Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3-9008-701 Emerson Process Management
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Operating and maintenance instructions Part Number: 3-900 8-701, Rev. J January 2015 Compac t Prov er.
Da n i el cus to m er s er v i ce Email • Custo mer S er vice: tech .ser vi ce@em er son pro cess .com • Cust omer Support: danie l.cst.suppor t@emerson.c om • Asia -Pacific: danielap .suppor • Eur op e: Dani elE MA . C ST @E m er son P roce ss.
Sign al w ord s and symbols Pay speci al atten tion to the following sign al words, sa fe t y alert s ymbols and state men ts: Impor tant Impor tant is a state me nt the us er needs to know and conside r . Tip Tip provides information or suggestions fo r improved e fficie ncy or best results.
Impor t ant sa f et y instruc tions Daniel Me asure ment and Control, Inc. (Danie l) designs, manu factures and tests products to func tion within specific conditions.
Product O peration Pe rsonnel: • T o preve nt pe rsonal in jur y , personne l must f ollow all instructions of this m anual pri or to and during operation of the pro duc t. • Follow all warnings, cautions, and notices m arked on, and supplied with, this produc t.
W arrant y and Limitations 1. LIMITED W ARRANT Y : Subject to t he limitations con tained in Section 2 he rein , Dan iel Me asureme nt & Control, Inc.
Operating and maintenance in structions Table of Contents 3-9008-701 Rev J January 2015 Table of Contents 9 Co ntents D aniel c ust omer se r vice ................................................................................... 3 • Sign al words and symbols .
10 Table of Contents Table of Cont ents Operating and mainte nance instructions January 2015 3-9008-701 Rev J 4.5 Optical c onv ersion kit ................................................................................ 6 7 4.6 Detector Switc h R epl ace me nt .
Operating and maintenance in structions List of Tables 3-9008-701 Rev J January 2015 List of Tables 11 List o f T ables T able 1-1 Hydraulic ..... ........... .............. ........... ........... .............. ........... .............. ...........
12 List of Tables List of Tables Operating an d maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9008-701 Rev J.
Operating and maintenance in structions List of Figures 3-9008-701 Rev J January 2015 List of Figures 13 List o f Figures Figure 1-1 Outline drawings - Compact prover .................. .............. .............. ............ .............. ...... 4 Figure 1-1 Outline drawings - Compact prover (Continued).
14 List of Figures List of Figures Operating an d maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9008-701 Rev J Figure 5-2 Prover wiring diagram (single phase power) ............ .............. .............. .............. .......... 76 Figure 5-3 Prover wiring diagram (three phase power) .
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 1: Introdu ction 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 General 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sec t ion 1: Introduc tion 1.1 General This manual is designed to provide in form atio n and guidance to pe rsonnel res ponsible for the operation and mainte nance o f the Compac t Prove r .
2 Mechanical description Section 1: Introduc tion Opera ting and mainten ance instructio ns January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J • Mete r F ac tor: Correction factor (multiplier) for me ter re adout 1.3 Mechanical description The basic outline of the c o mpact prove r and its compone nt parts are shown in Figure 1-1 .
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 1: Introdu ction 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Mechanic al descripti on 3 the measu rement pis ton by mea ns of th e d etec to r shaft. The passa ge of the fl ag through the slotted op tical switches de fines the dis plac ed volume (ba se volume) o f the prov er .
4 Mechanical description Section 1: Introduc tion Opera ting and mainten ance instructio ns January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 1-1 Outline drawings - Compact prover T ypical 8”, 12”, 18”, 24�.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 1: Introdu ction 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Mechanic al descripti on 5 Figure 1-1 Outline drawings - Compact prover (Continued) Ty p i c a l 1 2 �.
6 Technical data Section 1: Introduc tion Opera ting and mainten ance instructio ns January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 1.4 T ec hnical data Materi als of c onstruc tion: Standar d: 17-4 stainless st eel flow tube with h ard c hrome plating, carbon steel pipe and fl anges Standar d maximum working pressure : 8" to 24" Siz e: 150 lb.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 1: Introdu ction 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Technical data 7 34” and 40" Siz e : 20 to 120.F (-7 to 49.C) Standar d ambien t tempe rature range : -4.F to 104.F (-20.C to 40.C) Consult factor y for othe r ch anges.
8 Technical data Section 1: Introduc tion Opera ting and mainten ance instructio ns January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Note s: 1. T empera ture and pres sure tap on the outlet flange (1” di a.) can be supplied upon reques t. 2. Fluid visc osit y ranges up to 10,000 ce ntist ok es.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 1: Introdu ction 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Technical data 9 5. For more in form ation on pulse qu alit y and compact prov ers, re fe re nce API Ch apte r 4.2. 6. For c ert ified dimensional drawing s, plea se con tac t the fac tor y .
10 Technical data Section 1: Introduc tion Opera ting and mainten ance instructio ns January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Note s: 1. Consul t the factory for opti onal v oltages no t listed.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 1: Introdu ction 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Technical data 11 Equipme nt f or Hazar dous Locations PED - siz es 12 ” Mini, 12”, 18” and 34”.
12 Technical data Section 1: Introduc tion Opera ting and mainten ance instructio ns January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J.
Operating and main tenance instr uctions Section 2: Instal lation and set-up 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Installation 13 21TOP (14) Sec t ion 2: Installa tion and set -up 2.1 Installation The compa ct prove r ma y be installed perm ane ntly in a proc ess line or used a s a port able unit.
14 Installation Section 2: Instal lation and set-u p Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Impor tant: It is the custome r's re sponsibility to inst all this equipmen t in a system th at provide s adequat e over -p res su re pr otec tio n.
Operating and main tenance instr uctions Section 2: Instal lation and set-up 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Set-up 15 Figure 2-1 T ypical prov er installati on 2.2 Set -up 2.2.1 Supplying e lec trical power t o the compact prove r Refer en ce T able 1-3 for stand ard v oltage and ampera ge inf ormation.
16 Connection of the op erating computer Section 2: Instal lation and set-u p Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J the motor star ting swi tch will be neces sar y for this conv ersion. Be sure to follow all applicable electrical codes f or the area o f installa tion.
Operating and main tenance instr uctions Section 2: Instal lation and set-up 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Connection of the operating computer 17 Figure 2-2 Double chronometr y.
18 12 or 24V DC Interface Board Section 2: Instal lation and set-u p Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 2.2.3 12 or 24V DC In te r face Bo ard Ther e ar e t wo ( 2) d ifferent st yles of i nter f ace boards: 12V DC and 12/24V DC.
Operating and main tenance instr uctions Section 2: Instal lation and set-up 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 12 or 24V DC Interface Board 19 Figure 2-3 12V Prov er interface board J1: T o optical as se.
20 12 or 24V DC Interface Board Section 2: Instal lation and set-u p Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 2-4 12/24V Prov er interface board J1: T o optical .
Operating and main tenance instr uctions Section 2: Instal lation and set-up 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Charging the Pneumatic Spring Plenum 21 2.2.4 Ch arging the Pne um atic Spring Ple num The pneuma tic spring ple num must be ch arged for prope r opera tion.
22 Charging the Pneumatic Spring Plenum Section 2: Instal lation and set-u p Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 2-5 T ypical nitrogen adjust panel.
Operating and main tenance instr uctions Section 2: Instal lation and set-up 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Base vol ume cer tificat ion 23 Figure 2-6 Connection diagram 2.3 Base volume cer t ification The prove r base v olume has bee n ce r tified at the factor y using the volumetric displac eme nt method (water draw) per API guidelines.
24 Calibration integrity seal installation procedure Section 2: Instal lation and set-u p Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 2.4 Calibration integrit y seal installation procedure Purpose : The purpose is to pro vide a proc edure for e nsu ring the calibrated v olume int egrit y of the compact prove r .
Operating and main tenance instr uctions Section 2: Instal lation and set-up 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Calibration integrity seal installation procedure 25 Step 1 Once the se al nut is se cure ly tight ened in pl ace (see Figure 2A); insert the braided wire through the hole in t he nut as sho wn in Figure 2B.
26 Calibration integrity seal installation procedure Section 2: Instal lation and set-u p Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 3: Operat ion 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 General operational theory 27 Sec tion 3: O pe ra tion 3.
28 General operational theory Section 3: Operati on Operating and maintenance instruction s January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 3-1 Standby position Figure 3-2 In itial motion.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 3: Operat ion 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 General operational theory 29 Figure 3-3 Proving Figure 3-4 End of proving run.
30 Operating instructions Section 3: Operati on Operating and maintenance instruction s January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 3-5 Piston return ing to upstream position 3.2 O perating instructions The compact prove r should be connected to the process line, similar to Figure 2 -1 , eithe r upstre am or downstre am of the met er unde r test .
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 3: Operat ion 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Operating instructions 31 * R = 5.88 for Pr ov ers shipped bef ore Janu ar y 1, 2006 Figure 3-6 Spring plenum T able 3-1 Spring plenun ‘R’ values Prov er size R 8” 3.
32 Operating instructions Section 3: Operati on Operating and maintenance instruction s January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J If the plenum pressure is gre at er than the calcul a ted va lue , the ex ce ss pres sure mu st be v en ted from the plenum.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 3: Operat ion 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Operating instructions 33 Figure 3-7 Hydraulic system 7. V ent all air from the syst e m using the hand valves locat ed on the inlet and outlet flanges of the f low tub e.
34 Operating instructions Section 3: Operati on Operating and maintenance instruction s January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J If the proce ss flow is to be le f t running through the pro ve r , be sure t o lea ve the h ydraulic syste m motor running. The hydraulic pump wil l go into by-pas s mode and hold the piston upstream.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Seal Leak Chec k 35 Sec tion 4: Maint en ance 4.1 Seal Leak C heck For fa ctor y part number of seal Le ak Detector Kit, see S ection 7: Par ts list , Part s.
36 Seal Leak Chec k Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Impor tant: It is ESSENTIAL that the liquid and prover te mpera tures remain stable during the leak check procedure as thermal expansion or contrac tion will gi ve incorrect resu lts.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Base volume determination 37 5. Plac e the me asure ment pist on in the upstr eam po sition f or simple a ttachme nt o f the indicat or rod. The me asure m en t piston ma y be mo ved up stre am by activating the hydraulic syst em.
38 Certification techniques Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J be dete rmined to ha ve an exact volume of 15.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Certification techniques 39 • Certif ication Data Sheet for rec ording data. Re f er to Figur e 4-6 f or example da ta shee t. Refer to Sec tion 4.3 for explan ation of symbols.
40 Certification techniques Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 4-3 Compact prov er wate r draw asse mbly t ypical NEC style (non -expl.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Certification techniques 41 Figure 4-3 Compact prover wate r draw assembly (continued) T ypical Ex -proo.
42 Water draw procedure: (Reference Figure 4-4 and notes on page 47) Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 4-4 W ater dra w system 4. 2 . 2 Water d r aw p r o ced u r e: ( Referen ce F i g ur e 4 - 4 a n d n otes o n page 4 7) 1.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Water draw procedure: (Reference Figure 4-4 and notes on page 47) 43 4. Supply appropria te ope rational v oltage (+12 or 24 VDC) to the prove r interface board at rece ptacle J-2, pins 2 (-) and 4 (+).
44 Water draw procedure: (Reference Figure 4-4 and notes on page 47) Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Be sure this proc edure plac es the mea sure men t pist on and flag in to the full downstre am position.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Water draw procedure: (Reference Figure 4-4 and notes on page 47) 45 Figure 4-5 T est measur e temperature stabilization 15. Slide optical a ssembly c ov er back to expose the sec ond optical v olume switch and the ends of the invar rods .
46 Water draw procedure: (Reference Figure 4-4 and notes on page 47) Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J nece ssar y , to ma intain the w ate r lev el in the te st mea sure near the z e ro mark.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Water draw procedure: (Reference Figure 4-4 and notes on page 47) 47 level in the test mea sure near the z ero mark. Whe n the flag ent ers the fir st optical volume switc h, the sole noid valv e (SV) will clos e .
48 Water draw procedure: (Reference Figure 4-4 and notes on page 47) Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 4-6 T ypical volumetric determ.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Certification Data Sheet and Calculations 49 Figure 4-7 T ypical prover control panel assembly (12” sho wn) 4.3 Cer tification Data Sheet and Calculations 4.
50 Calculations Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 7. T est Mea sure Scale R ea ding: Actual measureme nt rec orded from the calibrated section of the test mea sure. This is a + or — reading from the z ero mark.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Calculations 51 Td is the Sensor Moun ting T emperature reco rded from the water draw proc edure. Eir is the linear c oeffic ien t of expansion f or the Inv ar R ods.
52 Seal Replacement Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J mea sured in kPa, the Modulus of el astici t y for stainless stee l will be 196,500,574.5, 206,842,710 f or carbon stee l, and 200, 000,000 f or 2205duplex stainle ss stee l.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Measurement Piston and Flow Tube 53 1. Disasse mble the op tical and hydraulic syst ems f ollowing the appropri ate disa sse mbly instruc tions. See Sec tion 4.
54 Measurement Piston and Flow Tube Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 3. Plac e the piece s of guide condu it (us ed in disas se mbly) through the upstream fl ange and flow tube . 4. Lubricat e the poppet valve o-ring and fit it on to the groove in the poppet valv e .
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Measurement Piston and Flow Tube 55 5. If th e p opp et val ve has b een remo ved f ro m t he m easur ement pis to n, in st al l i t at th is time. T orque the poppe t bolts.
56 Measurement Piston and Flow Tube Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 10. Sl ide the measur ement pisto n into th e flow tube up to t he upst ream seal . Lubri cate th e upstream se al with light oil.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Measurement Piston and Flow Tube 57 22. Follow the appropria te a ssembly proc ed ures f or installation of the hydraulic se al suppor t, hydraulic c ylinder , optical seal suppor t , and optical asse mbly .
58 Measurement Piston and Flow Tube Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 4. Re mov e the tie rod nut s securing the outlet flange assembly . 5. Re mov e the outlet flange and then all bu t the lower t wo tie rods.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Measurement Piston and Flow Tube 59 5. T est fit of the rulon ride rs on the mea suremen t piston . T rim any exc es s lengt h so tha t there will be a 1/16” (2 mm) gap be t ween the ends of e a ch rider .
60 Optical Seal Support Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 17. T orque the tie rod nuts to the values specified in T able 4-2 for the proper prov er size . T orque all the tie rod nuts in a ‘cri ss-cros s ’ pa tte rn.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Optical Seal Su pport 61 7. Re mov e the three (3) socket he ad screws from the optical seal support that hold it to the inlet flange. Re m ove the se al suppor t and o -ring by carefully sliding it off the detector shaf t.
62 Optical Seal Support Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 4-10 Opti cal seal support assembly - 24” ( built after January 1, 2006) and 34” As se mb l y Ref er en c e Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10 1.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Hydraulic Cylinder and Hydraulic Seal Support 63 8. After achie ving prope r alignme n t of the op tical sy stem , install the o-ring and the co ve r tube .
64 Hydraulic Cylinder and Hydraulic Seal Support Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 3. Disconnect t he Nitrogen supply line from the hydraulic c ylinder . 4. Drain the hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic cylind er b y disconnec ting the pressure hose from the hydraulic pump.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Hydraulic Cylinder and Hydraulic Seal Support 65 Figure 4-12 T ypical hydr aulic cylinder assembl y 12. Re move the h ydraulic lines from the downstream flange of the hydraulic cy linder .
66 Hydraulic Cylinder and Hydraulic Seal Support Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 18. Check the bu shing in the actuat or se al support for cle aranc e on the actuat or rod. Correct cle arance is .
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Optical conversion kit 67 13. Install th e four nuts on the hydraulic c ylinder tie rods. D ouble check the o -rings on each end o f the hydrau lic cylinder tube t o mak e sure they are in pl ace.
68 Detector Switch Replacement Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J design ha s been simplified from the old de sign. V o lume re- certification is no longer necessar y when repl acing a volume switch on the ‘plug st y l e’ or the ‘pin-and -socket’ optical as semblies.
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Detector Switch Replacement 69 1. Disc onnect electrical powe r to the unit . 2. Re mov e the suppor t bracke t at the outboard e nd of the det ector shaft dust cov er .
70 Detector Switch Replacement Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 8. Adjust the switch po sition so tha t the detector pa sse s through the c ent e r of the switc h. If necessary , loos en the be aring housing and slide it along the shaf t while adjusting the switc h po sition .
Operating and ma intenance instru ctions Section 4: Maint enance 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Detector Switch Replacement 71 12. Upon c ompletio n of v olume c ertification s ee Section 2.4 . If the switch r epl ace men t proc edure ha s been performed correctly , the repl ace men t switch will be within 0.
72 Detector Switch Replacement Section 4: Mainten ance Operating and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J.
Operating and main tenance instru ctions Section 5: Trou bleshooting 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 General 73 Sec t ion 5: T roubleshoo ting 5.1 General Should the e lectrical system o f the c ompact prove r requi re repa ir , the f ollowing two sections contain solutions and information to he lp solve problems that ma y be encoun tered.
74 Interface Signal s Section 5: Troubleshooting Operati ng and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J inte rface board whene ve r the flag is within e ither o f the op tic volu me switc hes. This sign al is prese nt between pins 2(-) and 7(+) of J -2.
Operating and main tenance instru ctions Section 5: Trou bleshooting 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Measurement Piston Movement 75 5.3 Measurement P iston Mo veme nt Piston does not mo ve upstre am: (No hydraulic pre ssure) 1. Check to be sure the hydraulic system motor is running.
76 Measurement Piston Movement Section 5: Troubleshooting Operati ng and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J in the full upstrea m position. Be sure to ch eck the saf et y barriers for proper r esistanc e. If the barrier re sistance is acc eptable , the cause m ay be in the op tical as sembly wirin g or upstream switch.
Operating and main tenance instru ctions Section 5: Trou bleshooting 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Measurement Piston Movement 77 Figure 5-3 Prover wiring diagram (three phase power).
78 Measurement Piston Movement Section 5: Troubleshooting Operati ng and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 5-4 Prov er wiring diagr am (A TE X internal).
Operating and main tenance instru ctions Section 5: Trou bleshooting 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Measurement Piston Movement 79 Figure 5-5 Prov er wiring diagr am (A TE X ex ternal).
80 The auto plenum adjust panel Section 5: Troubleshooting Operati ng and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 5.4 The auto plenum adjust p anel Compact prover ple num adjustmen t panels can hav e either A C or DC power solenoids. Someti mes th ese s ole noids will no t work c orrectly or at all.
Operating and main tenance instru ctions Section 5: Trou bleshooting 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 The auto plenum adjust panel 81 Correction procedure : Dete rmine which t y pe of compute r output is being used and c ompared this to the wiring at the relays.
82 The auto plenum adjust panel Section 5: Troubleshooting Operati ng and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 5-6 DC powered solenoids.
Operating and main tenance instru ctions Section 5: Trou bleshooting 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 The auto plenum adjust panel 83 Figure 5-7 AC pow ered solenoids.
84 The auto plenum adjust panel Section 5: Troubleshooting Operati ng and maintenance instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J.
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 6: Specia l tools and equipment 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Tool list 85 Sec tion 6: Speci al tools and equipme nt 6.1 T ool list The following list of par ts will aid the qualifie d technician in repair of the compac t prover: 1.
86 Tool list Section 6: Special tool s and equipment Operating and maintena nce instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J T abl e 6-1 T ool size requirement Tie rod nut socket siz e Hydraulic tie ro.
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 6: Specia l tools and equipment 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Tool list 87 T able 6-2 T orque values f or pipe flange stud/nut sets Prover siz e Nut s.
88 Tool list Section 6: Special tool s and equipment Operating and maintena nce instructions January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J.
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 7: Parts list 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 General 89 Sec tion 7: Par ts list 7.1 General This section con tains those p ar ts required t o prope rly main tain and se r vice a standar d c ompact prove r .
90 Replacement Parts List Section 7: Parts list Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J T able 7-1 Par ts list Item Description Qt y 8” 12 Mini” 12” 18” 24” .
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 7: Parts list 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Replacement Parts List 91 11 Piston cup seal 2 157388 157365 157365 157373 1 57393 1500137 158993 12 Hydra.
92 Replacement Parts List Section 7: Parts list Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J 415/50/3 A T EX 1 1500266 1500266 1500266 1500268 (1) 1500268 1 500272 C/F 23 Hydraulic pump 1 157925 157925 157925 15 7925 (2) 157983 (1) 15 7983 158916 158916 24 Hyd.
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 7: Parts list 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Replacement Parts List 93 36 Ret a i ni n g r i n g 1 156561 156559 156 559 156553 156452 1500133 C/F 37 S.
94 Replacement Parts List Section 7: Parts list Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Gallons 911-24-325- 12 Liters pre 2006 1 911-08-325- 16 921-12-325- 16 911-12-3.
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 7: Parts list 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Replacement Parts List 95 Figure 7-1 Spare par ts diagram (flow tube).
96 Replacement Parts List Section 7: Parts list Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 7-2 Spare parts diagram (Flow tube) (continued).
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 7: Parts list 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Replacement Parts List 97 Figure 7-3 Spare parts diagram (Mechanical components).
98 Replacement Parts List Section 7: Parts list Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J Figure 7-4 Spare parts diagram (Electrical components).
Operating and ma intenance inst ructions Section 7: Parts list 3-9008-701 Rev J January 20 15 Replacement Parts List 99 T able 7-2 Compac t prov er model code.
100 Replacement Parts List Section 7: Parts list Opera ting and mainten ance instructi ons January 2015 3-9 008-701 Rev J T able 7-3 Compac t prover model code (c ontinued).
P/N 3-9008-701 Rev J 2015 Daniel Measuremen t and Control, Inc . 11100 Brittmoore Park Drive Houston, TX 77041 USA T+1 713-467-6000 F+1 713-827-4805 USA Toll Free 1 888-356-9001 Daniel Measuremen t Services, Inc.
An important point after buying a device Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Emerson Process Management 3-9008-701 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center