Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product POWEREDGE 6350 Dell
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ZZZ GHOOFRP ® 'HO O 3RZHU(GJH 6VWHPV 6(59,&( 0$18$/.
__________ ______ ____ Inf or mation in this d ocument is s ubject t o c hang e without noti ce. © 1998 Dell Comput er Cor por ation . All r ights r eserved. Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer Corporation is strictly forbidden.
v &RQWHQWV &KDSWHU 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ Syst em Feat ures . . . . .
vi &KDSWHU &RGHVDQG0HV VDJHV POST Beep Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii Figure 1-8 . Memor y M odul e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Figure 1- 9. Power Supply I ndicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Figure 1-10. Power-Supply Par alleling Board. . .
viii Table 1-2. DC Voltage and Current Ranges per Power Suppl y . . . . . . 1-12 Table 1-3. PSPB Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13 Table 1-4. FAN Connector Pinouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x 5 HDG7KLV)LUVW A prerequi site f or using this manual t o ser vice Dell computer sy stems is a basic kno w l edge of IBM ® -compatibl e PCs and prior train ing i n IBM-compat ible PC troublesh ooting tec hni ques.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 &+$37(5 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ Dell ® P ow erEdge ® 6350 systems are f eat ure- ric h, enterprise-cla ss ser ver sys t ems that use Intel ® P entium ® II Xeon ™ micro processor(s) with MMX ™ tec hnology and incorpor ate a hi gh-perf ormance PCI lo cal bus.
1-2 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual microproces sors in t his sy stem; the upgrade k i t from Dell c ontains the cor rect v ersion f or thi s sy stem.
S y stem O vervie w 1-3 lef t side front of co mputer r ight side back of computer hard-d i sk dr ive stat us i ndica tor fan/tem perature st atus indica tor power supply stat us i ndica tor.
1-4 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual dis k et te driv e CD-ROM driv e pow er but ton bez el and hard- disk drive keyloc k loc k acce ss pane l dis k et te driv e access i ndi .
S y stem O vervie w 1-5 SCSI bac kplan e board sy stem boa rd PCI expansion slot s micropr oces sors fan assembly power supplie s (3 ) memory board SCSI bac kplan e board sy stem boa rd PCI expansion .
1-6 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual $ FFHVVLQJWK H,QWHULRURIWKH6VWHP T wo panel doors on t he top of the s y stem pro vide acce ss to the sy st em board, memor y board, microp rocessors, and e x pansion cards.
S y stem O vervie w 1-7 $&5RXWLQJ&DEOH T he P ow erEdge 6350 sy stem is unique in that live A C pow er is routed inside the sys tem. An A C routing cable ( not the same cable as the A C .
1-8 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 6V WHP 0HP RU S ystem memor y resides on a memor y module card and consists of a minimum of 1 28 MB of 72-bit buf f ered ED O memor y .
S y stem O vervie w 1-9 See “DIMMs” in Chapter 4 of this document f or informat ion on remo ving and replacing DI M Ms. 3&,([SDQVLRQ6XEV VWHP T he R esource Configurati on Uti lity (RCU) in clu ded with the sys tem automati- cally conf igures installed PCI e xpansion cards.
1-1 0 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual An integrate d Adapt ec AIC-7860 Ultra/Nar row SCSI host adapter at t ac hed to the PCI bus supports the CD- ROM dr ive through a 50-pin con nector on t he sys t em board.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 1 6VWHP3 RZHU6XSSOLHV T he three r edundant po w er suppl ies are i nstalled ver tically i n a ro w at t he front of the c hassis.
1-1 2 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual . 363% T he PSPB receiv es input from the A C pow er source and distributes it to the po wer supplies. T he po wer supplie s return DC pow er to t he PSPB , whic h in t urn distri butes redundant DC pow er to the sy stem board, SCSI bac kplane, fan assembly , and ex ternal driv e bay s.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 3 . 3 LQ$VVLJQPHQWVIRUWKH363%3 RZHU&RQQHFWRUV Figures 1 -1 1 through 1 -18 and T ables 1 -4 and 1 -5 describe the connectors on the PSPB . T he po we r -supply outpu t v oltages can be measur ed at th e bac k (wire side) of the connect ors without disconnect ing them.
1-1 4 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 1 Pin 1 3 — S Y S_PS_ON # should measure between + 4.75 and +5.25 VDC e xcept whe n the system is on, tak ing S YS_PS_ON# to it s active- low st ate . 2 Pin 5 — S Y S_PWR_G O OD sh ould me asure between +4.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 5 1 23 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 common ( blac k) +5 V L (red ) +1 2 VL (y ello w) +3.3 V L ( orang e) +3.3 VL (orange) +3.
1-1 6 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 1 F AN_2-V CC 1 1 GR OUND 2 F AN_TRA Y_ID_1 1 2 F AN_3_T A CH 3 F AN_2_T A CH 1 3 R eser v ed 4 F AN_1_V CC 1 4 GR OUND 5 GRO U N D 1 5 Re s e r ve.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 7 A1 A C GRO UND 1 4 - SENSE A2 A C NEU TRAL 15 + 5 V SENSE A3 A C LINE 1 6 -1 2 V 1P O K 1 7 + 1 2 V 2N C 1 8 + 1 2 V 3 GRO UND 1 9 SWITCH 4 GR OUND 20 PS_ON 5 +1 2 V 21 +3.3 V SENSE 6+ 1 2 V 2 2 - 5 V 7 PS_ID 23 +1 2 V 8 +5 VFP 24 +1 2 V 9 GRO UND B1 +3.
1-18 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 6VW HP% RDUG/D RXW T he subsecti ons th at f ollo w prov ide ser vice-related informatio n about the sys t em board components. Figure 1 -1 9 illustrates the loca tion of important sys t em board components.
S y stem O vervie w 1-1 9 6&6,%DFNSODQH%RDUG/D RXWV Figure 1 -20 sho ws the location of the connectors on the split , hot -pluggable 1 x 3 SCSI bac kplane board; T able 1 -6 descri bes the con nectors on the board.
1-20 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual Warning: Firmware is out-of-date, please update....
S y stem O vervie w 1-21 6VWHP%RDUG-XPS HUV Figure 1 -21 illustr a tes the locati on of the sy stem board jumpers, and T able 1 -7 describes the jumper set tings.
1-22 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual ,QWHUUXSW$VVLJ QPHQWV T able 1 -8 list s the def ault IRQ li ne assignme nts. P ASSWD Installed (def ault) to enabl e the pass word f eature. Remo ve the jumper and boot t he computer t o remo ve an e xisting passw ord.
S y stem O vervie w 1-23 '0$&KDQQHO$VVLJQPHQWV T able 1 -9 lists the def a ult DMA c hannel assign ments. IRQ1 2 Used b y the PS/2 mouse port unless mouse is disabled in Sy stem Setup p.
1-24 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 7 HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV T able 1 -1 0 lists det ailed tec hnical specifica ti ons. Microproces sor type . . . . . . 1 to 4 Intel P entiu m II Xeon microproce ssors Microproces sor speed .
S y stem O vervie w 1-25 T ypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two A daptec AIC-7890 Ult ra2/L VD (F ast-40) controll ers, with integra ted 68-pin SCSI connectors on the sy stem board; A d apt ec AIC-7860 Ultra/Nar ro w controller , with integrated 50-pi n SCSI connector on the sys t em board Disk et te drive .
1-26 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual Hard-d isk dri ve stat us indicat or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . green LED on front panel (blinks amber when a hard-di sk drive failur e is dete cted) F an/temperat ure status indicat or . . . . .
S y stem O vervie w 1-27 Height (4-U rac k height) . . . . 1 7 .3 cm (6.81 inc hes) Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.4 cm (1 7 .07 inc hes) Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.5 cm (29.32 inc hes) W eight (maximum conf igur ation ) .
1-28 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual.
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-1 &+$37(5 %DVLF 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJ T his c hapter describe s basic trou bleshooting procedur es that ca n help y ou diagnose a computer sy stem problem. T hese procedures can of ten re veal the source of a problem or in dicate the corre ct starti ng point f or tr oubleshooting the sy stem.
2-2 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 3. Obser ve th e user to determine if he or she is making an erro r , suc h as typing an incorrect k ey combination or enter ing a command incorr ect ly . Is the problem a resul t of user er ror? Ye s .
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-3 7 . Inspect all e xternal monitor contro l s for an y obvious damage or i mpr oper set tings. F or proper set tings of the video mon it o r cont rols, see the documentation f or the monitor . 8. Inspect the k eyboard to ensur e that no ke ys are stic king.
2-4 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 3. W atc h the Num Loc k, Caps Loc k, and Scroll L oc k indicator s on the upper - right corner of the ke yboard.
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-5 ,QWHUQDO9LVXDO,QVSH FWLRQ A simpl e visual inspecti on of a computer’ s interi or hardw are can of ten lead t o the sourc e of a pr oblem, suc h as a loose expansion car d, cable connector , or mounting scre w .
2-6 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 5. Chec k all cable connec tors inside the computer to v er ify that the y are firmly at t ac hed to their appropri ate conn ectors. 6. Close the right a nd lef t panel doors. 7 . R econn ect the computer and any at t ac hed peripherals to thei r pow er sources, and t urn them on.
B a sic T rou blesh ooting 2-7 If no errors ar e found in RAM, the dia gnostics loads and the Di agnost ics Menu appears. T hi s menu lets you c hoose the foll o wing opt ions or ex it the Dell Diagno.
2-8 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual.
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3 -1 &+$37(5 &RGHVDQG0HVVDJHV T his c hapter describes beep codes, system messages, SCSI hard-d isk driv e indicator cod es, and pow er supply indicato r activity that can occur during POS T or during nor mal sy stem operation.
3-2 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 1- 1- 3 N V R A M w r i t e / r e a d fa i l u r e Replace the sy stem board . 1 -1 -4 BIOS c hec ksum fai l u re Replace the sy stem board.
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3 -3 3-1 -1 3-1 -2 3-1 -3 3-1 -4 Sla ve DMA- regi ster fa i l u r e Master DMA- register f ailure Master inter rupt- mask register fail ure Sl ave i nt e rru pt -m a s k register f ailure Replac e the syste m board. 3-2-4 K e yboa rd-control l er test failu re Chec k the k eyboard ca ble and connector f or proper connect ion.
3-4 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 4-3-3 Def ectiv e system board R epl ace the sy stem board . 4-3-4 Time-of -day cloc k stopped Repl ac e the bat ter y . If the pr oble m persists, replace th e system board . 4-4-1 F ault y I/O c hip Super I/O cont ro ller fa i l u r e Replac e the syste m board.
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3 -5 6VWH P0HVVDJHV T able 3-2 lists (in alphabet ical order) sy stem mes sages th at can appear on the monitor s creen. T hese messages can help y ou find the sourc e of a pr oblem. Some of thes e messages indicate fatal er rors.
3-6 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual Diskette drive 0 seek failure Diskette drive 1 seek failure F aulty or improperly insert ed disk et te, incor r ect configu ra- tion set t ings in S ystem Set up program, loo se dis ket te d rive i nte r- f ace cable, or loose po w er cable R epl ace the disk et te.
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3 -7 Embedded server management error Embedded server management is not present Embedded ser ver management memor y may be tempo rar ily corr upted Shut do wn the system to clear the memor y , and then restart the sy stem. If the problem persis t s, disconnect the A C power cable f or about 5 m in- utes and tr y again.
3-8 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual I/O parity interrupt at address Expansion car d imprope rl y inst alled or fau lt y R einstall the e xpansion cards.
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3 -9 Memory address line failure at address , read value expect- ing value Memory double word logic fail ure at address , read value expect- ing value Memory odd/ even logic fail.
3-1 0 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual No boot device available F a ult y disket te, dis- ke t t e driv e sub- system , h ard -d i sk driv e, hard-disk driv e subsy stem, or no boot disk i n driv e A R epl ace the disk et te or hard-dis k driv e.
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3-1 1 Reset failed Improperl y con- nected disk et te driv e, hard-disk driv e, or po we r cabl e Chec k the disk et te driv e interf ace cable and po w er cable connec- tions to the disk et te driv e. Replace the dis- ke t te driv e interface cable .
3-1 2 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual Unexpected interrupt in protected mode F aulty or improperly seate d DIMM, DIMMs not installed in sets of f our , a f ault y or imprope rly seated .
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3- 1 3 6&6,+DUG'LV N'ULYH,QGL FDWRU&RGHV T hr ee indicator lig hts i n eac h SCSI hard-disk driv e carrier pro vide informat io n on the stat us of the SCSI hard- disk driv es ( see Figure 3- 1). T he SCSI ba c k plane firmw a re control s the dri v e online and driv e f ailure indicato rs.
3-1 4 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual Identif y driv e All three dri ve stat us indicat ors blink simultaneously . Driv e being prepared f or removal T he three driv e st atus indicators flas h sequential ly . Driv e ready f or insertion or removal All three dri ve st atu s indicators are of f .
Codes a nd Me ssa ges 3- 1 5 3 RZHU6XSSO,QGLFDWR UV T he f ollo wing ind i cators are on the to p of eac h pow er supply (see Figure 3-2): T he green st at us indicator is on if the pow er supply is functioning normally . T he red f ault indicat or is on i f a f ault is detec ted with t he po wer supply .
3-1 6 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 &+$37(5 5 HP RYLQJDQG5HSODFLQJ3 DUWV T hi s c hapter pro vi des procedures f or removing the component s, assemblies, and subassemblies in the computer .
4-2 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 3 UHFDXWLRQDU0H DVXUHV B efor e y ou perf orm an y of the procedu res in this c hapter , t ake a f ew moments to read the f ollow ing wa rning for your personal saf et y and to pre vent da m age to the computer sy stem from ESD .
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-3 )U R Q W %H ] H O Use the f ollowing procedur e to remov e the front bezel of the comput er . 1 . If the front bez el door is l oc k ed, press in on t he right side of t he loc k acces s panel to open the panel, exposi ng the ke yloc k (see Figure 4-1).
4-4 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual &RQWURO3 DQHO$VVHPEO T o remo v e the control panel assembly , follo w these steps: 1 . Remo ve the screw secur ing the control panel ass em bly to the front of the c hassis (see Fig ure 4-2).
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-5 'LVNHWWHD QG&' 52 0'ULYH V Figure 4- 3 sho ws the cable connectio ns f or the disk et te and CD-R O M drives installed in the sy stem. Re f er to this figure when necessary while inst alling those driv es.
4-6 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual &' 520'ULYH T o remov e CD-ROM dr iv e, f ollo w these steps: 1 . Remo ve the syst em fan assembly . 2. Disconnect the DC po wer ca ble and the interf ace cable f rom the bac k of the driv e (see Figure 4-3).
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-7 6. R ecor d the set ting of the SCSI address jumpers and SCSI bus terminat io n jumper . B ef ore installing a CD-R OM driv e, set the SCSI address jumpers and th e SCSI bus terminati on ju m pers to the set tings y ou recorded.
4-8 Del l P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 'LVNHWWH'ULYH$VVHPEO T o remov e the disk et te drive, f ollo w these st eps: 1 . Remo ve the fr ont bez el. 2. R emo ve the sy stem fan assembly . 3. If necessary , open the top panels of the sy stem unit.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-9 If y ou want to sto r e the driv e you remo ved as a separate par t, remov e it from the dri ve b rac ket . First disconnect t he interpo s er cable from t he drive. Then press do wn on the brac ket latc h to release the driv e, and pull the drive a wa y from the brac k et .
4-1 0 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual +DUG'LV N'ULYHV T he har d-disk driv e bay s pr o vid e space f or up to three 1 -inc h, hot-plugga ble SCSI hard- disk dri ves.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 1 2. If the front bezel doo r is loc ked, press i n on the right side of the loc k access panel to open the panel, e xposing the k eylo c k (see Figure 4-8) . Then unloc k the bez el, re mo v e the ke y , close the loc k access panel, and open the bez el door .
4-1 2 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 6&6,%DFNSODQH Warning: Firmware is out-of-date, please update... T o remov e a SCSI bac kplane, follo w these steps: 1 . Remo ve the fr ont bez el. 2. R emov e the six sc re ws securing t he top-cov er panel (se e Figure 4- 9), and remov e the co ver panel.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 3 5. R emov e the horiz ont ally mounted a uxiliar y SCSI bac kplane. R emov e the two scre ws securing the auxiliary SCSI bac kplane to the top of the dri ve c age.
4-1 4 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 6VWH P3RZHU6XSSO LHV T o remov e a po we r supply , f ollo w these steps: 1 . Disengage the p ow er supply han dle from t he latc hed position b y pressing do wn on the handl e at the “press here” symbol and then re leasing it (see Figure 4- 1 1).
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 5 6VWHP)DQ$VVHPEO T he f our -fan cooling assembly is m ounted in t he middle of t he c hassis behind the po wer sup plies and the driv e bay s.
4-1 6 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 3 RZHU6XSSO3DUDOOH OLQJ%RDUG Use th e f ollo wing procedur e to remov e the PSPB . 1 . Disconnect the A C po wer cord from the bac k of t he sy stem. 2. R emo ve the sy stem fan assembly . 3.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 7 4. Disconnect all internal po wer harnesses a nd cables fr om the PSPB . 5. R emov e the front bezel . 6. R emo ve the fiv e scre ws securing the PSPB cov e r plate to the lef t side of the c hassis and remo ve the co v er plate (see Figure 4-1 3).
4-18 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he subse ctions that fol l o w contain procedures f or removing sy stem board components.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 9 ([SDQVLRQ&DUGV NO TE: PCI cards ar e not hot- pluggable un der the Microsof t ® W indows NT ® 4.x operating system. Hot-pl ug capability should become av ailable under fut ure operating sys t ems. T o remov e an expa nsion card, f ollo w these st eps: 1 .
4-20 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 3. F or the card you want to remov e, press i n and hold the cli p on the bac k of the computer . At the same time, from inside the computer , press do wn on the cur ved rele ase tab in the middle of the e xpansion-card latc h.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-21 ',00V T o remov e a DIMM, f ollow thes e steps: 1 . Remo ve the memor y m odule b y grasping it b y the corners and pulli ng it from its c onnector . 2. If there ar e tie wraps around a ny DIMM banks, you can remo v e them.
4-22 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 6(&&DUWULGJ HDQG+ HDW6LQN$VVHPE O T o remov e a single-edge c ont act (SEC) cartr idge and heat sin k assembly , f ol- lo w these steps.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-23 7 HUPLQDWRU &DUWULGJ H T o remov e a termin ator cart ridge, f ollow these st eps: 1 . Press outward on t he two SEC car tridge release l atc hes until the y snap into t he open posit ion (see Figure 4- 1 9).
4-24 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 6VWHP%DWWHU T o remo ve the sys tem bat ter y , f ollo w these steps: 1 . Bef ore t urning of f the syst em, if possibl e enter the S ys t em Set up program and mak e a printed cop y of the S yst em Set up screens (see Appendix A).
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-25 6VW HP% RDUG T o remov e the syst em board from the c hassis, perf orm the f ollowing s teps: 1 . Remo ve the syst em fan assembly .
4-26 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual 4. Remo v e the memor y module by gr asping it b y the corners a nd pulling it up out of its connect ors.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-27 *XLGH%UDFNHW$VVHPEO T o remov e the guide brac ket assembly , f ollow these steps: 1 . Remo ve the syst em board.
4-28 Dell P owerEdge 6350 Systems Ser v ice Ma nual $&5 RXWLQJ&DEOH$VVHPEO Use th e f ollo wing procedur e to remov e the A C routing cable: 1 . Remo ve the three scre ws that secure the A C routing cable assembly to the bac k of the computer (see Figure 4-23).
S ystem Setup Program A-1 $33(1',;$ 6VWHP6HWXS3 URJUDP T hi s appendi x describes the Sy stem Setup program, whic h is used to c hange the sy stem configurat ion inf ormation stor ed in NVRAM on the sy stem board.
A-2 Dell P ow er Edge 63 50 Sy stems Ser vice M anual 6VWH P6HWXS6FUHHQV Figure A-1 ill ustra tes t he S y stem Setup program screen s, and T able A-1 briefl y describes eac h setup option.
S ystem Setup Program A-3 Time R esets ti me on com puter’ s inter nal cloc k. Da te R esets date on computer’ s internal calendar . Disk ett e Dr iv e A Disk ett e Dr ive B Identifies type of disk et te driv e inst alled. (Note that the P ow e r Edge 6350 supports only one interna l disk et te driv e.
A-4 Dell P ow er Edge 63 50 Sy stems Ser vice M anual Ser ial P ort 1 Ser ial P ort 2 Configur es system’ s integ rated serial p orts. T h ese categories may be set to Au t o (def ault) to auto m at.
Index 1 ,QGH [ $ AC routin g cable about, 1- 7 removal, 4-28 % back-p anel features, 1-4 battery removal, 4-24 beep cod es, POST about, 3- 1 list of, 3-2 bezel remo val, 4-3 boot routin e observing wh.
2 Dell Po werEdge 63 50 Systems Ser vic e Manua l ( embedded server management . See ESM ESM, 1-12 expansion car ds about, 1- 9 PCI, 1-9 PCI slots, 1-9 slots, 1- 9 expansion subsys tem, 1-9 external v.
Index 3 PCI expansion slots, 1-2 POST beep codes, 3-1 power butto n, 1-4 power supply removal, 4-14 power-supply paralleling boar d. See PSPB precauti onary measures, 4 -2 PSPB, 1-13 5 resource conf l.
4 Dell Po werEdge 63 50 Systems Ser vic e Manua l 9 video subsystem, 1-2 video conne ctor location, 1- 4 video controll er, integra ted, 1-9 visual inspect ion external , 2-2 inte rnal, 2-5.
An important point after buying a device Dell POWEREDGE 6350 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Dell POWEREDGE 6350 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Dell POWEREDGE 6350 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Dell POWEREDGE 6350 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Dell POWEREDGE 6350 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Dell POWEREDGE 6350, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Dell POWEREDGE 6350.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Dell POWEREDGE 6350. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Dell POWEREDGE 6350 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center