Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder FARGO electronics
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Pro-LX Laminat ing Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev . 4.0) Part Number: L00 0700.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 2 Pro-LX Laminatin g Card Printer /Encoder User Gu ide (Rev. 4.0), prope rty of FARG O Electronics, Incorpora ted Copyright 2002 , 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by FA RGO Electronics , Incorp orated.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 3 How to use the manual The Pro-LX Lamina ting Card Printe r/Encoder Us er Guide (Rev. 4.0) is, in fact, the troubleshooting and field service manual for the e ntire Pro-LX Ca rd Printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 4 Safety Messages (review carefully) Symbol Critical Instruc tions for Safety purposes Danger: Failure to follo w these installat ion guidelines c an result in de ath or serious injury .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 5 Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder Overview Revie wi ng Pro-LX Block Diagra m 1 3 2.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 6 Revie wi ng Pro-LX Boot Up Seque nce Step Process 1 On Power up, prin t and the Lam Steppe r Motor enga ge. 2 Print and Lamination Headlift Sensor chec ks for current open/closed state.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 7 Revie wi ng Pro-LX Sequence of Operations The follow ing sequence describes a dual sided fu ll color print job w ith magnetic encodi ng and single sided La mination .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 8 Reviewing Pro-LX Sequence of Operations (continued) Step Process 15 The Print Co ver Sensor checks for a closed state. 16 The Ribbo n Drive M otor engages.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 9 Reviewing Pro-LX Sequence of Operations (continued) Step Process 34 The card is fed past the Print TOF Senso r. All Stop. 35 The Flipp er Table Clutch en gages.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 10 Reviewing Pro-LX Sequence of Operations (continued) Step Process 54 The Flipp er Clutch enga ges. 55 The Flipp er table returns to le vel.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 11 Table of Con tents How to use the m anual ____________________________________________.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 12 Encodi ng Errors______________________________________________________________________.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 13 Ente ring Track Informati on _________________________________________________________.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 14 Section 5: Packing th e Pro-LX C ard Printer ______________________________________ 19.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 15 Section 1: S pecifications The purpose o f this section is to prov ide the User with s.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 16 A gency Li stings Term Description Emissions Standards CE, FCC, CRC c137 4, BSMI, I TS (EN 55022 Cla ss B:1995, FCC Class B, EN 82082 -1:1997).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 17 Technical Specifications (continued) Term Description Overlaminate Options Thermal Trans fer Overlamina te, .25 mil thic k, 500 prints PolyGuard Overla minate, .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 18 Technical Specifications (continued) Term Description Print Ribbon Options Full Co.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 19 Functional Specifications The Card Printer util izes tw o different, yet closely related printin g technologies to achie ve its remarkable direct- to-card print quality for dye-su blimation and resin thermal trans fer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 20 Printer Compo nents: Top Co ver to Po wer Port Component D escription Print Top Cover Opens to allow access to the Printhead , Print Rib bon and card path.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 21 Printer Components: Top Cover to Power Port (continued) This table display s Printer componen ts.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 22 Printer Components: Top Cover to Power Port (continued) Component D escription Ready LED Light W he n ON , this li ght indicates the P rinter is ready for operation.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 23 Printer Components: Top Cover to Power Port (continued) Component Description Card Thickness Adjustment Slid e Adjusts the Printer to feed va rying card thickness es.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 24 Printer Compo nents: Centronics-Ty pe Par allel Interfa ce The Card Printer is e quipped w ith a standard 8-bit centronics-ty pe parallel inter face port.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 25 Printer Compo nents: Print Ribb ons The Card Printer util izes both dye-subl imation an d/or resin thermal transfer methods to print images directly onto blank cards.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 26 Printer Compo nents: Resin-On ly Print Ribb ons Resin-only Print Ribbons consist o f a continuous r oll of a single resin color.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 27 Printer Compo nents: Dy e-Sublimation -Only Print Ribbons A dye-sublimation -only Print Ribbon is availab le in a monochrome v ersion.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 28 Printer Components: Dye-Sublimation-Only Print Ribbons (continued) Type Description Full-Color (YMCK O) (provides 250 prints) This ribbon is used to print full-colo r photo ID car ds along wi th resin black text and bar codes.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 29 Printer Compo nents: Blank Ca rds Caution: Nev er run ca rds with a conta minated, d ull or uneven surface through the Printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 30 Printer Components: Laminator Danger: The Printer ’ s Lamination Roll er can reach tempera tures excee ding 350 degree F (175 ° C ). Use extreme caution when operating the Lam inator .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 31 Revie wi ng the up graded 81754 PVC Cards The upgraded 81754 PVC cards are designed for a sharper card ima ge qual ity and for reduced debris and defects on Fargo Card Printers.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 32 Reviewing the upgraded 81754 PVC Cards (continued) Follow these two (2) instructions belo w: 1.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 33 Printer Compo nents: Laminato r The Printer's internal lamina tion system is used to choose betw een both a The rmal Transfer Film overlamina te and a poly ester patch overlamina te called Poly Guard ™ .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 34 Visual Security Solutions (Specifications) VeriMarkTM Ca rds - 2-D holograph ic foil applicat ion VeriM arkTM Cards are a low cost, customized 2- D holographic foil application, that is made in two steps.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 35 Visual Security Ca rd Stock - To lerances Tolerance of base foil placement will equal +/- .010" from the nea rest edges o f the card Tolerance of lay ered foil wil l equal +/- .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 36 Section 2: General Troubleshooting The purpose o f this section is to prov ide the Use.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 37 Reviewing the Top Line LCD Messages (continued) Message Cause Flipping Card Indicates card is bein g flipped for backsi de printing. Head-dow n Failed Printhead is unable to lo wer itself.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 38 Reviewing the Top Line LCD Messages (continued) Message Cause Key Card Dele ted Indicates the data on the Smart Guard Access Car d was success fully deleted.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 39 Reviewing the Top Line LCD Messages (continued) Message Cause Rasterize Shie ld Indicates the Printer is load ing the SmartShi eld security image from the SmartGuard Ac cess Card into its memory.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 40 Reviewing the Top Line LCD Messages (continued) Message Cause Smart Card Error Unable to encode smart card. Smart Card Good Indicates smart ca rd was success fully encoded.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 41 Reviewing the Bottom Line LCD Error / Status Messages (continued) Message Cause Lam Error/Out T he overlamin ate is either ou t or an error has o ccurred.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 42 Reviewing the BOTH Line LCD Error / Status Messages (continued) Message Cause CANCEL =Abort RESUM E=Continue Appears when the Pause/Resume bu tton is pres sed any time while the Printer is powered ON.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 43 Communications Errors Resolving the Communicatio n Errors Symptom(s): In correct output , communications error on PC or Printer, stall ing, no response from Printer, no job printed, “ p aper out ” e rror.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 44 Resolving the Communication Errors (continued) Step Procedure 4 Determine if there is inter ference from an ex ternal dev ice. a. Do not use an A/B switch box or other periphe ral in line w ith the parallel cable.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 45 Resolving the Communication Errors (continued) Step Procedure 7 Determine whether there is an adequate or inadequate ha rd drive space. Caution: A large volume o f temporary files on the compute r can cause communica tions errors.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 46 Card Feeding Errors Resolving the Card Feeding Errors Symptom: Two or more cards feed a t the same time or the cards will not feed at all .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 47 Resolving the Card Feeding Errors (continued) Step Procedure 2 Ensure the Card Thic kness Slide is se t correctly.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 48 Resolving the Flipper Jam Erro r Message Symptom: A Flip per Jam erro r is displayed on the LCD. Step Procedure 1 Check for any obstructio n.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 49 Print Process Errors Resolving the Headlift E rror Message Symptom: The Head Up/Dow n Err or or Rolle r Up/Down Error is displ ayed on the LCD.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 50 Resolving the Cover Open Error Message Symptom: A Cov er Open error is display ed when the cove r is closed or the Rol lers do not operate (when the cover is open).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 51 Resolving the Blank Outpu t issues Symptom: A card is ejected blan k (that should b e printed). Step Procedure 1 Run a sel f-test. a. Clear any card ja ms.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 52 Resolving the Blank Output issues (continued) Step Procedure 4 Check the Printhead con nections. a. Open the top print cover. b. Remove the tw o (2) thumbscrews from the Print head cover plate and remove the cover plat e.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 53 Card Jam Errors Resolving the Card Jam: Print Error Message Symptoms: The ca rd is phy sically jammed in the Printe r or a Card Sens or is reportin g a card is present.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 54 Resolving the Card Jam: Mag Error / Smart E rror Message Symptoms: The Ca rd Jam: M ag Error or Card Jam: Smart Error is display ed on the LCD.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 55 Resolving the Card Jam: Lam Error Message Symptom: The Ca rd Jam: Lam E rror is display ed on the LCD. Step Procedure 1 Look for a jammed card in the Printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 56 Resolving the Card Jam: Flip Error Message Symptom: A Ca rd Jam: Flip Erro r is display ed on the LCD. Step Procedure 1 Run a Sel f test.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 57 Ribbon Errors Resolving the Lam Error/Out E rror Message Symptom: The Printe r see ms to skip Poly Guard overla minate patches or si mply wind the overlaminate until the Printer's Ready LED flashe s.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 58 Resolving the Lam Error/Out Error Message (continued) Step Procedure 3 Check the Lamina te Ribbon Clutch to determine if it is too loose .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 59 Resolving the Skipping Ribb on Panel issues Symptom: The P rinter is usin g more than one s et of ribbon panel s to print one sid e of a card.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 60 Resolving the Skipping Ribbon Panel issues (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 61 Resolving the Skipping Ribbon Panel issues (continued) Step Procedure 2 Adjust the Ribbon Clutch a. Remove the back cov er. b. Use a 7/16 th w rench to tighten the nut on the end of the encoder w heel by a ½ - turn.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 62 Resolving the Wrong Ribb on error (being display ed incorrectly ) Symptom: A W ron g Ribbon Error is display ed on the LCD even though the correct ribbon is installed in the Prin ter.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 63 Resolving the Wrong Ribbon error (being displayed incorrectly) (continued) Step Procedure 2 Test the Rib bon ID Sens or. a. Unplug the Printer .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 64 Resolving the Ribbon Breaking issu es Symptom: The Ri bbon brea ks when printing or a Ribbon Jam Error is di splayed on the LCD Step Procedure 1 Cal ibrate the Ribbon Se nsor.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 65 Resolving the Ribbon Breaking issues (continued) Step Procedure 2 Determine where the rib bon is breakin g. a. Open the Top Print Cover. b.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 66 Resolving the Ribbon Breaking issues (continued) Step Procedure 4 Adjust the Image Placem ent. a. Reset the Printer to clear any Error Messages by removing Power and reapplyi ng.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 67 Resolving the Lamination (not ad hering to the ca rd surface) problem Symptom: The lami nation w ill not transfer to the card or is easily peeled off the card .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 68 Resolving the lamination (not adhering to the card surface) problem (cont.) Step Procedure 2 Check Lamina t ion Temperature. a. Open the Printer Co ntrol Pan el from the Compute r.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 69 Encoding Errors Resolving the Mag Verify Err or Message Symptoms: A M ag Verify error is displaye d on the LCD wh en attempting to encode .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 70 Resolving the Mag Verify Error Message (Continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure regarding this dis play.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 71 Determining w h y t he Printer cannot read encoded dat a Step Procedure 1 Veri fy that the cards are l oaded properly with the M ag netic Stripe facing d own and towards the bac k of the Prin ter.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 72 Resolving data intended for the Magnetic Str ipe (being printed on the card) proble m Step Procedure 1 Confirm tha t the applicatio n is formatting the magnetic s tring correctly .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 73 Diagnosing Image Problems Resolving the Pixel Failure prob lems Symptom: A thin line or scratch travels the entir e length of the ca rd. Step Proced ure 1 Check the card s tock for scratches.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 74 Resolving the Card Surface Deb ris problems Symptom: Print s have spots (w hite or colored voi ds) and/or dust on them. Step Proced ure 1 Be sure the cards a re clean and s tored in a dust -free env ironment.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 75 Resolving the Incorrect Image Da rkness prob lems Symptom: Printed cards are too dark or too li ght. Step Proced ure 1 Run a self-test to identify problems with the driv er settings.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 76 Resolving the Incorrect Image Darkness problems (continued) Step Proced ure 3 Correct the Image Darkness . See Using the Ima ge Darkness optio n in S ection 3, page 100.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 77 Resolving the Ribbon Wrinkle problems Symptom: Printed cards hav e off-colored li nes or streaks on them. Step Procedure 1 Conf irm that the P rinter is usin g the most current driver via: http://ww w.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 78 Resolving the Ribbon Wrinkle problems (continued) Step Procedure 3 Reduce the Image Darkness. See Using the Image Darkness option in Section 3, page 100.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 79 Resolving the Excessive Resin Printing prob lems Symptom: Blac k resin tex t and barcodes appea r smeared o r too thick. Step Proced ure 1 Reduce the Resin Heat settin g within the Ima ge Color tab o f the Printer Driv er .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 80 Resolving the Excessive Resin Printing problems (continued) Step Proced ure 2 Reduce the Ima ge Darkness. See Using the Ima ge Darkness option in Section 3, page 100.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 81 Resolving the Incomplete Res in Printing prob lems Symptom: Blac k resin tex t and barcodes appea r faded or too light. Step Procedure 1 Increase the Resin Heat setting withi n the Image Col or tab of the Printe r Driver.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 82 Resolving the Image Placemen t problems Symptom: Printin g is cut off or is not centered o n the card or a w hite border appea rs. Step Procedure 1 Verify if the Image Positi on option w ithin the Cali brate tab is set inco rrectly .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 83 Resolving the Image Placement problems (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 84 Resolving the Image Placement problems (continued) Step Procedure 2 Verify the Image Placemen t setting is set correctly . a. Open the Printer Co ntrol Pan el from the Compute r.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 85 Resolving the Image Placement problems (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 86 Resolving the Poor Image Qual ity problems Symptom: Photos on the cards lo ok pixil ated or grainy, as shown below.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 87 Running the Self Test Perform a self-test after (a) an ini tial setup of the Printer, (b) a calibration procedure has been conducted o r (c) a part has been replaced to check for proper Printer operation.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 88 Revie wi ng the Main Circu it Board Perform the standa rd self-test and the other test modes (made av ailabl e by changing the D IP Switch Settings w ithin the Printe r).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 89 Using the DIP S w itch (Self-test) Step Procedure 1 Activate any of these diagnostic tests and Cal ibration modes. See Running the Self Test in Sec tion 2, page 87.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 90 Using the DIP Switch (continued) Step Procedure 4 W hen completed , turn OFF the pow er to the Printer to reset the operatin g mode of the Printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 91 Setting the DIP Switch Sett ings ( Note: The capital letter “ X ” in dicates that the switch should be set to ON or DO W N.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 92 Running the 15-Shade Self Test This is the Sel f-test that app ears when speci fic changes are made to the DIP Swi tch Settings.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 93 Interfacing Information The Printer is equipped with a standard 8-bit Cen tronics-type Parall el Data Com munications Port.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 94 Revie wi ng the Ce ntronics Para llel Pin A ssi gnments Pin No. Signal Direction Description 1 ______ Strobe In A LO W pulse greater tha n 1 µ s causes the Printer to read one byte of data.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 95 Reviewing the Centronics Parallel Pin Assignments (continued) Pin No.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 96 Revie wi ng the P rinter Timing D iagram The timing diagram (below ) illustrates the data an d handshake li nes during the t ransfer of one data byte to the Computer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 97 Revie wi ng the P rinter Timing Interval Description Minimum Value Typical Value Tdsu Data setup time 0.5 µ s Tstr _____ Data strobe w idth 1 µ s Tack ______ Acknlg pulse width 3.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 98 Section 3: P rinter Adjustm ents Review this section for speci fic information on the .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 99 Using the Settings dialog box Access the Settin gs dialog box via the Settings button on the Calibrate tab .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 100 Using the Image D arkness opt ion Use this option to se t the ov erall darkness o f the printed ima ge by increasi ng or decreasing the amount of heat used by the Printhead w hen printing.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 101 Using the Image Placement option Use this option to ad just the len gthwise or horiz ontal position of the printed ima ge on a card so it appears cente red.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 102 Using the Print Length option Use this option to reduce or len gthen the overall printable area in order to optimize edge-to- edge printing tow ard the trailin g edge of a card.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 103 Using the Magne tic Offset option Use this option only if the Printe r has a built-in Magnetic Stripe encode r .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 104 Using the Flipp er Offset opt ion Use this option to se t the position o f the flipper so that it is lev el with the card path.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 105 Using the Lam ination Placemen t option Use this option to ad just the len gthwise or horiz ontal position of a PolyGuard pa tch on a card so it appears cente red.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 106 Using the Lamination Placement option (continued) Step Procedure 2 O nce adjustment is compl ete, click the OK but ton to sav e the adjustment s or click the Cancel bu tton to cancel any adjustments (jus t made).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 107 Adjusting the Card Flattene r Use the adjustable Ca rd Flattener to fine-tune the flatness of lamina ted cards. ( Note: This flattener wor ks by reverse bending card s as they e ject from the lamina tor w hile they are still warm.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 108 A djusting the Card Fla ttener (continued) Step Procedure 5 If laminated cards are bowi ng upward, turn the Ca rd Flattener Adjustment Knob clockwise or one full rotation, then p rint and lami nate a test card .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 109 Adjusting the Laminator Adjust the laminato r's Card Guid e Rail i f the PolyGuard patches a re being appl ied too closel y to or overlapping a card's top or bot tom edge (as the card travel s through the Prin ter.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 110 A djusting the Lamina tor (continued) Step Procedure 3 M ove the Card Guide Rai l sli.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 111 Printer Driver Options Access the Pro-L X Card Printer Properties wi ndow via Start > Settings > P rinters > Pro-LX Card Printer (icon) > Pro-LX Card Printer (w hich brings up the P ro-LX Card Prin ter Properties window).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 112 Using the Calibrate tab Use this option to (a) control the posi t ion of the prin table area in rela tion to the card, (b) calibrate Sensors and (c) adjust the internal Prin ter settings.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 113 Using Image Posi tion con trols Use the Image Pos ition controls to adjust the position o f the overall print area to be precisely centered on a card.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 114 Using Image Position controls (continued) Review the Image Position dia gram, which di splays how the printed image will move in relation to the fixe d card positio n as positiv e and negativ e image placement va lues are entered.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 115 Using the Lam ination Positio n control Use the Laminat ion Position con trol to adjust the horizontal position of th e PolyGuard overlaminate.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 116 Using the Senso rs and Sett ings butto ns Use the Sensors bu tton to bring up a separate dialog box for cali brating the Prin ter's ribbon and lamination Senso rs.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 117 Using the Sensors and Settings buttons (continued) Use the Settings button to bring u.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 118 Using the Magnetic Encoding tab Use this option only if the Printe r has an optiona l M agnetic Stripe Encoding M odule installed. This Section descri bes these options and the Printer 's magnetic encodin g process.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 119 Using the Magnetic Encoding tab (continued) Step Procedure 2 Adjust the following M agnetic Encoding options a ccordingly to chan g e the ISO Standards for Trac ks 1, 2 and 3 .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 120 Using the Encod ing Mode option Use the Encoding Mode option to specify the desi red, magnetic encodi ng standard.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 121 Using the Coerc ivity option Use the Coercivity opt ion to select the type of M agnetic Stripe to encode . Step Procedure 1 Select High Co to set the Oersted leve l to 2750 OR Select Low Co to set the Oersted Lev el to 300.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 122 Using the Magnetic Track Selection (continued) Step Procedure 1 Select a Track selection to: a. Change all options sepa rately for each of the thre e indiv idual Tracks.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 123 Revie wi ng the En able MLE Su pport checkbo x Multi-Language Ex t ension (MLE) suppor t in W ind ows XP can cause text strings to be broken up into fragmen ts.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 124 Using the Magne tic Track Opt ions Use the Magnetic Track options for these purpos es: Customize the IS O encoded data format for each of the Magnetic S tripe's three Tracks.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 125 Using the Bit Den si ty radio buttons Use this option to cu stomiz e the Bit Recordin g Density (Bits per Inch) used to encode the magnetic data on the currently selected Track.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 126 Using the A SCII Offset Use this option to cu stomiz e the Character ASCI I Offset used to encode the ma gnetic data on the currently sel ected Track.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 127 Using the LRC Ge neration radio buttons Use this option to cu stomiz e the LRC Generatio n Mod e (used to encode the magnetic data on the currently sel ected Track).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 128 Using the Ver ification radio butto ns Use this option to cu stomiz e the encoding veri fication settings.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 129 Using the Sh ift Data Left checkb ox Use this option to shi ft the recorded magnetic dat a to the left-hand si de of the card's Magnetic Stripe .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 130 Revie wi ng ISO Tr ack Locations Review the magnetic encodi ng module, w hich encodes onto Tracks in acco rdance with an ISO 7811-2 M agnetic Stripe.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 131 Sending Track Information Magnetic Track data is sent in the for m of text stri ngs from the appli cation so ftware to the Printer Drive r along with all of the o ther printable object s within the card design.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 132 Revie wi ng Tracks 1, 2 and 3 (in table format) Review this table, which displ ays the SS, ES, FS and the vali d characters de fined for each Track.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 133 Revie wi ng the A S CII Code and Ch aracter Table ASCII Code Character ASCII Code Cha.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 134 Using the Lamination tab Use these options to control the P rinter's laminati on process.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 135 Selecting from the Lamination Side drop down menu Use this option to cu stomiz e what side(s) of the card the Printer is suppo sed to laminate .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 136 Selecting from the Lamination Typ e dropdown menu Use the Lamination Type dropdow n menu to sele ct the correct option . Step Procedure 1 Select t he Poly G uard Lamination for either the 1.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 137 Selecting from Lamination Type dropdown menu (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 138 Selecting Lam ination D w ell Time and Temp erature Use the Lamination window to control the Lamina tion D well Time or throughpu t speed of a card in seconds/inch as w e ll as the Lamination Temperature .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 139 Using the O v erlay / Print A rea tab Use this option to con trol how the overlay (O) pan el and/or the prin t area wi ll appear on a card.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 140 Using the Over lay / Print A rea dropdown menu Step Procedure 1 Select t he Full Ca rd option for the Printer to ov erlay and/or print the entire ca rd.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 141 Using the Over lay / Print A rea Use these Overlay / Print A rea options to contro l both the print and overlay together or control each indiv idually .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 142 Using the Defined A r ea Option Step Procedure 1 Select t he Defined Area(s) option to activate the card grid in the uppe r half of the window .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 143 Using the Overlay / Print Area (continued) Step Procedure 2 W hen the card g rid is first activ ated, a small bl ack square wi ll appear at its default size of .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 144 Using the Overlay / Print Area (continued) Step Procedure 4 Follow this procedure once the area is sized prop erly. a. Measu re the location this desired a rea to be positi oned on the ca rd.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 145 Using the Overlay / Print Area (continued) Step Procedure 5 a. Print the card design and observ e how the i mage is oriented on the card as it ejects from the P rinter.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 146 Using the Overlay / Print Area (continued) Step Procedure 6 Use t he De fined Area arrow s to navigate back and forth from area to area .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 147 Using Security Opti ons (Visual Secu r ity Solutions) The Visual Security Solutions dropdow n menu list will be used to enabl e and select which type of visual security will be used.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 148 Selecting Orienta tion - Land scape un der Card tab Step Procedure 1 Select t he Landscape radio button (below) under Orientation unde r the Card Size tab to use the Visual Secu rity Solutions (A to D), as show n in this wind ow.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 149 Selecting the Visu al Security Solutions dropdo w n menu (A to D) Step Procedure 1 Cl.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 150 Selecting Orienta tion - Po rtfolio und er Card tab Step Procedure 1 Select t he Portrait radio bu tton (below) under Orientation under the Card Si ze tab to use the Visua l Security Solutions (E to H), as shown in this window .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 151 Selecting the Visu al Security Solutions dropdo w n menu (E to H) Step Procedure 1 Click on the Vi sual Security Solutions dropdow n menu under the Po rtrait - Orientation (see abov e) to use the op tions show n below.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 152 Selecting the Ver iMark radio button Step Procedure 1 Click on either the VeriMark or Holo Mark radio b utton, as show n below. The foil options are used to control the siz e of the excl usion area.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 153 Selecting the Holo Mark radio button Step Procedure 1 Click on the Holo Mark radi o button (below) for the squared-area size.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 154 Revie wi ng the Cu stom VeriMark Card (Custom Graph i c in a 2D fo il) The custom VeriM ark image is stamped on blank, standard-sized cards.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 155 Revie wi ng the Cu stom HoloMark Card (Custo m Graph ic in a 2D foil) The custom Hol oMark image is s tamped on blan k, standard-siz ed cards.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 156 Using SmartShie ld A r ea dropdo w n menu Use the SmartShiel d Area options, which appl y only if using the Printer's o ptional SmartGuard Secu rity Feature and the SmartSh ield option is enabled.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 157 Using the Image Color tab Select the A l gebraic color matching option and then use this op tion to control the Con t rast and Gamma o f the printed ima ge, as w ell as the indivi dual color balance of Yello w , Magenta and Cyan .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 158 Image Color Tab (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 159 Using the K Pan el Resin tab Select the K Pane l Resin option to control wh ere the resin black (K ) panel of a ful l-color ribbon is printed.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 160 Selecting from the Print A ll Black With K Panel option s W he n none o f the options.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 161 Selecting the Ful l Card op tion Step Procedure 1 Select t he Full Ca rd option for the Printer Driv er to print the resin black (K) panel for all black found w ithin all areas of the image.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 162 Selecting the Def ined A rea(s) option Step Procedure 1 Select t he Defined Area(s) option for the Printer D river to print the resi n black (K) panel for all blac k found only in a desired and de f ined area or areas.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 163 Selecting the Und efi ned A rea(s) option Step Procedure 1 Select t he Undef ined A rea(s) option for the Print er Driver to print the resin blac k (K) panel for all blac k found only in the space outs ide the defined a reas.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 164 Using the Define d A rea(s) function To define an area , refer to the followin g steps: Step Procedure 1 Click on the Defined A rea(s) check box.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 165 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Step Procedure 2 a. Determine the area of the card necessary to define. In the sa mple (below), this area is indicated by the dashed ou tline.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 166 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Step Procedure 4 Once the area is sized pr operly: Measu re the location for this area to be positione d on the card.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 167 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 168 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure. * 1 7 23 55 * Ka r e n At k ins Acce ss Le ve l- 2 ID # 12 3447 8 Y=0.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 169 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 170 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Step Procedure 6 Def ine another a rea by cli cking on the Defined A r ea up arrow. ( Note : Another .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 171 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Step Procedure 9 a.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 172 Using the Defined A r ea(s) function (continued) Refer to the prev ious procedure.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 173 Using the Device Options tab Use the Dev ice Options tab to sel ect options tha t control the Printer ’ s functio ns.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 174 Selecting the R ibbon Ty pe Use the Ribbon Type dropdow n m enu to select the cor rect ribbon type . Step Procedure 1 Select t he approp riate Ribbo n Ty pe option for the type o f Print Ribbon in u se.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 175 Selecting from the Color Match ing option s Use the Color Ma tchings options to meet or fit the requirements o f the current print job.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 176 Selecting from the Resin Dither dropdo w n menu Use the Resin Di ther options acco rding to the typ e of image being printing.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 177 Selecting the Pr int Both Sides checkb ox Use this option to au tomatically print on both the front and backside o f a card. Step Procedure 1 a.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 178 Selecting the Sp lit 1 Set of Ribbon P anels checkbox Use this option to au tomatically print full-color on the fron t of a card and resin black on the back of a card usin g any of the Full-Col or YMC+K Print Ribbon types.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 179 Using the Print Back Side Fi rst optio n Step Procedure 1 Select t his option i f you need to print the first pa ge of a tw o-page document on the backside o f the card.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 180 Selecting the Pr int Back Side Only checkbox Select this option to conveni ently print the bac kside of preprinted cards, whi ch also must have their M agnetic Stripe or sma rt card chip enc oded.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 181 Selecting the Buff er Single Card checkbox Use this option to force the Printer's memory to bu f fer or hold, only one pri nt job at a time.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 182 Selecting the Pau se for Lo w Ribbon chec kbox Use this option to generate a de finitive w arning when the Print Ribbon is r unning low .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 183 Using the Card tab Selecting the Ca rd Size Use this dropdow n menu to select the standard , credit card siz e CR-80 cards.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 184 Clicking on the A bout bu tton Click the A bout button to open a dialog box containing the copy right and v ersion information about this Printer Driver so ftware.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 185 Section 4: Cleani ng This Section deals w ith the Prin ter ’ s internal and external maintenance in regards to the unit's cleaning and general upkeep.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 186 Cleaning the Pr inthead Perform this procedu re approx imately ev ery 1,000 prints or as needed , dependi ng on the cleanliness o f the card stock and the environment in which the Printer is located.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 187 Cleaning the Ca rd Feed Ro llers The Card Feed Rol lers move the card throughou t the print process .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 188 Cleaning the Card Feed Rollers (continued) Step Procedure 4 a. I nsert the Cleanin g Card in to the Card Hopper , above the Card Input Tray, as normally done with any other type of card.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 189 Replacing the Cleaning Tap e The Card Cleanin g Cartridge re moves dust particl es from the top and bottom o f a blank card as it feeds into the P rinter.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 190 Replacing the Cleaning Tape (continued) Step Procedure 4 Push t he sprin g-loaded Re lease Tab in and lift the used cleanin g tape and the two (2) Tape Roll ers out o f the Cartridge, as show n below .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 191 Cleaning the Plat en Rolle rs Clean the Printer 's Platen Rolle rs approximately every 1,500 prints or as needed depe nding on the cleanlin ess of the card stoc k and the envi ronment in w hich the Printer is located.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 192 Cleaning the Pr inter ’ s Ext erior The Printer has a du rable casin g that should retai n its luster and appea r ance for many years.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 193 Cleaning the Mag netic Encoder Clean the Ma gnetic Encoder app roximately every 1,500 prints or as needed depend ing on the cleanliness o f the card stock and the env ironment in wh ich the Printer is located .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 194 Section 5: P acking the Pro-LX Card Printer The purpose o f this section to prov ide the User w i th a specific pac king procedure for the Pro- LX Card Printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 195 Section 6: B oard Level Diagnostics The purpose o f this section to prov ide the User w i th specific Board Lev el Diagnostic procedures for Boa rd Errors and Se nsor Testing for the Pro-LX Ca rd Printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 196 Resolving the DRA M M emory Error Symptom: A DRA M Memory Error is displaye d on the LCD display . Step Procedure 1 Reboot t he Prin ter.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 197 Revie wi ng the Se nsor Location and Voltages Use this table as a reference tool for Board Lev el Diagnostics. Sensor Location Pin Low Range VD C High Range VDC Print Ribbon ID J33 3 Present .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 198 Revie wi ng the Motor Voltages (when active) Use this table as a reference tool for Board Lev el Diagnostics. Motor Location Pin VDC Print Drive Stepper J2 2 4 5 Lamination Drive Stepper J24 4 5 Print Headli ft J27 1 17.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 199 Section 7: Fargo Technical S upport The purpose o f this section to prov ide the User w i th an efficient, step-by -step procedure to be used when conta cting Far go Technical Suppor t as needed for the Pro-LX Ca rd Printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 200 Reading the Serial Numbers on a Fargo printer The purpose o f this section is to prov ide updated instructions for readi ng serial number s on a Fargo printer.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 201 Section 8: Rev ie w ing the S pare Parts List Pro-LX ID Card Printer Recommended Spa re Parts List Effective Date: A pri l 2004 For current pricing s ee http ://www.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 202 Glossary of Terms Term Definition 24-bit color A color depth for an i mage tha t uses 8 bits fo r each color (red, blue, green) combinin g the possible 256 shade s to prov ide a color depth of 16.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 203 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Barcodes A series of alternating bl ack.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 204 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Cache A type of memory bu ffer to store data temporarily , used to hold information that is most o ften exchanged betw een controller and peripheral, to exped ite data transfer .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 205 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition CR-79 A card dimension s tandard of 2.0625 " L X 3.3125 " W (+/-0.002" W , +/-0.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 206 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Direct-to-Card (D TC) Printing The Direct-to-Card printing proces s prints digital i mages directly onto any plastic card with a smooth , clean, gloss y PVC sur face.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 207 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Dwell Time The speed at whi ch the card mov es across the la m roller, measu red in seconds/inch (sec /in).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 208 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Encoder (w heel) An electromechanical de vice , attached to a shaft t hat detects the change in rotatio nal positio n, incremented to coun t ticks per revolution.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 209 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Flash M emory A microchip based non -volatile memory device th at holds its data when pow er is removed.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 210 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Hard Drive A high capacity s torage dev ice in a PC consistin g of non- removable magne tically encodable platters.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 211 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition IEEE 1284 (Institu te of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1284) A standard method of signal ing for a bi-directiona l parallel interface on personal compute rs.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 212 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Landscape A document layout that is vi ewed with the docum ent's long axi s in a horizontal orienta tion.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 213 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition MB (Megaby te) A unit of storage that equ als 1,048,576 bytes.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 214 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Oversized Cards Oversiz ed cards are used for more efficient visu al identification and are avai lable in many non -standard sizes.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 215 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Pinch roller A f ree spinning (no n-driven) roll er that presses th e card a gainst the drive rolle r, on the opposi te side, to ensure an adequate normal force for proper traction.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 216 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Printhead T he devi ce on a Printer that produ ces the ima ge on the media. PVC Abbreviatio n for polyvinyl chloride, often called v inyl.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 217 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Resolution The number of indi vidual pix els in a graphic, take n over a giv en length, used to indi cate the sharpnes s of the pic ture and the le vel of detail.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 218 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Self-test A pre- determined p rint file used to confirm Printer operation typically sent from the driv er or stored in the Pri nter's memory.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 219 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Spooling Rather than mov ing a print jo.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 220 Glossary of Terms (continued) Term Definition Thermocouple A device for measuring t e.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 221 Term Definition USB (Univ ersal Serial Bus) A 1. 5M/sec (12M bit/sec) serial communication in terface that can support 127 separa te dev ices consisting of 4 w ires: power, ground, data in and d ata out.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 222 Index A About button, 184 AC - Alternating Current, 202 Accepted Card Thickness, 16 A.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 223 Cleaning Pad, 191 cleaning procedure, 46, 188 cleaning process, 187 Cleaning Roller, .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 224 Enable MLE Support checkbox, 123 Encode Before Print checkbox, 129 Encode Before Print option, 129 Encoder (smart card), 207 Encoder (wheel), 208 Encoder Sensor, 61 Encoder TOF Sensor, 197 Encoding Mode option, 120 End Sentinel (ES).
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 225 Invalid Shield, 42 ISO, 211 ISO 7811-2 Magnetic Stripe, 130 ISO encoded data format, .
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 226 O Oersted (Oe), 213 Offset, 213 Omit Signature Area setting, 143 On LED , 87 On LED L.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 227 PVC laminate, 29 Q Queue, 216 R RAM (Random Access Memory), 216 Rasterize, 216 Raster.
RESTRICTED US E ONLY Fargo Electronics , Inc. Pro-LX Lam inating Card Pri nter/Encoder Us er Guide ( Rev. 5.0) 228 supply side, ribbon, 63 Supply Voltage, 18 Surface mount, 219 Switch box, 219 System .
An important point after buying a device FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device FARGO electronics Pro-LX Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center