Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TM-U200 Epson
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Re tu rn to m ain men u TM-U200 Series (Type A) Opera tor’s Manual Using th is online operato r’s guid e The words on the l eft side of th is screen are b ookma rks for all the topics in thi s gu ide. Use th e scro ll bar next to the book marks to find any topic you want .
TM-U200 Series (Type A) Operator’s Manual 400898901.
Note: Everythin g i n this manua l applies to the TM -U210 pr in ter. Printer parts and Labels Printer cover Draw er kic k-o ut conne ctors Power co nnector Interface Connector DIP s witc hes Power sw.
Control panel Caution Labels CAUTION: Head cover and prin ter head are hot. CAUTION: Caut ion la be l for dra wer kick -out . Instruction Label PAPER FE ED button ERRO R lig h t POWER l ight PAPER O U.
i All rig hts reserved . No part of this pu blication may be repr oduced, stored in a retr ieval sys tem, or tran smitte d in any form or by any mea ns, me chani cal, photocopying , recording, or otherw ise, without the prior w ritten permis sion of Se iko Epson C orpora tion.
ii FCC CLASS A FCC Compliance Statement For Amer ican U sers This eq uipment ha s been te sted and found to com ply with the lim its for a Class A digital dev ice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
iii Product Name: Printer Model Name: M119A This printer conforms to the following Directives and Norms: Directive 89/336/EEC EN 55022 (1987 and 1994 2nd/1995) Clas s B EN 50082-1 (1992) IEC 801-2 (19.
iv Introductio n Features The TM-U200 Seri es Type A printer i s one-station printer for ECR and POS use that can pr int the result s of we ighing or measuring .
v About This Manual Setting Up and Using ❏ Chapter 1 contain s informa tion o n unpac king the printe r, settin g it up, running the self test, an d setting the DIP sw itches. ❏ Chapter 2 cont ains inform ation o n using the pri nter. ❏ Chapter 3 contains t roubleshooting information .
vi Contents Chapter 1 Set ting Up the Printer Unpackin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Selecting the Pla ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up the Printer 1–1 Chapt er 1 Setting Up the Printer Unpacking When you unpack the TM-U200 Seri es Type A pri nter, mak e sure you have these i tems. If any item is missing o r damaged, plea se contact your deale r for assistance. Note: See the Note on page 1 -5 for information on the screws.
1–2 Setting Up the Printer The print er shoul d be instal led so that it does not move or vi brate during paper cutt ing or the d rawer kick-out operation.
Setting Up the Printer 1–3 3. Two spacers a re included with t he near-end detector. See the illustrat ion below, a nd decide whether or not you want to use them. Use them if you want th e near-end dete ctor to be triggered when distance A is 3 t o 4 mm (0.
1–4 Setting Up the Printer 5. Connect the co nnector of the detector to CN11 on t he printer. Position the cable as shown in the illustrat ion. 6. Replace the co ver and fasten it wit h the four screws.
Setting Up the Printer 1–5 Connectin g the Printe r to the Com puter You need an ap propriate seri al inter face or pa rallel inter face cable to connect your c omputer to the p rinte r (null modem seri al or IEEE 1284 par allel). The Model wit h Ser ial Interf ace 1.
1–6 Setting Up the Printer The Model with Parallel Interface 1. Make sure t he printer and computer a re turned of f. Then, plu g the cable int o the connector on the printer, as sho wn. Note: Squeeze the wire clips on the p rinter together until they lock in place on both sides of the connector.
Setting Up the Printer 1–7 Plug the d rawer cable i nto the dra wer kick-out connec tor on the bottom of the pri nter next to the comp uter interface co nnector. CAUTION: Do not con nect a telepho ne line to the dra wer kick-out connec tor; otherw ise the print er an d th e tele phon e li ne may be d amaged.
1–8 Setting Up the Printer Den Druck er an die Lade anschließen Das Kabel der L ade an die Schnappstec kerbuchse (neben der Schnittst ellenbuchse) an der Unter seite des Dru ckers anschließ en. ACHTUNG: Kein Tel efonkab el an die Schnappste ckerbuch se anschl ießen.
Setting Up the Printer 1–9 Grounding the Printer You need a gr ound wire to gr ound your p rinter. Ma ke sure the wire meets th e specificati on below. Thickness of wire: AWG 18 or e quivalent Diameter o f terminal to be attached : 3.2 1. Make sure t hat the pri nter is tur ned off.
1–10 Setting Up the Printer Conne cting th e Po wer S upply This pri nter requir es an externa l power supp ly. Be su re to use a power supp ly that mat ches the specifica tions liste d under “Electr ical Specificat ions” in Chap ter 4. WARNING: Using an in correct po wer supply may cau se fire or electri cal shock.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 11 1. Make sur e the print er and power supply are tu rned off. 2. Plug the p ower supply’s c able into the printer ’s connector as shown below. Note that the flat si de of the connect or faces down. 3. Plug the p ower supp ly’s cord into a n outlet.
1–12 Setting Up the Printer Installing the Ribbon Ca ssette CAUTION: Never tur n the ribbon casse tte’s feed kn ob in the opposite directi on of the arrow marked on the ca ssette; other wise the ribbon cassette may be damag ed. Do not replace t he ribbon cassette while you are using the prin ter.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 13 Not e: Make sure the ribbon is installed between the print head and the platen without wrinkles or creases..
1–14 Setting Up the Printer 5. Turn the ribbon casset te’s knob 2 or 3 times in the d irection of the arrow again to ta ke up any sla ck in the ri bbon. 6. Close the aut o cutter by u sing the tab. 7. Close the pr inter cove r. To rem ove the ribbon cassett e, fo llo w th e st eps b e low.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 15 Installing the Paper Roll CAUTION: Be sure the pri nter is not r eceivin g data when you repl ace a paper r oll. If there i s data , print ing wil l start. Notes: Be sure to use roll paper that meets the specifications.
1–16 Setting Up the Printer 3. Insert the pape r roll. Note: Be sure to note the correct direction that the paper comes off the roll, as shown below.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 17 4. Open the aut o cutter by pul ling the t ab up and towar d you..
1–18 Setting Up the Printer 5. Hold bo th edge s of the pap er and i nsert i t straight into the paper s lot. The prin ter feeds the paper automatica lly. 6. When using a 2-pl y roll paper , remove the j ournal tak e-up spool from t he printer, and insert the end of the paper into the spool as shown below.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 19 7. In se rt th e jour nal ta ke -u p spoo l in the pri n ter. 8. Cut the rec eipt paper (when using a 2-pl y roll pape r) on the manual cutt er. 9. Close the aut o cutter by u sing the tab. B e sure to check a gain that the l eft side of the paper is aligned with the spool ’s flang e as shown below.
1–20 Setting Up the Printer 2. Cut the jo urnal a nd receipt paper as shown in the il lustra tion below. 3. Remove the paper t ake-up spo ol from the printer. 4. Re m o ve t h e pape r rol l from the pr inte r. 5. Press the FEED butto n to remove the remaining paper.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 21 Note: Be sure to install the ribbon cassette and the paper roll before you run the self test. 1. To p erfor m the se lf test, h old do wn th e FEED button whi le you turn on the p rin ter w ith t h e pow er sw i tch . 2.
1–22 Setting Up the Printer 2. Turn the p rinter over a nd remove the D IP switch acce ss cover, as shown below. 3. There are two set s of switches. Use tweezers or another nar row tool to move the switches. 4. Use the following tables to set t he DIP switches.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 23 CAUTION: Do not change the sett ings of swi tches 2-2, 2-3 , 2-5, and 2- 6. Changing th ese settings may cause inf erior print quali ty.
1–24 Setting Up the Printer CAUTION: Do not change the sett ings of swi tches 2-2, 2-3 , 2-5, 2-6, an d 2-8. Cha nging these setti ngs may cause infe rior prin t quality.
Setting Up the Pri nter 1– 25 Using the Power Sw itch Cover You can use the provided power switc h cover to pr ote c t the power switch from acc idental or improper oper ation.
1–26 Setting Up the Printer Affixing the Fastening Tape (Option) Two sets of tape are inclu ded as an opt ion to fasten y our print er to a countert op or o ther surface. Fo llow the steps be low: 1. Clean the cou ntertop or ot her surface wh ere the prin ter will be insta lled.
Using the Printer 2-1 Chapt er 2 Using the Printer Operating the Control Pa nel You can feed pa per with the button on t he control p anel. The indic a tor l ig hts he lp y ou moni tor t he pr in ter’s st atu s . Switch The power swi tch on the front of the prin ter turns th e printer o n and off .
2-2 Using the Printer Indicator lights The contro l panel li ghts provid e information o n printer c onditions. POWER (Gre en) The POWER light is o n wh en pri nte r pow er is on. PAPER OUT (Red) This lig ht is on when the paper rol l is at the e nd or near t he end.
Using the Printer 2-3 CAUTION: The pr int h ead be com es ver y hot d uring prin ting. A llo w it to cool be fore you r each into th e printer . Note: The power switch and F EED button can also be u sed to start the self test.
Troubleshooti ng 3-1 Chapt e r 3 Troubles hooting Troubleshooting This c ha p ter gi ves solu tion s to some o f the mo re co m m on pr in ter prob lem s.
3-2 Troubleshooting The ERROR light is off, but noth ing is printed . Try to run the self test to check that the pr inter works pro perly . See the self test instructions in Chapter 1 to run the self test. If the sel f test does no t work, conta ct your dealer or a quali fied servic e perso n.
Troubleshooti ng 3-3 A line of dots is missing in the printout. The print head may be damag ed. Stop pr inting and cont act your dealer o r a qualifi ed service p erson. Removing jammed paper Follow t hese steps to cl ear a paper jam: CAUTION: The pr int h ead be com es ver y hot d uring prin ting.
3-4 Troubleshooting 3. Re m o ve t h e pape r rol l from the pr inte r. 4. Open the aut o cutter by pul ling the t ab up and towar d you. 5. Re m o ve t h e jam m e d pa per by pullin g it in the d irect ion o f paper feed ing. Note: Do not pull the j ammed paper in the opposi te direction of p aper feeding.
Troubleshooti ng 3-5 8. Loosen the screw securi ng the print head cover. Turn the screw only until you can tilt i t as shown i n the illu strati on. Note: Do not remove the screw from the print hea d cover.
3-6 Troubleshooting 9. Lift up the prin t head cov er. 10. Remove all t he jammed pa per. Note: Do not pull the j ammed paper in the opposi te direction of p aper feeding. 11. Replace the p rint head c over and secure it with the scr ew. 12. Replace the r ibbon cassette and close the a uto cutter .
Troubleshooti ng 3-7 13. If the aut o cutter blade is not in its normal position (i f you can see the blade i n the auto c utter slit , the blade i s not in the normal pos ition), insert a screwd river to the right si de of the auto cut ter and tur n the gear in side to move the bla de to the normal pos ition.
3-8 Troubleshooting To use the hex dump fea ture, follow these st eps: 1. After yo u make sur e that t he print er is off, set DI P switch 1- 2 to ON . 2. Tu rn on the pr int er wh ile you hold do wn th e FEED button; then releas e and press the FEED button qui ckl y.
Reference Information 4-1 Chapt er 4 Refere n c e Info rma tio n Printing Specific ations Note: When printing exceeds the allowable print du ty cycle, the printer automatically stops printing. In this case, the printi ng speed described above is not guaranteed.
4-2 Reference Information Char acter Speci f icat ions CPL = C haracters per line CPI = Ch aracters per i nch LPS = Lines p er second ANK = Al phanum eric char acters Note: • The de faul t is 7 x 9 font.
Reference Information 4-3 Paper Spec ifications Paper feed m et ho d: Frict ion fee d Paper fee d pitch : Default 4.233 mm (1/6 inch) Can be set in u nit s of 0.17 6 mm (1/144 inch) by the ESC 2 and ES C 3 commands. Paper feed speed : Approximat ely 25 line s/second (4.
4-4 Reference Information Pressure sensitive pa per Maximum 1 ori ginal + 1 cop y Size: Width 76 mm ± 0.5 mm (3.0" ± 0.02") Maximum outside diameter: 83 mm (3.27") Thickness: 0 .05 to 0. 08 mm (.0020 to .0031") (Total thickness should be a 0.
Reference Information 4-5 Electrical Specifica tions Packaged AC adap ter: One of the foll owing 5 AC a dapters is selecte d, dependi ng on loc al power: Note: The power supply may not be includ ed with the printer with serial interface. Voltage ou tput ra ng e 24 - 30 V a t 1.
4-6 Reference Information Reliability Life: Mecha nism 7,500,000 lin es Print head: 150 mil lion chara cters (at an a verage of 2 dots/wi re per character .) Auto cutter: 800,00 0 cuts End of life is d efined as the poi nt at which the pr inter reac hes the beginning of t he Wearout Peri od.
Reference Information 4-7 Environmental Conditions Temperatu re Operati ng: Storage: 0 to 5 0 ° C (32 to 122 ° F) (when the temper ature is 34 ° C or more, ther e is a lim it at ion fo r th e hum i dity .
4-8 Reference Information Int erfa ce S pec i fica ti ons Note: The interface is a factory-installed option. One of the following interfaces is already installed: RS-232, RS-4 85, or parallel. See the EPSON TM-U200 Series (Type A) Specification for details.
An important point after buying a device Epson TM-U200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson TM-U200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson TM-U200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson TM-U200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson TM-U200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson TM-U200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson TM-U200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson TM-U200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson TM-U200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center