. Align the edges of the p aper s tac k.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-27 T ray s 4 and 5 (A4/Letter size paper co mpartment) 9. Insert a co rrect paper si ze lab el into the p aper si ze slo t on t he cas sette, then p ush the cassett e all the way back into the printe r until it latches .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-28 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Adding pa per to the HCF un it (2500 -sheet) 2. Prepare a stack of paper . Make s ure the tops o f the sh eets are prope rly alig ned. 3. Inser t pa pe r into the compar tm ent.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 3-29 T ray s 4 and 5 (A4/Letter size paper co mpartment) 4. Push T ray 4 bac k into th e printer . Loading enve lopes into the envel ope feeder 1. Prepare a stac k of e nv elopes .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 3-30 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Loading envelo pes into the envelope feede r 2. While lifting the envelope weight, inser t envelopes with the f lap-side up and th e long edg e s leading first.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Chapter 4 Understanding and Navigating the Contr ol Panel Menus In this Chapter . . . " “ About this Chap ter” on pa g e 4-2 " “Cont rol P a.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-2 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Control Panel Features About this Chapter Th is chapte r expla ins th e contr ol pan el and i ts fun.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-3 Pushbu ttons Push button s Th e c ontro l panel pus hbutton s allow you to ac c ess and nav i g a te menus, and also assi st you in recovering from prin ter er ror s.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-4 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Navigating the Contr ol Panel Menus Navigatin g the Control Panel Menus When y ou p ress the ME NU button on the cont rol pane l, you enter th e printe r’ s m enu system .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-5 Pushbu ttons Th e f ollowing fig ure sh ows the seq u ence of pushbu t tons a nd display messa g e s that would allow you to c han ge th e n umbe r o f co pi e s pri n te d.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-6 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Menu Structure Menu Structur e The foll o wing figure sho ws the structure of t he co ntrol panel main men us and subm enus . Figure 5-3: Printer Me nu Structure.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-7 Pushbu ttons NOTE: Additional menus and sub menus may ap pear in th e printer menu sy st em when other options a re installed. Paper Menu The Paper Menu provides acce ss to th e printer se tting s for various p aper-handl ing func ti ons.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-8 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Paper Menu Media Siz e/T ype This submenu allows you to se t the m edia size and type f or t he MBF T ray and set th e medi al ty pe f or a ll other tray s.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-9 Pushbu ttons Hole P unc h This submenu allows you to tu rn th e Ho le Punch fea tur e on an d off. This submenu is only available if the Finisher/Stapler is installed.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-10 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide Interface Menu Inter f ace Menu The Interface Menu pro vid es acce ss t o th e pri nte r in terface set tings . Use th e foll ow ing p roc edure t o en ter the inte rface m enu: 1.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-11 Pushbu ttons Parallel Setup This submenu allows you to set up the parallel interface.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-12 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide PS Menu PS Menu The PS Menu pr ovi des acce ss t o the P ostScript s ettings . Use the fol lo wing procedure to en ter the PS Men u: 1. Press t he MENU button on t he cont ro l pan el.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-13 Pushbu ttons Submenus De fault Setting Available Setti ngs Pr ocedure for C hanging Setting s Print PS Errors This submenu allows you to choose to eith er p rint or not p rint PS err ors.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-14 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide PCL Menu PCL Menu The PCL M enu prov ides a ccess to the PCL s etti ngs . Use the fol low ing pr ocedur e to ent er the PC L men u: 1. Press t he MENU button on t he cont ro l pan el.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-15 Pushbu ttons Macro Filter This submenu allows you to turn the macro filt er on or off. Off On Off 1. Pr es s NE XT or P REVIOU S to toggl e betw een ON and OFF .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-16 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide PCL Menu Print Area This submenu allows you to se t the print ar ea. Normal Norm al Expa nde d 1. Pr ess NEXT or PREV IOUS to toggle b etween the NO RMAL and EXP ANDED settings.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-17 Pushbu ttons Sy stem Menu The syst em men u pro vid es access to sys tem se ttin gs . Use the follo win g proced ure to enter t he sy stem men u: 1. Press t he MENU button on t he cont ro l pan el.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-18 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide Sy stem Me nu Job Timeout This submenu allows you to increase or decrease the time limit (in seconds) for PostScript jobs. A 0 sett i ng i ndi ca te s n o tim eo u t.
Aug 01 Publication No. GEG-99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-19 Pushbuttons Quality Menu Th e Qu a l i t y Me n u pr ov i de s acc ess t o t he pr i nt er se t t i ng s t ha t ar e r el at ed t o pr i nt qua l i t y .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-20 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide Fun c ti on s Me n u Functions Menu Th e Func tions Me nu provides a ccess to several p rinter f unctio ns that c an su pply you with in for ma tion ab out the prin te r and it s se tting s.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-21 Pushbu ttons 6. Use the proce dures in the fo llo wing ta ble to access and c hange the syst em setti ngs: . DISK Menu NOTE: This menu selection will only ap pear if a n optional har d disk drive ha s been installed.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-22 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide Status Menu 6. Use the proc edures in the fo llo wing ta ble t o access and c ha nge the syst em sett ings: .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 4-23 Pushbu ttons !!! Tr a y 2 This sub menu allows you t o view the cur r ent Media Si ze, Media T y pe, and Lev el for T ray 2. 1. Press NEXT or PREVIOUS to scroll thr ough the media size, media type, and level settings for T ray 2.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 4-24 GENICOM LN45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide Status Menu.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Chapter 5 Printer Consumables, Cleaning and Maintenance In this Chapter . . . " “ About this Chap ter” on pa g e 5-2 " “R eplacing th e EP C.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-2 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Replacing t he EP Cartridge About this Chapter Describ es ho w to handl e and replac e the EP c art.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-3 Replac ing th e EP cartridge (for standar d configu r ati on) When there is no more to ne r or the drum must be replaced , an error message appears and the pr int er st o ps .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-4 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Replacing t he EP Cartridge 2. Open the f ront co v er as indicated. 3. R emo ve the EP ca rtridge. Lift th e orange ha ndle on the cartri dge to gently t ake it out .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-5 Replac ing th e EP cartridge (for standar d configu r ati on) 4. Remov e a new EP car tridg e from th e packing, a nd pull o ut the pr otect ive paper shee t from the dr um shut ter .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-6 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Replacing t he EP Cartridge 6. Open the f ront co v er as indicated. 7. While ho lding the or ange hand le w ith one h and, gent ly push the car tridg e all the way into the print er .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-7 Replac ing th e EP cartridge (for standar d configu r ati on) 8. Gently pull out th e sealing tape in the directio n of the ar row . NOTE: If th e ta pe is pul led out at an an gle, it may b reak possibl y rendering the car trid ge unusa ble .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-8 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Replacing t he EP Cartridge Replacing the EP car tridge (when options are installed) 1. If the duplex p rinting unit is ins talle d, pull on its latch to open it.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-9 Replacing the EP car tr idge (whe n options are installed) 3. Open the fron t co v er as indic ated. 4. R emo v e th e E P cartridge. Lif t th e orange h andl e lev er o n th e cartridge to gen tly tak e it out .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-10 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replacing t he EP Cartridge 5. R emo ve a new EP cartridge from t he pa cki ng, and ca refull y pull out t he prot ecti ve paper sheet f rom the dr u m shutte r .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-11 Replacing the EP car tr idge (whe n options are installed) 7. Open the fron t co v er as indic ated. 8. While ho lding the or ange hand le w ith one h and, gent ly push the car tridg e all the way into the print er .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-12 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replacing t he EP Cartridge 9. Gently pull out th e sealing tape in the directio n of the ar row . NOTE: If th e ta pe is pul l ed out at an angl e, it may break poss i bl y rendering the cart ridge unus a ble.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-13 Replacing the EP car tr idge (whe n options are installed) 11. Clos e the du plex p rinting u nit. Replacing the Fuser The fuser b ecomes very ho t during opera tion.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-14 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replac ing th e Fus er 1. Open th e upper l eft co v er .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-15 Replacing the EP car tr idge (whe n options are installed) 3. Loosen th e t w o locking screws ind icated. (Y o u cannot remove them comple te ly .) 4. Hold the two rings indicated and pull out t he fus er.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-16 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replac ing th e Fus er 5. Prep are a new fu ser . Whi l e h olding the two rings of the new fuser, push into the printe r as indi ca ted. 6. Tighten t he two locking screws.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-17 Replacing the EP car tr idge (whe n options are installed) 7. R emo ve and dis card the protect iv e co v ers to exp ose the t w o metal fuser sh ipping sc rews 8.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-18 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replac ing th e Fus er 9. Completely remove and discard the two metal fuser shipping screw s 10. Clos e the fro nt cover and then the u pp er left c over .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-19 Replacing the EP car tr idge (whe n options are installed) Replacing the T ransfer Roller 1. Open th e upper l eft co v er . 2. Lift up th e handles to unl ock the transf er roller.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-20 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replac ing th e Fee d Roll ers 3. Remo ve the transfer roller. 4. Inser t a new transfer roller and p ress down to hold the roller in place. 5. Push the handles to lock th e trans f er roller in p lace.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-21 Replacing the EP car tr idge (whe n options are installed) 1. Remo ve the top cas sette from th e printer u nit. 2. While pressin g th e whit e tab , remov e the lower f eed roller .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-22 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replac ing th e Fee d Roll ers 3. Flip do wn the co v er and remo ve the upp er tw o r ollers w ith t he same steps des cribed earlier . 4. Whi le pr es sin g th e whi t e tab, remove the upp er two rol lers.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-23 Tr a y 5 ( H C F U n i t ) 6. Inset a new lo wer feed roller .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-24 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Replac ing th e Fee d Roll ers 3. Pull the roller cov er tow ards y ou. 4. Whi le pr es sin g th e whi t e tab, remove the t hr ee fe ed rol ler s NOTE: Be sure not to remove the c oupli ng behi nd th e fe ed roller .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-25 Tr a y 4 ( H C F U n i t ) Tr a y 4 ( H C F U n i t ) 1. Pull out th e le ft tray . 2. Open th e lo wer l eft co v er . Press d ow n the ro ller co v er . 3.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-26 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Cleaning 4. Inse r t t hre e new f eed ro lle rs. 5. Push ba ck T ray 4. Cleaning In ord er to k eep y our pr inter in opt im um w orkin g condi tio n, clea n the e xter ior and inter ior of the p rinter as descr ibed below .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-27 Clean the exterior of the printer Clean the exterior of the printer Clean the exte rior of th e pr inte r abou t once a mont h. Use a soft c loth slig htly moist ened wi th wate r .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-28 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Daily Maintena nce Daily Main tena nce At th e end of t he da y , turn off th e prin ter b y setti ng th e pow er switc h to [0].
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-29 Check the interior of the printer 1. T urn off th e printer by setti ng the power switch to th e [0] pos itio n. If any error me ssage or s tatus co de appears , see ”Ch apter 6 T roubleshoo ting” and tur n off the printer prope rly .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-30 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Relocating th e Printer 3. Remov e any pap e r from t he multi bypass f ee der as well as all the paper ca ssette s . Store the paper in a location th at is not h umid and d u sty .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-31 Check the interior of the printer NOTE: Remove any opt ions such as the dup lex printi ng unit befor e moving the pri nter . For instructions on how to remove the options, see the appr opriate section.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-32 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Relocating th e Printer 3. R emo ve any paper from th e mu lti b ypass feeder as we ll as all the p aper c assett es .S tore th e paper i n a location th at is not h umid and d u sty .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 5-33 Check the interior of the printer 5. Remov e the E P car trid g e inside the p rinter. If the printer is moved with the ca r tridg e in side, tone r may spill out and so il th e printer.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 5-34 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Relocating th e Printer.
Aug 01 Genicom Publication No. GEG-99126 Chapter 6 T r oubleshooting In this Chapter . . . ! “ About this Chapter” on page 6-2 ! “Solving Printer P ow er - on Problems” on page 6-2 ! “Solvin.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-2 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Solving Printe r Power-on Pro blems About this Chapter Explain s proced ures to isolat e and solv e pro blems t hat ma y occu r during use o f yo ur pr inter .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-3 Solving Prin t Quality Pr oblems Th is se ction d escrib es qualit y probl ems dur ing print ing. Go through th e lis t below to f ind the c onditon that most cl osely resemb les th e pro blem and f ollo w t he rec ommended action .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-4 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Solving P rint Quality Problems Black dots Print media is outside recommend ed specification. Use r ecomm en ded pr in t me di a . Se e ”Chapter 5 Printer Consumables, Cleaning and M ain tenan ce” .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-5 T oner smears when rub b ed Print med ia is moist Remove m ois t me dia and load ne w dry media. See See ”Chapter 5 Print er Consumables, Cleaning and Maint enance ” .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-6 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Solving P rint Quality Problems Cr e ase d pa pe r Prin t me dia i s outsi de recommend ed specifications Use r ecomm ende d pr i nt me di a . See ”Chapter 5 Printer Consumables, Cleaning and M ain tenan ce” .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-7 Clearing Paper Jams from Are a A Clearing Paper Jams This se ction p rovide infor mation for r emoving pap er jams from p aper pa th a reas of your p rinter a nd paper handling op tions.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-8 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Clearing Paper Jams 2. Pull on th e latc h t o op en the up per l eft c ov er . If the optio nal face up tra y is inst alled in stead o f the duplex er , lift to unho ok and remo ve the fac e up tray .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-9 Clearing Paper Jams from Are a A If the leading ed ge of the paper is already in the pap er output tray , pull out the pa per in the direction o f the ar r ow .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-10 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Clearing Paper Jams If the paper is jammed at the ind icated location, pull it out in the direction of the ar row . 4. Open th e co v er insid e the duplex er .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-11 Clearing Paper Jams from Are a A 6. Close th e co v er ins ide th e duplex er 7. Clos e the du plexe r. NOTE: When closing the duplexe r , do not use the l atch on t he cover .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-12 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Clearing Paper Jams 8. Close th e dup lex er or reinse rt the face-u p tra y as ap propri ate. Clearing Pap er Jams f r om Area B 1. Pull on the l atc h to open the c ov er t o Area B 2.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-13 Clearing Paper Jams from Ar ea C 3. If the paper is jammed at Ar ea B , pull it o ut in the di rectio n of the arrow as show n.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-14 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Clearing Paper Jams Clearing Pap er Jams f r om Area E Lift th e hand le of th e Stapl er/Sta ck er do cking cov er a nd remo v e any jammed p aper fo und.
Aug 01 Genicom Publication No. GEG-99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intellipri nt mL450 U ser Guide 6-1 5 Clearing Paper Jams from Ar ea H Clearing Paper Jams fr om Area H Re mo v e any jammed paper found. Clearing Paper Jams fr om T ray 1 Pull out T ra y 1. Check the paper feed area an d carefully pull out any ja mmed paper found there.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-16 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Clearing Paper Jams 2. Pull out T r ays 4 and 5. 3.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-17 Clearing Pap er Jams fr om the Mu lti- Bypass Fee der (MBF) Clearing Pap er Jams fr om th e Multi-Bypass F eeder (MBF) 1. Remo ve the jammed pape r by pull it out in the direction of th e arrow as shown.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-18 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Contr ol Pane l LCD Me ssages 2. Remo ve any jammed paper found.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-19 Code Class 1 Code ! Class ! 1 ! LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2) CAUSE OF ERRO R MESSAG E REQ U.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-20 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Contr ol Pane l LCD Me ssages Code Cl ass 2 Code Cl ass 3 LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2).
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-21 Code Class 4 Code Cl ass 4 LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2) CAUSE OF ERRO R MESSAG E REQ UI RE .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-22 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Contr ol Pane l LCD Me ssages 4-5 FUSER ERROR CALL SERVICE Abnormally high Fuser temperature Service Call r equir ed 4-5 IRREG.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-23 Code Class 4 4-26 FINISH JAM CLEAR AREA F Remaining paper detected on TRANS POR T exi t sensor Clear pap.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-24 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Contr ol Pane l LCD Me ssages Code Cl ass 5 LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2) CAUSE OF ERRO.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-25 Code Class 6 Code Cl ass 6 5-92 FIN ERROR CALL SERVICE Finisher S tapler head home sensor failur e (see .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-26 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Contr ol Pane l LCD Me ssages Code Cl ass 7 LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2) CAUSE OF ERRO.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-27 Code Class 8 Code Cl ass 8 LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2) CAUSE OF ERRO R MESSAG E REQ UI RE .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 6-28 GENICOM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Contr ol Pane l LCD Me ssages Code Cl ass 9 LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2) CAUSE OF ERRO.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 6-29 Alphanume ric Code Clas s Alphanumeric ! Code ! Clas s LCD MESSAGE (LINE 1) LCD MESSAGE (LINE 2) CAUSE O.
Publication No. GEG-99126 Genicom Aug 01 6-30 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Gui de Ethernet Network Interface T roubleshooting NOTE: 1: These faults ar e not necessarily har d faults. They only be come har d faults when an attempt is made to use the “faulte d” device.
Aug 01 Genicom Publication No. GEG-99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intellipri nt mL450 U ser Guide 6-3 1 Printing Problems Printing Pr oblems BOOTP T roubleshooting If the BOOTP request is failing and you have.
Publication No. GEG-99126 Genicom Aug 01 6-32 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Gui de Ethernet Network Interface T roubleshooting DHCP T roubleshooting RARP T roubleshooting PostScript Pr oblems P ostScript printers will silently abor t jobs if they detect an er ror .
Aug 01 Genicom Publication No. GEG-99126 GENICOM LN45 and Intellipri nt mL450 U ser Guide 6-3 3 Bitmap Graphics Bitmap Graphics If files that contain embedde d bitmap g raphics print incorrectly , it is because the bitmaps are being sent as actual binar y data and binar y data cannot be printed via serial or parallel interfaces .
Publication No. GEG-99126 Genicom Aug 01 6-34 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Gui de Ethernet Network Interface T roubleshooting.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Chapter 7 Using DRAM DIMMs, FLASH DIMMs and Power -on Files In this Chapter . . . " “ About this Chap ter” on pa g e 7-2 " “Installing DRAM .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 7-2 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Installing DRA M Memory DIMMS About this Chapter This chapter des cribes the proc edures for installation of DRAM me mor y DIMMs an d FLASH DIMM mod- ules .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 7-3 3. T urn th umbs crews on co ntroller assem bly co unter c lockwise until lo os e and gen tly pull c ontroller assembly towards you to remove from prin ter .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 7-4 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Installing DRA M Memory DIMMS 5. Reinstall the controller assemb ly . Onc e fir mly in pl ace, pus h and hand tighten the thumbs crews i n a cloc kw ise direc tion.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 7-5 Inst alling a FLAS H DIMM M odule 1. Ens ure th at th e pr inte r po w er swi tc h is set to t he OF F [ O ] pos itio n. 2. Discon nect the po w er co rd from the w all outl et.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 7-6 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Installing a FLASH DIMM Module 4. Carefully insert a FLASH DI MM module in FLASH DIM M slot as shown below . When properly seated , gently push do wn on the DIMM unt il the white braces close on to t he ends of the D IMM.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide 7-7 Powe r -on File s De f ine d 6. Conne c t the p ower co r d to the wall outlet.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 7-8 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 Us er Guide Using the Power -O n Files Feature NOTE: Contact the te chnical su pport team at your p oint of pur chase f or additi onal inf ormation r ega r d i n g l o ad in g and usin g powe r -on fil e s .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Appendix A General Information " “ Abo ut thi s App endix” o n page A -2 " “Speci ficati ons” on page A-2 " “Prin table A rea” on.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 A-2 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 User Guide Spec if ica tio ns About thi s App endix Provides printer specifications and infor mation on the EP car tridge and the printable area of a pag e.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide A-3 Normal prin ting " Do not remove the EP car tridge from its packing unt il use. If it is remov ed, immediately put it back into the packing. " A void di rect s unlig ht.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 A-4 GENICOM LN 45 and I ntelliprint mL450 User Guide Printable Area.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Appendix B Safety Notes and Regulatory Compliances In this Chapter . . . " “ Abo ut thi s App endix” o n page B- 2 " “Safety Notes ” on p .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 B-2 GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 Insta llation Guide Safety Note s About thi s App endix Describes c a ut ion s to take when installing , transpor ting , or op erating the print er. Also includes applicable regulatory c omp lianc e s of your printer .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 Installation Guide B-3 Location and Envir on men t Pr eca utions Switc h off t he mac hine before connect ing the interf ace cabl e or optio nal acce ssory . Conn ectin g the ca ble or accesso ry with a liv e machine can cause a shoc k hazard.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 B-4 GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 Insta llation Guide Regulatory Compliances " If debris (metal or liquid) mig rates into the mach ine, swit ch of f and unplu g the machine. Co ntac t your point of purc has e .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 Installation Guide B-5 Class 1 Laser Device and CDRH Compliance " R eorient or relo cate the re ceivi ng anten na. " Increas e the s eparation betw een t he equip ment and r ecei v er .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 B-6 GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 Insta llation Guide Regulatory Compliances " R eorien tate t he TV and/or ra dio antenna s and cables un til the in terfer ence st ops . F or an o utdoor antenna, as k your lo cal electrician for suppo rt.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Appendix C Printing Font Summaries In this Chapter . . . " “ Abo ut this App endix” o n page C-2 " “Print ing a F ont Summar y” on pag e C.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 C-2 GENIC OM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide Printing a Font Summary About thi s App endix This appen dix e xplains the pr ocedur e for p rinting summa ries of PCL or P o stScript fonts ins talled in your printer.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide C-3 PostScript Fon t Summary.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 C-4 GENIC OM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide PostScript Font Summary PostScri pt ! Fon t ! Sum m ary ! (con tí d).
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide C-5 Pos tSc ri pt Font S umm ary (con t’d ) Post Scri pt Fon t Su m ma ry (con t’ d).
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 C-6 GENIC OM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide PostScript Font Summary PostScri pt ! Fon t ! Sum m ary ! (con tí d).
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide C-7 Pos tSc ri pt Font S umm ary (con t’d ) PCL Fo nt Summa ry.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 C-8 GENIC OM LN45 and I ntelliprint mL450 U ser Guide PCL Font Summary PCL Fon t Su m ma ry (con t’ d) !!!.
Aug 2001 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Appendix D Fr equently Used Ethernet Commands In this Chapter . . . • “ Abo ut thi s App endix” o n page D- 2 • “Ser ver Commands” on page D-3.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 2001 D-2 GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide About thi s App endix This app endix lists so me of the mo st frequen tly-used co mmands of t he Print Se r ver command set .
Aug 2001 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide D-3 Server Comman ds Frequently-u sed Ser ver Co mmands Command Option(s) D esc ript io n DEFI NE SE RVER BOO T P {EN| DIS} Enabl e s or dis a bles query ing for a BOOT P host at sy ste m boot time.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 2001 D-4 GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide DEFINE SE RVE R SOF TWARE “ filename ” Specifies t he name or path (TCP) of the software download file. The fi lename can be up to 11 chara c ters, a nd the p athname ca n be up to 26.
Aug 2001 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide D-5 DEFINE SE RV ICE “ name ” option TC PPORT string Specifies a ra w TCP listener socket for the service. Enter a socket number (4000 to 4999) or the word no ne .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 2001 D-6 GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide Pr otocol Commands In the followin g ta ble, PROTO is an ab bre v iat i on f o r th e o pt ional ke.
Aug 2001 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide D-7 ◆ ◆ ◆ DEFINE PROTO NETWARE LOADHOST server Sa me as see “DEFINE SERVER NETWARE LOADHOST server ” on page D-3. PURGE PROTO NETWAR E ACCE SS opti on ALL Removes all en tries from the NetWar e access list.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 2001 D-8 GENICOM LN 45 and Inte lliprint mL450 User Guide.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 Appendix E GENICOM Customer Suppor t an d Par t Number s In this Chapter . . . " “ Abo ut thi s App endix” on page E-2 " “Sourc es of Su ppo.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 E-2 GENICOM LN45 and Intellip rint mL450 User Guide Sour ces of Sup port About thi s Appen dix This appe ndix lists the par t numbers for GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 printers, options , and consumables.
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide E-3 GENICOM Service F ollowing are ot he r impor tan t GENICOM phone numbe rs: " GENICOM Sales - (800) 4.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 E-4 GENICOM LN45 and Intellip rint mL450 User Guide GENICOM World-wide Offices GENICOM Germany GENICOM GmbH Rober t-Bosch-StraBe 52 63225 Langen/Germany .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide E-5 Printers GENICOM LN45 and In tellip rint mL450 Part Numbers Prin ters Paper Ha nd li n g and O th e r Op .
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 E-6 GENICOM LN45 and Intellip rint mL450 User Guide GENICOM LN4 5 an d Intellip rint mL45 0 Part Numbers Network Inter f aces DRAM, FLASH DIMM, Bar code .
Aug 01 Genicom Publi cation No . GEG-99 126 GENICOM LN45 and Intelliprint mL450 User Guide E-7 User Pub lications User Publica tions Consumab les !!! GENIC O M Pa rt Numbe r Descrip tion GEG-99119 G E.
Pub lica tio n No. GEG- 991 26 Genicom Aug 0 1 E-8 GENICOM LN45 and Intellip rint mL450 User Guide GENICOM LN4 5 an d Intellip rint mL45 0 Part Numbers.
An important point after buying a device Genicom Intelliprint ML450 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Genicom Intelliprint ML450 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Genicom Intelliprint ML450 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Genicom Intelliprint ML450 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Genicom Intelliprint ML450 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Genicom Intelliprint ML450, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Genicom Intelliprint ML450.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Genicom Intelliprint ML450. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Genicom Intelliprint ML450 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center