Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DWL-x600AP D-Link
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©Cop yrigh t 2011. A ll rig hts reser ved. CLI Command R eference Product Mo del: DWL-x600AP Unified W ired and W ireles s A cces s System November 2011.
D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 2 D-L ink UW S CLI Comman d R ef erence Information in th is document is sub ject to change without no tice.
D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 3 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Table of Contents About T his Docume nt ...................................... ........................... ............................ .
D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 4 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Rogue APs Traps and Email Ale rts .............................................. ............................ ..................... ....
D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 5 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e List of Tables Table 1: Typographical Conventions ..................................................... ............................ ...
D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 6 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e.
About This Document D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 7 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e About This Document In addition t o the W e b-base d user int erf ace, the D-Link Acce ss P oint DWL- x600AP includes a c ommand-line inte rf ace (CLI) f or a dminist ering the ac cess poin t.
About This Document D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 8 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Document Conv entions This section de scribes the con ven tions this do cument use s. This guide uses the typographical c onv entions des cribed in Ta b l e 1 .
About DWS-4000 Software D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 9 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e About DW S-4000 Softwar e The DWS-4000 software ha s two purposes : • Assist a tta ched hardw are in s witching fr ames, base d on Lay er 2, 3, or 4 inf ormation con tained in t he frame s.
Technical Su pport D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 1 0 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e T echnical Support D-Link pro vides cus tomer acce ss to the late st user document ation and software upda tes f or D-Link products through its support website ( http://support.
Accessing th e DWL-x600AP CLI D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 1 1 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Section 1: Acce ssing the D WL- x600AP CLI Y ou can u.
Telnet Conne ction to the AP D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 1 2 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e T elnet Connection to the AP If you alr eady deplo yed .
SSH Connection to the AP D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 1 3 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e SSH Connection t o the AP If you alrea dy deployed your ne.
Commands and Syntax D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 1 4 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Section 2: Commands and S ynta x Configura tion inf ormation f or the DWL-x600AP is repr esen te d as a set of classes and object s.
Using the Set Command D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 1 5 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e The fo llowin g exampl e uses the get command on a named c la.
Using the a dd Co mmand D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 1 6 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Using the a dd Command The add command enable s you t o add a new insta nce or group of ins tance s of a cla ss and has t he following syn tax : add unique-name d-class in stance [ propert y value .
Getting Help on Commands at the CL I D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 17 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e For info rmation about classe s, inst ance s, and propert ies, see “CL I Classes and Propert ies Re fer ence” on page 3 2 .
Getting Help on Commands at the CL I D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 1 8 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e mcs-index MCS Index of radios policy-map Creates a Diffserv policy.
Keyboard Shortcuts D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 1 9 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e K eyboar d Shortcut s The CLI provides k eyboard shortcuts to help y ou navig ate the command line and build valid commands.
Interfac e Naming Co nventions D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 20 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Section 3: In t erf ace Naming Co n ven tions The fo llowing summary of interf ace names is pr ovided t o help clarify the relat ed CLI commands and output re sults.
Saving C onfigurati on Changes D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 2 1 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Section 4: Sa ving Configur ation Chang e s The D WL.
Access Point CLI Comm ands D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 2 2 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Section 5: Access P oint CLI Commands This section de scribes some of t he commands yo u use to view and c onfigure the DWL- x600AP.
Basic Settings D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 2 3 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Table 5: Basic Set ti ngs Comman ds Action Co mmand V iew the follow.
Status D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 2 4 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Sta tus Use the commands in this section t o view various AP st atus informa tion. Note: Make sur e you a re f amiliar with the names of the int erf aces as de scribed in “In terf ace Naming Con vent ion s” on pa ge 20 .
Ethernet Settings D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 25 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e E thernet Sett ings Use th e com man ds in this sect ion to view an d set valu es for the Eth ern et (wired) i nterface.
Radio Setti ngs D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 26 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Ra dio Set tings Ta b l e 8 shows the Ra dio commands. The commands in this t able use r adio one ( wlan0 ). T o cha nge t he w ireless set tings for r adio two , use wlan1 .
Managed Access Point D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 27 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Manag e d Acce ss P oint Y ou can use a D-Link Unifie d Switch t o manage one or mor e access points on your network.
IEEE 802.1X Supplicant Authentication D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 2 8 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e IEEE 802.1X Supplic ant Authen tication Use the 802.1X Supplicant Authen tication set tings to configur e the access point to authentic ate t o a secure d wire d network.
Firmware an d Configura tion File Manag ement D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 2 9 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e F irmw are and Configur ation F i le Managemen t Ta b l e 1 1 shows the commands y ou use to manage the configur at ion file and firmware on the AP .
Rogue APs Traps and Email Alerts D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 3 0 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e R ogue APs T raps and Emai l Alerts The AP can det ect and log rogue AP s. The list of rogue AP s ca n be stor ed a s sys log messag es and c an be emailed to a de signat ed a ddre ss.
Rogue APs Traps and Email Alerts D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 3 1 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Configure the SMTP se rver pass word up t o 64 charac ter s (including special charact er s).
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 3 2 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e Section 6: CLI Cla sses and Pr opertie s R ef erence Configur ation info rmation f or the D-Link Access Poin t is r epre sent ed a s a set of classe s and object s.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 3 3 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e aero scout admin-mode down admin-mode up d.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 3 4 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e bss broa dcast -key -refr esh-r ate descrip.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 3 5 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e class-map cos detail dst -ip dst -ip-mask .
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 3 6 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e client -ts r adio station -m ac ts-vi-dir e.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 37 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e detect ed-ap band beacon-in terval beacons .
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 3 8 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e email-alert det ail from-a ddr log-durat io.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 3 9 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e interf ace bs s descript ion fd hello ip m.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 4 0 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e ip-route de stination gat ew ay mask ipv6-r.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 4 1 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e management aut oconfig-ipv6-global-all aut.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 4 2 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e qos-mac-rule acl-name acl-type action cos d.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 4 3 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e rule acl-name acl-type action dst -ipv6 ds.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pag e 4 4 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e snmp-user auth-pass auth-type group priv -.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Pa ge 4 5 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e tspe c-ac m ap- ina ctiv ity-ti meo ut leg.
CLI Classe s and P roper ties Refe rence D-Link Unified W ired and W ireless Acce ss Sys tem November 7, 2011 Page 4 6 D-Link U AP CLI Comm and R ef erenc e tspe c-vap ac cess- categor y ope r -status.
An important point after buying a device D-Link DWL-x600AP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought D-Link DWL-x600AP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data D-Link DWL-x600AP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, D-Link DWL-x600AP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get D-Link DWL-x600AP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of D-Link DWL-x600AP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime D-Link DWL-x600AP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with D-Link DWL-x600AP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device D-Link DWL-x600AP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center