Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AcuLaser CX16DTNF Epson
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Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide NPD4210-00 EN.
Copyright Notice No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitte d in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, record ing, or otherwise, without the prior writte n permission of Seiko Epson Corporation.
4. You may assign its rights under this Agreement to an assignee of all of Li censee’s right and interest to such Software and Documentation (“Assignee”) provided you transfer to Assignee all copies of such Software and Documentation Assignee agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Legal Restrictions on Copying Certain types of documents must never be copied wi th the purpose or intent to pass copies of such documents off as the originals. The following is not a complete li st, but is meant to be used as a guide to responsible copying.
When in doubt about the nature of a document, consult with legal counsel. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide Copyright Notice 5.
Contents S o f t w a r e L i c e n s e A g r e e m e n t ..... .............................................. ........... 2 Legal Restrictions on Copying ........................ .......................... ........... 4 Chapter 1 Introduction Getting Acquainted with Your M a c h i n e .
L o a d i n g M e d i a ............ .................................... ................ ......... 5 9 H o w d o I l o a d m e d i a ? .... .................................. .................. ....... 5 9 Tray 1 (Multipurpose T r a y ) ............
Chapter 6 Using the Scanner Scanning From a Computer Ap p l i c a t i o n ............. ...................................... 8 9 Basic Scanning Operation. .................................................. ........ 8 9 Windows TWAIN Driver Sett i n g s .
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting I n t r o d u c t i o n ............ ...................... ................ .............. .......... 1 5 7 Printing a Configuration Pa g e .................................................. ......... 1 5 7 Preventing Media Misfeed s .
Chapter 1 Introduction Getting Acquainted with Your Machine Space Requirements To ensure easy operation, cons umable replacement and maintena nce, adhere to the recommended space requirements detailed below.
Side View 765 mm 100 mm 405 mm 770 mm 160 mm 238 mm 432 mm 100 mm 100 mm Side View with Options (when Tray 2 and the dupl ex option are installed) 947 mm 100 mm 430 mm 886 mm 160 mm 238 mm 548 mm 100 .
Note: The option appears shaded in the above illustrations. Side View with Options (when the attachment and du plex option are installed) 947 mm 100 mm 430 mm 831 mm 160 mm 100 mm 238 mm 493 mm 157 mm 100 mm Note: The option appears shaded in the above illustrations.
Side View 765 mm 100 mm 405 mm 709 mm 100 mm 234 mm 375 mm 100 mm 160 mm Part Names The following drawings illustrate the parts of yo ur machine referred to throughout this guide, so please take some time to become familiar with them. The illustrations used in this manu al show AcuLaser CX16NF as an example.
Front View AcuLaser CX16NF 2-a 2-b 2-c 2-d 2-e 1 AcuLaser CX 16 M 3 1 1–Control Panel 2–Automatic document Feeder (ADF) (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 2–a: ADF feed cover 2–b: Document guide 2–c: Do.
Note: ❏ The ADF may appear as “document cover” in some status and error messages. ❏ Lower the document stopper when scan ning Legal-size paper with the A DF.
11–USB memory port (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 13 13 14 12 15 16 17 12 15 16 12–Fuser unit 13–Fuser separator levers 14–Fuser cover lever 15–Photoconductor unit 16–Toner cartridge 17–Front co.
Rear View AcuLaser CX16NF 3 4 5 2 1 AcuLaser CX 16 4 2 1 1–Power switch 2–Power connection 3–LINE (telephone line) ja ck (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 4–USB port 5–10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet Inte.
Drivers Printer Drivers Drivers Use/Benefit Windows 7/Vista/XP/Server 2008/Server 2003/200 0 These drivers give you access to all of the printer features.
Applications Application s Use/Benefit Local Setup Progr am (A cuLaser CX16NF only) This software enable s destinations (scanning and faxing) in the favorite list, in speed dialing and in group dialing to be created or e dited from the comput er. In addition, th e status of this machine can be checked.
❏ Intel processor ❏ Operating System ❏ Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic/Home Pr emium/Home Professi onal/Home Ultimate, Windows 7 Home Basic/Home Premium/Home Professional/Home Ultimate x64 Editio.
Chapter 2 Control Panel and Configuration Menu About the Control Panel AcuLaser CX16NF 12 13 14 12 3 4 10 15 16 17 18 57 7 68 9 1 1 AcuLaser CX 16 57 6 8 7 9 11 18 17 10 15 16 Control Panel Indicators and Keys No.
No. Name Function 3 Redial/Pause key (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Recalls the last number dialed. Inserts a pau se when a nu mber is dial ed. For details, refer to the Facsimile User’s Guide. 4 On hook key (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Sends and receives transmissions with the receiver on the hook.
Display Indications Main Screen (Copy Mode) AcuLaser CX16NF 3 4 1 2 AcuLaser CX 16 3 4 1 2 No. Indica tion Description 1 Copy sett ings Allows the current settings to b e checked and the va rious settings t o be changed. For details, refer to “Main Sc reen (Copy Mode)” on page 23.
❏ Copy settings AcuLaser CX16NF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AcuLaser CX 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide Control Panel and Configuration Menu 24.
No. Indica tion Description 1 Media tray / Media size For AcuLaser CX16NF Indicates the media tray that is selected. For deta ils on selecting the media tray, refer to “Selecting the Media Tray (AcuLa ser CX16NF only)” on page 80. For AcuLaser CX16 The media size setting can be changed with TRAY1 PAPER SETUP in the UT ILITY menu.
No. Indica tion Description 1 Scan settings Allows the current sett ings to be checked and the various settings to be changed. For details, refer to “Main Screen (Sca n Mode) (AcuLaser CX16NF only)” on page 25. 2 Status Dependi ng on the situation, the mach ine st atus or an error message may appear.
No. Indica tion Description 5 Scan color Indicates the scan color that is select ed. For details on selec ting the scan color, refer to “Setting the Scan Color” on page 115. 6 SUBJECT Select this menu item to specify the subject. For details on specifying the subject, refer to “Specifying the Subject” on page 116.
To cancel printing, press the Stop/Reset key when the print scr een appears. Press the Select key to select YES . 1 2 No. Indica tion Description 1 Status Displays messages indicating operatio ns such as printing. 2 Media tray/media size Indicates the media t ray and media size t hat is selected.
TONER REMAINING A general estimate of the amount of toner re maining in the ton er ca rtridges can be viewed. Note: If the Select key is held down for at least 2 seconds whil e the screen described ab ove is displayed, the configuration page will be printed.
REPORT/STATUS Menu To display the REPORT/STATUS screen, select REPORT/STATUS in th e ma i n s c r een, and then press the Select key. From this menu, the tota l number of pages printed by this machine can be v iewed. In addition, the reports can be printed.
P/U Displays the remaining service life of the photoconductor unit as a percentage. Note: The amounts remaining for th e supplies status displayed may be di fferent from the ac tual amounts and should be used only as reference. TX/RX RESULT (AcuLaser CX16NF only) For details, refer to the Facsimile User’s Guide.
Configuration Menu Overview To display the settings menu for this machine, select UTILITY in the main screen, and then press the Select key. From the UTILITY menu, settings for the various mach ine functions can be changed. UTILITY Menu From this menu, various mach ine settings c an be changed.
KEY SPEED TIME TO START Setting 0.1sec / 0.3sec / 0.5sec / 1.0s ec / 1.5sec / 2.0s ec / 2.5sec / 3.0sec Specify the length of time until the cursor begi ns to move continuously when a key is he ld down. INTERVAL Setting 0.1sec / 0.3sec / 0.5sec / 1.0sec / 1.
IMAGE REFRESH Setting ON / OFF Use when thin whit e horizontal l ines appear at intervals on imag es. Note: The IMAGE REFRESH function consumes toner. DUPLEX SP EED (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Setting AUTOMATIC / SPEED / QUALITY Select the print speed fo r double-sided printing.
Paper size The available paper size s differ depending on the settin g selected as the media type. Setting selected as the med ia type Available paper sizes PLAIN PAPER A4 / A5 / B5 / L EGAL / LETTER .
REMOTE MONITOR Setting OFF / ON Select whether or not setting remote monitor. If ON is selected, technical support can access the menu mode. If OFF is selected, tec hnical su pport cannot ac cess the menu mode. Note: This setting is for techni cal support uses.
FTP *1 Setting DISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable FTP. SMB *1 Setting DISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable SMB. BONJOUR *1 Setting DISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable Bonjour. IPP *1 Setting DISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable IPP.
E-MAIL SETTING SMTP Setting DISABLE / ENABLE Select whether to enable or disable e-mail transmission op- erations for this machine. SENDER NAME Specify the name of the E-mail sender (up to 20 characters) used for network scanning. The default setting is “ EPSON_A L-CX16NF ”.
SMTP TIMEOUT Setting 30 to 300 sec (Default : 60 sec) Select the amount of time (in seconds) until the connection with the SM TP server t imes out. TEXT INSERT Setting OFF / ON Select whether or not the specif ied text is inserted into the E-mail message.
LDAP SETTING DISABLE/ENABLE Setting DISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable the LDAP function. LDAP SERVER ADDR. *4 Specify the address (up to 64 characters) of the LDAP server. The default setting is “ ”. LDAP PORT NO. *4 Setting 1 to 65535 (Default: 389) Specify the port number of t he LDAP server.
DOMAIN NAME *4 Specify the domain name (up to 64 characters) used to con- nect to the LDAP server. The default setting is blank. USB SETTING Setting Windows / Mac Select the operating system of the PC to which this machine is connected with a USB cable.
AUTO REDIAL NUMBER OF REDIAL Setting 1 to 10 (Default: depends on PTT SETTING) Specify the number of times a redial is attempted if there is no answer, for example, when the line is busy. INTERVAL Setting 2 to 99 min (Default: depends on PTT SETTING) Specify the interval between redial attempts.
DUPLEX COPY (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Setting OFF / LONG EDGE / SHORT EDGE Select the default setting for duple x (double-sided) copying. If OFF is selected, duplex (double-side d) copying is not performed as a default.
QUALITY PRIORITY Setting STD/TEXT , FINE/TEXT, S-FINE/TEXT, STD/PHOTO, FINE/ PHOTO, S-FINE/PHOTO Select the default scanning reso lution (fax document quality). STD/TEXT : Select this setting for documents co ntaining handwriting or for computer printouts .
NO. of RINGS Setting 1 to 16 (Default: depends on PTT SETTING) Enter the number of rings (between 1 and 16 ) until the ma chine automatically begins receiving the fax when an external telephone is connected. REDUCTION RX Setting OFF / ON / CUT Select whether documents longe r than the current paper size are printed reduced, split, or discarded.
SELECT TRAY Setting TRAY1 / TRAY2 Select which paper tray can be used to suppl y paper when pri nting re ceived do cu- ments or transmission reports. Note: If an optional 500-sheet paper cassette unit is not installed, this setting is not available. REPORTING Menu (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Note: Manufacturer’s default se ttings appear in bold.
RESOLUTION Setting 150 × 150dpi / 300 × 300dpi Select the default scan ning resolution for scan to E-mail operations. IMAGE FORMAT Setting TIFF / PDF / JPEG Select the default format for saving fi les with scan to E-mail operations. Note: PDF data can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Chapter 3 Media Handling Print Media Specifications Media AcuLaser CX16N F AcuLaser CX16 Tray* Duplex Copy Print FAX Copy Print A 4 1 / 2 Y e sY e sY e sY e sY e sY e s B5 (JIS) 1 No Yes Yes No Yes Ye.
Media AcuLaser CX16N F AcuLaser CX16 Tray* Duplex Copy Print FAX Copy Print Kai 32 1 No No Yes No No Yes Government Letter 1 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 16 K 1 No No Yes No No Yes Oficio 1 No Yes (ADF) Yes .
Use plain paper that is ❏ Suitable for plain paper printers and copiers, such as standa rd or recycled office paper. Note: Do not use the media ty pes listed be low.
❏ Stuck together with static electricity ❏ Composed of foil or gilt; too luminous ❏ Heat sensitive or cannot withstand the fusing temperature (180˚C [356˚F]) ❏ Irregularly shaped (not rectan.
Envelope Print on the front (address) side on ly. Some parts of the envelope cons ist of three layers of paper—the front, back, and flap. Anything printed in these layere d regions may be lost or faded. You can print continuously with envelope. However, this could affect the media feed, depending on the media quality and prin ting environment.
❏ Material that will melt, vaporize, offs et, discolor, or emit dangerous fumes ❏ Been presealed Label A sheet of labels consists of a face sheet (the prin ting surface), adhe sive, and a carrier sheet: ❏ The face sheet must follow the plain paper specification.
❏ Are precut or perforated Do not use OK to use Shiny backed paper Full- page labels (uncut) Letterhead You can print continuously with le tterhead. However, this could a ffect the media feed, depending on the media quality and prin ting environment.
Orientation Face up Driver Media Type Postcard Duplexing *1 Not supported *1 Only for AcuLaser CX16NF Use postcards that are ❏ Approved for laser printing DO NOT use postcards that are ❏ Coated �.
Printable Area The printable area on al l media sizes is up to 4.0 mm (0.157") from the edges of the media. a a a a a=4.0 mm * * Printable Area Each media size has a specific printable area (the ma ximum ar ea on which the machine can print clearly and without distortion).
Envelopes Envelopes can on ly be printed on their front sides (side where the recipient’s address is written). In addition, printing on the front side in the area ov erlapping the back flap ca nnot be guaranteed. The location of this area differs depending on the envelope type.
Loading Media How do I load media? Take off the top and bottom sheets of a ream of pape r. Holding a stack of appr oximately 200 sheets at a time, fan the stack to prevent static bu ildup before insert ing it in a tray.
Loading Paper 1. Remove the dust cover. 2. Slide the media guides to pr ovide more space between them. M 3. Load the paper face up in the tray. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s.
Note: ❏ Do not load paper above the d mark. Up to 200 sheets (80 g/m [21 lb]) of plain paper can be loaded into the tray at one time. M ❏ For envelo pes with the fl ap, load t he envelopes flap sid e down in the tr ay.
4. Slide the media guides agai nst the edges of the paper. 5. Install the dust cover. 6. Select TRAY1 PAPER SETUP in the UTILITY menu, and then se lect th e settings for the size and type of paper that is loaded. S ee also “Print Media” on page 49.
Loading Plain Paper 1. Pull out Tray 2 as far as possible. 2. Lift up Tray 2 to remove it. 3. Remove the lid from Tray 2. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide Media Handling .
4. Press down the media pressure plate to lock it into place. 5. Load the paper face up in the tray. Note: Do not load above the 100% line. Up to 500 sheets (80 g/m [21 lb]) of plain paper can be loaded into the tray at one time.
6. Reattach the lid to Tray 2. 7. Reinsert Tray 2 into the machine. About Duplex Printing (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Duplex (double-sided) printing can be performed wh en the duplex option ha s been installed on this machine. Note: For details on installing the duple x option, refer to “Duplex Unit wi th Attachment (Duplex Option)” on page 201.
Note: Only Letter/A4 plain paper, 60–90 g/m (16–24 lb bond) can be autoduplexed. See “Print Media” on page 49. Duplexing envelopes, labels, letterheads, post cards or thick stock is not supported. How do I autoduplex? Check your application to determ ine how to set your margins for dupl ex (double-sided) printing.
3. Click OK . Note: With autoduplexing, the back side is printed first, and then the fr ont side is printed. Output Tray The printed media is fed out facing down into the ou tput tray below the contro l panel. This tray h as a capacity of approximately 100 sh eets (A4/Letter) of 80 g/m paper.
❏ Avoid leaning against othe r objects or placing it in an upright position. Before using stored media, do a trial print and c heck print quality. Original Media Specifications Documents that can be plac ed on the orig inal glass The following types of documen ts can be placed on the original glass.
❏ Highly translucent or transpar ent documents, such as overhe ad transparencies or diazo photosensitive paper ❏ Coated documents such as carb on-backed paper ❏ Documents printed on paper th ick.
2. Position the document on the origin al glass. * * Document Note: Align the document with the arrow on th e le ft side toward the rear of the machine.
Loading a document into th e ADF (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 1. Put the document into the ADF document feed tray face up. * * Document Note: ❏ Before loading a document into the ADF, check that no document pages remain on the original glass.
Chapter 4 Using the Printer Driver Uninstalling the Printer Driver (for Windows) This section describes how to uninst all the printer driver if necessary.
Click to save all chan ges without e xiting the Properties dialog box. ❏ Help Click to view the help. ❏ Easy Set Click Save to save the current settings. Specify a Name and Comment to access the settings for use again later. Name : Type in the name of the settings to be saved.
When this button is clic ked, it changes to the Printer View button. Note: This button appear s only when the Watermark tab is selected. ❏ Quality View Click the button to display a sample of the settings selected in the Qual ity tab. When this button is clic ked, it changes to the Printer View button.
❏ Select the paper used for the front page Layout Tab The Layout Tab allows you to ❏ Print several pages of a document on the same page (N-up printing) ❏ Specify booklet printing (when the duple.
❏ Print the waterma rk on only the first page ❏ Print multiple copie s of the sele cted watermark on a single page Quality Tab The Quality Tab allows you to ❏ Specify whether to print in color o.
Chapter 5 Using the Copier Making Basic Copies This section contains descri ptions of the bas ic co py operation procedure an d the functions that are frequently used when making co pies, such as specifying the zoom ratio and the copy density. Note: ❏ For AcuLaser CX16NF, before ma king copies, check that the Copy key is lit up in green.
Basic Copy Operation 1. Position the document to be copied. Note: For details on positioning the document, refer to “Placing a docu ment on the original glass” on page 69 and “Loading a document into the AD F (AcuLaser CX16NF only)” on page 71.
5. To print color copies, press the Start - Color key. To print monochrome copies, press the Start - B&W key. Copying begins. Note: If the Stop/Reset key is pressed while copying, JOB CANCEL appears. To stop copying, select YES . To continue copying, select NO .
Specifying the Zoom Ratio The zoom ratio can be specified eith er by selecting a preset zoom rati o or by specifying a custom zoom ratio. Selecting a Preset Zoom Ratio 1. In the main screen (Copy mode), press the u or d key to select the current zoom ratio setting, and then press the Sele ct key.
Note: If no paper is l oaded in Tray 2, EMPTY appears to the right of the media size. Making Advanced Copies This section contains descri ptions on setting 2i n1 copying, ID card copyi ng, repeat copying, poster copying, duplex (double-sided) co pying and collated (Sort) copying.
2in1 Copying From the Original Glass 1. In the main screen (Copy mode), press the u or d key to select the current page layo ut setting, and then press the Sele ct key. 2. Press the u or d key to select 2in1 , and then press the Select key. The zoom ratio is automatically se t according to the specified medi a size.
❏ ID card copying, repeat copying and poster copyin g can only be perfor med with the origin al glass. Position the document pages to be scanned so that they are aligned in the up per-left corner of the original glass. Since the image is printed 4 mm from the top and left side, ad just the position of the document as necessary.
2. In the main screen (Copy mode), press the u or d key to select the current copy function setting, and then press the Select key. 3. Press the u or d key to select ID CARD COPY , and then press the Select key. 4. To print color copies, press the Start - Color key.
5. To print color copies, press the Start - Color key. To print monochrome copies, press the Start - B&W key. 6. Use the keypad to type in the do cument length, and then press the Select key. Note: To change the document size, press the Back key to delete the current si ze, and then use the keypad to specify the desired size.
3. Press the u or d key to select POSTER COPY , and then press the Select key. 4. To print color copies, press the Start - Color key. To print monochrome copies, press the Start - B&W key. After the document has been scanne d, printing auto matically begins.
Duplex (Double-Sided) Copy in g From the Original Glass Duplex (double-sided) copying can also be performed by placing the document on the orig inal glass. 1. Position the document on the origin al glass. Note: For details on positioning the document on th e orig inal glass, refer to “Placing a document on the original glass” on page 69.
Setting Collated (Sort) Copy ing (AcuLaser CX16NF only) With collated (Sort) copying, multiple copies of multi-page documents can be printed in order and sorted by copy set. Collated (Sort) Copying From the ADF 1. In the main screen (Copy mode), press the u or d key to select the current Sort setting, and then press the Select key.
Chapter 6 Using the Scanner Scanning From a Computer Application Documents can be scanned from a computer connect ed to this machine with a USB cable or via a network (AcuLaser CX16NF only ). Scanning settings can be specif ied and the scanning operat ion can be performed from TWAIN- or WIA-compatible a pplications.
Note: For details on positioning the document, refer to “Placing a docu ment on the original glass” on page 69 and “Loading a document into the AD F (AcuLaser CX16NF only)” on page 71. 2. Start the application to be used for scanning. 3. Start the scanner driver accord ing to the application settings.
Specify the scan type. ❏ Resolution Specify the resolution. ❏ Scale Specify the enlargement or reduct ion ratio for the selected area. Note: If the resolution is set at 1200 × 1200dpi or higher, a se tting larger than 100% cannot be speci fied. ❏ Scanning Mode Select Auto or Manual .
❏ AutoCrop icon Click to automatically detect the scanni ng position based on the preview image. ❏ Zoom icon Click to rescan the area select ed in the preview window and enlarge it to fit the window. ❏ Mirror icon Click to display a mirror im age of the preview image.
Select this setting when scanning in grayscale. ❏ Black and white picture or text Select this setting when sc anning in black and white. ❏ Custom Settings Select this setting when scanning with Adjust the quality of the scanned picture settings applied.
Macintosh TWAIN Driver Settings ❏ Load Load a saved settings file (dat file) for scanning. ❏ Save Save the current se ttings as a settings file (dat file). ❏ Default Return all settings to their defaults. ❏ Help icon Click to display the Help.
❏ Scanning Mode Select Auto or Manual . When Manual is selected, a tab appears so that detailed settings can be specified, for example, for Brightness/Contrast and Filter . Note: ❏ The parameters that can be set differ depend ing on the scanning mo de that is selected.
Click to reverse the colors of the preview image. ❏ Clear icon Click to erase the preview image. ❏ Preview window Displays a preview image. Drag the rectan gle over the image to select an area. ❏ Before/After (RGB) Move the pointer in the pr eview window to display the color tones at the pointer’s position before and after adjustments.
Basic Scanning Operation 1. Position the document to be scanned. Note: For details on positioning the document, refer to “Placing a docu ment on the original glass” on page 69 and “Loading a document into the AD F (AcuLaser CX16NF only)” on page 71.
6. Press the u or d key to select the size of the docum ent positioned in step 5, and then press the Select key. 7. After all document pages ha ve been scanned, press the Start key. The scanned document is sent to the specifie d location. Note: ❏ If the Stop/Reset key is pressed while scanning, JOB CANCEL appears.
Specifying the Destination Addre ss (Scan to E-mail/FTP/SMB) Scan data can be sent via the ne twork to a specified address (e-m ail address, FTP address or SMB address). The address can be typed in directly, or an address registered on th e machine can be selected.
Selecting From the Favorite List From the speed dial destinations an d group dial destinations register ed on this machine, register a maximum of 20 destinations in th e favorite list for convenient access to frequently specified destinations.
2. Use the keypad to type in the number (between 1 and 250) for the speed dial destination, and then press the Select key. The information registered for the speed dial destination appe ars for two seconds. 3. Press the Select key again. If an FTP address or an SMB address was selected, the destination address is specified.
Selecting From the Address Book The speed dial destinations and group dial destinations register ed on this machine are saved in the address book. Follow the procedur e described below to specify an address (e-ma il address, FTP address or SMB address) from the address book as the recipient of the scan data.
3. Use the keypad to type in the search keyword (maximum of 10 characters ), and then press the Select key. The search begins, and the search results appear after a while. If no data matches the search keyword, NOT FOUND appears for about two seconds.
1. With the main screen (Scan mode) or Can Use AddressBook displayed, press the Addressbook key four times so that PHONE BOOK appears. 2. Press the u or d key to select LDAP SEARCH , and then press the Select key. 3. Press the u or d key to select NAME or E-MAIL , and then press the Select key.
Specifying Multiple Destination Addresses A destination address can be added if a destination e-mail ad dress is specified. Note: If an FTP address or an SMB address was selected , multiple destination addr esses cannot be specified.
Note: For details on entering/editing text, refer t o the Facsimi le User’s Guide. 5. To finish editing addresses, press the Back key. 6. Press the u or d key to select FINISH , and then press the Select key. Deleting a Specified Destination Address A specified destination address (e-mail address, FTP address or SMB address) can be deleted.
Note: ❏ Addresses can also be registered/edited with Epso nNet Config or with Lo cal Setup Program on the enclosed Software Disc. For detail s, refer to the Reference Guide. ❏ The same settings menu used to r egister/edit fax numbers is used to register/edit a ddresses.
Note: Changes made with this procedure will not be appl ied to the origina l da ta (speed dial destination, group dial destination, etc.). 1. In the main screen (Scan mode), press the u or d key to select UTILITY , and then press the Select key. 2. Press the u or d key to select DIAL REGISTER , and then press the Select key.
3. Press the u or d key to select SPEED DIAL , and then press the Select key. 4. Use the keypad to type in the number (between 1 and 220) for the speed dial destination, and then press the Select key. 5. Press the u or d key to select MANUAL SETTING , and then press the Select key.
3. Press the u or d key to select SPEED DIAL , and then press the Select key. 4. Use the keypad to type in the number (between 1 and 220) for the speed dial destination, and then press the Select key. 5. Press the u or d key to select LDAP SEARCH , and then press the Select key.
Editing/Deleting Speed Dial Destinations Information registered as a speed dial destination c an be edited or deleted. Note: Machine key operations cannot be used to edit/delete an FTP addre ss or SMB address registered as a speed dial destination. These addr esses can be edited/deleted with Local Setup Program or EpsonNet Config.
Note: The addresses that can be re gistered as group dial dest inations are limited to ad dresses registered as speed dial destinations or as ot her group dial destinations. 1. In the main screen (Scan mode), press the u or d key to select UTILITY , and then press the Select key.
4. Use the keypad to type in th e number (between 1 and 20) for the group dial destination to be edited/deleted, and then press the Select key. The information currently registered for the grou p dial destination appear s for about two seconds.
Selecting the Data Format The data format for the sca nned image can be selected. 1. In the main screen (Scan mode), press the u or d key to select the current data format setting, and then press the Sele ct key. 2. Press the u or d key to select TIFF , PDF or JPEG , and then press the Select key.
3. Press the u or d key to select MIX , TEXT or PHOTO , and then press the Select key. The main screen (Sca n mode) appears again. Selecting the Sc an Density 1. In the main screen (Scan mode), press the u or d key to select the current scan quality setting, and then press the Sele ct key.
Specifying the Subject Specify the subject used when sending scan data as e-mail. 1. In the main screen (Scan mode), press the u or d key to select SUBJECT , and then press the Select key. 2. Use the keypad to type in the subject name, an d then press the Select key.
Chapter 7 Replacing Consumables Replacing Consumables Note: ❏ Failure to follow instructions as outlined in this manual could result in voiding your warranty. ❏ If an error message ( TONER OUT , P/U LIFE END , etc.) appears, print ou t the configuration page, and then check the status of the other consumables.
Toner Cartridge Type Toner Cartridge Part Number High-Capacity Toner Cartridge - Yellow (Y) 0554 High-Capacity Toner Cart ridge - Magenta (M) 0555 High-Capacity Toner Cartridge - Cyan (C) 0556 Note: For optimum print quality and pe rformance, use only the corresponded TYPE genuine Epson toner cartridges.
Replacing a Toner Cartridge Note: Be careful not to spill toner while replacing a toner cart ridge. If toner spills, imme diately wipe it off with a soft, dry cloth.
6. Open the front cover. Note: Before opening the front cover, open Tray 1 if it is not already open. 7. Check that the toner cartridge to be replaced has been moved to the front. Note: You can identify the toner cartri dge by the color of the handle.
8. Pull down the handle on the toner cartridge un til the toner cartridge is unlocked and moves out slightly toward you. Remove the toner cartridge. Note: Do not manually rotate the tone r cartridge carous el. In addition, do not rotate the carousel with force, otherwise it may be damaged.
Note: ❏ Do not touch the contact indi cated in the illustration. ❏ Dispose of the empty toner cartri dge according to your local regu lations. Do not burn the toner cartridge. For details, refer to “About Toner Cartridges” on page 117. 9. Check the color of the new to ner cartridge to be installed.
12. Remove the cover from the toner roller. Note: Do not touch or scratch the toner roller. 13. Align the shaft on each end of the toner cartridge with its holder s, and then insert the cartridge .
Note: Before inserting the toner cartridge, make sure that the color of the toner cartridge to be installed is the same as the label on th e toner cartridge carousel. Note: Do not touch the contact indi cated in the illustration. 14. Press in the toner cartridg e until it locks into place.
15. Close the front cover. 16. Press the Stop/Reset key to reset the machine an d clear the indicator message. Note: The machine must complete a ca libration cycle afte r a toner cartridge has be en replaced.
4. Open the front cover. Note: Before opening the front cover, open Tray 1 if it is not already open. 5. Pull down the handle on the toner cartridge un til the toner cartridge is unlocked and moves out slightly toward you.
Note: Do not manually rotate the tone r cartridge carous el. In addition, do not rotate the carousel with force, otherwise it may be damaged. Note: Do not touch the contact indi cated in the illustration. 6. Close the front cover. Note: To exit EJECT MODE, press the Stop/Reset key.
1. Open the scanner unit. Note: If there is paper in the output tray, remove it, and then fold up the output tray before opening the scanner unit. Note: Do not touch the wires and flat cable shown in the illustration.
2. Grab the handle and lift it up slightly to the ba ck, and then slowly pull th e photoconductor unit out vertically. Note: Dispose of the used photoconducto r unit according to your local regulations. Do not burn the photoconductor unit. 3. Prepare the new photoconductor unit.
4. Slowly insert the new photoconduct or unit vertically, and then push it slightly down toward you to finish installing the photoconductor unit. 5. Carefully close the scanner unit.
Note: Do not touch the wires and flat cable shown in the illustration. Note: The machine must complete a calibration cycle af ter the photoconductor unit has been replaced. If you open the scanner unit or front cover before the machine is reset, th e calibration st ops, then starts over again after th e cover is closed.
Chapter 8 Maintenance Maintaining the Machine c Caution: Read all caution and warning labels carefully, making sure to foll ow any instructions contained in them. These labels are loca ted on the inside of the machine’s co vers and the interior of the machine body.
❏ Always close the machine’s covers gently. Never subject the mac hine to vibration. ❏ Do not cover the machine immediately after using it. Turn it off and wait until it cools down. ❏ Do not leave the machine’s covers open for any length of time, espe cially in well-lit places; light may damage the toner cartridges.
Cleaning the Machine c Caution: Be sure to turn off the machine and unplug the power cord before cleani ng. However, be sure to turn on the machine when clea ning the print head window.
Media Rollers The accumulation of paper dust and other debris on the media rollers can cause media-feeding problems. Cleaning the Media Feed Roller 1. Open the scanner unit. Note: If there is paper in the output tray, remove it, and then fold up the output tray before opening the scanner unit.
2. Grab the handle and lift it up slightly to the ba ck, and then slowly pull th e photoconductor unit out vertically. Note: ❏ Do not touch the PC drum and th e tran sfer belt on the photoconductor unit. ❏ Position the removed photoconduc tor unit horizo ntally as shown in th e illustration below.
3. Clean the media feed rollers by wi ping them with a soft, dry cloth. c Caution: The area around the fuser unit is extremely hot. Touching anything other than th e indicated levers may result in burns. If you get burned, immediately cool the skin unde r cold water, and then seek professional medical attention.
Note: Decreased print quality may result if the su rface of the transfer roller is touched. Be careful not to touch the surface of the transfer roller. 4. Slowly insert the photoconductor unit vertically, and then push it slightly down toward you to finish reinstalling the photoconductor unit.
5. Carefully close the scanner unit. Note: Do not touch the wires and flat cable shown in the illustration. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide Maintenance 139.
Cleaning the Media Feed Rollers fo r the ADF (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 1. Open the ADF feed cover. M 2. Clean the media feed rollers by wi ping them with a soft, dry cloth.
Cleaning the Media Feed Rollers fo r Tray 2 (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Be sure to remove the duplex option before cleaning the media f eed rollers for Tray 2.
4. Clean the media feed rollers by wi ping them with a soft, dry cloth. 5. Lift the machine and reinst all it on top of Tray 2. 6. Open Tray 1 and rea ttach the dust cover. 7. If you removed the duplex opti on in step 1, reinstall it. Note: If the duplex option is not to be installed, install the locking pins.
Cleaning the Media Feed Rollers for th e attachment (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Be sure to remove the duplex option before cl eaning the media feed ro llers for the attachment. 1. If the duplex option is installed, remove it. 2. Remove the dust cover from Tray 1 and close the tray.
5. Lift the machine and reinstall it on top of the attachment. 6. Open Tray 1 and rea ttach the dust cover. 7. If you removed the duplex opti on in step 1, reinstall it. Cleaning the Media Feed Rollers for the Duplex (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 1. Open the duplex door.
2. Clean the feed rollers by wipi ng them with a soft, dry cloth. 3. Close the duplex door. Print Head Window Continuing to use this machine with a dirty print head window can cause print quality problems. Clearing the Print Head Window 1. With the main screen displayed, press the l key to display the PRINTER MODE screen.
Note: I t i s n o t p o s s i b l e t o e x i t P / H C L E A N M O D E b e fore the operation is finished (even if the Stop/Reset key is pressed). If the machine has incorrectly been switched to P/H CLEAN MODE, perform steps 4 through 7, then steps 11 through 16 (skipp ing steps 8 th rough 10) to exit P/H CLEAN MODE mode.
5. The magenta toner cartridge has been moved to the position from where it can be replaced. Pull down the handle on the toner cartridge unti l the toner cartridge is unlocked and moves out slightly toward you.
Note: Do not touch the contact indi cated in the illustration. 6. Close the front cover. Note: The toner cartridge rota te within the machine. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s .
7. After the toner cartridges have fini shed rotating, open the scanner unit. Note: Do not touch the wires and flat cable shown in the illustration. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner Use.
8. Grab the handle and lift it up slightly to the ba ck, and then slowly pull th e photoconductor unit out vertically. Note: ❏ Do not touch the PC drum and th e tran sfer belt on the photoconductor unit. ❏ Position the removed photoconduc tor unit horizo ntally as shown in th e illustration below.
9. Clean the print head window by wiping it with a soft, dry cloth. c Caution: The area around the fuser unit is extremely hot. Touching anything other than th e indicated levers may result in burns. If you get burned, immediately cool the skin unde r cold water, and then seek professional medical attention.
Note: Decreased print quality may result if the su rface of the transfer roller is touched. Be careful not to touch the surface of the transfer roller. 10. Slowly insert the photoconductor unit vertically, and then push it slightly down toward you to finish reinstalling the photoconductor unit.
11. Close the scanner unit. Note: Do not touch the wires and flat cable shown in the illustration. 12. Press the Stop/Reset key. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide Maintena.
13. After the toner cartridges have fini shed rotating, open the front cover. 14. Align the shaft on each end of the toner cartridge with its holder s, and then insert the cartridge .
Note: Do not touch the contact indi cated in the illustration. 15. Press in the magenta toner cart ridge until it locks into place. 16. Close the front cover.
Long-term storage of the printer If the printer will not be used for a month or more, install the protecti ve materials onto the fuser unit. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Gu.
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Introduction This chapter provides informatio n to aid you in resolving machin e problems you may encounter, or at least guide you to the proper sources for help. Printing a Configuration Page 1. In the main sc reen, press the u or d key to select REPORT/STATUS , and then press the Selec t key.
Avoid... Media that is folded , wrinkled, or excessive ly curled. Double feeding (remove the media and fan th e sheets—they may be sticking together) . Loading more than one type/size/weight of media in a tray at the same time. Overfilling th e trays.
Media Misfeed Messages an d Clearing Procedures Media Misfeed Message Page Reference CHECK TRAY1 PAPER LOAD PAPER ( 1 xx) (PRESS START KEY) This message appears in the following cases. ❏ When no media is loaded in Tray 1 ❏ When a misfeed has occurred in Tray 1 With the first ca se, load media in to the tray, and then press the Start key.
Clearing a Media Misfeed in the Machine 1. Open the scanner unit. Note: If there is paper in the output tray, remove it, and then fold up the output tray before opening the scanner unit. Note: Do not touch the wires and flat cable shown in the illustration.
2. Grab the handle and lift it up slightly to the ba ck, and then slowly pull th e photoconductor unit out vertically. Note: ❏ Do not touch the PC drum and th e tran sfer belt on the photoconductor unit. ❏ Position the removed photoconduc tor unit horizo ntally as shown in th e illustration below.
3. Push the fuser separator leve rs back as far as possible. c Caution: The area around the fuser unit is extremely hot. Touching anything other than th e indicated levers may result in burns. If you get burned, immediately cool the skin unde r cold water, and then seek professional medical attention.
4. Remove any misfed media. Note: ❏ If a media misfeed occurs near the fuser unit, pull out the medi a from below the fuser unit, as shown in the illustration above. ❏ If the media cannot be removed from below the fuser unit, raise the fuser unit cover, and then remove the media from above the fus er unit.
❏ If you cannot remove paper jammed in the fuser unit, remo ve the fuser unit. M ❏ Remove the dust cover from Tray 1 and remove the media. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s .
Note: ❏ Do not touch the surface of the fuser roll er in the fuser unit. ❏ Do not touch the matching connectors of the fuser unit and the machine. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner U.
❏ Do not touch the paper exit sensor on the fuser unit. ❏ Decreased print quality may result if th e su rface of the transfer roller is touched. Be careful not to touch the su rface of the transfer roller.
5. Return the fuser separator leve rs to their original positio ns. 6. Slowly insert the photoconductor unit vertically, and then push it slightly down toward you to finish reinstalling the photoconductor unit.
7. Carefully close the scanner unit. Note: Do not touch the wires and flat cable shown in the illustration. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide Troubleshoot ing 168.
Clearing a Media Misfeed F rom Tray 1 1. Remove the dust cover from Tray 1. 2. Carefully pull out the misfed media. M Note: If the media cannot be removed, instead of pulling it with extreme force, clear the media misfeed according to the procedur e described in “Clea ring a Media Mi sfeed in the Mach ine” on page 160.
3. Reattach the dust cover. 4. Press the Start key. Clearing a Media Misfeed in Tray 2 (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 1. Pull out Tray 2 as far as possible. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner Use.
2. Lift up Tray 2 to remove it. 3. Remove any misfed paper. Note: If necessary, remove the dust cover from Tray 1 and close the tray. 4. Remove the lid from Tray 2, and th en remove all paper from the tray.
5. Fan the paper, and align its edges. 6. Press down the media pressure plate to lock it into place. 7. Load the media in Tray 2, and attach the lid. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner Us.
8. Reinsert Tray 2. 9. Open and close the scanner unit to clear the misfeed message. AcuLaser CX16 Series Printer / Copier / Scanner User’s Guide Troubleshoot ing 173.
Clearing a Media Misfeed from the ADF (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 1. Open the ADF feed cover. M 2. Remove the document from the ADF document feed tray. 3. Lift to open the ADF cover.
4. Remove any misfed media. Note: If the edge of the whit e leading sheet in the ADF comes ou t, insert it as it was before. 5. Close the ADF cover. 6.
Clearing a Media Misfeed from the Du plex Option (AcuLaser CX16NF only) 1. Open the duplex cover. 2. Carefully pull out the misfed media. Note: ❏ Always remove the misfed media in the feed direction as shown only.
❏ If the media misfeed occurs at the bottom feed slot and the me dia does not stick out enough to be removed, turn the dial at the right in the directio n of the ar r ow until the media can be pulled out.
Symptom Cause Solution Several sheets go through the machine together. The front edges of the media are not even. Remove the media and even up the front edges, then reload it. The media is moist from humidity. Remove the moist media and replace it with new, dry media.
Symptom Cause Solution Media is misfeeding. The media is not correctly positioned in the tray. Remove the mi sfed med ia and re position the medi a properly in the tray. The number of sh eets in the tray exceeds the maxim um allowed. Remove the excess media and reload the correct number of sheets in the tray .
Solving Other Problems Symptom Cause Solution Machine power is not on. The power cord is not correctly plugged into the outlet. Turn off the machine, confirm that the power cord is correctly plugg ed into the outl et, and t hen turn on th e machin e. Something is wrong with the outlet connected to the machin e.
Symptom Cause Solution Printing takes too much time. The machine is set to a slow printing mode (for example, thick stock). It takes more time to print with special media. When using regular paper, make sure that the media type is set prope rly in the driver.
Symptom Cause Solution You are experiencing duplex problems. (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Media or settings are not correct. Make sure that you are using correct media. ❏ Only Letter/A4 plain pape r can be autoduplexed . ❏ Do not dupl ex envelopes, labels, postcards, thick stock, letterheads, or plain paper w ith a size other than Lett er/ A4.
Symptom Cause Solution When copying or scanning with the ADF, a horizontal or vertical band appears at the anterior or posterior end of the image or paper (5 to 6 mm). (AcuLaser CX16NF only) A malfunction may have occurred while paper was being transferred wi th the ADF.
Symptom Cause Solution It takes a very long time to transfer scan data to the USB memory device. (AcuLaser CX16NF only) The response time may be slow depending on the USB memory device that is use d. Wait until th e transfer is finished. It is not possible to enter Scan mode or Fax mode.
Symptom Cause Solution Entire sheet is printed in black or color. One or more of the toner cartridges may be defective. Remove the toner cartridg es and check for damage. If it is damaged, replace it. The photoconductor unit may be defective. Remove the photoconductor unit and check for damage.
Symptom Cause Solution Image is blurred; background is lightly stained; there is insufficient gloss of the printed image. One or more of the toner cartridges may be defective. Remove the toner cartridg es and check for damage. If it is damaged, replace it.
Symptom Cause Solution There are toner smudges or residual imag es. One or more of the toner cartridges are defective or installed incorrectly. Remove the toner cartridg es and check for damage. If it is damaged, replace it. The temperature in the printe r is high.
Symptom Cause Solution Lateral lines or bands appear on image. The machine is not level. Place the machine on a flat, hard, level surface. The media path is dirty with toner. Print several sheets and the exc ess toner should disappear. One or more of the toner cartridges may be defective.
Symptom Cause Solution Thin white horizontal lines appear at intervals on images. Toner is not evenly adhering to the media. Perform IMAGE REFRESH. (Set MACHINE SETTING / IMAGE REFRESH in the UTILITY menu to YES .) If the problem persists, contact your vendor or authorized service provider.
Status, Error, and Service Messages Status, error, and service messages are displayed in the message window. They provide infor mation about your machine and help you locate many problems. When th e condition associated with a displayed message has changed, the me ssage is cleared from the window.
This message... means... Do this... SEARCHING The machine is searching data. No action needed. SCANNING The machine is scanning the document. Warming Up The machine is warming up or AIDC is being performed. REFRESHING PLEASE WAIT! The printer is adjusting the toner distribution.
This message... means... Do this... COMMUNICATION ERROR xxx Server While data was being sent in Scan mode, the connection to the server was interrupted. Check the settings specified in the NETWORK SETTING and E-MAIL SETTING menus, and then try sending the data ag ain.
This message... means... Do this... MEMORY FULL The machine has received more data than ca n be processed with its internal memory. Turn the machine of f, and then, after a few se conds, turn it on again. Decrea se the amount of data to be printed (for example, by decreasing the resolution), and then try printing again.
This message... means... Do this... NOT REGISTERED No speed dial destination or group dial destination is registered. Otherwise, no destination has been registered with the specified speed dial or group dial number.
This message... means... Do this... RETURN xx ORIGINAL to ADF and PRE SS START KEY After a media misfeed has been cleared from the ADF, the number of document pages to be reloaded into the ADF is indicated. Reload into the ADF the number of document pages indicated by xx , and then press the Start key.
This message... means... Do this... USB Dev.Not support A USB device incompatible with this machine is connected. Disconnect the USB device from this machine. USB Hub Not support A USB hub is connected to this machine. This machine is not compatible with a USB hub.
Service Messages These messages indicate a more serious fault that can only be corrected by a cu stomer service engineer. If one of these messages appears, turn the machin e off, t h e n t u r n i t o n a g a i n . If the problem persists, contact your local vendor or authorized service provider.
Chapter 10 Installing Accessories (AcuLaser CX16NF only) Introduction Note: Any damage to the machine caused by the use of ac cessories not manufactur ed or supported by Epson will void your warranty. This chapter provides informatio n about the following accessories.
Kit Contents ❏ 500-sheet paper cassette unit with a tray Installing Tray 2 Note: Since consumables are installed in the machine, be sure to keep the mach ine level when movi ng it in order to prevent acci dental spills. 1. Turn off the machine and disconnect the power cord and interface cables.
4. Lift the machine and plac e it on top of the 500-s heet paper cassette unit, making sure that the positioning pins on the 500-sheet paper cassette unit correctly fi t into the holes on the bottom of the machine. w Warning: This machine weighs approximatel y 21 kg (46 lb) when it is fully loaded with consumables.
8. When installing Tray 2 without installing the duplex option, also install the locking pins (one in each opening on the left and righ t sides at the back of Tray 2).
Kit Contents Duplex option Attachment Note: If Tray 2 is installed, it is not necessary to insta ll the attachment. In this case, skip “Installing the Attachment”, and continue with “Insta lling the Duplex op tion” on page 203. Installing Attachment If the attachment is in stalled, the duplex option can be installed.
3. Prepare the attachment. Note: Be sure to place the atta chment on a level surface. 4. Lift the machine and plac e it on top of the attachment, making sure that the positi oning pins on the attachment correctly fit into the holes on the bottom of the machine.
2. Remove the tape affixed to the rear cover. 3. If the locking pins are installed on the left and right side at the back of Tray 2, remove them. To remove a locking pin, turn it to e ither the left or the right so that its grip is vertical, and then pull out the locking pin to remove it.
5. Install the duplex option. Align the duplex option with its installation po sition, and then push do wn on the bottom of the duplex option until it locks into place. Note: When attaching the duplex option, attach the bottom of the option first. If the duplex option is attached incorrectly, it may be damaged.
6. Open the duplex cover. While holding the duplex option against the machine, tighten the screws inside the cover to complete the installation of the duplex option. 7. Reconnect all interface cables. 8. Reconnect the power cord, and turn on the machine.
Appendix A Appendix Technical Specifications Model name AcuLaser CX16NF L622B AcuLaser CX16 L622A Type Desktop (Full color laser be am printer-based all-in-one) Document holder Stationary Developing s.
Media sizes Tray 1 (Multipurpose tray) ❏ Paper width: 92 to 216 m m (3.6" to 8.5") ❏ Pape r length: Plain paper: 195 to 356 mm (7.7" to 14.
Acoustic noise AcuLaser CX16NF Standby: 38 dB or less Printing: 49 dB or less Copying: 52 dB or l ess AcuLaser CX16 Standby: 38 dB or less Printing: 50 dB or less Copying: 50 dB or l ess External dimensions AcuLaser CX16NF Height: 432 mm (17.0") Width: 405 mm (15.
R&TTE directive 1999/5/ EC (AcuLaser CX16NF only) ES203021-1 ES203021-2 ES203021-3 ES201187 EG201120 EN60950-1 ❏ For European users (AcuLaser CX16NF only): We, Seiko Epson Corporation, hereby declare that the equipment Model, L622B, is in compliance with the essential requirements and other re levant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Index 2 2in1 copy........................................................ .......................81 5 500-She et Pap er Ca sset te Unit. .......................................1 98 A Address book Searc hing ad dres s......... ......... ............ ..
M Machine Setting menu....................................... .................32 Maintenance.......................................................................132 Media Clearing misfeeds...........................................................158 Loading.
Register destination address........................... ..............106 Specify destination address.............................................99 Speci fy mu ltip le de stinati ons. ................... ................ ...105 Scanner driver TWAIN driver (Macintosh).
An important point after buying a device Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson AcuLaser CX16DTNF along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center