Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 788 DVC Emerson
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Oper at i ng an d Maint ena nc e I ns t r uc t i ons Par t Number- 3- 9008 -556 Rev i si on D December 2012 Danie l Model 788 DVC digit al cont rol TM valves 2" , 3" , 4", 6" and 8.
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Important safety instructions Daniel Measurement and Control, I nc. (Daniel) designs, manufactures and tests products to function withi n spec ific con dition s.
Produc t opera tion pe rsonnel: • To prevent personal injury , personnel must follow all instructions of t his manual prior to and duri ng ope ratio n of the pr oduct. • Follow all warn ings, cauti ons, and no tices mark ed on, a nd supp lied with, th is produc t.
Safety s ignal words an d symbols Pay spec ial a ttenti on to t he fo llowi ng signa l words, s afe ty a lert sy mbols a nd sta teme nts: In d i c a t es a h a z a r d o u s s i t u a t i o n w h i c h , i f n o t a v o i d e d , w i l l r e s u l t i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y.
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W arranty an d li m itati on of liabil ity 1. L IM IT E D W A RR A N T Y : Su bje c t to the lim itation s co nta ine d in Se c tion 2 h e rein, D an iel M ea sure m e nt & C o n tro l, Inc.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM TABLE OF C ONTENTS i TABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 . 0 I N T R O D U C T I O N ..................................................... 1-1 1 . 1 A g g r e s s i v e P r o d u c t s .....................
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM TABLE OF C ONTENTS ii Figures 2 - 1 C l o s e d P o s i t i o n ....................................................... 2-2 2 - 2 O p e n - C o n t r o l P o s i t i o n ...................
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM INTROD UCTION 1-1 1.0 IN TRODUC TION The Da niel Mode l 788D VC Digit al Control V alve is a sole noid opera ted devic e desig ned to TM prov ide pr ecise fl ow ra te contr ol and ba tch deliv ery of liquid produc ts.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM INTROD UCTION 1-2 1.2 Principle of Operation Operation of the Model 788DVC Digital Control Valve is based on a balance d piston principle.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM THEORY OF OPER ATION 2-1 2.0 THEORY OF OPERAT ION The Model 700B Series Control Valve operates on a balanced-piston principle. When pressures on both sides of the piston are equalized, a spring located on top of the piston acts as a differential forc e and closes the piston.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM THEORY OF OPER ATION 2-2 CLOSED POSI TION - The normally closed solenoid is closed. The normally open solenoid i s open. Y-port (P3) to Z-port (P2) is closed. X-port (P1) and Y-port (P3) pressures are balanced.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM THEORY OF OPER ATION 2-3 OPEN - CONTROL POSITI ON - The normally closed solenoid is closed. The normally open solenoid i s closed. Y-Port (P3) to Z-port (P2) is closed. X-port (P1) to Y-port (P3) is closed.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM THEORY OF OPER ATION 2-4 OPEN POSITI ON - (no control) - The norm ally closed s oleno id is o pen. The no rmally open s oleno id is close d. Y- port (P3) is ope n to Z-port (P2). X-port (P1) is closed off by the normally open solenoid.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM SPECIFICATIONS 3-1 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS PERSON AL IN JURY AND/ OR EQU IPMEN T DAM AGE Do not ex ce ed spe cific atio ns li sted b elow. Failu re to h eed th is warn ing cou ld result i n serious in jury and/or dama ge to t he e quipme nt.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM SPECIFICATIONS 3-2 I NMETRO Certification: - Certificate Number: NCC 12.1244 X - I NMETRO Marking: Ex d nC I IB T3 Gc Ex d I I C T* Gb *See Table s 1 and 2 in the c ert ific ate fo r tempera ture ra nge deta ils.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM SPECIFICATIONS 3-3 The ma in valve is full open w hen cur ves B, C, and D inte rsec t Curve A. Afte r they inters ect, cont in ue reading pressure drop curve f rom curve A. I n applications requiring a constant pressure drop over 40 psid a heavy main valve spring must be used.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM SPECIFICATIONS 3-4 Materials of Construction Main Va lve Body stee l, ASTM -352 L CC Cylinder Head stee l, ASTM -352 L CC Main Valve Cylin.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM SPECIFICATIONS 3-5 Other Internal Parts stainless steel Pilot Valve Body and Trim stainless steel Tubing steel or stainless steel Table 3-1. Solenoid Electrical Data ( 150 lb. MOPD) V oltage* Current (Inrus h) Current Ho lding 110/ 50 Vac 0.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM SPECIFICATIONS 3-6 Table 3-2. Maximum Working Pressure Pressure/Tem peratu re ASTM A352 LCC WCB 150# ANSI/- 20 to 100 / F 285 psig WP 150#.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM SPECIFICATIONS 3-8 Table 3-3. Dimensions (see Figure 3-2) Valve Size A 150# AN SI A 300# AN SI 1 B No Indicator 2 B With Indicator C 2" 10-1/4" 10-1/2" 9" 11" 8.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4-1 4.0 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE The most common application of the Daniel Model 788DVC Digital Control Valve is for truc k loadin g of petr oleum p roducts.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4-2 EQUIP MENT D AMAG E It is recom mended that the exte rnal pump control be turned to the OFF position when performing any electric al wiring in stallation and until ini tial control valve adjustments are m ade in the DL8000.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4-3 The Da niel va lve ma y be insta lled with a flow dire ction hor izonta l or ve rtical up but should never be installed with flow direction vertica l down.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4-4 Figure 4-1. Ty pical Application - Top Loading.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4-5 Figure 4-2. Ty pical Application - Bottom Loading.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 4-6 Figure 4-3. Control Valve Configuration (new for DL 8000).
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM DISASSEM BLY AND R EASSEMBLY 5-1 5.0 CYLINDE R DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEM BLY The following tools will be needed to disassemble and re assemble.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM DISASSEM BLY AND R EASSEMBLY 5-2 5.2 Cylinde r Di sasse mbly Refer to Figure 5-2. PERSON AL IN JURY AND/ OR EQU IPMEN T DAM AGE Caut ion is r equire d when perfor ming any disa sse mbly proc edure as the Cylinde r head is bolted to a spring loaded cylind er assem bly.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM DISASSEM BLY AND R EASSEMBLY 5-3 6. L ift of f the cy linde r he ad by takin g out the so cket scre ws. 7. Remove and inspect all O-rings for nicks, cuts and we ar. Figure 5-1. Using the Piston to Insert the Sea t Ring into the 150/300 lb.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM DISASSEM BLY AND R EASSEMBLY 5-4 5.3 Cylinder Reasse mbly Refer to Figure 5-2. 1. Inspect a ll O-rings for wear and dama ge and replace as required. 2 . If r e m o v e d , a t t a c h t h e c yl i n d e r h e a d t o t h e m a i n c yl i n d e r b o d y.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM DISASSEM BLY AND R EASSEMBLY 5-5 5.4 Cup-se al Re place me nt on Ex isting “AP” Option Pi ston I f y our Daniel Valve is being modified .
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM DISASSEM BLY AND R EASSEMBLY 5-7 5.4.2 To upgrade existing valves having the origi nal “AP” option (received prior to September 1992), t.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM DISASSEM BLY AND R EASSEMBLY 5-8 PERSON AL IN JURY AND/ OR EQU IPMEN T DAM AGE Caut ion is r equire d when perfor ming any disa sse mbly proc edure as the Cylinde r head is bolted to a spring loaded cylind er assem bly.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM TROUBLESHOOTING 6-1 6.0 TROUBLESHOOTING The mos t frequ ent pro blem enc ountere d with any contr ol valve is t he acc umulat ion of se diment, rouge, scale and other for eign material in the pilot or its supply sy stem.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM TROUBLESHOOTING 6-2 Table 6-1 provides information for identify ing and correcting operational proble ms you may experience with y our control valve. Please ke ep in mind this information is not exhaustive and tha t sy stem abnormalities may result from c auses other than valve error.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM PART S LIST 7-1 7.0 P ARTS LIST Table 7-1 lists the repla cement pa rts for 2- throu gh 6-inc h Model V2700-2 0 Series Contr ol Valve s. The item numbers in the parts list (Table 7-1) corr espond with the sequenc e numbers in Figure 7-1.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM PART S LIST 7-2 Table 7-1. Parts L ist - 2", 3", 4", 6", 8" Sizes Item Description Qty 2-inch 3-inch 4-inch 6-inch 8-inch 1 val ve body - in line 150 ANSI steel 1 521001 531001 541001 561001 581001 2 solenoi d (N.
DANI EL MODEL 7 88DVC DIGI TAL CONTROL V ALVES DE C 2012 TM Item Description Qty 2-inch 3-inch 4-inch 6-inch 8-inch PART S LIST 7-3 21 O-ring /Buna-N O-ring /Viton ® O- rin g/ EPR 1 --- --- --- 15707.
DE C 2012 DANI EL MODEL 7 88DV C DIGI TAL CON TROL VALVE S TM PART S LIST 7-4 Figur e 7-1. Valve Cy linde r Assembl y.
D aniel M easurement and C on trol, Inc. TM Ret urne d M at eri al Aut hori zat ion Repai r For m for Us ed Equipm ent Includin g Dec ontamina tion/ Cleani ng Stat ement A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained prior to returning any equipment for any reason.
Sh ipping R equ ire m ents Failur e to com ply with this pr ocedure will re sult in t he ship me nt being refused. 1. Write the RMA number on the shipping package. 2. I nsi de th e pa ck ag e i nc lud e o ne cop y o f thi s do cu me nt an d a ll r equ ire d M ate ria l Sa fe ty Da ta Shee ts (MSD S) 3.
Emers on Pr oces s Manage ment Daniel Measurem ent and C ontrol , Inc. 11 10 0 B ritt m oo re Park D rive Houst on, TX 77041 T+1 7 13- 467-600 0 F+1 7 13- 827-480 5 ww w . emer son. com Copy r i ght © 2012 Dani el M eas ur ement and Co nt r ol , I nc.
An important point after buying a device Emerson 788 DVC (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Emerson 788 DVC yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Emerson 788 DVC - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Emerson 788 DVC you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Emerson 788 DVC will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Emerson 788 DVC, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Emerson 788 DVC.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Emerson 788 DVC. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Emerson 788 DVC along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center