Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product S5U1C17801T1100 Epson
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CMOS 16 - BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER (Software Evaluation Tool for S1C17801) S5U1C17801T1100 Hardware Manual.
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Devices S1 C 17xxx F 00E1 Packing specifications 00 : Besides tape & reel 0A : TCP BL 2 directions 0B : T ape & reel BACK 0C : TCP BR 2 directions 0D : TCP BT 2 directions 0E : TCP BD 2 direct.
T ABLE OF CONTENTS S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON i (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) - T able of Contents - 1 Features .................................................................................................................
T ABLE OF CONTENTS ii EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 19 Audio Connection Circuit .......................................................................................... 42 Switching Audio Master Clock .
1 FEA TURES S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 1 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 1 F eatur es S 5 U 1 C 17801 T 1100 (Software eV aluation T ool for S 1 C 17801 . Hereafter referred to as SVT 17801 )is an ev aluation board for MCU S 1 C 17801 manufactured by SEIK O EPSON.
2 CONTENTS OF P ACKAGE 2 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 2 Contents of Package The following lists the contents of S 5 U 1 C 17801 T 1100 package: ( 1 ) SVT 17801 CPU Board (Main body) ...............
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 3 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 3 Name and Functions of Each Part Name of Each Part The following describes name and functions of each part: Fig.
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART 4 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Fig. 3 . 1 . 2 Name of Each Surface Mounted Part (without LCD Panel) ( 1 ) Infra.
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 5 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Fig. 3 . 1 . 3 Name of Each Rear Face Mounted Part ( 1 ) Rotary encoder with Swi.
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART 6 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Fig. 3 . 1 . 4 Name of Each Part Mounted on Rear Face of LCD Board ( 1 ) Connect.
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 7 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Board Dimensions CPU Board Dimensions The following drawing shows dimensions of the CPU board. <Surface> SP1 SP2 1 1 1 J13 12 2 D1 17 1 J12 1 2 S7 63 53 7.
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART 8 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) ICD Board Dimensions The following drawing shows dimensions of the ICD board. <Parts Side View> 4 21.5 37.5 43 50 4- φ 3.5 through hole 4-R2 4 4- φ 7 land 5.
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 9 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) LCD Board Dimensions The following drawing shows dimensions of the LCD board. <Surface> 1 12 6- φ 3.3(NTH) 19 5 15 10 5 3 5 5 80 10 51 51 20 90 65.
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART 10 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) LCD Panel Board Dimensions The fol lowi ng d rawi ng sh ows dime nsio ns o f th e LC D pan el ( EW 32 F 9 2 FL WP manuf actu red by I MAGI NG D IS- PLA Y).
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 1 1 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Main Parts <CPU Board> CPU (U 13 ) S 1 C 17801 SEIKO EPSON CORP . Crystal oscillator ( 32 . 768 kHz) (X 1 ) FC- 135 EPSON TOYOCOM CORP .
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART 12 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Functions of Each Part ICD Board Th e I CD bo ar d i s a h ard wa re to ol (e mul ato r) to f aci lit at e t he ef fi cie nc y o f s of twa re de vel op men t for t he S 1 C 17 80 1 .
3 NAME AND FUNCTIONS OF EACH P ART S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 13 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) ∗ Installing and Removing Coin Battery The f ollowing describe s instal lation a nd remova l proced ures of a coin c ell to/fr om the s ocket on the rear face of the CPU board.
4 BLOCK DIAGRAM 14 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 4 Block Diagram Each block diagram for the the SVT 17801 CPU board and ICD board is shown below .
5 OPERA TING ENVIRONMENTS AND ST ARTING PROCEDURES S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 15 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 5 Operating Environments and Starting Procedures By co nne ctin g w ith yo ur PC via th e I CD b oar d, the SV T 17 801 can be op era ted in ac cor dan ce w ith co mma nds ex - ec ute d by a deb ugg er on th e PC.
5 OPERA TING ENVIRONMENTS AND ST ARTING PROCEDURES S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 17 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) When the USB driver has been installed successfully ,it appears on the device manager as shown below . Notes : If the driver does not appears on the device manager as shown above, install the USB driver again.
5 OPERA TING ENVIRONMENTS AND ST ARTING PROCEDURES 18 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Standalone Operation of SVT 17801 The SVT 17801 CPU board can be operated as stand-alone without using the ICD board and PC.
7 I/O PORT 20 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 7 I/O Port T able 7 . 1 lists ports on the S 1 C 17801 and the destination of the connection for the SVT 17801 . For information about expansion interface and connectors, see Chapter 22 .
7 I/O PORT S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 21 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Port Direction Multiplex Signal Name Connected to P 62 I/O Memory P 62 /A 2 Expansion I/F (Connector No.
8 JUMPER SWITCH SETTINGS 22 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 8 Jumper Switch Settings Three jumper switches are installed on the surface of the SVT 17801 .
8 JUMPER SWITCH SETTINGS S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 23 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Setting for JP 2 JP 2 can be used to selec t th e po wer supp ly s ourc e for R TCV DD as s hown in the foll owin g. Sh ort 2 - 3 on J P 2 to se- lect V DD for t he power supply t o RTC V DD , where as 1 - 3 t o select battery .
8 JUMPER SWITCH SETTINGS 24 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Setting for JP 3 JP 3 wiring, allowing for three functions, is shown in the following. ∗ 1 - 2 Shorted Power is supplied to LCD backlight.
9 CONNECTION CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL MEMORY S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 25 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 9 C o n ne c t i o n C i r c u i t t o E x t e rn a l M em o r y SRAM , NOR Flash, NAND F lash, and EE PROM a re conn ected to the SVT 1 7801 a s exte rnal m emory m odules .
9 CONNECTION CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL MEMORY 26 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) NOR Flash Connection Circuit SP AN IO N 6 4 M bi ts NO R F las h (S 2 9 J L 06 4 H) i s i nst al led o n t he SV T 17 801 . The f oll owi ng di ag ram sh ow s h ow th e EEPROM is connected to the SVT 17801 .
9 CONNECTION CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL MEMORY S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 27 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) NAND Flash Connection Circuit MICR ON 2 G bits NAND Fla sh (MT 29 F 2 G 08 A A CWP) is in sta lle d on the SVT 1 780 1 . The following diag ram shows ho w the EEPR OM is conne cted t o the SVT 1 780 1 .
9 CONNECTION CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL MEMORY 28 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) EEPROM Connection Circuit MICR OCHIP 25 6 K bits EEPROM ( 24 AA 2 56 ) is install ed on t he SVT 17 801 . Th e follo wing di agram s hows ho w the EEPROM is connected to the SVT 17801 .
10 POWER CONTROL CIRCUIT FOR BA TTER Y BACKUP FUNCTION S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 29 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 10 Power Control Circuit for Battery Backup Function SVT 1780 1 ha s a batt ery backu p fu ncti on, and is e quipp ed w ith a po wer cont rol circu it a llow ing for this fun ction .
10 POWER CONTROL CIRCUIT FOR BA TTER Y BACKUP FUNCTION 30 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) #STBY Pin This pin is used to disconnect the RTCV DD line from the V DD line (A V DD line) electrically .
10 POWER CONTROL CIRCUIT FOR BA TTER Y BACKUP FUNCTION S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 31 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) ➆ Set the W AKEUP signal to LOW . → ∗ The power switch is being pressed during above steps. ➇ Setting for standby mode has been completed.
1 1 LCD P ANEL CONNECTION CIRCUIT 32 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 11 LCD Panel Connection Circuit The S 1 C 178 01 h as a bui lt-i n LC D c ontr olle r (L CDC) tha t s uppo rts the mono chr ome STN LCD pane l an d p aral - lel in terf ace.
1 1 LCD P ANEL CONNECTION CIRCUIT S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 33 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) T ouch Panel Controller Connection Circuit The to uch panel function is install ed in the LCD panel module on the SVT 17801 . The follow ing shows how the touch panel is connected to the S 1 C 17801 .
12 KEY INPUT CIRCUIT ON CPU BOARD 34 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 12 Key Input Circuit on CPU Board Sw itch es conn ect ed to t he SVT 1 780 1 (S 1 - S 6 ) ar e c onne cte d wi th the AD inp ut p ort (AI N 7 ) and in put por t ( P 31 ) on the S 1 C 17801 as shown in the figure 12 .
13 ROT ARY ENCODER CONNECTION CIRCUIT S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 35 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 13 Rotary Encoder Connection Circuit The rotary encoder connect ed to the SVT 1 7801 is connecte d with three port inputs (P 31 , PC 0 and PC 1 ) on the S 1 C 17801 as shown in the figure 13 .
14 TRI-COLOR LED CONNECTION CIRCUIT 36 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 14 T ri-color LED Connection Circuit The SVT 1 7801 is e quip ped w ith a tri -colo r LE D bei ng c onnec ted to th e S 1 C 1 7801 as s hown in t he f ollow ing dia- gram.
15 LED/LCD BACKLIGHT CONTROL CIRCUIT WITH MFT 0 S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 37 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 15 LED/LCD Backlight Control Circuit with MFT 0 The SV T 17801 is equipped w ith a LED that can b e controll ed by MFT 0 .
16 INFRARED EMITTING DIODE/RECEIVING MODULE CONNECTION CIRCUIT S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 39 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Emitting and Receiving from/by Infrared Area Whe n tw o SV T 1780 1 un its are used for send er a nd r ecei ver as s hown in t he f igur e 16 .
17 MMC (MUL TI-MEDIA CARD) CONNECTION CIRCUIT 40 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 17 MM C ( Mu lti -Me di a C ard ) Co nne ct ion Ci rc uit Th e S VT 1 780 1 i s e qui ppe d wit h a MM C c ard so cke t b ein g c onn ect ed to th e S 1 C 1 78 01 wit h S PI mod e a s s how n i n the following diagram.
18 USB Connection Circuit S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 41 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 18 USB Connection Circuit The SVT 17801 is equipped with a USB miniB connector being connected to the S 1 C 17801 as shown in the following diagram.
19 AUDIO CONNECTION CIRCUIT 42 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 19 Audio Connection Circuit The SVT 17801 is equipped with a 16 -bit AudioCodec (TI model PCM 3793 ). SVT 17801 circuit related to the AudioCodec is shown in the following diagram.
20 EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF PORTS S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 43 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 20 Exclusive Control of Ports Th e SV T 17 801 us es five po rts ex clus ive ly by con nect ing th em to s wit ch ICs as sho wn in the fol low ing .
21 SERIAL 44 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 21 Serial The S 1 C 17801 has SPI, UART , I 2 C, and I 2 S serial ports.
22 SPECIFICA TIONS FOR CPU BOARD CONNECTORS S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 45 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) 22 Specifications For Cpu Board Connectors The SV T 178 01 C PU b oard is equ ippe d wi th f ive conn ect ors (No. J 6 , J 7 , J 8 , J 1 2 an d J 1 3 ).
22 SPECIFICA TIONS FOR CPU BOARD CONNECTORS 46 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) J 7 Connector The following shows specifications of J 7 , a connector for expansion board.
22 SPECIFICA TIONS FOR CPU BOARD CONNECTORS S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 47 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) J 8 Connector The following shows specifications of J 8 , a connector for expansion board.
22 SPECIFICA TIONS FOR CPU BOARD CONNECTORS 48 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) J 12 Connector The following shows specifications of J 12 , a connector for expansion board. This connector is used for the connection with the LCD board.
22 SPECIFICA TIONS FOR CPU BOARD CONNECTORS S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 49 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) J 13 Connector The following shows specifications of J 13 , a connector for expansion board. This connector is used for the connection with the LCD board.
22 SPECIFICA TIONS FOR CPU BOARD CONNECTORS 50 EPSON S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) J 18 Connector The following shows specifications of J 18 , a connector for expansion board. This connector can be used for connection with external bus and others.
Appendix A HOW T O MEASURE CURRENT CONSUMPTION S5U1C17801T1 100 HARDW ARE MANUAL EPSON 51 (SOFTW ARE EV ALUA TION TOOL FOR S1C17801) Appendix A How to Measure Current Consumption For measuring current consumption of the single S 1 C 17801 unit, jumpers (JP 4 ,JP 5 ,JP 2 ) are available on the SV T 17 80 1 C PU bo ard .
AMERICA EPSON ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. HEADQUARTERS 2580 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, U.S.A. Phone: +1-800-228-3964 Fax: +1-408-922-0238 SALES OFFICE Northeast 301 Edgewater Place, Suite 210 W akefi eld, MA 01880, U.
First issue July, 2008 Printed in Japan A H (Software Evaluation Tool for S1C17801) S 5U1C17801T1100 Hardware Manual EPSON Electronic Devices Website SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS DIVISION http://www.
An important point after buying a device Epson S5U1C17801T1100 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson S5U1C17801T1100 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson S5U1C17801T1100 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson S5U1C17801T1100 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson S5U1C17801T1100 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson S5U1C17801T1100, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson S5U1C17801T1100.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson S5U1C17801T1100. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson S5U1C17801T1100 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center