Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 5500C Epson
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EPSON ® PowerLite ® 5500C/7500C User’s Guide P age i Wedn esday, August 4, 19 99 4:41 PM.
ii Copyright Notice All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced, sto red in a retrieval system , or transmitted in any for m or by an y means, el ectroni c, mechani cal, ph oto copying , record ing, or other wise, wi thou t the pri or written permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
iii Important Informati on About Y our Projecto r Important Safety Information Warn ing : Never look into the projector lens when the lamp is turne d on; the bright light can dama ge your eyes. Never le t children loo k into t he lens when it is on. N ever open any cover on the project or, except the lamp an d filter covers.
iv If the remote control still do es not work properly, reme mber you can always control yo ur computer-base d presen tation dire ctly from the compute r, even i n an en vironment containing one of t he cond itions listed above.
v Contents Introduct ion 1 Getting the Most Out of Your Project or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sleep Mode .
vi Installing t he Remote Control Ba tteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Before You Conne ct the Proje ctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Connecting to a Computer . . . .
vii 3 Using the Project or Menus 59 Accessing the Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Changing a Menu Se tting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii i Using the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 Changing the COM Por t Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Customizing the Remote Control Ef fects Buttons .
1 Introduction Your EPSON ® PowerL ite ® proje ctor is a com pact, lightw eig ht projec tor th at lets yo u proje ct SVGA (PowerLi te 5500C) o r XGA (PowerLi te 7500 C) full -color images an d vide o onto a large s creen for pr esentat ions.
Intr oduc tion 2 For your presen tation s, you can sel ect front , rear, o r ceil ing projec tion. Th is provi des maxi mum flexib ility in choos ing the best displ ay method for each enviro nment. You can c ontrol your pro jector through a hand-h eld remot e contr ol unit, wi th menus provide d for image source s witchi ng and imag e adjust ment.
Getting the M ost Out of Yo ur Projector 3 Gettin g the Most O ut o f Your Projec tor Your proj ector c ome s with a full set of fe atur es th at all ow yo u to contro l th e setting s for t he image d isplay, video , and audi o. Read this se ctio n for a quick summ ary of the im port ant f eatu res.
Intr oduc tion 4 Optional Accessories To enhan ce you r use of the proje ctor, EPS ON provide s the follo wing op tional accesso ries : ● Replace ment lamp and fi lter ELPLP06 ● Soft tr avel case .
About T his Ma nual 5 About This Manual This man ual desc ribes h ow to ins tall and u se the E PSON PowerLit e 5500C a nd PowerLi te 7500C pro jectors.
Intr oduc tion 6 Chap ter 7, “ Techn ica l Speci fica tions, ” lists the te chnic al speci ficat ion s for the proj ecto r. A Glossa ry and I ndex are provided a t the en d of the manual.
Safety Instructions 7 Safety Instructio ns Follow t hese sa fety i nstruct ions whe n setting up and usi ng the proj ector : 1. Do not pl ace the projec tor on a n unst able ca rt, st and, or t able. 2. Do not us e the pr ojecto r near wa ter or sources of heat .
Intr oduc tion 8 9. Do not pl ace the projec tor wher e the co rd can b e walk ed on. It may resu lt in f raying or damage to the plu g. 10. Unplu g the proj ector f rom the wall outlet b efore clea ning. Use a damp clo th for c leanin g. Do not use li quid or aerosol cleane rs.
Where to Get Help 9 ● If it does not operat e normally when y ou follo w the oper ating instr ucti ons , or if it ex hib its a dis tin ct ch ange in pe rfo rman ce, indicat ing a need for s ervice ● If it has been dr opped or th e housing ha s been damage d.
Intr oduc tion 10 Automated Telephone Services When supp ort is requ ired, f ollow the ca lling i nstruc tions on the b ack of the E PS ON Pr ivate L ine Techn ical Sup port ca rd in clud ed wit h the pr ojector . Techni cal supp ort is also av ailabl e in the U.
Where to Get Help 11 ● Product name ● Product serial number ● Perso nal i dentif icat ion nu mbe r (PIN ) for EPSON Priva te Li ne Technic al Suppo rt ● Computer configu ration ● Descri ption of the pr oblem You can p urchase acce ssories from EPSON Access orie s at (800 ) 873-77 66, or vi sit our web sit e at www.
11 1 Installation T his ch apter de scribe s how to unpack and set up your pr ojecto r, and connec t it to othe r equipmen t. The proje ctor must be connected to a co mputer or a video so urce suc h as a VCR, c amcorder, o r laser disc p layer be fore i t can proj ect any images.
1 • Installa tion 12 ● Connect the p rojector to an extern al speak er to a mplify t he audio. Unpacking the Projector When you u npack the projec tor, make sure you have all th ese component s: Projec tor Remote contro l 2 AA batterie s Power co rd Projec tor v ideo ca ble Audi o cab le 5500.
Unpackin g the Projec tor 13 Audi o/vi deo (A/V) cabl e Maci ntos h a dapte r s et: Macinto sh desktop ada pter Maci ntos h m onit or adap ter PS/2 ® mou se cabl e (for th e PC) Mac mous e cable (for t he Macint osh) Projec tor sof tware CD-R OM Hand stra p Soft c arrying case 5500.
1 • Installa tion 14 Dependi ng on the configu ration of your equipment , you may no t need all th ese compon ents. Save al l packa ging in c ase you n eed to shi p the pr ojector in the future .
Attaching t he Hand S trap 15 ● To conne ct the p roject or to an extern al sound syst em, you nee d an RCA-to- 3.5 mm stereo a udio cable. You can obtain one from your co mputer dealer. ● To us e the re mote cont rol when the p roject or is not in line- of-sig ht of t he remote , you n eed an opt ional infrar ed repeat er.
1 • Installa tion 16 2. L ocat e th e sli der button on the botto m fr ont of the pro jecto r an d slide the b utton up unti l the f ront strap c onnec tor is fully exten ded . 3. Place one end of the str ap through t he fron t strap conn ector and and fas ten the screw thr ough the strap.
Installing th e Remote Co ntrol Batteries 17 4. Place the other end of the strap throug h the r ear st rap co nnector and fa sten the scre w. Note: T here is no slide r butto n for th e rear s trap con nector.
1 • Installa tion 18 2. In sert the two AA ba tter ies inc lude d with the pro ject or. Mak e sure th e po larity o f the batt eries is corr ect. 3. Replace the bat tery c ompartment cover. When re pla cing ba tter ies, ta ke the f ollo wing p reca ution s: ● Do not mi x old and new batt eries.
Before You Connect the Projector 19 Before You Connect the Projector Before you beg in, decid e where yo u want to pl ace the projec tor and computer or vide o source . Be sure to place the pro jector on a sturdy , level surfac e within five fee t of the computer or vide o source.
1 • Installa tion 20 Connecting to a Computer You can co nnect t he proje ctor to a computer ca pable of XGA, VGA, or SVGA out put. The Powe rLite 7 500C is al so capabl e of pro jectin g SXGA images .
Connectin g to a Computer 21 Connecting to a PC Desktop Computer Before beginni ng, t urn off t he proj ector a nd compute r if t hey are on. 1. Connect the p rojector video ca ble and monito r cable. Note: Co mputer conf igura tions vary . See you r compute r manu al for t he lo cati on of th e po rts nee ded to conn ect y our projec tor.
1 • Installa tion 22 c. T o als o view th e video o n the comp uter moni tor , connect the m onit or cabl e to th e pr ojec tor ’ s Compu ter O ut po rt. This is useful when you n eed to vi ew the v ideo out put but the pr ojecti on screen i s behin d you.
Connectin g to a Computer 23 Note: You nee d the optio nal ELP Link III set to connect the projec tor to a c omputer wit h a seria l mouse. Se e Chapter 4 for m ore info rmat ion. b. Connect the ot her end of the PS/2 mouse cable t o the projec tor ’ s Mouse/Com p ort.
1 • Installa tion 24 Connecting to a PC Laptop Computer Before beginni ng, t urn off t he proj ector a nd compute r if t hey are on. 1. Connect the pro jector video ca ble. Note: L aptop con figurati ons vary. See y our comput er manual for the loca tion of the p orts neede d to c onne ct yo ur pr ojec tor.
Connectin g to a Computer 25 2. If you want t o use th e re mote cont rol as a mouse pointer for t he laptop , connect the mouse c able. Note: If you’ ll be usi ng th e op tion al EL P Lin k II I so ftwar e, sk ip step 2 , as y ou’ll n eed to c onnect the mo use cabl e incl uded in t he ELP Link III set inste ad.
1 • Installa tion 26 3. Connect the audi o cab le if nee ded (a nd if yo ur lapt op has an Audi o Out ja ck) . a. Connect one en d of the audio ca ble to the Audio In jack on the proje ctor . b. Connec t the ot her end of the audio ca ble to t he Audio Out jack on your la ptop.
Connectin g to a Computer 27 Connecting to a Desktop Macintosh Before begin ning, tu rn off t he proj ector a nd Macint osh if t hey are on. 1. Connect the pro jector video ca ble and monitor c able. Note: Maci ntosh comp uter co nfigurat ions va ry. See y our compu ter manual fo r the locat ion of the po rts neede d to conne ct your pr ojector .
1 • Installa tion 28 b. Remove the small c over (a s shown be low) and set the DIP switche s on th e Macintos h des ktop adap ter to sele ct the resolu tions y ou want t o use (s uch as 16-inch mode). See your Ma cintosh do cumentat ion for instr uctions .
Connectin g to a Computer 29 e. If you wish to view o r che ck im ages on the com puter ’ s monitor , atta ch th e lar ge end of the Ma cintosh monitor adap ter to the moni tor cab le and c onnec t the mon itor t o the projec tor ’ s Computer Out port .
1 • Installa tion 30 a. Disconne ct your Macintosh’ s mo use cabl e. Connect the smal l end o f the pr ojecto r ’ s M ac mou se ca ble to the Mo use port on your Macintosh . b. Connec t the ot her end of the Mac mouse cable t o the projec tor ’ s Mouse/Com p ort.
Connectin g to a Computer 31 Connecting t o a PowerB ook Your Power Book must have a vi deo-out capabi lity i n order to connect to the projec tor. Before beginni ng, t urn off t he proj ector a nd compute r if t hey are on. 1. Connect the pro jector video ca ble.
1 • Installa tion 32 b. Remove the small c over (a s shown be low) and set the DIP switche s on th e Macintos h des ktop adap ter to sele ct the resolu tions y ou want t o use (s uch as 16-inch mode). See your Ma cintosh do cumentat ion for instr uctions .
Connectin g to a Computer 33 e. Connect th e other end of the PowerBook vi deo-ou t cable to the pro jector video c able (wi th Macint osh des ktop adap ter attach ed) . f. Tighten the scr ews on all th e co nnect ors. 2. If you want t o use th e re mote cont rol as a mouse pointer for t he laptop , connect the mouse c able.
1 • Installa tion 34 3. Connect the audi o cable , if nee ded. a. Connect one en d of the audio ca ble to the Audio In jack on the proje ctor . b. Connec t the ot her end of the audio ca ble to t he Audio Out port on your computer .
Connectin g to a Computer 35 Connecting to a Video Source You can c onnect a VCR, camcord er, DVD player , or any other compati ble vid eo image s ource t o your pr ojecto r. The proj ector ca n recei ve composi te video o r S-Video . Your equipmen t has co mposit e video if your video s ource ha s a one-p in RCA video jack.
1 • Installa tion 36 Before beginn ing, turn of f the p rojecto r and vide o source if they are on. 1. Locate the a ppropri ate vid eo cable . If you r vid eo sourc e uses a smal l, round, one-pro ng compo site ( RCA) video connecto r, you’ll need th e audio/ video ( A/V) cabl e that comes wi th the projec tor.
Connecting t o an External Speak er or PA System 37 3. For S-Vi deo, ins ert one en d of an S- Video ca ble into t he projec tor’s S-Video I n connec tor.
1 • Installa tion 38 Before beginnin g, turn off the p rojector and speake r or PA syst em if they ar e on . 1. C onn ect t he cabl e’ s 3.5 m m ste reo m ini plug to the p roje cto r’s Audi o Out ja ck. 2. Connect the RCA plugs to th e extern al amplif ied spe aker or PA syste m.
39 2 Using the Projector T his ch apter pr ovid es the f ollow ing inf ormation about us ing y our proj ector : ● Turni ng th e eq uipm ent o n and o ff ● Posit ioning the projec tor re lative to .
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 40 The il lustra tion below identif ies th e parts of your projector . control p anel status lights speakers adjust able f oot foot ad just lev ers infrare d receiv er projec tion lens/focu s/zoom hand strap connect ors rear feet (left foot not visibl e) 5500.
Turnin g the Equipm ent On and Of f 41 Turning the Equipment On and Off It’s best to turn on the p roject or and i ts att ached equ ipment in the follo wing or der: 1. Video s ource (s uch as a VCR), if y our vide o source is not your computer 2. Audio so urce (if diff erent f rom co mputer or vi deo sour ce) 3.
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 42 If compu ter or video eq uipment is attache d, th e computer o r video signa l is pr ojec ted. All ow ab out 30 seco nds for full ill umina tion . ✦ Warning: Never look in to th e lens wh en the l amp is on. This can damage yo ur eyes .
Positioni ng the Pro jector 43 Slee p Mode Sleep mode cons erves elec trici ty by au toma tica lly tu rning off th e lamp af ter the projec tor has not b een used for 30 mi nutes. I n sleep mode, the projec tor’s power light is orange and on ly a mini mum amount o f the pr ojecto r’s cir cuitry r emains on .
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 44 When pr ojecti ng from a tabl e or desk , place t he projec tor so t he lens is ali gned a s clo sely as po ssibl e wit h the bott om of y our screen : 5500.
Positioni ng the Pro jector 45 When proj ecting from the ceili ng, alig n the le ns as cl osely a s poss ible wi th the t op of you r scr een: Calculating Image Size a nd Projectio n Distance The d istance between the pro jector and the scre en deter mines the actua l ima ge size .
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 46 To det ermine the minimum a nd maximum diagonal size of an i mage when you know th e projec tion dist ance: ● Inch es: Maximum dia gonal siz e = (0.60 38 × proj ecti on dist anc e) + 1.889 8 Minimum di agonal s ize = (0.
Positioni ng the Pro jector 47 For ex ampl e, he re ar e the m easure me nts for thre e inst alla tions: * For an imag e size of 300 i nches, th e project or may be up to 53.
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 48 Focusing and Positioning the Sc reen Image When a n image ap pears on screen , check t hat it is in f ocus and corre ctly pos itione d on the screen. ● To fo cus the image, rotate the foc us ri ng (the front ring on t he lens).
Focusi ng and Po sitioning the Screen Im age 49 If you need to r aise o r lower the image on the s creen, ext end or retra ct the foot at the bot tom fron t of the proj ector as fo llows: 1. Stand b ehind th e proje ctor and support the fr ont of i t while you lift the blue foot adjus t leve rs ab ove th e adj ustab le foo t.
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 50 4. If th e projec tor is not o n a leve l sur face, l evel th e proj ector by turnin g one o f its r ear fe et to adjust its he ight . Resize Button The Resi ze butt on lets you s elect the projec tion me thod fo r certain types of image s ignals input f rom a compu ter.
Controlli ng the Pro jector 51 Controlling the Projector You can u se th e contr ol panel on top o f the pr ojecto r or the remote contro l to perfor m the f ollowin g act ions: ● Turn powe r on or .
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 52 Using the Remote Contro l The remot e contr ol uses a line -of-si ght infra red sig nal. To us e the remot e contr ol, p oint it towar ds the infrar ed rece iver locate d at the front of the p rojector (see pa ge 40).
Controlli ng the Pro jector 53 Note: T he proje ctor may not resp ond to re mote contro l comma nds in the se condi tions: ambient ligh t is to o bright ; a cert ain ty pe of fluor escent l ight i s p.
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 54 Custom Allows you to zoom the image using the top and bottom multi- purpose buttons. Freeze Keeps the current computer or video imag e on the screen. Help Displays the Help menu. See“Using the Online Help Menu” on page 118 for deta ils.
Controlli ng the Pro jector 55 Using the Control Panel You c an us e the pr ojec tor’ s con trol pa nel to co ntro l the pro jec tor instea d of the remo te co ntrol. How eve r, yo u can prog ram and a cce ss the cus tom feat ures on ly us ing the remote co ntro l.
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 56 The fol lowin g table s ummarizes the func tions o n the cont rol pan el. Button Function Power Turns the pro jector lamp on or off. Source Switches input source from computer to video or vice versa. Menu Displays or hides the menu.
Proj ecto r Statu s Ligh ts 57 Projector Stat us Lights The li ghts on t op of th e pro jector te ll you i ts oper ating s tatus. ✦ Caution: A red l ight warn s you if a seri ous probl em occurs . See Chapter 6, “Troubl eshooti ng,” for what to d o if a war ning ligh t come s on.
2 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r 58 Power Light Light status Meaning Steady orange The projector is in sleep m ode. (The projector i s plugged in, but not projecting.) Steady green Pow er and projection lamp are on. Flashing green The projector is warming up.
Proj ecto r Statu s Ligh ts 59 Projec tion Lamp Light Temperature Light Light status Mean ing Orange and red flashing alternate ly The lamp ne eds to be replaced. See “Replacing the L amp” in Chapter 5 for instructions. Steady red Projection la mp has burned out.
59 3 Using the Projector Menus T he seve n proje ctor menu s let yo u cont rol th ese proj ector settin gs: ● The Vide o menu cont rols t he lo ok and qua lity of t he proj ected image, whether t he image source i s a comput er or a video source (for examp le, a VCR).
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 60 ● The About menu prov ides informat ion abou t H/V (Horiz ontal/ Vertica l) freque ncy, compu ter sel ection, and lamp hours.
Chang ing a Menu Sett ing 61 Changing a Men u Setting To chang e a menu se tting: 1. Press the Me nu butto n on the contro l pa nel or remote c ontro l to display t he Main menu. 2. Press the up or d own arro ws (cont rol pa nel) or press up o r down on the pointer button (remote) to scr oll th rough th e menu choice s.
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 62 The fol lowin g scree n displa y shows t he optio ns for t he V ide o menu when the im age sour ce is t he compute r . 3. Press e ither the En ter but ton (con trol pa nel) or the to p or bo ttom multi-pur pose but ton (remot e) to mov e to a submen u list.
Vide o Menu (Im age Sou rce = Comp uter) 63 Video Menu (Image Source = Computer) The Vide o menu let s you make adjust ments to the p rojected image. The fol lowin g option s are av aila ble when the image sour ce is Computer .
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 64 Color Adjusts the col or balance of th e input source. Select this item by pressing the Enter button (control panel) or right on the pointer button (re mote) (o r press either mu lti-pur pose butto n on th e remote ).
Video Me nu (Im age Sour ce = Video) 65 Video Menu (Image Source = Video) The Vide o menu let s you make adjust ments to the p rojected image. The fol lowin g option s are av aila ble when the image sour ce is Video.
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 66 Audio Menu The Audi o menu let s you make adjust ments rel ated to a udio. Mode Specifies the video signal sys tem. Normally this signal system setting should be left at AU TO to a utomatical ly detec t the type of video sign al.
Sett ing Menu 67 Setting Menu The Set ting menu enables you to a djust ba sic pro jector settings . SRS CENTER Adjusts stereo sound. Changing the value balances the SRS sound.
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 68 Rear Projection Mirrors the projected i mage so it l ooks correct whe n you’re projecting from behind onto a translucent screen.
User’s Logo Menu 69 User’s Logo Menu The User ’s Logo men u lets y ou displ ay a cust om logo on the scr een. Creati ng a use r logo r equires two ste ps: ● Stori ng a user logo ● Assign ing t he logo to the A V/Mu te butto n Storing a U ser Logo Follow t hese st eps to captu re and s tore a l ogo: 1.
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 70 6. The messa ge “Do you use t his imag e?” appe ars on t he scre en. Select Yes and pr ess th e Enter but ton. If y ou want to change th e positi on, se lect No. 7. Next, t he Zoom rate setting wi ndow appea rs on th e screen.
User’s Logo Menu 71 Assigning the Logo to the AV/Mute Button Follow t hese st eps to assign t he logo to the AV/ Mute butt on: 1. Press the Menu bu tton to open the Menu window. 2. Select the Set ting men u and pre ss the En ter button. 3. Select the Bla nk (AV/Mu te) opt ion, the n highl ight Logo.
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 72 Effect Men u Use the Effect menu to modif y what ha ppens when you use t he Effect s butt ons on th e remote control and to c hange th e curso r speed . If yo u have t he opti onal EL P Link I II sof tware, you can reconfi gure the Ef fects b utton wi th diff erent f unctio ns.
About M enu 73 About Menu The About menu disp lays informa tion abo ut your p rojector . When the i mage sour ce is Co mpu ter: When the i mage sour ce is Vi deo : Item Description Frequency Displays the frequency of t he computer. Resolution Displays the output resolution of the comput er video output.
3 • Usin g the Pr ojecto r Menus 74 Reset All Menu Selec ting the Re set All men u optio n rese ts th e sett ings in all m enus to the ir fac tory defau lts. It does no t cha nge or de lete an y user l ogo you may ha ve stor ed. You will be prom pted to conf irm the r eset ac tion.
75 4 Using the ELP Link III Software T he opti onal ELP Link III set co ntains the ELP Li nk III sof tware and cab les use d to cont rol th e projec tor from your computer or to progra m special effec ts on t he remote control . The set inclu des: Main cable 9-pi n ser ial ca ble (PC se t) 5500.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 76 PS/2 mouse cab le (PC se t)* Seri al mou se cab le (P C set) Seri al cabl e (M ac se t) Mouse cable ( Mac set )* ELP L ink III softw are on CD -ROM (PC or Ma c) * Note t hat the se mouse cables a re diff erent f rom the c ables includ ed w ith your pro jector .
Connecting the ELP Link III Cables 77 The ELP Link III softwar e can be used with the f ollowin g operat ing system s: ● Windows 3. x ● Windows 95 ● Windows 98 ● Windows NT 4 .
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 78 Connecting to a PC Desktop Computer The main c able inc luded in your ELP Link III set conn ects the PS/2 mouse ca ble (ne eded to u se the r emote contr ol as.
Connecting the ELP Link III Cables 79 3. Connect the 9-p in end of the PS/ 2 mouse cable incl uded with the EL P Lin k III s et to the MOUS E ter mina l on the squa re end of the m ain ca ble. 4. If your compute r’s mouse cable is still connect ed to your computer , disconn ect it.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 80 Connecting to a PC Laptop Computer The main c able inc luded in your ELP Link III set conn ects the PS/2 mouse ca ble (ne eded to u se the r emote contr ol as a mouse) an d 9-pin serial cable ( needed t o use t he ELP Link III sof tware a nd the Effect s butt ons on th e remote control ) to th e proje ctor.
Connecting the ELP Link III Cables 81 4. Connect the othe r end of the PS/ 2 mouse ca ble to t he mouse po rt on your laptop. Note: If your l aptop us es a ser ial mous e, perfo rm steps 3 and 4 using t he seri al mouse cable i nstead o f the PS /2 mouse c able (not s hown in t he illu stra tion).
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 82 Connecting to a Desktop Macintosh The main cable includ ed in you r ELP Link III se t connec ts the Mac mouse cab le (n eeded to use the r emote con trol as a mouse ) and Mac seria l cable (neede d to use the ELP Li nk III s oftware ) from yo ur Maci ntos h to t he pr ojec tor.
Connecting the ELP Link III Cables 83 3. Connect the Mac mouse ca ble incl uded wit h the ELP Link III set to th e M OUS E ter minal on th e squa re en d of the mai n cable . 4. If your compute r’s mouse cable i s stil l conne cted to the computer , disco nnect it.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 84 Connecting t o a PowerB ook The main cable includ ed in you r ELP Link III se t connec ts the Mac mouse cab le (n eeded to use the r emote con trol as a mouse ) and Mac seria l cable (neede d to use the ELP Link III s oftware ) to the proj ector .
Installing the Soft ware 85 3. Connect one end of the Mac mouse ca ble incl uded with t he ELP Link II I set t o the MOUSE t erminal on the s quare e nd of the main cable . 4. Connect the o ther en d of the Mac mouse c able to the mouse port on the back of t he PowerBook.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 86 ● Macinto sh OS System 7. x and OS System 8.x Installing the Software for W indows Follow t hese st eps to instal l ELP Link III fo r Windo ws 3.x, Windows 95 or 98, or Windows NT: 1. Turn on your computer and st art Win dows.
Installing the Soft ware 87 6. Y ou s ee a list of ite ms to in stal l. Make sure ELP L ink III V2.0 and ELP Li nk User’ s Guide a re chec ked. If y ou don’t have Adobe ® Acro bat ® Read er on y our s yste m, al so ch eck A croba t Reader to in stall the prog ram so you can vie w your online manu al.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 88 2. O pen the CD -ROM driv e fol der, if nece ssar y. 3. D ouble -cli ck th e Insta ller i con. 4. You see a dia log box as king you to sele ct a la nguag e for th e softwa re. Sele ct a la nguage an d click OK.
Launc hing the Softw are 89 Launching the Software from Windows If you have Windo ws 3.x, doub le-cli ck the E LPLink3 progr am group i con in t he Program Man ager. The n double- click the ELPLin k3 icon. If you have Windows 9 5, 98, or NT, click Sta rt, then s elect Progra ms, ELPLink3, and t hen click the ELP Link3 pro gram icon .
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 90 The EL P Link III ma in dial og box ap pears. P age 90 Wednesday, August 4, 1 999 4:41 PM.
Launc hing the Softw are 91 Launching the Software on a Macintosh 1. O pen the EL PLi nk3 fo lder . 2. D oub le-cli ck th e ELP Link 3 icon . ELP L ink III laun ches a nd th ree me nus —Fi le, Op tion, and Help—a ppear at t he top of th e screen.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 92 Using the So ftware The ELP Li nk III s oftwar e can be use d to: ● Change t he COM port assignme nt ● Custo mize the re mote cont rol Eff ects butt ons �.
Using the Software 93 Assigning Functions Each of t he five Ef fects b uttons i s assign ed a defau lt funct ion. If y ou want to assign a di fferen t funct ion to a butto n, clic k the list box that corre sponds t o the but ton numbe r and se lect a new func tion fr om the list.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 94 The tab le belo w descri bes thes e fun ctions and how to use the m. Note: Once you have pre ssed an E ffects button , you can s ize and posit ion the effect using e ither your mouse or your r emote con trol (if y ou’ve se t up the remote c ontrol to functi on as a mouse).
Using the Software 95 Note: T o cancel or end a f unctio n, double -click with yo ur mouse o r press the bo ttom mult i-purp ose butt on twice (if y ou’re us ing the remote control as a mouse). Bar Creates a horizontal or vertical bar. You can use this function to highlight a portion of the screen with a horizontal or ve rtical bar.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 96 Settin g Effec ts Option s Once you have ass igned functi ons to on e or more Effect s butto ns, you can specif y deta iled op tions f or each functi on. To set detail ed optio ns, cli ck Detail Set ting on the ELP Link II I main di alog box.
Using the Software 97 The fol lowin g table descri bes the availab le opti ons for each functi on. Function O ptions Line Width Specify the line width, from 1 t o 32 points. Grid Specify whether to have the line “snap” to the corners of a grid by entering the size of the sides of the box, in pixels (dots).
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 98 Saving and Recalling Effects Button Assignments To save Effect s button assignme nts, cl ick Execu te. To save multipl e sets of button a ssignment s, cli ck Registrat ion a nd specif y a n ame for th e curr ent setti ngs.
Using the Software 99 Controlling Projector Features You can u se th e Projec tor Set ting window to con trol the foll owing featur es: ● Projec tor C ontrols ● Test Pa ttern ● Gamma Se tting ● User’s Logo Displaying the Projector Setting Window Follow t hese st eps to display the P rojector Setting window fr om Windows: 1.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 100 Using the Quick Change Tool bar To quic kly ch ange some basic pr ojecto r sett ings, click o ne of th e toolba r butto ns descr ibed be low: Changing Projector Settings 1. Click P roject or Contr ol on the Pr ojecto r Setting window.
Using the Software 101 2. Click t he tab for the settings you wan t to adj ust. 3. C han ge o ne or m ore o f the follow ing opti ons. Video Tab (Computer Inpu t) Option De scriptio n Brightness Adjusts screen brightness. Contrast Adjusts screen contrast.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 102 Video Tab (Video Input) Option Desc ription Brightness Adjusts screen brightness. Contrast Adjusts screen contrast. Sharpness Adjusts screen sharpness. Col or Ad jus ts the colo r den sit y. Tint Adjusts the colo r tint (NTSC only).
Using the Software 103 Audio Tab Option De scriptio n Volume Adjusts sound volume. Treble A djusts t he treble tone. Bass Adjusts the ba ss tone. SRS SPACE Adjusts stereo sound. Increasing the value inc reases the stereo sound separation . SRS CENTER Adjusts stereo sound.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 104 Setting Tab Option Desc ription Blank Specifies blank s creen states: Logo The user’s logo displays briefly. Black A black screen displays. Blue A blue screen displays. Color Temp Adjusts t he white ness of t he screen.
Using the Software 105 Changing the Test Pattern 1. Click T est Pat tern on the Projec tor Set ting win dow. The follo wing windo w appears : 2. Y ou c an disp lay a test pattern to ve rify that th e pro ject or is working properl y. Choose one of t he foll owing: Colo r Imag e Displ ays a color b ar te st patte rn.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 106 3. C lick Patt ern D isp lay to displa y the te st patt ern se lected. Then clic k Clos e. P age 106 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 4:4 1 PM.
Using the Software 107 Specifying an Image Gamma 1. Click Gamma on the Pro jector Set ting windo w. The Gamma Setti ng window a ppears. 2. Select the des ired ga mma: Gamma 1 Prov ides a d ynamic and cont rastiv e imag e. Gamma 2 Provides an image between Gamm a 1 and Gamma 3.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 108 Creating a User Logo You can c reate or edit a logo f rom the Pr ojecto r Set ting window, then s ave it to a file on y our hard disk or download it to t he proj ector . 1. Click Us er’s Logo on the Pr ojector Set ting wi ndow.
Using the Software 109 2. Click t he Edit button. The foll owing win dow appear s. 3. Click t he Ope n the Fi le icon to locate and op en a bit map (o r TIFF , JPG, P SO) fi le. Th e sel ected i mag e appe ars in the dis play area . 4. To c rop the image, clic k the S elect Area butto n and po sition the crop mar ks.
4 • Using the ELP Link III Software 110 6. Click t he Save button t o save yo ur logo to your h ard dis k. The Save As d ialog bo x appear s. Type a name for your log o, using the .l go extensi on, then c lick OK. Note: Y ou must sa ve logo f iles wit h the ex tension .
109 5 Mainten ance Y our p rojector needs lit tle maint enance. Yo u should, however, do the fo llowing: ● Clean t he lens so dirt or smear s do not appea r on the sc reen . ● Clean t he project or cas e when nee ded. ● Period ically clea n the ai r filte r at th e bot tom of th e projec tor.
5 • Main tenance 110 ● When tra nsporti ng the p roject or, take appropr iate pr ecauti on to avoid d amaging t he deli cate in ternal component s. ✦ Warning: Bef ore you clean an y part of t he proje ctor, t urn off the projec tor and u nplug the power cord.
Cleaning the Air Filter 111 Cleaning the Air Filt er Clean t he air filte r at th e bott om of the projec tor af ter eve ry 100 hours o f use . If it is not cleane d period ically , it ca n become clogge d with dust , prevent ing prope r ventil ation.
5 • Main tenance 112 4. T he ai r filter i s atta che d to the inside of the fi lter c over. It is recommend ed th at you us e a small va cuum cl eaner de signed f or computer s and ot her off ice equ ipment t o clean the fil ter. I f you don’t have one, use a dry, lint- free c loth.
Replacin g the Lamp 113 ✦ Warning: Let the la mp cool befo re re placing it . Also, d o not touch the gl ass port ion of t he lamp a ssembly; t his can cause pr emature lamp fail ure. 1. Turn off the projecto r and unplug t he power c ord fro m the electr ical outlet a nd the proj ector.
5 • Main tenance 114 4. Use a screwdr iver, co in, or simila r obj ect to loosen t he t wo screws holding the lamp assembly in posi tion. ( You cannot remo ve thes e scr ews .) ✦ Caution: Do not touc h the gl ass port ion of the lamp assembly; this c an cause prematur e lamp fa ilure.
Transporting the Projecto r 115 Transporting the Project or The proj ector contain s many gla ss part s and pr ecisio n parts . If you need to tra nsport i t, pl ease f ollow th ese pa cking gu idel ines to preve nt da ma ging the pro jec tor: ● When ship ping the projec tor for rep airs, pl ace ple nty of cushio ning a round th e proje ctor.
5 • Main tenance 116 P age 116 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 4:4 1 PM.
117 6 Troubleshooting T his ch apter de scribe s the pr oblems indicate d by t he proj ector’s light s and te lls you how to sol ve probl ems with the pro jector.
6 • Troubl esho oting 118 ● “Problems with the Image or Sound” on page 1 23 descr ibes what to do if you canno t proje ct an ima ge, if t he scree n image i s not goo d, or if there i s no sou nd. If you have a pr oble m, check the app ropriat e sect ion and f ollow al l suggest ions t hat appl y to your p roblem.
Problems with the Proje ctor 119 Note: Eac h Help menu display s navigat ion butto ns and desc riptions at the bottom o f the sc reen. Projector control functi ons are displa yed as an ic on i n the he lp te xt. Problems with the Projector If you have pro blems wit h the pr ojector, f irst turn it off and unplu g it.
6 • Troubl esho oting 120 See the followi ng pages f or infor mation on wh at to do whe n you see these warning l ights or encoun ter ot her spec ific p roblems wi th the proj ector . ◗ The power light i s flash ing orange an d you ca nnot turn on the pro jector .
Problems with the Proje ctor 121 If th e Source button i s pushed to swit ch video input s ources a nd no source is conn ected, t he project or ent ers a cool -down mod e (flas hing oran ge power li ght) and th en goes int o sleep mode (steady orang e po wer ligh t).
6 • Troubl esho oting 122 Problems with the Remote C ontrol ◗ The pro jector doesn’ t res pond to remot e contr ol commands. The re mote cont rol ma y be too far from the pr ojec tor, o r at to o wide an ang le to the infr ared rece ive r. See p age 52 for det ails .
Proble ms with the Image or Sound 123 Problems with the Image or Sound ◗ An image do es not ap pear on the scr een. Check that the power light is on and t he le ns cover i s off. Als o make sure t he cabl es are s ecurely c onnected , as desc ribed i n Chapte r 1.
6 • Troubl esho oting 124 ◗ Only part of the computer im age is disp layed. If th e computer ’s out put reso lution setti ng is hi gher tha n 800 × 600 (PowerLi te 5500C) or 102 4 × 768 (PowerLite 7500 C), the projec tor resize s the imag e.
Proble ms with the Image or Sound 125 the im age source is sel ecte d corre ctly . If yo ur proj ecto r is at tache d to a Maci ntosh, make sure th at the DIP switches on your Maci ntosh desk top adap ter ar e set co rrectl y. (See y our Mac intosh document ation i f you need i nstruc tions.
6 • Troubl esho oting 126 ◗ Ther e is no sound. First c heck th at th e volu me set ting is not tu rned a ll the w ay dow n and tha t the a udio/vi deo cabl e is se curely attache d to bot h the projec tor and t he audio source. Also , make sure that the Mute butt on is not e nab led.
127 7 Technical Specifications General Ty pe of display Poly-s ilicon Thin- Film Transi stor (TFT ), acti ve mat rix Size o f liqu id cry stal p anels Diag onal : 0.9 in ches ( 22.9 mm) Lens F=1.7–2.0 , f=37–48 mm Resolut ion 5500C: SVGA 800 × 600 pixel s 7500C: XGA 1 024 × 768 pi xels Color r eproduc tion 24 bit , 16.
7 • Tech nical Sp ecifications 128 Projec tion di stance 3.3–5 3.46 feet (1.1–16 .3 meters ) Projec tion met hods Front, rear, up side-do wn (ceilin g mount) Intern al sp eak er syst em 2 × 1 W SRS 3D stereo ou tput Optic al as pect ratio 4:3 (hor izonta l:ve rtic al) Zoom ra tio 1:1.
129 Mechanical He ight 3.6 inc hes (93 mm) Width 9.3 inc hes (236. 2 mm) Depth 13.6 inc hes (345.4 mm) Weight 9.4 lb ( 4.2 kg) Electrical Ra ted fre quency 50/60 Hz Power su pply 100 to 120 VAC, 2.
7 • Tech nical Sp ecifications 130 Supporte d Computers and Monitor Displ ays The fol lowin g table lists the dis play fo rmats su pport ed by the proj ector . Note: T he frequ encies o f some co mputers may not al low the image to be di spla yed corre ctly.
131 Computer I n and Compute r Out conne ctor pin ass ignments The Comp uter In an d Comput er Out co nnectors a re femal e video RGB, 15-pi n micro- D-style co nnector s.
7 • Tech nical Sp ecifications 132 P age 132 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 4:4 1 PM.
133 Glossary Brightn ess The b alance of ligh t and dar k shades in an image. Composite vi deo A type of vi deo s ign al t hat e nco des p ictu re, lumina nce, and synchron izatio n infor matio n so it can be carr ied in o ne signa l. Contrast A measur e of the t onal d ifferenc es betwe en the highli ghts and shadows of a n image.
Glossary 134 PAL (Phase Altern ation by Line). A 625-l ine vid eo broa dcas t for mat us ed in Weste rn E urope , India, China, Austra lia, Ne w Zealand , and parts of Afri ca. Point A measur ement of drawn or pri nted obje cts. One point equals 1/72 in ch.
135 VGA Video Gr aphics Array. A hi gh-res olutio n displa y adapte r tha t provi des a var iety o f video modes. XGA Extende d Graphics Ar ray. IBM’s n ext generat ion dis play adapt er, XGA prov ides higher resolut ion than VGA.
Glossary 136 P age 136 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 4:4 1 PM.
137 Index A About menu, 73 Accessori es, 4, 10 Adjustin g bass, 66, 10 2 brightne ss, 63 to 65, 99 to 101 color bal ance, 64, 65, 100 color sa turation, 65, 100, 101 contras t, 63 to 65, 99 to 101 pos.
Index 138 Buttons control panel, 54 t o 55, 61 Effect s, see Effects butt ons remo te con trol, see Remote Co ntrol C Camcord er, adju sting the pr ojected image, 65, 66 Case, cleani ng, 110 Ceiling ,.
139 Distanc e from proje ctor to s creen, 43 to 45 Distanc e, calculat ing dist ance from projec - tor to s creen, 19 Drawing sc reen grap hics, 93 to 97 E Effect menu, 72 Effect s buttons assigni ng .
Index 140 K Key Macro fu nction, 94, 97 L Lamp light, 57 , 119 to 121 replac ing, 112 to 1 14 specif ications , 128 Language men u option, 68 Laptop, co nnecting to, 2 4 to 26, 80 t o 81 Launching the.
141 Project or calcul ating dis tance to screen, 19, 45 to 46 changing ELP Link III se ttings, 99 to 103 connecti ng, 20 to 38 focusin g, 47 to 48 hanging f rom the ceili ng, 45, 6 7, 103 lamp spec if.
Index 142 Speakers adjusti ng the to ne, 66, 102 adjusti ng the vol ume, 53, 55, 66, 9 9, 102 connecti ng projec tor to, 37 to 38 Specifi cations electr ical, 129 environ mental, 129 general , 127 to .
143 W Warning l ights, 56 t o 57, 119 to 1 21 World Wide Web, 8 X XGA, 49, 135 Z Zoom r ati o, 1 28 Zoom ring, 47 to 48 P age 143 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 4:4 1 PM.
Index 144 P age 144 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 4:4 1 PM.
An important point after buying a device Epson 5500C (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Epson 5500C yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Epson 5500C - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Epson 5500C you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Epson 5500C will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Epson 5500C, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Epson 5500C.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Epson 5500C. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Epson 5500C along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center