Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product G1 Dell
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ZZZ GHOOFRP 'HO O 2SWL3OH[ *0LGVL]H 0DQDJHG3&6VWHPV 5()(5(1&($1' ,167$//$7,21*8,'(.
_________ ______ _____ Inf or mation in this document is subj ect t o c hange without notice. © 1 994–1998 Dell Comput er Cor po ration. All r ights r eserved. Reproduction in any manner wha tsoever without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer C orporation is strictly forbidden.
v 6DIH W,QVWUXFWLRQV Use the f o llo wing sa f ety guid elines to h elp pro tect y our com puter sy s tem from p oten- tial da mage and to ens ure you r o w n per sonal sa fety . :KHQ8VLQJ< RXU&RPS XWHU6VWHP As y ou use y our computer s ystem, obs er ve the follo wing saf ety guidelines .
vi Do not spill fo od or liqu ids on y our comp uter . If the comp uter gets we t, consult you r Diagn ostics a nd T roubleshooti ng Guide. Do not pus h an y object s into the opening s of your c omputer . Doing so can cause fire or el ectric shoc k by shorting out interi or components.
vii :KHQ: RU NLQJ,QVLGH< RXU&RPSXWHU B ef ore y ou remov e the computer c ov er , perf orm the fol low ing steps in the sequence indica ted.
viii In addi tion, take note of these saf ety guideline s when appro priate: When y ou dis conne ct a ca ble, pul l on its co nnecto r or on it s strain -relief loop, not on th e cab le it sel f .
ix 3U H I D F H $ERXW7KLV*XLGH Thi s guide is intended f or an yone who uses a Dell OptiPlex G 1 midsi ze Manag ed PC sy stem. It can be u sed b y both first-time and experi enced computer users who w ant to learn a bout the f ea ture s and oper ation of the sys tems or who want to u pgrade their compu ters .
x Appendix D , “W arranti es an d R et urn P olicy ,” describes the w a r ranty for y our Del l system an d the “ T otal Sati sfactio n” Return P olicy .
xi 1RWDWLRQDO&R QYHQWLRQV The following su bsec ti ons des cri be not ation al co nventi ons us ed in this d ocu ment. : DUQLQJV& DXWLRQV1RWHV Thro ughout thi s guide, th ere may be bloc ks of te xt printed i n bold type or i n italic type.
xii Command lines consis t of a command and may i nclude one o r more of the co m- mand ’ s pos sib le pa ram et ers . Co mmand l ine s a r e pres ent ed i n the C our i er New f ont. Exampl e: GHOF?P ILOHGRF Screen te xt is tex t that appear s on the screen of your monit or or displa y .
xiii &RQWHQWV &KDS WHU ,QWUR GXFWLRQ System Features .
xiv Diskette Drive A and Dis k ette Drive B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Primary Driv e n and Seco nda ry Dr ive n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 EIDE Devic es . . . . . . . . . . .
xv Using the Setup Password Fe ature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 Assigni ng a Setup Pass word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 Operati ng With a Setup Pa ssword Enable d .
xvi &KDS WHU :RUNLQJ ,QVLGH<RXU&R PSXWHU Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvii $S SHQGL[% ,6$& RQILJXUDWLRQ8WL OLW0 HVVDJHV % ICU Error Mes s ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xviii Figure 3 -3. Card Configura tion Dialog Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Figure 3 -4. Configura tion Settings Dialog Box for Assigning an IRQ Line . . . . . . 3-7 Figure 3 -5. Available Settings List Box . . . .
xix Figure 7 -9. Attaching Diske tte/Tape Drive and DC Powe r Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Figure 7 -10. Removin g the Hard-Disk Drive Bra cket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11 Figure 7 -11. Inserting the Hard -Disk Drive in the Bracket .
Intro ductio n 1-1 &+$37(5 ,QWURGXFWLRQ Dell ® OptiPlex ® G1 midsiz e Managed P C system s are high-s peed, expa ndable per- sonal computers de signed around th e Intel ® Pe n t i u m ® II microproces sor .
1-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide A seco ndar y cac he of 5 1 2 KB of static random-ac cess memory (SRAM) included within t he single-edge c ont act (SEC) ca rtridge, whic h also contains the micro proc esso r .
Intro ductio n 1-3 random-a ccess memory (SGRAM) vide o memor y . Maximum res olutions are 1 600 x 1 200 with 256 col ors noninterlac ed and 1 280 x 1 024 with 65,536 colors noninterl aced.
1-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 6RIWZDU H)HDWX UHV The follo wing sof tware is in cluded with y our Dell c omputer sy stem: Utiliti es that saf eguard y our sys tem and en hance the opera tion of its hardw are f eat ures, suc h as maximiz ing your m onitor’ s resolution capabilit ies.
Intro ductio n 1-5 If y our syst em included D ell-ins t alled sof tware, Del l pro vides a menu that all ows yo u to make p rogram disk et te sets of y our Dell-installed s of t ware (pro grams, driver s, and u tili ties; a CD- ROM with your oper ating system acco mp ani ed your compute r).
1-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide conf igu rati on i nf ormation a nd m anagement i nf o rma t io n f o rmat (MIF) databas e v alues (see Fi gure 1- 1). )LJXUH 'HOO2SHQ 0DQDJH 3URJUDP On sy stems r unning WIndo ws 95 and Windo ws NT 4.
Intro ductio n 1-7 &RQI LJXUD WLRQ0DQ DJHP HQW Configura tion Managemen t fea t ures of the Dell OpenMana ge include: W akeup On L AN s upport, whic h allows ne twork admin istrators to rem otely t urn on Mana ged PC sys tems with W a keup O n LAN capabil ity in a Del l DMI netw ork.
1-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide Do wnload diagn ostics and BIO S update util ities F ormat the ha rd-disk drive , if required Do wnl.
Intro ductio n 1-9 compu ters usua lly i ncl ude a se gme nt of galvani zed cabl e with an attac hed lo c k i ng dev ice and k ey . T o pre vent un author ized remo val of y our computer , loop the ca.
1-1 0 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 8VLQJWKH2SWLRQDO6WDQGIRU9 HUWLFDO 2ULHQWDWLRQ Dell of f ers an optiona l stand that y ou can at tac h to th e computer for a mini tow er (ve r- tical) o rientation.
Intr oduction 1- 1 1 T o remov e the stand, t urn the com puter o ver so the stand is a t the top, l oosen the sc r ew an d li ft t h e st an d away , a nd p la ce t he co m p u t er i n a h o r izo n t a l p o si t i o n .
1-1 2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ,PSRUWDQW1RWH IRU:LQGRZV8VHUV Y our sy stem w a s con figured b y Del l to opti mi z e the f eature s of the Windo ws 95 oper- atin g s y stem.
Intro ductio n 1-1 3 The follo wing procedu re describes ho w to install the up date: ,QVHUWW KH :LQGRZV,QWHO6XSSRUW'ULYHU9 HU $ GLVNHWWHLQWR GULYH $ &OL FNWKH 6WD UWEX WWRQD QG FOLFN 5XQ 7 SH D?VHWXSH[H DQGSUHVV 2.
1-1 4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide Connecti ng external devices Maintaining the sys tem Contacting Dell Using the onlin e Adobe ™ Acro bat P DF docume nts The guide also contains a glo ssar y of co mmonly used term s and abbre viations.
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH6V WHP6H WXS3 U RJUDP Eac h time y ou t u rn on you r computer sy stem or pres s the rese t but ton, the sy stem compare s .
2-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide :KHQ WKH 3UH VV) !WR (QWH U6HWX SZ LQGRZ DSSH DUVL QWK HXS SHU .
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2-3 7 D EOH 6VWHP6HWXS1DYLJDW LRQ. HV .HV $FWLRQ Mov es to the ne xt field. Mov es to the pre vious field. C y cles through the op tions in a field. In ma n y fields, y ou c an also type the appropriate v alue.
2-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH6VWHP 6HWXS6FUHHQ 6VWHP6 HWXS&DWHJRULH V The following su bsec ti ons explai n in det ail each of the cat e gor i es on the System Set up screen.
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2-5 6VWHP 7LPH Sy stem Ti me resets the time on the co mputer’ s internal cloc k. Time is kept in a 24-hour f ormat ( hours : minutes : secon ds ) .
2-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide NO TES: For all devi ce s obt ai ned from De ll tha t us e th e bui lt- in EI DE contr oll er , set the appropri ate Driv e categor y to A uto.
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2-7 number . If you pref er , you ca n press the right- or lef t-arro w ke y to increase or decr ease, res pectively , the drive -t ype numbe r until the co rrect one is displa yed. ,I< RX 'R1R W.
2-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 'LVN HWWH'ULY H$ Se le ct in g D is k et t e Dri ve A: as the first de vice causes the sy stem to tr y booting from dr iv e A first .
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2-9 The Reserved Mem or y catego r y has th e follo wing options : None Reser ved (the defau lt opt ion ) 51 2KB - 640KB 15 M B - 16 M B &386SHHG CPU Spe ed indica tes the processor s peed at w hic h your sy stem boo ts.
2-1 0 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide Lik ewise, CO M2 (I/O address 2F 8h), whic h shares IRQ3 with COM4, is remappe d to COM4 (I/O ad dress 2E8 h).
Using th e S ys te m Set up Prog ram 2-1 1 'LVN HWWH, QWHUIDF H Disk et te Interfac e controls the op eration of the sy stem’ s built-in disk et te driv e cont roller .
2-1 2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 3 DVVZRUG6 WDWXV When Set up P assw ord is set to Enab led, P assword Stat us allows y ou to pre vent the sy stem passwo rd from being c hanged or di sabled at sy stem start-up.
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2- 1 3 . HERDUG1XP/RFN Ke ybo ard N umLock determin es w hethe r your s ystem boots with the Num Lock mode a c t i v a t e d o n 101- o r 10 2 - k e y k e y b o a r d s ( i t d o e s n o t a p p l y t o 8 4 - k e y k e y b o a r d s ) .
2-1 4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 6DYLQJ0 RQLWRU3RZHU If you ha ve a Vid eo Ele ctro nic s Standards A ss oc iat ion (VES A ® ) Di splay .
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2- 1 5 When P ower Man ag eme nt is set to Di sabl ed (the de fault) , the di sks spin co n- sta ntly as lo ng as the s ystem is turned on . $VVHW 7 DJ Asset T ag displ a y s the custo mer -programm able asse t tag number fo r the s y stem i f an asset tag numb er has been as signed.
2-1 6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide pass word is as sign ed, on ly t h ose w ho kn ow the pas sword h ave full use o f the system. When the S y stem Pas sw o rd c ategor y is set to Enabled, the computer sy stem prompts you f or the sys tem passw ord just af ter the syste m boots.
Using th e S ys te m Set up Prog ram 2- 1 7 exampl e, if you have a n M in y our p assw ord, the sy stem re cogni zes either M or m as corr ect. Certain k ey combin ations are not v alid. If y ou enter one o f these combi nations, the speak er emits a beep.
2-18 Dell O pt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide If an inc orrect or in complete sy stem pass word is en tered again, the same message appears on the screen.
Using the Sy stem S etup P rogra m 2- 1 9 8VLQJWKH6HWXS3 DVVZRUG) HDWXUH Y our Dell sy stem is shipped to y ou without the set up passw ord f eat ure e nabled. I f sy stem security is a concern, y ou should op erate your s ystem with setup password protectio n.
2-20 Dell O pt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Ref er en ce and Inst a l la tion Guide If S ystem P assword is not enable d and i s not l oc ked vi a t h e Pass word Stat us cate- gory , y ou can ass ign a system passw ord (ho we ver , you c annot disable or c hange an e xisting sy stem pas swo rd).
2-22 Dell O pt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Ref er en ce and Inst a l la tion Guide.
Using the IS A Configuration Utility 3-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH,6$&RQILJXUDWLRQ8WLOLW The ISA Config ur at ion U tili t y (IC U) is used by the syste m to tra c k wh at expa nsio n cards a re installed an d what res ources are u s ed.
3-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 4XLFN6 WDU W T o quic kly get started u s ing this utili t y , follo w these ste ps: 'H.
Using the IS A Configuration Utility 3-3 $ERXW WKH,&8 B ef ore y our system was ship ped from Del l, a tec hnician us ed the ICU to enter the cor rect inf ormation f or the e xpansion cards in itially installed in your com puter .
3-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide Af ter y ou hav e run t he ICU fo r you r non-Plug and Pl ay IS A expansi on cards and i t has configu red all y.
Using the IS A Configuration Utility 3-5 6WDUWL QJWKH,&8 Af ter y ou hav e com pl eted the proc ed ures i n “P reparing to Us e th e ICU ” f o und ea rli er in this c hapter , insert th e bac kup copy of the ICU disket te into dri ve A. Then either t urn on your sys t em or r ebo ot it by pres sin g t he r e set but ton.
3-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide $GGLQJD/LVWHG&DUG NO TE: If you w an t to add a conf igurati on file tha t yo u receiv e d on disk .
Using the IS A Configuration Utility 3-7 ,I RXZDQW WKH,&8 WRVHO HFWWKH UHVRXUFH VIRU WKHFD UG FOLFN2 . 2WKH U ZLVH VNLSW RVWHS The ICU uses the defa ult resources set b y the card manuf acture r whenev er pos- sible.
3-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 7 R FKDQ JHWK HUHV RXUF HVH WWLQJV FOL FN WKHG RZQDU URZQH[W WR WKH.
Using the IS A Configuration Utility 3-9 NO TE: If yo u c hange one or more resource values u sing the Option s but ton and later c hange the set ting in th e Configuration Cho ice box, th e c hanges that y ou made to the resource v alues are o ver writ ten b y the def ault valu es for the ne w conf igu rati on c ho ice.
3-1 0 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH 6SHFLI,QWHUUXSW' LDORJ%R [ If y ou are prov iding a valu e for the inter rupt req uest (IRQ) or d irect memor y acces s (DMA) re source, clic k the do wn arro w beneath A vai lable Re sources .
3-1 2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide NO TE: When y ou modi fy an unlisted card, the ICU ca nnot show you the v alid resources for the card.
Using the IS A Configuration Utility 3-1 3 NO TE: Af ter modifying the s ystem confi guration, yo u must turn of f the system to install, rem ove, or c hange jumper s et tings on the non-Plug and Play IS A exp ansion cards t o matc h the set tings yo u selected in th e ICU.
3-1 4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH 6VWHP5H VRXUFH8VDJ H'LDO RJ%R[ T o determine whic h card uses a particular resourc e shown i n the Sy stem Re source Usag e dialog box, se lect the resou rce in ques tion and th en clic k Used B y Card.
Using the IS A Configuration Utility 3-1 5 If y ou clic k Y es, t he ICU sa ves t he updated system c onfiguration informati on into NVRAM. If you clic k No, yo u ex it the ICU withou t saving a ny of y our configurati on c hanges . If y ou clic k Cancel, noth ing is sa ved and th e utility continue s to operate.
3-1 6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide /RFNLQJDQG8QORFNLQJ&RQILJXUDWLRQ5HVRXUFHV Y ou can also lo c k and unloc k indivi dua l re so urc es f or a Plug an d P lay or PCI e xpansion card.
Using I nt egr at ed Devices 4-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJ,QWHJUDWHG'HYLFHV This c h apte r de scri bes the co nfi g ura tio n s oftware provi ded with your syst em for the f oll o wing integ.
4-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide A green link in tegrit y indi cator lights up when there is a goo d connection between the ne twork and th e NIC. When th e gree n indi cator is of f , the c ompute r is not d e tecting a ph ysical connection to th e net w ork .
Using I nt egr at ed Devices 4-3 The maximum numb er of workstat ions (not counting conce ntrators) on a net - wo rk is 1 024. F or 1 0BA SE-T network s , the ma ximum number of daisy-c hained con c entrators on one n et work segm ent is fo ur .
4-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 'RXE OH FO LFN0&RPS XWHU GRXE OH FO LFN&R QWURO3DQHO DQG WK.
Using I nt egr at ed Devices 4-5 )URPWK H&RQWURO3 DQHOGR XEOH FOLFNWKH 1HWZRUNLF RQ The Net work Settings wi ndow app ear s .
4-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 9 HU LIWK DWW KHLQ WHJUD WHG 1,& LVHQ DEOH GLQW KH6 VWH P6HW XSS URJU DP DQGFRQQHF WHGWRLWVQHWZR UN See Chap ter 2, “Using the S ys tem Set up Prog ram,” for more info rmation.
Using I nt egr at ed Devices 4-7 :LQGRZ VIRU : RUN JURX SV1,& T o connect y our sy stem to, and co nfigure it f o r use on, an Eth ernet netw ork, follo w these steps : 8VH WKH.
4-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide &OLFN 2.WR KDYH WKHR SHUDW LQJV VWHP PDNHEDFNXSF RSLHV RIWKH V.
Working Inside Y ou r Com puter 5-1 &+$37(5 : RUNLQJ,QVLGH< RX U&RPSXWHU Y our Dell computer sys tem supports a v ariet y of internal optio ns that e xpand syste m capabili ties. Th is c hapter pre pares you to inst all opti ons inside the computer .
5-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 7 RXF KDQXQSDLQWH GPHWDOVXUI DFHRQWKHFRPSX WHUFKDVV LVVXFKDVWKH SR.
Working Inside Y ou r Com puter 5-3 5 HPRYHWKHIOR RUVWDQGLI RQHLV DWWDFKHG See “U sing the O p tional Floor S t and” in Cha pter 1 f or instr uctions.
5-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide c ha ssis . (I t may be he lpf ul to look down in to th e c ha ss is t o ve r ify that t he ho oks are in plac e.) Piv ot the cov er down to ward the bac k and into positi on.
Working Inside Y ou r Com puter 5-5 ) LJXUH&RPS XWHU2ULHQWDW LRQ9LHZ Figure 5 -5 sho ws your com puter with its co ve r remov ed. Ref er to this illu s tration to locate inte rio r f eat ures and co mpo nen ts dis cu ss ed in this guid e.
5-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide T o c ha nge a jumper set ting, pull the plug of f its pin(s) a nd ca refully fit it do w n onto the pin(s) i ndicated.
Working Inside Y ou r Com puter 5-7 ) LJXUH,QVLG HWKH&KDV V LV .
5-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH 6VWHP%RDUG-XPSH UV jumpered unjumpered.
Working Inside Y ou r Com puter 5-9 7 D EOH6VWHP%RDUG- XPSHU6HWWLQJV -XPSHU 6HWW LQJ 'HVFULSWL RQ PSWD Pas sword f eatu res are enab led. P asswo rd fe atur es are disa bled. BIOS Re se r ve d (do not c hange) . BUS66M R eser ved (do not c hange) .
5-1 0 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 6VWHP %RDUGD QG5LVHU%RD UG/DEHOV T able 5-2 lists the labels f or connectors and soc kets on y our sy stem board a nd riser boa rd , an d it gi ves a br ief de scr ipti on of thei r f un cti ons .
Working Inside Y ou r Com puter 5 -1 1 5 HPRYLQJDQG5 HSODFLQJWKH([SDQVL RQ &DUG&DJH Y our D ell c omput er ha s a removable expansi on-c ard cage , which greatly simp lifi es man y installation pro c edures by allo wing you to remov e the riser boar d and all installe d expansi on cards in a single s tep.
5-1 2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH5 HPRYLQJWKH ([SDQVLRQ&DUG& DJH 6OLG HWKHH[ SDQVL.
Working Inside Y ou r Com puter 5-1 3 5 RWDWLQJWKH3 RZHU6XSSO$ ZD) URPWKH 6VWHP%RDU G T o access some comp onents on the syst em board, you ma y hav e to rotate the sys - tem po wer supp ly out of the w ay .
5-1 4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 6-1 &+$37(5 ,QVWDOOLQJ6VWHP%RDUG2SWLRQV This c h apte r de scri bes how to ins t all the foll owing opt io ns: P eripheral Compone nt Interco.
6-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide ) L J X U H 6 V W H P % R D U G ) H D W X U H V .
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 6-3 )LJXUH ([SDQVL RQ& DUGV ([SDQVLRQ6 ORWV Six e xpansio n-card c onnectors re side on the riser board (s ee Figure 6-3). B ecause two of the exp ansion-card co nnectors sh are an exp ansion-slot sp ace, a maxim um of fiv e e xpansi on cards ca n be ins t alled.
6-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH5LVHU%RDUG ([SDQVLRQ &DUG&RQQHF WRUV ,QVWDO OLQJDQ([SDQV.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 6-5 )LJXUH 5HPRYLQJWKH)LOOHU%UD FNHW ,QV WDOOWK HH[SDQ VLR QFDUG Insert the card-edge conn ector firmly into the expansio n-card connecto r on the riser board. Gently roc k the card into the connector un til the card i s fully seated (see Fi gure 6-5).
6-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide ,IRX DUHLQVWD OOLQJDQ RSWLR QDO: DN HXS2Q/ $1QHWZRUN FDUGDW WDFK WK H .
6-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH',0 0VDQG', 006RFN HWV T able 6-1 lists sample mem or y config urations and sho w s vali d DIMM combina tions and so c ket p lacements f or eac h conf igurat ion.
6-1 0 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide 5XQW KH'H OO' LDJQ RVWL FVWRY HULI WKD WWK H',00VDUH RS HUDWLQ J.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 6-1 1 ) LJXUH5 HPRYLQJ D',00 $GGLQJ 9LGHR0 HPRU Y ou can upgrade vid eo memory from 2 to 4 MB b y instal ling a vi deo-me mory upgrade module.
6-1 2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH,QVW DOOLQJD9 LGHR0HPRU8SJ UDGH0RGXO H 5HSO DFHWKH H [SDQVLR.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 6-13 WKHH [WHUQDOEX VVSHHGRI WKHQHZPLFURS URFHVVRU 6HH´ $GGL QJ0 HPRUµ IRXQG HDUOLH ULQ WKLV FKDSW HUI RUPR UHLQ IRUPD WLRQ The microprocesso r upgrade kit includes a single-edge contact (S EC) cartridge with heat s ink a ssem bly .
6-1 4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide )LJXUH 'LVF RQQH FWLQ JWKH0L FURSU RFHVVR U ,IW KHJX LGH EUDF N.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 6-15 )L J X U H ' L V F R Q Q H F W L Q J W K H 0 L F U R S U R F H V V R U 8 V L Q J W K H 7 D E E H G *XLGH.
6-1 6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a l lati on Guide 5RWDWHWK HSRZH UVX SSOE DFNLQW RSRVL WLRQ 5 HSODFHWKHF RPSXWHUFRYHU.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 6 -1 7 A C po wer . In this ca se, you must enter the S ystem Set up program a nd reset th e con- figuratio n options.
6-18 Dell O pt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de ) LJXUH6V WHP%DWWHUD QG%DWWH U6RFNHW 5HSO DFHWKH H [SDQVLRQFD .
Installing Driv e s 7-1 &+$37(5 ,QVWDOOLQJ'U LYHV Y our Dell computer has fi ve driv e bay s for ins t alling the follow ing ty pes of driv es (see Figure 7 -1): The externally accessible dri ve ba ys at the fro nt of the co mputer consist of one 3.
7-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 5 HPRYLQJDQG5 HSODFLQJ) URQW 3DQHO ,QVHUWV Empty driv e bay s contain a front-pa nel insert to pro tect the ins ide of the comp uter from dus t p arti cles and a ls o to e ns ure pro per airflow withi n the computer .
Installing Driv e s 7-3 T o remov e the in sert co ve ring the 3.5-in c h bay , follow th ese steps: &RPSO HWHVWHSV DQGRI WKHSURFHGXU HIRUUH PRYLQJD.
7-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH '&3RZHU &DEOH&RQQHFWRU The drive ’ s interf ace connec tor is a car d-edge co nnector or a h eader connector , as sho wn in Figur e 7- 5.
Installing Driv e s 7-5 ensures that the pin-1 wi re in the cable (indica ted b y the colo red strip alo ng one edge of the ca ble) goes to the pin-1 end of th e connector . The pin-1 end of a card-ed ge co nne cto r is usua lly iden tified by a notc h cut about a quarter o f an inc h from t he end of the conn ector , as sho wn in Figu re 7-5.
7-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 5 HPRYHWKHGUL YHEUD FN HWIURP WKHED RXZDQW WRXVH Squeez e the metal tabs that e xtend from e a ch side of the driv e brac ket tow a rd eac h other , and pull the br ac ket out of the bay (se e Figure 7 -6).
Installing Driv e s 7-7 )LJXUH $ W WDF KLQJ WKH% UD FNHW WR WKH 1HZ'U LYH T o further ensu re proper positi oning of the driv e in the c hassis, insert an d tighten all f our screw s in the or der in whic h the holes ar e numbered (the holes are marked “1 ” t hroug h “4 ”).
7-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide &RQQ HFWD '& SRZHU FDE OHW RWKH SRZHU LQS XWF RQQH FWRU RQW.
Installing Driv e s 7-9 5 HSODFHWKHF RPSXWHUFRYHU If the bez el on y our driv e is not flush with the be zel on y our computer , remov e the dr iv e a nd ad just the po sition of th e dr iv e on the brac ket, mak ing s ure to inser t and ti ght e n th e scr ews in th e or der ma rked.
7-1 0 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide Up to tw o EIDE driv es (one of w hic h must be 1 i nc h high o r less) can be installed in the hard- disk d riv e bra c ket to the lef t of the driv e cage.
7-1 2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ) LJXUH,Q VHUWLQJWKH+ DUG'LVN' ULYH LQWKH%UDFNHW .
Installing Driv e s 7-1 3 ) LJXUH $ WWDFKLQJ +DUG'LVN'ULY H&DEOHV , I L W L V Q R W D O U H D G FR Q Q H F W HG F R Q Q .
7-1 4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 7 HVWWKHKDU G GLVNGULY HEUXQQLQJW KH+DUG'LVN' ULYHV.
T e c hni ca l Sp ec ifi cat i ons A-1 $33(1',;$ 7 H FKQLFDO6SHFLILFD WLRQV 7 DEO H$ 7 H FKQLF DO 6SHF LI LFDWL RQV 0LFUR SURFHVVRU Micropro cessor type .
A-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ([SDQVLRQ%XV Bus types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PCI and ISA Bus spe ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PCI: 33 MHz ISA: 8.
T e c hni ca l Sp ec ifi cat i ons A-3 3RUW V Extern ally acce ssible: Serial (DT E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two 9- pin conn ectors; 1 6550-com patible P arallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one 25-hole co nnector (bidir ectional) Vid eo .
A-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide &RQWUROVDQG,QGLFDWRUV R eset control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . push but ton P ower c ontrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T e c hni ca l Sp ec ifi cat i ons A-5 (QYLURQPHQW DO T emperat ure: Operati ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 ° to 35 ° C (50 ° to 95 ° F) Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –40 ° to 65 ° C (–40 ° to 1 49 ° F) R elativ e humidity .
A-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide.
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages B-1 $33(1',;% ,6$&RQILJXUDWLRQ8WLOLW 0HVVDJH V The ISA Confi guration U tility (ICU) a nd its Configurat ion Manager are capable of ide n- tifying p roblems an d alerting you to them .
B-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de &DQ®WRSHQLQGH[ ILOH7KLVILOH LVUHTXLUHGIRU ,&8WRUXQ The ICU cannot find the index f ile for i ts dat aba se. Mak e sure to switc h to drive A b efore at tempting to start the utility .
B-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de 7KH ,&8 GHWHFWV D UHVRXUFH FRQIOLFW EHWZHHQ WKLV FDUG DQG FRQIOLFWLQJ B FDUG 7K.
B-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de &RQILJX UDWLRQ0D QDJHU0HV VDJHV The Configur ation Manage r for the ICU identifies problems follo wing system boot and gener ates mess ages if nec essa r y .
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages B-7 2QHRUPRUHDFWLYH GHYLFHVKDYHEHHQ UHFRQILJXUHG VVWHP UHTXLUHV UHERRW 3UHVV DQNHWRUHERRW VVWHP Y ou modifi ed the resource v alues o f one or more PCI or Pl ug and Play ISA e xpans ion cards.
B-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de (5525)DLOHGWRDFWL YDWHGHYLFH&61 &DUG 6HOHFW1XPEHU A Plug and Play e xpan- sion ca rd could not b e activ ated.
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages B-9 :$51,1*&RXOGQRW FRQILJXUH 3OXJDQG 3OD&DUG1DPH :$51,1*&RXOGQRW FRQILJXUH3&,GHYLFH ,'.
B-1 0 Dell OptiPlex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de :$51,1*&RXOGQRW FRQILJXUH 3OXJDQG 3OD&DUG1DPH :$51,1*&RXOGQRW .
Regula tor y Notices C-1 $33(1',;& 5 HJXODWRU1RWLFHV )&&1R WLFHV8 62QO Most D ell computer sy stems a re classified by the F ederal Communic ations Commi s- sion ( FCC) as Cla ss B d i git a l devices .
C-2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide env ironment. Op eration of this eq uipment in a residenti al area is lik ely to ca use harmful interf erence, in whic h case y ou will be requi red to correct th e interf erence at yo ur own e xpense.
Regula tor y Notices C-3 ,&1RWLF H&DQDGD2QO Most D ell comp uter system s (and other De ll digital app a rat us) are classifi ed by the Industry Canada (IC) In terfe rence-Causing Eq uipment Standard #3 ( ICES-0 03) as Clas s B dig ital de vices.
C-4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide &(1RWLF H Marking by the symbol indic ates compli ance of this Dell sy stem to the EMC (Ele ctro magn et ic Com pat ibi lit y) dir ective an d th e L V (Low V ol t age ) dir ect ive of th e Euro pea n Comm uni t y .
Regula tor y Notices C-5 Once y ou ha ve determin ed your sy stem’ s V CCI classification, re ad the appropriate V CCI notice. Note that V CCI regulations provide th at c hanges or m odifications not ex pressly a ppro ved b y Dell Comp uter Corpor ation could void your auth ority to operate this equ ipment.
C-6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide 3 ROLVK&HQW H UIRU7 HVWLQJDQG &HUWLILFDWLRQ 1RWLFH The equi pment should dra w po w er from a soc k et wi th an at tac hed pr otection c ircuit (a three-pron g soc ket).
C-8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mi ds i ze Mana ge d PC Ref er ence an d I nst a l lati on Guide ,QIRUPDFLyQSDUD12 0~QLFDPHQWH SDUD0 p[LFR La inf ormación siguient e se propor.
Warranties an d Return P olicy D- 1 $33(1',;' : DUUDQWLHVDQG5 HWXUQ3 ROLF /LPLWHG7KUHH < HDU: DUUDQW8 6 DQG &DQDGD2QO Dell Comp uter Cor.
D-2 Dell Opt iPlex G1 Mids ize Mana ged PC Reference and Inst alla ti on Guide produ cts to y ou freight p repaid if you use an addre ss in the conti nent al U .
D-4 Dell Opt iPlex G1 Mids ize Mana ged PC Reference and Inst alla ti on Guide.
Inde x 1 ,QGH [ $ AC power receptacle 5-7 accelera ted graphics po rt. See AGP AGP 1-3 Asset Ta g category 2-15 assist anc e, tech nica l 1-14 Auto Power On c a tegory 2-1 3 autoc onfi gurat io n serial ports 2-9 % basi c i npu t/ou tput syste m.
2 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de connec tors card-edge 7-4 CD-ROM audio int erface 6-2 chassi s intr usio n swi tch 6-2 contr ol pa.
Inde x 3 ( EIDE hard-d isk drives addr essing 7- 10 disabl ing the built- in interface 2-10 drive-ty pe par ameters 2- 7 Energ y Star compli ance 1-11 formatting 7-1.
4 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de ICU (con ti nue d) key fu nctio ns 3-5 list ed cards 3-6 3-11 3-13 lockin g cards 3-.
Inde x 5 memory (con ti nue d) error mes sages after i n stalling 2- 21 reserved memory 2-8 system memory 1- 2 upgrade , performing 6-7 messag es Configura tion Manager .
6 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de Plug an d Play expans ion cards See al so expa nsi on ca rds confi gur atio n 3-1 ports adding expansion cards w.
Inde x 7 speed j umpers setting 5-9 6-15 stand fo r vertical ori entation, attaching 1-10 support 1-14 switc hes 5-6 volta ge se l ect ion 5-7 syste m boar d .
8 Dell Opt iP lex G1 Mids ize Manage d PC Reference and Inst a lla ti on G ui de 9 VESA and power manageme nt 2-14 video c onnector 4-2 5-7 6-2 video c ontroller 4-1 Video El ectronics Sta ndards Asso ciation.
An important point after buying a device Dell G1 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Dell G1 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Dell G1 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Dell G1 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Dell G1 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Dell G1, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Dell G1.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Dell G1. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Dell G1 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center