Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 190-00516-00 Garmin
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Garmin International, Inc. 1200 E. 151 st Street Olathe, KS 66062 USA 190-00516-00 , Revision B February 2005 GPS 10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page ii © Copyright 2005 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151 st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A. Tel. 913/397.8200 or 800/800. 1020 Fax 913/397. 8282 Garmin (E urope) Ltd.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page iii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................1 1.1 Cautions ...........................
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page iv 3.2.14 DGPS Beacon Info rmation (PGRMB).......................................................................................... .........15 3.3 Baud Rate Selec tion .......................
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 CAUTIONS CAUTION The GPS system is operated by the government of the United States, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 2 1.2 LIMITED WARRANTY This Garmi n product is wa rranted to be free from def ects in mate rials or workm anship for on e year from the date of purchase. Within this period, Garmin w ill at its sole option re pair or replace any components that fail in normal use.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 3 1.3 OVERVIEW The GPS 10 product is a GPS recei ver with WAAS capability, a rechar geable lithi um-ion battery, integral magnetic base and Bluetoo th wireless technology ca pability.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 4 1.4.1 GPS 10 Wireless Receiver The GPS 10 uses Bluetooth wi reless technology to interface with a m obile device (Computer/PDA) t hat is Bluetooth wireless tec hnology enable d. Class 2 Bluetooth device with power control capability based on the Blueto oth System Specification, Version 1.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 5 1.5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications are subject to change without notice. 1.5.1 Physical Characteristics Size 45 mm wide, 88 mm long and 19 mm in hei ght. Weight 80.0 grams 1.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 6 1.5.4 GPS Performance Receiver WAAS Enabled™; 12 parallel channel GPS recei ver continuously tracks and uses up to 12 satellites to compute and update your position. Acquisition Times • Reacquisition: Less than 2 seconds • Warm: Approx.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 7 2 MECHANICAL CHARACTERI STICS & MOUNTING The unit contai ns an integrat ed magnetic m ount and a Velcro patch f or mountin g on non-ferrou s surfaces. The followin g drawings s how exampl e geometry for m ounting hardware in case you wish to design your own custom mount.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 8 3 GPS 10 SOFTWARE INTERFACE The interface pr otocol de sign of the GPS 10 product is based on t he National Ma rine Electronics Association’s NMEA 0183 ASCII interface specifica tion. This standard is fully defi ned in NMEA 0183, Version 2.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 9 3.1.2 Sensor Initialization Information (PGRMI) The $PGRMI sentence provides information used to initialize the GPS sensor’s set position and time used for satellite acquisition.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specificatio ns Rev. B Page 10 3.1.4 Additional Sensor Configuration Information (PGRMC1) The $PGRMC 1 sentence pr ovides addi tional inform ation used t o configu re the GPS senso r operation. Configuration parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and retained between power cycles.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 11 . 3.2 TRANSMITTED NMEA 0183 SENTENCES The subsequent parag raphs define the senten ces that can be transmitted by the GPS 10. 3.2.1 Sentence Transmission Rate Sentences are transmitted with respect to the user selected baud rate.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 12 3.2.2 Transmitted Time The GPS sensor outputs UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) date and time of day in the transmitted sentences. Before the initial positio n fix, the on-board clock provides the date and time of day.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 13 3.2.5 GPS DOP and Active Satellites (GSA) $GPGSA,<1>,<2> ,<3>,<3>,<3> ,<3>,<3> ,<3>,<3&g.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 14 3.2.9 Geographic Position (GLL) $GPGLL,<1>,< 2>,<3>,<4>,<5>,<6>,< 7>*hh<CR><LF> <1> Latitude, ddmm.mmmm format (leading zeros will be transmitted) <2> Latitude hemi sphere, N or S <3> Longitude, dddmm.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 15 3.2.13 3D velocity Information (PGRMV) $PGRMV,<1>,< 2>,<3>*hh<C R><LF> <1> True east velocity, 514.4 to 514.4 meters/second <2> True north velocit y, 514.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 16 APPENDIX A: EARTH DATUMS The following is a list of the Garmin GPS 10 Earth datum indi ces and the corres ponding earth datum nam e (includ.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 17 36 HONG K ONG 1963 - Hong Kong 37 INDIAN - B angladesh , India, Nepal 38 INDIAN - T hailand, Viet nam 39 IRELAND 1965 - Irel and 40 ISTS O7.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 18 75 PICO DE LAS NI EVES - Canary Islands 76 PITCAIRN ASTRO 1967 - Pitcairn Island 77 PUERTO RICO - Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands 78 QATAR NATI.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 19 APPENDIX B: BINARY PHASE OUTPUT FORMAT In binary phase output mode, GPS 10 series products will transmit two types of packets once per second. One record con tains primarily post-process informati on such as po sition and velocity information.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 20 Satellite Data Record The satellite data has a record ID of 0x72 with 84 (0x54) data bytes.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 21 Position Record The Position Record has a record iden tifier of typedef struct { float alt; float epe; float eph; float epv; int fix; doubl.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 22 DLE and ETX bytes: Sample C code to receive t he two records shoul d filter DLE and ETX byte s as described below: typedef enum { DAT, DLE,.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 23 APPENDIX C: GPS 10 AND WI NDOWS SERIAL MOUSE ISSUE Problem: It is possible for Windows to incor rectly interpret the NMEA 0183 output of the GPS 10 as the output of a M icrosoft Serial BallPoi nt Mouse.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 24 4. Select the Serial Port to whic h t he GPS 10 is connected. Select Auto to have the program automatically determ ine the Baud Rate, or select Manual to manually select the Baud Rate of the GPS 10.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 25 APPENDIX D: SENSOR CO NFIGURATION SOFTWARE SNSRCFG configures the GPS sensors based on user-sel ected parameters.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 26 File Menu The File Menu allows you to open, sav e, and print sens or configurations. The items in the File Men u work like most Wind ows-based pr ograms.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 27 Get Configuration Fr om GPS (F8): Retri eves the cur rent program ming from the sensor. The programmi ng is then dis played i n the Main Int erface Wi ndow. Send Configuration To GPS (F9): Sen ds the changes yo u have ma de to the programm ing to the sens or.
190-00516-00 GPS 10 Technical Specif ications Rev. B Page 28 APPENDIX E: HOST SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS: PIN Code . Some systems may or may not require a PI N Code in order to recognize the G PS 10. The default PIN code for GPS 10 is “1234”. When you initially make this connection or the con nection is terminated unexpectedly.
For the latest free softw are updates (exclu ding map data) thro ughout the lif e of your Garmin products, visit the Garmin Web site at ww © Copyright 2005 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151 st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.
An important point after buying a device Garmin 190-00516-00 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Garmin 190-00516-00 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Garmin 190-00516-00 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Garmin 190-00516-00 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Garmin 190-00516-00 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Garmin 190-00516-00, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Garmin 190-00516-00.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Garmin 190-00516-00. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Garmin 190-00516-00 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center