Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product EM07ZS1647F Epson
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Rev.6 EM07ZS1647F EPSON RC+ Option Fieldbus I/O.
E PSON RC+ Option Fieldbus I/O Rev.6.
EPSON RC+ Option Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 Copyright © 2005-2007 SEIKO EPSON CO RPORATION. All rights reserved. Fieldbus I/O Rev.6 i.
FOREWORD This manual contains im portant inform ation necessary to use the E PSON RC+ option Fieldbus I/O properly an d safely. This manual is i ntended for personn el who perform any operations tha t use the pend ant, such as teach ing robot points. Please thoroughly re ad this and o ther related m anuals before and w hile using t he equipment.
TRADEMARKS Microsoft, W indows, and W indows logo are either registered trademarks or tradem arks of Microsoft Corporatio n in the United S tates and/or other c ountries. Oth er brand an d product names are tradem arks or registered trademarks of the respective hol ders.
MANUF ACTURER & SUPPLIER Japan & Others SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION Suwa Minami Plant Factory Automation Systems Dept. 1010 Fujimi, Fujimi-machi, Suwa-gun, Nagano, 399-0295 JAPAN TEL : +81-266-61-1802 FAX : +81-266-61-1846 SUPPLIERS North & South America EPSON AMERICA, INC.
Before Reading This Manual This section describes what you sh ould know before reading this m anual. Safety Precautions Installation and tra nsportation of robots a nd robotic equi pment shall be perform ed by qualified pers onnel and sho uld conform to all national and local c odes.
vi Fieldbus I/O Rev.6.
Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................... 1 1.1 Overview of Fieldbus I/O............................................................ 1 1.2 Device Net ......................................
Table of Contents 2.9 DeviceNet Board Installati on ................................................... 54 2.9.1 Board Appearanc e ........................................................................ 54 2.9.2 S pecif icati ons ....................
Table of Contents 5. Maintenance Parts List ................................................ 151 Appendix A applicomIO Upgrade ........................
Table of Contents x Fieldbus I/O Rev.6.
1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Overview of Fieldbus I/O The Fieldbus I/O option is an integra ted I/O syste m that supports DeviceNet, PROFIBUS DP, and EtherNet/IP fieldbuses. A fieldbus is a standard of signal com munications betwee n field devices o perating in a factory (sensor, actuator, robot controller, etc.
1. Introduction 1.2 DeviceNet Overview of DeviceNet DeviceNet is a fieldbus net work that provides easy interconne ction between co ntrol devices (PLC, PC, sensor, actuator, etc.). DeviceNet was developed by Allen-Bradley as an open communication standard to connect various field devices (sensor, ac tuator, robot controller, etc.
1. Introduction Different Connection Types There are two m essaging connecti ons: I/O m essaging conne ction and e xplicit m essaging connection. T he I/O messaging connection i ncludes pollin g, strobe, cyclic, and change of state.
1. Introduction General Specifications Electrical Specifications Item Specification Supply Voltage 5 V DC (supplied from a controller) Power Consum ption 7 W Ambient Temperat ure 5-40 deg C Relative H.
1. Introduction 1.3 PROFIBUS DP Overview of PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS DP is one of fiel dbus networks tha t provide e asy interconnecti on between control devices (PLC, PC, sensor, a ctuator, etc.
1. Introduction Functions of Master There are two types of PROFIBUS DP master : DPM1 and DPM2. DPM1 (DP Master Class 1) gathers and contro ls all stations on one PROFIBUS DP networ k. DPM2 (DP m aster Class 2) operates network c onfigurations, networ k maintenanc e, and diag nosis.
1. Introduction General Specifications Electrical Specifications Item Specification Supply Voltage 5 V DC (supplied from a controller) Power Consumption 5.
1. Introduction 1.4 EtherNet/IP Overview of EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP is a fieldb us network that provides easy intercon nection betwee n control dev ices (PLC, PC, sensor, actuator, etc.). EtherNet/IP was develo ped by Alle n-Bradley as an open comm unication standar d to conn ect various field devic es (sensor, actuator , robot controll er, etc.
1. Introduction Large Numbers of Inputs/Outputs For EPSON RC+ standard I /O and expansion I/O, the number of i nputs/outputs is limited to 512 inputs and 5 12 outputs. When configuring a device to be a m a ster of fieldbus I/O, y ou can control more than 16,000 tot al inputs and out puts.
1. Introduction General Specifications Electrical Specifications Item Specification Supply Voltage 5 V DC (supplied from a controller) Power Consumption 5.
2. Installation 2. Installation This chapter contai ns procedures for insta lling a DeviceN et, PROFIBUS DP, or EtherN et/IP network. Refer to the sections tha t correspond to the type of netw ork you are installing. 2.1 How to Setup a DeviceNet Network The following is a basic procedure fo r se tting up a De viceNet netw ork: 1.
2. Installation 2.2 DeviceNet Network Construction Network Configuration A DeviceNet netw ork is config ured as shown in t he following fi gure. Communic ations p ower su pp l y Node Node Node Node Node Node Node Use Devic eNet cabl es. Ground to 100 Ω or less.
2. Installation Thick Cable Thin Cable Braid Shield Signal Wire (Blue/ W h ite) Power W ire (Red/Black) 1 1.2 to 12.1 mm out s ide dia meter Shield Wire Braid Shield Signal W ire (Blue/ W hite) Power W ire (Red/Black) Shield Wire 6.
2. Installation Maximum Network Length (Maximum Trunk Length) The maxim um network len gth is the long est distance either between t erminating res istors or between the two most dista nt nodes on the network. T erminating Resisto r T runk Line The longe st dist ance is the m ax imum netw ork length.
2. Installation Total Drop Line Length The total drop line length is the total distance of all drop lines on one network. T runk Line 2 m 2 m 1 m 1 m 3 m 4 m 4 m T erminating Resi stor T erminating Resi stor In the figure abo ve, the total drop line leng th is 17 m.
2. Installation If the current capacity consum ed on the networ k exc eeds the restricti on of cable curr ent capacity, it is possible to ins tall more than one power supply on t he network. If y ou attempt to install two or more power supp lies on the netw ork, take necessary measures (pul ling out a fuse on the power supp ly tap, etc.
2. Installation (2) Carefully expand the m eshes of the braided shield. Under the braided shi eld, there is one exposed bare twisted shield wire other t han the signal w ires and power wires that are wrapped with alum inum tape. The shield wire is slightly harder than the m esh .
2. Installation (7) Tighten each screw securing the wir es on the connector. Tighten the screw securi ng the wire at a c orrect tightening torque (0. 25 to 0.3 N·m) . To prevent thick cable from com ing out due t o cable tensio n, install enou gh thick ca ble length to al low for stretch.
2. Installation 2.3 How to Setup a PROFIBUS DP Network The following is a basic procedure for se tting up a PROF IBUS DP network: 1. Choose statio n distribution and distribut ion route on y our network. For details, refer to the following se ction 2.
2. Installation 2.4 PROFIBUS DP Network Construction Network Configuration A PROFIBUS DP network is config ured as shown in the followin g figure. Slave Master 1 Master 2 Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave.
2. Installation It is recommended tha t a 9-pin D-Sub c onnector be used for protecting rating IP 2 0. For IP 65/67, M12 con nector in accorda nce with IEC 947-5- 2, Han-Bird co nnector in acco rdance with DESINA, and Siemens hybr id connector are available.
2. Installation PROFIBUS DP requires app roximately 1 ms at 12 Mbp s for the transm ission of 512 bits in put data and 512 bits output da ta distribut ed over 32 stations . The followi ng figure show s typical PROFIBUS DP transmission t imes depending on the num ber of stations and baud rate.
2. Installation Procedure for Modifying and Installing Communication Cables The following proc edure expla ins how to m odify and install a Woodhead 9-p in D-Sub connector (MA9D00-32). Follow the steps described below to modify communication cabl es and connect them to the connector.
2. Installation 2.5 How to Setup a EtherNet/IP Network The following is a basic procedure fo r se tting up a Ether Net/IP network: 1. Choose node distributi on and distribution route on your network. For details, refer to the following se ction 2.6 Ether Net/IP Network Co nstruction .
2. Installation 2.6 EtherNet/IP Network Construction Network Configuration A EtherNet/IP network is configured as show n in the follow ing figure. Network ins ide the factory, e tc Waterproof Ethernet.
2. Installation 2.7 DeviceNet Board Installation Following two ty pes can be used for the fi eldbus I/O opt ion DeviceNet . - PCU-DVNIO - PCI-DVNIO 2.7.1 Board Appearance Part names and functio ns of the scanner board are shown in the following fi gure.
2. Installation 2.7.2 Specifications Part Number applicom PCI-DVNIO / PCU-DVNIO Modes Master/Slave Baud rates 125, 250, 500 kbps Interface 1 DeviceNet port Supported Devic es Gr oup 2 Only Server an d U.
2. Installation (6) Allow the def ault components t o be installed. (7) Select the protocol: D eviceNet you w ill be using. If you also use PRO FIBUS DP, select Profi bus-DP as well. Sele ct which type of de vice data files to install (EDS for DeviceNet, GSD for PROFIBUS DP).
2. Installation 2.7.4 Board Installation W A RNING Make sure that the power is turned O FF before installing/removing any boards or connecting/disconnecting any cables.
2. Installation is shown in th e Board Type: box. Then, clic k the OK button. When installing m ore than two fieldbus boards in the system, add all the boards using this dial og. The following dia log will ap pear when no board is detec ted. Ensure t hat the board is correctly inserted and tha t the board configuration is c orrect.
2. Installation 2.7.5 Master Mode (1) Ensure that the board is connected to the fieldbus. Then, start the applicom IO console appl ication. (2) Register the device informa tion (EDS file) that is necess ary for the netw ork setup. Select the [Equipm ent Library] tab at t he center of the dialog’s right s ide and click the Add icon.
2. Installation (6) Configure the baud rate, MAC ID (master address), and so on for the DeviceNet network. The load on a bus can be co ntrolled by the baud rate and interscan dela y settings. When the load exceeds 60%, the DeviceNet ne twork comm unication will be unstable, for example: m ore communicat ion errors.
2. Installation (9) Drag each device you want t o scan from the Network Detection tab to the Mast er item in the list on the right. (10) The follow ing dialog will a ppear. Select the Connection Configuration tab to verify the connec tion configuratio n.
2. Installation The Expert Mode button will app ear when the a pplicomIO Console ap plication is used in the ex pert mode. To configure det ails of “Change O f State” and “ Cyclic”, c lick the Expert Mode button and di splay the Expert Mode dialog.
2. Installation To create a new EDS file ba sed on the data from the device, click the Create New EDS File button. When a new EDS file is created, the following dialog will appear to verify the contents of the file.
2. Installation (13) Select File | Down load in Flash to register the configurat ion in the fiel dbus board. After a few seconds, the boa rd's state will show green in the status bar. (14) Now, the fieldbus board is ready t o operate as a m a ster.
2. Installation 2.7.6 Slave Mode (1) Ensure that the board is connected to the fieldbus. Then, start the applicom IO console appl ication. (2) Click on the “ Protocol list” un der the board that was just added. (3) Select Protocol | Properties . (4) Configure the baud rate, MAC ID (slave address), an d so on for the D eviceNet network.
2. Installation (6) The DeviceNet Local Slav e property sheet will appear. Select the Equipm ent (device) ID. It m ust be the same num ber as the Master I D in step (4). (7) Click on the Connection Configuration tab. Check the P olling ch eck box an d configure how m any inputs and o utputs for the s lave device.
2. Installation (9) Select File | Download in Flash to regis ter the c onfiguration i n the fieldbus b oard. After a few seconds, the boa rd's state will show green in the status bar. (10) Close the a pplicom IO console applic ation. (11) The default slave EDS file is created.
2. Installation $ EDS File Generated by applicomIO® Console Version : 2.2 [File] DescText = "EDS for applicomIO Scanner"; CreateDate = 02-01-2004; CreateTime = 08:14:41; ModDate = 02-01-2004; ModTime = 08:14:41; Revision = 1.
2. Installation 2.8 PROFIBUS DP Board Installation Following two b oard types can be used for the fiel dbus I/O option PR OFIBUS DP. - PCU-DPIO - PCI-DPIO 2.8.1 Board Appearance Part names and functio ns of the scanner bo ard are shown in the following figure .
2. Installation 2.8.2 Specifications Part Number applicom PCI-DPIO / PCU-DPIO Modes Master/Slave Baud Rates 9.6, 19.2 , 93.75, 187.5, 50 0, 1500, 3000, 60 00, 12000 kbps Interface 1 PROFIBUS port (EN .
2. Installation (6) Allow the def ault components t o be installed. (7) Select the protocol: PROFIB US DP you will be using. If you also use DeviceNet, select DeviceNet as well. Selec t which type of device data files to install (GSD for PROFIBUS DP, EDS for Dev iceNet).
2. Installation 2.8.4 Board Installation W A RNING Make sure that the power is turned O FF before installing/removing any boards or connecting/disconnecting any cables.
2. Installation (8) The following di alog will appear. Check that “PCI-DPIO” or “PCU-DPIO” (“PCI-DV NIO” in case of DeviceNet) is shown in the Board Type: box. T hen, click t he OK button. When installing m ore than two fieldbus boards in the system, add all the boards using this dial og.
2. Installation 2.8.5 Master Mode (1) Ensure that the board is connected to the fieldbus. Then, start the applicom IO console appl ication. (2) Register the device informa tion (GSD file) that is necessary for the network setup. Select the [Equipm ent Library] tab at t he center of the dialog’s right s ide and click the Add icon.
2. Installation (5) Select the “Profibus, Master/Slave” in the Channel Pro perties dialog and click the OK button. (6) Click on the “ Protocol list” un der the board that was just added.
2. Installation (9) Click the Network Detection tab on the center left of the consol e window. (10) Click the Read Network Co nfiguration button to display the Network Detection dialog and rea d in the devices on the fieldbus. (11) Drag each de vice you want to scan from the Network Detection tab to the Master item in the list on the right.
2. Installation (12) The follow ing dialog will a ppear. The device na me is shown o n the dialog t itle bar. Click the OK butto n. When the system cannot identify the device you want to use (its GSD file is not registered), the following di alog will appear .
2. Installation (13) Select the Equipment Library tab on the center left of the console window and click the Add button to re gister the new GSD file in the system. (14) Select File | Download in Flash to register the configurat ion in the fiel dbus board.
2. Installation 2.8.6 Slave Mode (1) Ensure that the board is connected to the fieldbus. Then, start the applicom IO console appl ication. (2) Select Description | Properties . (3) Select the “Profi bus, Slave” in the Cannel Properties dial og and click th e OK button.
2. Installation (6) Configure the baud rate, Master Profib us Address (sla ve address), num ber of repeaters, and so on for th e PROFIBU S DP network. In t his example, the M aster Profibus Address (slave a ddress) is set to 005. Specify an unused address on the netw ork for a slave devic e as well as other devices.
2. Installation (9) Select File | Download in Flash to regis ter the c onfiguration i n the fieldbus b oard. After a few seconds, the boa rd's state will show green in the status bar. (10) Now the f ieldbus boar d is ready to operate as a slave. Close the app licomIO Console application.
2. Installation 2.9 EtherNet/IP Board Installation Following two b oard types can be used for the fieldb us I/O option E therNet/IP. - PCU-ETHIO 2.9.1 Board Appearance Part names and functio ns of the scanner bo ard are shown in the following figure .
2. Installation 2.9.3 Software Installation Before installing any boards in your controller, you must install the applicomIO consol e application a nd drivers for the typ e of board y ou will be usin g. (1) Start the controller. (2) Run the C:InstallFie ldBusInstall applicomIODisk1Se tup.
2. Installation (7) Select the protocol: E thernet you w ill be using . If you also use DeviceNet, select DeviceNet as wel l. If you also use PROFIBUS DP, select Profibus-DP as well. Select which type of device data fi les to install (GSD fo r PROFIBUS DP, EDS for DeviceNet).
2. Installation 2.9.4 Board Installation W A RNING Make sure that the power is turned O FF before installing/removing any boards or connecting/disconnecting any cables.
2. Installation (8) The following di alog will appear. Check that “PCI/PCU-ETHIO (“ PCI-DVNIO” in case of DeviceNet, and ”“PCI- DPIO” or “PCU-D PIO” in case of PROFIBUS-D P) is shown in the Board Type: box.
2. Installation (10) Click the OK button. The followin g dialog wil l appear. Configure the IP address for the EtherNet/IP board. Select the IP address from Static, DHCP, or BOOTP at Configuration . Do not select Flash Memory . When you select Static , set the values for each item.
2. Installation 2.9.5 Master Mode (1) Ensure that the board is connected to the fieldbus. Then, start the applicom IO console appl ication. (2) Register the device informa tion (EDS file) that is necess ary for the netw ork setup. Select the [Equipm ent Library] tab at t he center of the dialog’s right s ide and click the Add icon.
2. Installation (3)-3 Check the device inform ation in EDS, and cli ck the Next button . (3)-4 Click the Complete butto n to register the E DS file. (4) Click the Netw ork Detection ta b on the ce nter left of the console window .
2. Installation (6) Drag each device you want t o scan from the Network Detection tab to t he Master item in the list on the right. (7) Following dialog ap pears. Uncheck the Link Parameter box a nd assign a value from 1 to 12 7. This num ber is called as device ID and necessary to create SPEL+ programs.
2. Installation After a few seconds, the boa rd's state will show green in the status bar. Now, the fieldbus board is ready to operate as a m aster.
2. Installation 2.9.6 Slave Mode (1) Ensure that the board is connected to the fieldbus. Then, start the applicom IO console appl ication. (2) Double-click the “Ether Net/IP Local Slave” item . (3) The EtherNet/IP Local Slave property sheet will appear.
2. Installation (6) Drag EtherNet/IP Local Slave from Equipment Library t o the Master item in the list on the righ t. Window in step 5 ap pears. Configure by the procedur es from step 7. You can create up to 32 Loc al Slaves if necessary. (7) Select File | Download in Flash to regis ter the c onfiguration i n the fieldbus b oard.
2. Installation (9) The default slave EDS file is created. The path is: C:Program FilesWoodhe adDirect-linkA pplicomIO2.3Co nfigIO Config01 applicomio.eds. You may make a c opy of the defa ult slave EDS file a nd modify it to create your original EDS file if necessary .
2. Installation 2.10 EPSON RC+ Fieldbus I/O Installation After you have crea ted your fiel dbus network a nd install ed the scanner bo ard(s) in your controller, you must con figure the EPSON RC+ Fieldbus I/O opt ion.
2. Installation 68 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6.
3. Operation 3. Operation This chapter contai ns information on how to use the Fieldb us I/O option after i t has been installed. 3.1 Fieldbus I/O Addressing in SPEL + Each of the Fieldbus I/O comm ands in SPEL+ re fer to one device on the networ k. The bit number and p ort number param eters refer to inputs an d outputs loca l to the devic e.
3. Operation 3.3 Outputs Off by Emergency Stop and Reset Instruction You can confi gure the system so that all outputs including the fieldbus ou tputs will be t urned off when the emergency stop occurs and when a Reset instructi on is executed. For details of the configuration, refer to the chapter SPEL+ Options in the EPSON RC+ User' s Guide.
3. Operation 3.5 Using FbusIO_SendMsg FbusIO_SendMsg is used to send an explicit m essage to a device and return a reply . This command ope rates accordi ng to the prot ocol. The syntax is as follows: FbusIO_SendMsg bus , devi ce , msgParam , sendBytes (), recvBytes () There are two arrays passed to the function.
3. Operation 3.6 Using Slave Mode In slave mode, the EPSON RC+ system is a slave on the bus. Out puts from the master are inputs in EPSON RC+, and inp uts to the m aster are outputs in EPSON RC+.
3. Operation 3.8 Devices available for Fieldbus I/O Option The fieldbus I/O opti on operations were checked with the followin g devices. ) NOTE The following inform ation about the devices is j ust for reference. This is n ot our guarantee of the proper operation of these devices.
3. Operation 3.9 Fieldbus I/O Response Performance As mentioned previously, respon d times for fiel dbus I/O can vary and depend o n several factors. The values in this section are s how n for reference not for guaranteed perform ance.
3. Operation PROFIBUS DP Test Environment RC520 Contr oller: Pentium III 850 MHz 128 MB mem ory Fieldbus I/O: PCI-DPIO board M aster (station address: 0) Baud rate: 12 Mbps, 9.
3. Operation 76 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) 4. Troubleshooting 4.1 DeviceNet Troubleshooting Exclusion Every system has its special environm ent, condi tions, s pecifications, a nd usages. This guide is provided as a genera l reference for trou bleshooting a D eviceNet network.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) 4.1.1 Examining a Problem Scanner Board Diagnostic LEDs The DeviceNet b oard used with EPSO N RC+ has two status display LED s. The layout of t he LEDs is shown in the f ollowing figure . PCU-DVNIO 4-pin T erminal Wat chdog Port (Do not use thi s port.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Check Network Status (1) Master Status: MS/NS LEDs LED Color Light Condition MS (Module Status) Green Red ON Blinking OFF NS (Network Status) Green Red ON Blinking OFF (2) Node Number of Absent Slaves Absent slaves are disconnected from or not added to the networ k.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) 4.1.2 Problems and Countermeasures Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description [Reference] Green Light ON Green Light ON Normal communicatio n - Normal condition Green Light ON Green Light Blinking During connecti on establishment - Processing connection establishm ent (The NS LED will be ON in green in a fe w seconds.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Process Flowchart Mas t e r: A bsent Slave Master Unit: Configurati on Error Mas t e r: Unestabli shed Communi cation Mas t e r: Busoff Detectio n See 4.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Master: Communication Error Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description Green Light ON Red Light Blinking Communication error - Slave disconnected from the ne twork .
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Slave power OFF Measure the power voltage of the slaves. (It should be within the range of sufficient voltage for the slave operation.) NOTE: For slaves operating with communications power supply, measure vo ltage at the DeviceNet connect or.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Process Flowchart Replace the unit. 2 No Problem Check Check t he following: - Unconnected t erminating resist or - Unconnected or loose connect or/signal wire - Cable disconnect ion 3 4 Finish Divide the net work and find the trouble unit.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Disconnected terminating re sistors { Cable disco nnection { Disconnected connector { Disconnected signal wire (1) Check that terminating resistors are connected to both ends of t he network.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Master: Busoff Detection Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description Busoff detection Communication sto pped due to cri tical error. Green Light ON Red Light ON Duplicate MAC ID The MAC ID configur ation was duplicated.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Process Flowchart Replace the unit. 5 No Problem Check Check t he following: - Unconnected t erminating resistor - Unconnected or loose connect or/signal wire - Cable disconnect ion Finish No Problem No Change No Change No Change The trou ble unit is not fou nd.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeas ure { Disconnected terminating resistors { Cable disco nnection { Disconnected connector { Disconnected signal wire (1) Check that terminating resistors are connected to both ends of t he network.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Master: Unestablished Communication Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description Green Light ON Light OFF Master Unestablished communicatio n Communications power sup.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Voltage dr op of communicatio ns power supply Measure voltage of communicatio ns power supply at the master unit. → Normal: 11V or more between V+ and V- z If the voltage is 1 1 to 14 V, the master unit is a possible cause.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Master: Configuration Error Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description Red Light Blinking No Matter Configuration error Slave error detection - Slave disconnected f.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Process Flowchart 7 Check Finish The unit is not found. Immedi ately The unit is found. Ye s No Change No change The problem is fixed. No Change The proble m is fixed. Replace the master u nit. No Problem Problem exists.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Master unit configuration (1) Start applicomIO Console application a nd check th at the configuration has no dif ference with the network con dition.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Absent Slave Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description Light OFF Green Light Blinking Absent sl ave - No slave (Error detection before communicatio n establishment.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Voltage dr op of communicatio ns power supply Measure voltage of communicatio ns power supply at the master unit. → Normal: 11V or more between V+ and V- z If the voltage is 1 1 to 14 V, the unit is a possi ble cause.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Uninitialized Network Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description Light OFF Light OFF Uninitialized network Absent slave - Master unit start-up error - No slave (Err.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeas ure { Voltage dr op of communicatio ns power supply Measure voltage of communicatio ns power supply at the master unit. → Normal: 11V or more between V+ and V- z If the voltage is 1 1 to 14 V, the master unit is a possible cause.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) 4.1.3 Procedures for Examining Possible Causes Connection Problem (Disconnect ed Terminating Resistors, Cable Disconnection, Disconnected Connector, Disconnected Signal Wire) (1) Ensure that two term inating resistors are c onnected to both en ds of the network.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Process Flowchart Check that terminating re sistors are connecte d. Measure resi stance with tester. 50 to 70 Ω Normal See T urn OFF communica tions po wer supply . Normal Resistance: ov er 70 Ω Remove on e termin ating resistor on e ither side.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Loose Connector and Signal Wire Check for the connections of the follow ing parts on the connector and cable. (1) Crimp Terminal Crimping T erminal (2) Connectio.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Noise Intrusion Verify how an error occurre nce condition changes w hile taking the following countermeasures. ♦ Ground of FG (DRAIN) wire Normal Gr ounding: Grou nd the De viceNet netw ork at only one poi nt.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Countermeasure 2: Disconnect the shield wi re to isolate it from the ground. When noise intrudes the groun d line becaus e a noise source such as an inverter is installe.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) ♦ Communications Power Supply When sharing one power source with t he communicati ons power supply and I/O devices, provide respective power sources separa tely. Separating power source prevents noise c aused by I/O device operations from affecting communicatio n.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Broken Unit Examination (Dividing Network Examination) When you cannot quickly find the trouble poi nt due to a broken unit, connection fa ilure including lo ose connect or, or cable partial disconnec tion, divi de the netw ork to find the trouble point.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) (2) Separate each slave from the netw ork Check for each slave. The troub le point is where error conditio n changes into normal condition.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) EPSON RC+ Master Configuration For details of EPSON RC+ m aster configuration, refer to t he section 2.5 D eviceNet Board Installation . The following sect ion describes the pro cedure for verifying the scanner board c ondition with applicom IO Console appli cation.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Verifying the De viceNet network condition The applicomIO Console applicat ion has a netw ork diagnostic fu nction (Diagnostic).
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) (2) Select the DeviceNet (Scanner) tab. The window changes as s hown bel ow. MAC ID : MAC ID specifie d for the scanner board Module/NetWork LED : Network Status (NS) LED status IO LED : Module Status (MS) LED status applicomR Status : Scanner board status The scanner board s tatus is shown in the “Code No.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) Status Code General Protocol Descriptions 45 Non-resident dialogue software. Additional in formation: Initialize the a pplicomIO® interface b efore use by running the PcInitIO 47 Targeted applicomIO® car d invali d or incorrectly initialized by the function IO _Init 53 Synchronization problem on the line.
4. Troubleshooting (DeviceNet) (3) When you click the I/O button on th e upper left of the window, the window changes as sh own below. Each slave devic e status is shown in the right side of the wind ow.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) 4.2 PROFIBUS DP Troubleshooting Exclusion Every system has its special environm ent, condi tions, s pecifications, a nd usages. This guide is provided as general refer ence for troubl eshooting a P ROFIBUS DP network. Every effort has been made to ensure the inform ation is accurate .
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) 4.2.1 Examining a Problem Scanner Board Diagnostic LEDs The PROFIBUS DP board used with EPSON RC+ has two status display LEDs.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Check Network Status First of all, you should check the curren t condition of th e network. Th ere are different specifications of status displ ay LED on a device in the PROFIBUS DP standard.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) 4.2.2 Problems and Countermeasures Master Unit LED BF ST Error Description [Reference] Light OFF Green Light Blinking Normal communicatio n - Normal condition Light OFF Green Light ON Ready for communicatio n - Normal condition Light OFF Red Light Blinking Communication error [Refer to the section 4.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Process Flowchart Mas t e r: Physical Error Slave: Communi cation Error Yes Yes Yes 1 Mas t e r: Communi cation Error Yes Mas t e r: Uninitial ized Netw ork No Master LED See 4.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Master: Communication Error Master Unit LED BF ST Error Description Light OFF Red Light Blinking Communication error - Slave disconnected from the ne twork (Re.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Process Flowchart Replace the unit. 1 No Problem Check Check t he following: - Unconnected t erminating resistor - Unconnected or loose connect or/signal wire - Cable disconnect ion 2 Finish No Problem No Change No Change No Change The trouble u nit is not found.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeas ure { Disconnected terminating resistors { Cable disconnection { Disconnected connector { Disconnected signal wire (1) Check that terminating resistors are connected to both ends of t he network.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Slave: Data Link Error MS NS Master LED Condition Light OFF Red Light Bli nking Absent Slave LED Condition (Data link error) Light OFF Red Light ON ♦ Process Flowchart Replace the unit.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Disconnected terminating resistors { Cable disco nnection { Disconnected connector { Disconnected signal wire (1) Check that terminating resistors are connected to both ends of t he network.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Slave: Uninitialized Network BF ST Master LED Condition Light OFF Red Light Bli nking Absent Slave LED Condition (Uninitialized Network) Light OFF Light OFF .
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Electrical surges of device power supp ly Measure voltage of device power supply at the trouble unit. → It should be with in the range of sufficient voltage for device operation.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) 4.2. 2.1.4 Slave: Physical Error BF ST Master LED Condition Light OFF Red Light Bli nking Absent Slave LED Condition (Physical error) Red Light ON No Matter ♦ Process Flowchart 5 No Problem Check Finish Measure voltage of all slave power supplies.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Master: Data Link Layer Error Master Unit LED BF ST Error Description Light OFF Red Light ON Data link la yer error - Nonstandard wiring - Noise intrusion ♦ Process Flowchart Replace the unit.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Disconnected terminating re sistors { Cable disco nnection { Disconnected connector { Disconnected signal wire (1) Check that terminating resistors are connected to both ends of t he network.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Master: Uninitialized Network Master Unit LED BF ST Error Description Light OFF Light OFF Uninitialized networ k - Master unit power error - Master unit configuration error ♦ Process Flowchart 7 No Problem Check Measure voltage of all slave power supplies.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Electrical surges of master de vice power supply Measure voltage of de vice power supply at the master unit. → It should be with in the range of sufficient voltage for device operation.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Master: Configuration Error Master Unit LED BF ST Error Description Red Light ON No Matter Physical error - Nonstandard wiring - Signal wire connecti on failur.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Causes of Error Possible Cause Examination Method Countermeasure { Disconnected terminating resistors { Cable disconnection { Disconnected connector { Disconnected signal wire (1) Check that terminating resistors are conn ected to bo th ends of the network.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) 4.2.3 Procedures for Examining Possible Causes Connection Problem (Disconnect ed Terminating Resistors, Cable Disconnection, Disconnected Connector, Disconnected Signal Wire) (1) Ensure that two term inating resistors are c onnected to both en ds of the network.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) ♦ Process Flowchart Normal See T urn OFF all unit s. Normal Resistance: ov er 120 Ω Measure resistan ce a t connect ors with tester. Resist ance: unde r 100 Ω Problem ex ists. (Add terminatin g resis tors.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Loose Connector and Signal Wire Check for the connections of the follow ing parts on the connector and cable. (1) Connection of connector and si gnal wire Small flat-bla de screwdriv er with ev en thicknes s (2) Connection of connector and u nit 4.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Countermeasure 1: Improve FG. Peel the cabl e covering and secure the c able w ith FG clam ps. Grounding Scr ew Iso elect ric L ine Grounding S c re w Slave Dev ice Slave Device Countermeasure 2: Disconnect the FG wire to isolate it from the ground.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Broken Unit Examination (Dividing Network Examination) When you cannot quickly find the trouble poi nt due to b roken unit, c onnection fai lure including lo ose connect or, or cable partial disconnec tion, divi de the netw ork to find the trouble point.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Network Configur ation and Specifications (1) Maximum Cable Length Check that the cables used on t he network m eet the follow ing specifications. Baud Rates Max. Cable Length 12 Mbps 6 Mbps 3 Mbps 1500 kbps 500 kbps 187.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) EPSON RC+ Master Configuration For details of EPSON RC+ m aster configuration, refer to t he section 2.6 PROFIBUS DP Board Installa tion . The following sect ion describes the pro cedure for verifying the scanner board c ondition with the applicom IO Console applicatio n.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) Verifying the PROF IBUS DP network condition The applicomIO Console applicat ion has the foll owing func tions: Network Monitor func tion: Monitoring er ror .
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) (3) Select the Protocol | Diagnostic on the ap plicomIO Console appli cation m enu. Click the magnifying grass butto n on the Diagnostic wind ow. Then, select the slave you want on t he device tree in the l eft side of the window.
4. Troubleshooting (PROFIBUS DP) (4) When you click the I/O button, th e window cha nges as shown below. The status of each slave de vice is show n i n the right side of the window. A green circle indicates that the com munication of the co rresponding device is normal, and a red circle indicates that th ere is a comm unication error.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 4.3 EtherNet/IP Troubleshooting Exclusion Every system has its special environm ent, condi tions, s pecifications, a nd usages. This guide is provided as a genera l reference for trou bleshooting a E therNet/IP network.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 4.3.1 Examining a Problem Scanner Board Diagnostic LEDs The EtherNet/IP board used with EPSON RC+ has two status display LEDs.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) Check Network Status (1) Master Status: MS/NS LEDs LED Color Light Condition MS (Module Status) Green Red ON Blinking OFF NS (Network Status) Green Red ON Blinking OFF (2) Node Number of Absent Slaves Absent slaves are disconnected from or not added to the networ k.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 4.3.2 Problems and Countermeasures Master Unit LED MS NS Error Description [Reference] Green Light ON Green Light ON Normal communicatio n - Normal condition Green Light ON Green Light Blinking During connecti on establishment - Processing connection establishm ent (The NS LED will be ON in green in a fe w seconds.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 4.3.3 Tests and diagnostics The diagnostic tool After configuring the EtherNet/IP m aster, adding and c onfiguring the devices of your ne twork and downloading your confi guration in the board, the statuses of all devic es can be tested with the diagn ostic tool.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 1. Diagnostic of the TCP/IP layer This screen is used to display the exchan ge statuses r egarding the TCP/IP layer. Configuration Type Mode type selected i n the configurati on: DHCP, BOOTP, Static Address From How the IP address has been obtained, from the server, flash memory or factory address.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) TCP tab Passive connections N umber of passive conne ctions. Active connections Nu mber of active connections. Current connections Num ber of current connections. Bytes received Number of bytes received . Bytes transmitted Number of bytes transmitted.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 2. Diagnostic of server devices Requests Number of requests. Requests / s umber of requests per second. Useful bytes Number of useful data bytes. Useful bytes / s Number of useful data by tes per seco nd. Requests in error Number of requests in error.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 3. Overall device diagnostics View the diag nostic informati on on a device in the configurati on by selec ting the no de which correspon ds to the devic e.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) TCP/IP tool By clicking in the bu tton and se lecting " TCP/IP layer ", a " services " w indow gives you the follow ing options. DNS ICMP (ping) See also : To display the help, se lect [Start]-[Program]-[Dir ect-Link]-[applicomIO 2.
4. Troubleshooti ng (EtherNet/IP) 2. Ping ICMP ECHO " PING " functionality is ava ilable on the app licomIO solution . It is available thro ugh the diagnostic tool, ICMP tab. (1) Entry field for the IP address or name of the rem ote station.
5. Maintenance Parts List 5. Maintenance Parts List Part Name Code Specifications DeviceNet board R13B040701 PROFIBUS DP board R13B040702 EtherNet/IP board R1 2B040719 Fieldbus I/O Rev.
5. Maintenance Parts List 152 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6.
Appendix A applicomIO Upgrade Appendix A applicomIO Upgrade (1) Start the controller (2) Insert the setup CD tha t is packaged wit h the produc t to the CD-Rom drive on the controller. Setup program starts aut omatically. (3) Select the desired lan guage for th e installer.
Appendix A applicomIO Upgrade (7) Following dialog appears. Select t he option ab ove. (If the option below is select ed, the transition of the cu rrent setting will not be executed.) (8) Uninstall the current appl icomIO before u pgrading. Following dia log appears.
Appendix A applicomIO Upgrade (10) Select the protocol and the device data fil e. (11) Complete the installation. (12) The message to ensure the restart appears. Click t he Yes button. (13) When a service pack is attached to the CD-ROM, instal l the service pack.
Appendix A applicomIO Upgrade 156 Fieldbus I/O Rev.6.
An important point after buying a device Epson EM07ZS1647F (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson EM07ZS1647F yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson EM07ZS1647F - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson EM07ZS1647F you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson EM07ZS1647F will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson EM07ZS1647F, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson EM07ZS1647F.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson EM07ZS1647F. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson EM07ZS1647F along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center