Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 002-9800-401 EFJohnson
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MUL TI-NET® 98xx SERIES OPERA TING MANU AL Part No. 00 2-9800-401 April 20 01.
SAFETY INFORMA TION 2 SAFETY INFORMA TION The FCC has ad opted a sa fety sta ndard for human exposur e to RF en- er gy . Proper o peration of this r adio under normal cond itions r esults i n user expo sure to RF ener gy below the Occupati onal Safet y and Health Act and Fed eral Commun ication Commission li mits.
LAND MOBILE PRODUCT W ARRANTY - The manufact urer ’ s warrant y statement for this p roduct is availabl e from your product s up- plier or from the E.F . John son Company , 299 Johnson A venue, Box 1249, W aseca, MN 56093-0 514. Phone (5 07) 835-6222 .
SAFETY INFORMA TION 4 FCC EXPOSURE LIMITS This mo bile radio t ranscei ver was tes ted by the manufactur er with an approp riate an tenna in o rder to ve rify compl iance wit h Maximum Per - missibl e Exposure (M PE) limits set under Sec tion 2.1091 of the FCC Rules and Regulatio ns.
SAFETY INFORMA TION 5 T able 2 lists t he antenna whips an d bases re commended for use in each fr equency range. Eac h model of this r adio was te sted with the appro - priate antenna l isted. The antenna was mounted in t he cente r of the r oof of a domest ically manufactur ed 4-door p assenger sedan.
T ABLE OF CONTEN TS 6 T ABLE OF CO NTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 CONTROLS AND DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS 7 Stealth Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Time-Out Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Tone Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T ABLE OF CONTEN TS 8 Talk-Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Call Guard Squ elch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Priority Group Sampling . . . . . . . . . . .
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 9 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Power On/Off - Pres s on-of f /volu me control . Set V olume Level - Rotate on-of f/volume control. Change Syste m or Group - Pr ess Selec t switch to enable sys tem or group select mode (indicated by ← /→ or __) .
FEA TURE S 10 General Features • Up to a ppro xima tel y 100 1- grou p or 40 16-gr oup system s prog ram mabl e • Multi-Net ® , L TR ® , and conventi onal opera tion • Unique 8-charac ter syst.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 11 CONTR OLS AND DISPLA Y Front P anel Contr ols On-O ff V olu me - Pressing this knob turns power on and of f. The vehic le igniti on switch ma y also cont rol po wer as desc ribed in “Power T urn-Off Delay” on page 30. Rota ting thi s knob sets the speak er vol ume (see page 15 ).
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 12 Option Switches - The five front panel opt ion switches can be programmed by you r system operat or to the func tions listed below . Refer to the s ection i ndicated for more in formation on a fun ction. The k eycap usuall y indic ates the fun ction controll ed by the s witch.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 13 Speaker - The i nternal speaker i s locate d behind the gril le. An opti onal speaker can be c onnected t o the exte rnal s peaker j ack locat ed on the bac k (see “Sp eaker J ack” desc ription wh ich foll ows). Rear P anel Jac ks and Connectors Antenna Jack - Miniature UHF j ack for c onnecting the 50-ohm an tenna.
CONTROLS AND DISPLA Y 14 Displa y Descrip tion 16-Charact er Messa ge Area - Indicate s the sel ected syst em and group (see pa ge 16) and a lso error conditi ons and s tatus info rmation . - Indi cate s that the displ aye d syst em is in th e scan list and s canne d normally (see p age 37).
GENERAL OPERA TION 15 - Indic ates tha t an opti on control led by the AUX switch is enabled (see pa ge 26). - Indi cates tha t a call has been r eceiv ed on a grou p programmed f or a call i ndicator (see page 26). T o tur n this indi cation of f, press an y key .
GENERAL OPERA TION 16 • If a conv entional system is s elected, take t he microphon e off -hook and if someon e is using the channe l, voic e is heard. I f no one is using the channel, the sq uelch cont rol can be adjusted counterc lockwis e as descri bed in “Set ting Sque lch Control ” on page 1 8 and no ise is he ard.
GENERAL OPERA TION 17 bottom li ne. For example , a “SECURITY” sys tem and “CAR 220” gr oup are dis played as follow s. The syste m and group numbe rs are no t displa yed in thi s mode. Alpha T ag Displa y Mode Selecting the Syst em and Group The front panel Sel ect swit ch is used to change t he system a nd group.
GENERAL OPERA TION 18 Select Mode I ndication Wit h Alpha T ag Displa y The tran sceiver c an be progr ammed so that after a change is made, the cur rent sel ect mode rema ins enabl ed or a def ault mode i s select ed after a delay of up to 15 sec onds.
ST AND ARD CALLS 19 4. If both narrow and wi de band cha nnels are used, perf orm this adju st- ment on bot h types be cause sepa rate setti ngs are mai ntained. NOTE: Some r eadjustment may be r eq uir ed if weak message s ar e not hear d or unsquelch ing occurs when no messag es ar e pr esent.
ST AND ARD CA LLS 20 success fully ac cessed. If it i s not enabl ed, no tone sounds wh en the system is su ccessful ly accesse d. The procee d and other tones can be disabl ed as descr ibed in “T one Sel ect” on page 32.
TELEPHONE CALLS AND O T HER SPECIAL CALLS 21 2. Select or scan th e syst em and group p rogrammed for the cal l you want to rece ive (see page 35 f or scan i nformatio n). 3. When the mess age is receive d, the disp lay usual ly changes to the system a nd group of the cal l.
TELEPHONE CALLS AND O THER SPECIAL CALLS 22 Busy and Out-Of- Range Conditions Busy and out -of-ra nge cond itions ar e indica ted the s ame as with Multi-Net an d L TR standard calls des cribed on page 19.
TELEPHONE CALLS AND O T HER SPECIAL CALLS 23 Receiving a T elephone Call 1. T urn t ransceive r power on and set th e volume as des cribed start ing on page 15. 2. Select or scan th e syst em and group pr ogrammed for telephon e calls. When a tel ephone or Mul ti-Net speci al call group is sel ected, i s displa yed.
TELEPHONE CALLS AND O THER SPECIAL CALLS 24 3. Dial the 4-8 digi t number usi ng the micr ophone keypa d. Refer to step 4 on page 2 2 for mor e informatio n. 4. A tone then sounds to indic ate that th e call was accep ted by the syste m. If thi s tone does not sound, an incorr ect or unauth orized numbe r may have been diale d.
GENE RA L F EA TURE S 25 Landside-O riginate Call s Calls ca n be place d from a lan dside telephone to your tr ansceive r if the rad io system a nd transce iver have that cap ability . W ith most s ystems, a mobile c an be call ed direc tly (eac h has a uniq ue teleph one number).
GENERAL FEA TURE S 26 Call Indi ca tor The c all ind icator i s “ C ” in the upper part of th e display as shown in the fol lowing il lustration . The purpose of this indica tion is to s how that a call was receive d while you we re away fr om the veh icle.
GENE RA L F EA TURE S 27 Auto mati c Opera tio n - T he tran smi tter au tomati cal ly tran smit s an em er- gency me ssage on t he emer gency sys tem/group. Th e messag e is trans- mitted wi thout pre ssing the P TT switch and at the hi ghest pri ority .
GENERAL FEA TURE S 28 Function ( FCN) Switch If an opt ion switch i s programmed for FCN (functi on), it perf orms the fol lowing fu nction s. If t his switc h is not programmed, t hese fun ctions are not available. Whe n the funct ion sele ct mode is a ctive, “FCN” is displa yed on the lower line of the di splay .
GENE RA L F EA TURE S 29 When ena bled, the h orn alert pulse s on and of f fo r 1-8 cycl es and then g oes back to the disabled s tate. T o change the cu rrently selected ho rn alert mode, the HORN option switch or HRN ALR T menu parameter can be used i f availa ble (see page 32).
GENERAL FEA TURE S 30 P ower T urn-O ff Del ay Y our tran sceiver may hav e been insta lled so that the vehicle ignition switch a s well as t he front -panel powe r switch c ontrol t ransceiv er power . If this is the case , bot h the i gniti on s witch and t he fro nt pan el po wer swit ch must be on for tran sceive r power to turn on.
GENE RA L F EA TURE S 31 On conventi onal sy stems, the T ransmit Disab le On Busy feat ure can be used t o automati cally per form monito ring (see pag e 51). Th e proceed tone the n does not sound if the chann el is bus y . Otherwise , the proce ed tone (i f enabled ) sound s on convent ional sys tems even i f the chan nel is busy .
OPTION SWITCHES AND ME NU MODE 32 One use of the time- out timer feature is to pre vent a rep eater fr om being kep t busy for an ext ended peri od by an acc identall y keyed trans- mitter . It can also pre vent possi ble damage t o the tr ansmitter caused by transmi tting for an excess ively lo ng period.
OPTION SWITCHES AND ME NU MODE 33 column . Refer to t he page li sted in this tabl e for a de scripti on of the func- tion. I f a functi on is cont rolled b y an option switch, it canno t be control led by the menu mode and vi ce versa . Some switche s may not be used and a re then di sabled.
OPTION SWITCHES AND ME NU MODE 34 Menu Mode and Option Switch Functi ons Function Menu Items Opt io n Swit ch See Descrip. on Page Add/delet e (scan li st pr g) --- A/D 37 Backlight adjust BACKLGHT --- 16 Bank select BANK SEL --- 25 Caller ID [1] CALL ID -- 46 Call Guard S q.
SYSTE M AND GROUP SC AN 35 5. The sele cted status c ondition s for th e various functi ons are s aved whe n the menu mode is exit ed in one of the foll owing ways: • Pressi ng the FCN swit ch again • Pressi ng the P TT switch • Automatic ally when time- out occurs 2 seconds af ter a cha nge is made or 8 s econds aft er no chan ges are made .
SYSTE M AND GROUP SC AN 36 The type o f scannin g selecte d is dete rmined by th e menu mode S CN TYPE paramet er (see pa ge 33). If that parameter is not selec table, t he type of sc anning is f ixed by progr amming. The avai lable sca n types are as follows .
SYSTE M AND GROUP SC AN 37 Single and Multipl e Site Scan Single a nd Multiple site sc anning (see de scripti ons which f ollow) are se lect able i f the S CAN S EL me nu par amet er if it is av ailab le. If this parame ter is n ot availa ble, scann ing is fi xed in one of the se state s by programmin g.
SYSTE M AND GROUP SC AN 38 inal gr oup scan li st is ag ain acti ve. Systems a nd groups c an be deleted from the scan list whi le list ening to a message on t he system o r group by pressi ng the A/D swi tch in th e normal manner . Scann ing re sumes shortly after the system or group i s deleted.
SYSTE M AND GROUP SC AN 39 There is also a sc an continu e timer that may be progr ammed. This timer co ntrols the ma ximum time tha t a call is received before sc anning resumes. T imes up to 60 se conds can be program med. This prevent s scannin g from be ing delaye d for long periods b y lengthy c alls.
MUL TI-NET , L TR, A ND CONVENTIONAL MODES 40 disabl ed), the se lected s ystem/grou p is ag ain displ ayed. Therefor e, you can res pond to a ca ll without changing the selec ted syst em/group as long as you do s o before s canning r esumes.
MUL TI-NET , L TR, A ND CONVENTIONAL MODES 41 include telephone , unique ID, and direct ed group. Mul ti-Net feat ures are descri bed startin g on page 43. L TR oper ation is si mila r to Mul ti-Ne t ope rati on. Th e main differ- ence is that the preced ing feat ures are n ot avail able.
MUL TI-NET , L TR, A ND CONVENTIONAL MODES 42 Monitoring Con ventional Channels Bef ore T ransmit ting Regulati ons requi re that t he channel be monitor ed before transmit - ting t o make sure that i t is not being us ed by someone else. I f you were to transmit whe n someone el se is talki ng, you would p robably di srupt their conversa tion.
MUL TI-NET FEA TURES 43 MUL TI-NET FEA TURES Standar d and Special Calls S tandard calls ar e between t wo mobiles or between a mob ile and a control statio n, and speci al call s include telephone , unique ID, a nd direct ed group.
MUL TI-NET FEA TURES 44 with all calls e xcept tel ephone, and the dial tone sounds with tel ephone calls. The call c an then be p laced in t he normal ma nner .
MUL TI-NET FEA TURES 45 other s electabl e systems. While searchi ng is occur ring, “ROAMING” i s indicat ed on the l ower line of the displ ay as shown b elow . When a new site i s locate d, this mess age is no l onger dis played , and the sy stem and group of the new sit e is displa yed.
MUL TI-NET FEA TURES 46 message and exi t this mode, pre ss the FCN option swit ch again . This also occurs a utomatica lly 2 seco nds af ter a chan ge is made or 8 seconds after no change s are made. Up to eigh t status con ditions s uch as “A T SITE”, “LEA VING”, and “LOADING” may be pr eprogrammed by your syst em operato r .
MUL TI-NET FEA TURES 47 If a ca ll is re ceived on o ne of the f ixed pri ority ID c odes, ei ther “PRIOR TY1” or “PRI OR TY2” is displ ayed on the bot tom line. Th e select able groups are then che cked to see i f any have the same ID code. If a matc h is found, the tran sceiver c hanges to t hat group .
L TR FE A TUR ES 48 L TR FEA TURES Standar d and T elephone Calls S tandard calls ar e between t wo mobiles or between a mob ile and a control statio n. T elephon e call s allow you to place and recei ve calls over the publ ic telep hone sys tem using y our trans ceiver .
LT R F E AT U R E S 49 remains e nabled whi le in the queu e mode, but sy stem scanni ng is tempo - rarily di sabled. Thi s feature i s enabled on indivi dual L TR systems by dealer programmi ng, and it is then av ailable with all telephone calls on that sy stem.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURE S 50 a call is recei ved on on e of these groups, th e transc eiver automaticall y transmi ts a resp onse. This c auses the transcei ver plac ing the call to briefl y unsquel ch and t he call indicat or to t urn on ( if it is prog rammed on the sel ected gro up).
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 51 A CG (Call Gua rd disable) option swi tch may also be programme d. This swit ch dis ables bot h receive and trans mit squ elch contr ol on the select ed group onl y (the moni tor mode di sables onl y receiv e squelch control ).
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURE S 52 T alk-Around Normally , all transmis sions go t hrough a re peater . There fore, if you are out of radio r ange of t he repeat er , you c annot tal k to any one, even if you are o nly a short distanc e away from t he mobile yo u are calli ng.
CONVENTIONAL FEA TURES 53 Priority Group Sampling The prior ity grou p sampli ng featur e ensures that messa ges on priori ty convent ional gr oups are not missed whi le list ening to a message on a non-p riorit y conventi onal group.
MISCEL LANEOUS 54 NOTE: Priori ty sampli ng occurs o nly on c onventional systems and only when scanni ng is enab led by the SCAN switch. I t does not occ ur when list ening to a Mu lti- Net o r LTR call o r whe n tran smit ting.
MISCELLANEOUS 55 seconds b efore this ton e sounds, a s ingle bee p sounds to indic ate that time-out wi ll soon occ ur . • Tr a n s m i t I n h i bi t - If this tone sounds as s oon as the P TT swi.
MISCEL LANEOUS 56 Multi-Net T elephone Call T ones The fo llowing t ones are ge nerated b y the Multi-Net equipme nt and are hear d when making a telephon e, unique I D, or direc ted group s pecial call o n a Mult i-Net s ystem. Confirmation T one - This is a sho rt tone t hat sounds when the numbe r just di aled has b een accept ed by the s ystem.
MISCELLANEOUS 57 Conversati on Ti me-Out T one - Call s are li mited to a certain length by the syst em. Thirty seconds bef ore this time is reac hed, a “ tick” begins sounding each se cond. When the 30-second t ime expir es, the ca ll is aut o- mati call y termi nat ed by t he sy stem.
MISCEL LANEOUS 58 EMERGNCY - Indicat es that the e mer gency swit ch has been press ed (see “Emer gency Switch” on pag e 26). FCN - Indic ates that t he functi on select mode is sel ected by the FCN option s witch ( see page 2 8).
MISCELLANEOUS 59 OUT -RNGE - Indicates that the transcei ver was una ble to cont act a repeat er . Once this i ndicati on appears , no more acce ss atte mpts are made until t he P TT swit ch is rel eased and then pres sed aga in. Refer t o “Opera- tion At E xtended Range ” on pag e 61 for more informat ion.
MISCEL LANEOUS 60 Menu Mode Messages The foll owing mes sages are dis played in the menu mode that i s descri bed start ing on page 32. “ON” is di splayed to i ndicate e nabled or yes, and “ OFF” is disp layed to i ndicate disabled or no.
MISCELLANEOUS 61 ST A TUS - Stat us message s elect • NO ST A TUS - No status mes sage tra nsmitted • Programmed s tatus message s STEAL TH - Ste alth mode select • ON or OFF SYS SRCH - L TR sys.
MISCEL LANEOUS 62 ground noi se when messa ges are r eceiv ed. Y ou may still be out of range even tho ugh you ca n hear a mes sage. The r eason for this is that the signal you are r eceiving is usu ally tra nsmitted at a highe r power lev el than t he one tran smitted by y our trans ceiver .
MISCELLANEOUS 63 Also make s ure that the con trols are pr operly s et and tha t the power , externa l spea ker (if used), and a ccessory (if u sed), cabl es are se curely plugged i nto the ba ck of the transcei ver . If the transcei ver stil l does not operate properly , return i t to your system oper ator for service .
An important point after buying a device EFJohnson 002-9800-401 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought EFJohnson 002-9800-401 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data EFJohnson 002-9800-401 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, EFJohnson 002-9800-401 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get EFJohnson 002-9800-401 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of EFJohnson 002-9800-401, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime EFJohnson 002-9800-401.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with EFJohnson 002-9800-401. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device EFJohnson 002-9800-401 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center