Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Skype Phone Freecom Technologies
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User manual INTER NE T p HON E SK YPE P HON E / USB WIN & MAC INTER NE T p HON E Rev. 622.
2 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB Dea r user! Thank s Y ou For Purchasing Freecom I n ternet P hone. Freecom Internet Phone is cer tied by Sky pe. Freecom Internet Phone supp ort s m ost of the features in Skyp e.
3 GB User manual Gen eral in formati on ........................................................................................................... page 4 Precau tionar y measure s ......................................................................
4 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB Ge ne ral In for mat io n The follow ing hardware and sof t ware require ment s must be full led to ensure troubl e - fre e ope ratio n.
5 GB General I nformation Pre ca ut io na r y me as ur es T o ensure that your F reeco m Internet Phone fun c tions prop erl y , please take note of the foll owing pr ecau tions . If th ese are n ot foll owed, yo u may void your w arrant y and dam - age the Free com Interne t Phone.
6 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB Freec om I nte rne t Phon e Why Free co m I nte rn et Ph on e? Freecom Internet Phone func ti ons almost just like a traditi onal one. The only die rence lies whe re that Freecom I nternet Pho ne mus t be use d in conjunc ti on with com puter s via USB inter f ace and VOIP sof t war e.
7 GB 1 Install Sk yp e Sof t ware Chapter 1 : Install Sk ype Soft ware Freecom Internet Phone must be used with Sky pe. Please install Sk yp e and F reecom Interne t Pho ne Driver bef ore insta lling Freecom Internet Phone.
8 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 1 2. P le as e se le ct "Y es , I ac c e pt th e E U LA an d I h a v e re ad th e Pr iv ac y S ta t e me n t" a ft er re ad in g t h e L i ce ns e Ag re em en t.
9 GB 1 Install Sk yp e Sof t ware Inst allatio n prog ram will automatica lly create a Sk ype direc tor y and install the sof t- ware into this dir ec tor y . Y o u c an desig nate oth er fold er by s ele c ting "B rowse" and insta ll the so f t ware into th e design ated fol der.
1 0 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 2 Chapter 2: Freecom Internet Phone Driver Install ation Y ou can en hance your Sk yp e e xpe rie nce with Free com Inter net Pho ne of which is just like any handhe ld tele pho ne or cel lular ph one.
11 GB 2 F reecom Internet Phone Driver Installation 3. Inst allatio n pro gram wi ll automati cally create a Free com Interne t Phone d irec tor y and install the sof t wa re into this direc tor y . Y ou can design ate other folder by sele c t- ing "Brows e" and install the sof t w are into the d esignate d folde r .
1 2 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 2 5. The sof t ware ins tallati on will take app roximate ly 1 0 seconds. T hen se lec t "Clos e" to end the ins tal lation .
13 GB 3 Hardware installation and set ting Chapter 3: Hardware install ation and set t ing A ft er i ns ta ll i ng S kype and F re ec om I nt ern et Ph one d riv er , pl ea se plu g in Fr eec om I n t ern et Ph on e in t o the U SB port o f y our com pu te r .
1 4 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 3 2. Please conne c t Freecom Inter net Phon e to t he USB ja ck of your comp uter like the pic ture s hown b elow. 3. Af ter few s econ ds, your computer will recogn ize this n ew hardware title as Freecom Interne t Phone.
15 GB 4 But tons and F unctio ns Chapter 4: But tons and Functio ns Volum e Cont r ol This set o f but ton is desig ned for volume level a djustm ent. The top but ton is for volume up; the bot tom b ut ton is fo r volume d own. Acce pt /D ia l 1 . When yo u receive a c all, pre ss this but ton to ans wer the c all.
1 6 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 4 " + " but t on (Sk yp eO u t bu t to n) Use this b ut ton to dial to teleph one or cell ular p hon e. Press " + " b ut ton, then e nter countr y code, area co de, and p hone nu mbe r . (Require Sk yp eO ut cred its) Sta tu s LE D: Five m od es 1 .
17 GB 5 How to use F reecom Internet Phone Chapter 5: How to use F reecom Internet Phone Using Free com I nternet Phon e is as easy as us ing any tra ditio nal telep hone or cellu lar phon e. Y ou wi ll discover how quick ly you can be come f amiliar wit h oper ating Freecom Interne t Phone.
1 8 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 5 2. Sk yp e has Contac t s as the de faul t tab. 3. T og gle the Bu ddy Sees aw u p and down to sel ec t your cont ac t, then press Accept / Dial but ton to make a ca ll.
19 GB 5 How to use F reecom Internet Phone 4. Sk yp e st ar t s dialing , a new ta b page w ill displ ay the status o f the cal l place d. 5. When the other pa r t y a nswer s th e c all, a C all D urin g tim er will st ar t to disp lay your current conver satio n time.
2 0 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 5 5. 3 How T o M ake A Sk y pe Ou t Cal l (Di al to te l ep hon e or cel lu la r ph one num be rs) Sk yp e is fre e intern et tele pho ny , w hen b oth par t y us es Sk y pe to chat onl ine it is eas y and fre e. Unfor tunate ly not ever yon e has Sky pe yet.
21 GB 5 How to use F reecom Internet Phone 3. When yo u have sele cte d your de sired cont ac t, pr ess Accept /Dia l. 4. The status t ab updates the cu rrent c onversatio n status, including connec ti ng condi- tion, re ceiv ing par t y , and call d uratio n.
2 2 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 5 5. 3. 1 Di al in g Pro ce du re fo r Sk yp eO u t Y ou nee d to acti vate the Sk yp e Out ser vi ce and make sure you have at least enou gh Sk yp e Credit f or a 1 m in call to the countr y you want to c all. Y ou can t hen sim ply d ial a ph one numbe r into t he addre ss eld and p ress Ac cept/ Dial .
23 GB 5 How to use F reecom Internet Phone 5.4 H ow T o Use Sp ee d - D ial This fe ature is o ne of t he mos t convenient di aling f eatures o n Freecom Interne t Phone. It is just like set tin g spee d - dial on your cellu lar pho ne; you will be ab le to call your fam - ily and fri ends wi th ease th rough the pre set sp ee d- dial.
2 4 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 5 3. When the Sk yp e ™ S et Sp ee d Dia l Key wi ndow ap pea rs, enter a 2 di git nu mber you desire. 4. Af ter th e Spe ed - Dia l has b ee n se t, wh en yo u have the co ntac t s ele c ted yo u sho uld be ab le to se e the Spe ed - Dial nu mbe r on the ri ght.
25 GB 5 How to use F reecom Internet Phone 5. 5 How T o Answe r A Cal l When ther e is a n incom ing c all, Free com I nternet Phone will ring and at the sam e tim e the gre en LED will a sh.
2 6 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 5 5.7 H ow T o Mu te The M ic ro ph one D uri ng A Convers at io n Press the Mute b ut ton l oc ated o n the side of the pho ne d uring a convers ation to tur n o micr oph one. Press Mute bu t ton agai n to turn on the micro pho ne.
27 GB 6 How T o Do A Quick Search On Y our Contac ts Chapter 6: How T o Do A Q uic k Search O n Y our Contact s Sure you ha ve had exp erie nces in lookin g for someon e's phone number in your cellular phon e an d t ake yo u fo rever to nd it.
2 8 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 6 3. When you have lo cate d the per son you woul d li ke to cont ac t, th en press Accept /D ial to make the call ..
29 GB 7 Preset F unctio n For Function Keys Chapter 7 : Preset F unct ion For F uncti on K ey s The re are thre e fun c tion keys , which is p reset f or Star t Chat , Sen d a Voicemail, and Ri nger Sty le Set ting. Y ou may custo mize the thre e f unc tio n keys to your desire d f unc tio ns, su ch as redial, hold, or listen to voice messages .
3 0 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 7 7 . 2 K ey B: Send A Voice ma il Press , key to s end a voice m essag e to yo ur des ignated contac t 's vo ice mailb ox ( T his feature will on ly wo rk i f you o r you r contac t has an acti ve voicemai l se r vice; oth er wis e,this but ton wi ll not work .
31 GB 7 Preset F unctio n For Function Keys 3. Af ter you comp lete re cordin g, press End /Cancel to upl oad th e mess age. 7 . 3 R ing er St y le Se tt i ng Press , key to toggle throug h dierent ring tones. Press and hold the button each time for dierent ring tones until you h ear the m ost approp riate ring t one for y our surround - ing.
3 2 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 8 Chapter 8: Freecom Inte rnet Phone Sett ings Freecom Internet Phone not only has the fundament al features of making a call, it has a control p anel to custom ize S ound D evices , Func tion Keys, Ri nger Sty le, L angu age an d etc.
33 GB 8 F reecom Internet Phone Set tings Freeco m Inte rne t Phon e's V olum e Set t ing s: Move the slide bar to adjust pho ne volume and micro pho ne se nsitivi t y . Sou nd Dev ice f or Sk yp e: Y o u can de signate Sk y pe s ound i nput an d outpu t device in this se c tion .
3 4 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 8 8. 3 Rin ger S ty le The re are tot al of 10 ring tone s for you to se lec t fro m for i ncoming calls . Y ou many also sele c t Sile nt from th e sel ec tio ns. 8. 4 Lang uag e As inter face lang uage you c an sel ec t your r espe c tive lang uage.
35 GB 9 F AQ Chapter 9: F A Q If I acc id ent al ly se le c t Do no t allow t hi s pro gra m to use S k yp e, how s hou ld I ch ang e thi s se tt in g? The bu t tons and featur es for Freecom I nternet Pho ne will not wo rk if you se lec t D o not allow this p rogr am to use Sk y pe.
3 6 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 9 3. Sel ec t F reecom Internet Phone.exe in Manage API Access Control window, and then click Chang e. 4. In Mana ge API Access Control w indow, pleas e rs t se le ct Allow this pro gram to us e Sk yp e and the n click OK .
37 GB 9 F AQ What s ha ll I d o whe n t he ot he r pa r t y ca nnot hear m e whe n I c all him/h er w it h Freec om In ter net Ph one? Please go to F reecom Internet Phone Control Panel and ensure Audio In is s et with Free - com Intern et Pho ne un der Sound Device fo r Sk y pe in Sou nd D evices t ab.
3 8 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 9 No soun d comes out of the handse t but only the spe aker s aft er I p lug Freec om Inte rn et Pho ne int o th e com put er. Please go to So und D evices ta b in Freecom Inter net Pho ne Control Pan el. T hen ensu re Au- dio Ou t is set to Freecom I nternet Pho ne und er So und Dev ice for Sk ype a nd click O K .
39 GB 9 F AQ How do I m ute Fre eco m Int ern et Ph one key to ne? Please go to Functio n Keys t ab in F ree com Internet Phone C ontrol Panel. Move the slide bar for Key T one to Mute and th en click O K .
4 0 Fr eecom In ternet Phone GB 9 How do I u se fu nc t ion keys t o re dia l? Please go to Func tion Keys tab in Freecom Internet Phone Contro l Pan el. Se lec t any o f the three sets o f Keys, f or ins tan ce, Key C, and sel ec t R edial and the n click O K .
41 GB 9 F AQ How to u se fu nc t ion keys t o dir ec t ly c han ge t he on lin e st atu s at Sk ype? Please go to Func tion Keys tab in Freecom Internet Phone Contro l Pan el. Se lec t any o f the three set s of Keys, for instance, Key C, and sele c t Change Status and then click OK .
WARRANTY (valid in Europe/Turkey only): We thank you for purchasing this Freecom product and hope you will enjoy using it. In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience on your part, we suggest reading the quick install guide, instruction manual and any additional electronic and or printed manuals.
An important point after buying a device Freecom Technologies Skype Phone (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Freecom Technologies Skype Phone yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Freecom Technologies Skype Phone - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Freecom Technologies Skype Phone you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Freecom Technologies Skype Phone will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Freecom Technologies Skype Phone, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Freecom Technologies Skype Phone.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Freecom Technologies Skype Phone. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Freecom Technologies Skype Phone along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center