Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 381333234 E Emerson
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381333–234 E 50 Hanove r Road, F lorham Park, New J ersey 07932–1591 USA For sales or service call 1 800 800–2726 (A SCO ) www.ascopower .com Operator’s Manual Seri es 200 Automatic T ransfer .
A typical Catal og N umb er is shown b elow w ith its elemen ts explained: Ca talog Num ber Identif icatio n T ypical D–design Series 200 A TS catalog no.
SECTION 1 INST ALL A TION 1- - 1 The A SCO Series 200 automatic tr ansfer switc hing equipmen t (A TSE ) consists of a transfer s witching d evice, monitori ng and t ransfer control device (controller), a nd membrane controls (for door m ounti ng). The A T SE is factor y tested .
INST ALL A TION (continued) 1- - 2 De–energize the co nducto rs before mak ing any line or auxiliary circuitry connect ions. Be sure that Normal and E mergency l ine connectio ns are in proper phase ro tatio n. Place engine generator starting cont rol in the OFF posit ion.
INST ALL A TION (continued) 1- - 3 F unctio nal T est The Fun c t i o n a l T e s t consists of t hree checks: manual operation, v oltage ch ecks, and elec trical oper ation. NOT ICE Do these checks in the order presented to avoid damaging the aut omatic transfer s witching equipment.
INST ALL A TION (continued) 1- - 4 observe these l ights Figure 1–7. Standard controls and indi cators. 2–V o l t a g e C h e c k s First check nameplate o n tra nsfer swi tching devi ce; rated vol tage m ust be the sam e as norm al and emerg ency l ine voltag es.
INST ALL A TION (continued) 1- - 5 p r e s st h i sb u t t o n observe these l ights Figure 1–8. Standard controls and indi cators. 3 – Electrica l Opera tion Th i s pr oce du re wi ll che ck t he elect ri ca l op er at i on o f t he A utomatic T ransfer Sw itching Equ ipment.
Hol d 15 sec .t o start t he engine generator and to transf er the load to emergency . Press to cancel the active exercise period (sto ps engine now or afte r cooldow n) Se e page 5– 1. Hol d 5 sec .t os e t 20 min. engine ex ercise perio d immediately (engine starts) and weekly thereafter .
SECTI ON 3 TEST ING & SER VICE 3- - 1 PREV ENTIV E MAIN TENAN CE R easonab le c are in preven tive main tenanc e will insur e high reliabilit y and long l i fe for the automati c transf er switch. Ope rate t he sw itc h at l east o nce a mo nth .P e r f o r m t h i s four step E lectr ical Oper ation T est.
TEST ING & SER VICE (continued) 3- - 2 MANUAL L OAD TR ANSFER This pr oced ure w ill m anual ly tr ansfer th e load if th e cont ro lle r is d i sco nne ct ed . Do no t manually operate the transfer switching device until bo th power sources are disconnect ed: open bo th circuit break ers.
SECTION 4 ADJUSTM ENTS 4- - 1 Ti me D e l ay A dj u s tm e n t Standard ti me delays are set to customer specificati ons (if none specif ied, standard fa ctory sett ings are used). T o change a set ting, follow procedure on pa ge 4-2. Use T able 4-1 as a guide to time del ay valu es and their c orre- sponding adjustment DIP switch or potentiometer.
ADJUSTM ENTS (continued) 4- - 2 NOT ICE Do not make any set ting changes while the contro ller is energized. How to Change a Setti ng 1. P reven t the transfer switching dev ice from operat- ing b y discon nect ing one sou rce firs t, then the ot he r, a s f ollo ws: a.
SECTION 5 CONTROL FEA TURES – ENGINE EXER CISERS 5- - 1 These timer s periodic ally exer cise the em ergenc y engine-g enerator p lant. They can be set to exerc ise with or w ithout load tran sfer, or they can be c ompl etely disabl ed.
CONTRO L F EATURES (continued) 5- - 2 OPTIONAL PR OGR AMM ABLE E NG INE E XER CISE R ( Acc e ssory 11CD) The op tional pr og ramm abl e eng ine exerc iser p rovid es seven day s of di ffere nt ex ercise peri ods. The t imer is connected and mounted below the controller.
CONTRO L F EATURES (continued) 5- - 3 How to Set Optional P r ogram m able Engine E xer ciser (A ccessory 1 1CD) Proceed w ith care! The automati c transfer switching equipment is energized.
CONTRO L F EATURES (continued) 5- - 4 INPHASE M ONITOR FOR M OTOR LOAD T RAN SFE R Inphase monitoring logic cont rols tran sfer and retransfer of motor loads, so that i nrush currents do not exceed normal starti ng currents. It avoids nuisa nce tri pping of circ uit breakers and mechan ical dam age to motor coup li ngs.
INDEX Printed in U .S.A. E 2011 ASCO Power T echnologies, L.P . A accessories, 5–2, 5–3, 5–4 auxil iary cir cuits , 1–3 B barriers, 1–2 battery , 4–2, 5–1 buttons, push, 3–1 bypass tim.
An important point after buying a device Emerson 381333234 E (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Emerson 381333234 E yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Emerson 381333234 E - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Emerson 381333234 E you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Emerson 381333234 E will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Emerson 381333234 E, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Emerson 381333234 E.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Emerson 381333234 E. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Emerson 381333234 E along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center