Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DVG-G5402SP D-Link
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D-Link D V G-G5402SP V oIP Wireless Router User Manual Building Networks for People RECYCLABLE 2007/10/03 V er . 1.00.
© 2007 D-Link Corporation. All right s reserved. Reproduction in an y mann er whatsoever without the written pe rmission of D-Link Corporation is strictly forbidden. Trademarks used in this text: D-Link and the D- Link logo are trad emarks of D-Link Corp oration/D-Link Systems Inc.
Content s 1. Intr oduction ................................................................................................................ ........................................ 4 1-1 Product Overvi ew ..............................................
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual Product Overview D-Link Systems, Inc. 4 1. Introduction 1-1 Product Overview The DVG-G5402SP is designed to carry both voice and facsi mile over the IP network an d wirelessly share Internet access.
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual T elephone Interface Description D-Link Systems, Inc. 5 1-2 Hardware Description Front Panel Power: Power LED. A steady light indicates a proper connection to a power source. Prov ./Alm.: A blinking light indicates the V oIP Router is attempting to connect with the Provisioning server .
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual T elephone Interface Description D-Link Systems, Inc. 6 Rear Panel 1. Line: Connect to your original telephone line on the wall jack with RJ-1 1 cable. 2. Phone Port (1-2): Connect to your phones u s ing standard phon e cabling (RJ-1 1).
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 7 2. Getting Started T o access the web-based configuration utility , open a web bro wser such as Internet Explorer and enter the IP address of the DVG-G5402SP . Open your W eb browser and type http://192.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 8 The username of ADMIN and USER have been defined and locke d by default. It is highly recommended to create a login password to keep your router secure. Enter a NTP server or use the default server .
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 9 Select your Internet connection type: DHCP – Most Ca ble ISPs or if you are connecting the DVG-5 402SP behind a router . St atic IP – Select if your ISP supplied you with your IP settings.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 10 Setup is finished. Check the summa ry o f your settings. T o make new settings effective, you mu st click on the Restart button to reboot the DVG-G5402SP . Click Rest art .
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 11 3. VoIP Router Web Configuration (continued) During configuration, please follow the Setup Hint for some specific procedure in case the VoIP Router fails to make the changes active.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 12 2. Click “Apply” after settings. 3. Go to “MAINTAINACE”-> “B ackup and Restore” save settings an d rebo ot the system.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 13 Situation 3: (example: Enable IP Filtering) Setup Hint: 1. Click “Enable IP Filtering” check box to open the main screen. 2. Click “Add” to enter an entry. 3. After Adding an entry, you have to click “Apply”.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 14 3-1 SETUP 3-1-1 Internet Setup WAN (Wide Area Network) Settings are used to connec t to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). The WAN settings are provided to you by your ISP and o ftentimes referred to as "public setting s".
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 15 SETUP → Internet Setup SETUP → Internet Setup DHCP: Select this option if your ISP (Internet Service Provider) provides you an IP address automatically . Cable modem providers ty pically use dy namic assignment of IP Addres s.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 16 SETUP → Internet Setup PPPoE: Select this option if your ISP requires you to use a PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) connection. Enter the PPPoE Account , PPPoE Pass w ord and re-enter Password to confirm.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 17 SETUP → Internet Setup BigPond: Dynamic IP Address fo r BigPond i s a W AN connection used in Australia. Enter the username and password for the BigPond account and the logi n server if required.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 18 SETUP → Internet Setup Factory Default MA C Address: The original MAC address of the VoIP Router.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 19 SETUP → VoIP Setup Enable Support of SIP Proxy Server / Soft S w itch: Check the box to register the VoIP Router with SIP proxy server or soft switch. ITSP Name: Enter the name of ITSP .
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 20 SETUP → VoIP Setup Each line registers to Proxy independently : Number: Enter the number, text or number an d text in this field. It is the Caller ID for the called party when you make a VoIP call.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 21 SETUP → VoIP Setup Proxy Server IP/Domain: Enter the IP address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of SIP proxy server or soft switch. Proxy Server Port: Enter the SIP proxy server’s listening port for the SIP in this field.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 22 SETUP → VoIP Setup Outbound Proxy Support: Check the b ox to send all SIP packets to the destined outbound proxy server. An outbound proxy server handles SIP call si gnaling as a standa rd SIP proxy server would do.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 23 SETUP → VoIP Setup The rule of dialing of inviting to VoIP Service Providers may vary. That is, you have to configure different Digit Map for different ITSP. In this filed, you can configure individual Di git Map for each Proxy Server.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 24 For example (Example in T aiwan) , If Server 1 is local ITSP , you can refer to Digit Map page for general settings. If Server 2 is global ITSP (V oIP STUN, free to dial to some cities free charge) you can set indi vidual Digit Map in Number T ranslation field.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 25 3-1-3 Wireless Setup This section instruct s you how to setup your wi reless network on the VoIP Router device. Setup Hint: 1. Every device in the same wireless network m ust use the same SSID.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 26 3-1-3-2 Wireless Security This section introduces yo u different ways of wirele ss security you can setup. It is important to enable secure algorithm to protect your data fro m eavesdrop ping by unauthorized wireless users.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 27 SETUP -> Wireless Setup -> Wireless Security (WEP) WEP Key Length: Select 64-bit o r 128 -bit data encryption. Default Tx Key: You can select one of the keys a s active key at a time.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 28 WPA Authentication Mode The wireless network can use WPA Authentication to verify whether a wireless device is allowed to access your Access Point or not. You can choo se to use Enterpri se (RADIUS) method or Personal (Pre-Shared Key).
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 29 Select the type of WPA (WPA, WPA2, WPA2 Mixed), choose the proper securit y mode according to your wireless network. WPA Authentication Mode: Select Enterprise (RADIUS).
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 30 Interface Mode: Select the VoIP Router serving as a Router with NAT or Bridge between WAN port and LAN port without NAT. Note: It is still accessible if LAN Interface Mode is Brid ge.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 31 SETUP → LAN Setup Enable DHCP Server: This variable is to assign the IP address for the devices connected to L AN port of the VoIP Router. IP Pool Starting Address: Enter the sta rting IP address for the DHCP se rver' s IP assig nme nt.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S E T U P D-Link Systems, Inc. 32 3-1-5 Time and Date SETUP → Time and Date Automatically synchronize w ith Internet time servers: The VoIP Router should automatical ly sync up with time servers. First NTP time server: Select the de si red domain name of a NTP server as first priority.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 33 3-2 ADV ANCED 3-2-1 VoIP 3-2-1-1 Caller Filter This function allows you to accept or reje ct any inco ming call from t he IP address listed i n the filter rule.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 34 3-2-1-2 Caller ID ADVANCED → VoIP → Caller ID FXS Caller ID Generation: Select DTMF or FSK to enable the caller ID display function on FXS ports. When enabled, the caller’s phone n umb er will be displayed on your phone set when the call comes through.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 35 3-2-1-3 Calling Features ADVANCED → VoIP → Calling Features Do Not Disturb: Check the box to reject (busy tone played) incoming calls. Unconditional For w ard: Check the box to forward incoming calls to the assigned “Fo rwarding Number” automatically .
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 36 Calling Feature Instructions: Call Hold: The call will be held after the FLASH button is pressed on the phone set. The V oIP Router will play a hold music (provided by your ITSP or VSP) to the remote end.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 37 3-2-1-4 Codec ADVANCED → VoIP → Codec Preferred Codec Ty pe: Select a preferred code c type for all ca lls. Since different voice codecs have different compression ratio s , the sound quality and occupied band widths are also different.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 38 ADVANCED → VoIP → CPT / Cadence CPT # 1 Enable Setting 1: The CPT has a set of parameter tabl e. Please adjust the CPT ba sed on the local PSTN or PBX settings and requirements.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 39 3-2-1-6 Digit Map Digit Map support s multiple dial plan s which help user s to arrange least cost route. Each Proxy Server has individual dial plan which combines the origin al feature of Digit Map and S peed Dial.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 40 ADVANCED → VoIP → Digit Map For example , Assume Server 1 is local ITSP – As you make Mobile call, it w ill try local ITSP as first priority.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 41 Methods of Digit Map: Method 1- Single mapping: Fill a short code into the Scan Code column, and e nter the desired phone number into the VoIP Dial-out column.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 42 For example , Scan Code: 0% VoIP Dial-out: 1805% User Dial Length: Disable Route: VoIP VoIP Route Profile: Route # 3 Pick up the handset and dial 04234567 89. The VoIP Router will dial 1805423456789 and go throu gh Internet first and follow Route # 3.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 43 3-2-1-7 DTMF & PULSE ADVANCED → VoIP → DTMF & PULSE Dial Wait Timeout: Enter the timeout duration after the user picks up the phone set. Inter Digits Timeout: Enter the timeout duration between the in tervals of each key pressed.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 44 3-2-1-8 Fax ADVANCED → VoIP → FAX Disable - Select it if you are not sending fax, but it is still accepted fax by the VoIP Router. T.38 Fax - Select it if you are using T.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 45 ADVANCED → VoIP → FAX Enable High Quality: Check the box to increase ap proximatel y two times the bandwidth in order to compensate possible loss of packet during transmission and of fers a better and reliable fax quality .
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 46 3-2-1-9 Hot Line ADVANCED → VoIP → Hot Line Hot Line: Check to direct the call automatically to a pre-co nfigured destinati on without any action whe n the FXS is off-hook.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 47 3-2-1-10 Line ADVANCED → VoIP → Line Enable: T ick the check box to enable a line. If some lines are not u sed, di sabl e them (Pause Function) to avoid unnecessary waiting when an i ncoming call is diverting to the line.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 48 ADVANCED → VoIP → Line Flash Time: Enter the time for PSTN to detect if the voltage keeps the on-hook status. PSTN Ring OFF Length: Enter the ring length detected if the remote party is on-hook from PSTN by PSTN port.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 49 ADVANCED → VoIP → Line Ring (Early Media) Time Limit[10 - 6 00secs]: Enter the timeout to cancel a call if no one answers the phone.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 50 ADVANCED → VoIP → Line FXS Impedance: Select different impedance from the drop-do wn m enu. ADVANCED → VoIP → Line This feature is a call drop standard for a VoIP Rout er to determine whether or no t to hang up the phone.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 51 3-2-1-11 Phone Book Phone Book: It is used for peer-to-peer communi cati on. Some peer information needs to be added to this section prior to making peer-to-pee r calls.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 52 3-2-1-12 SIP Advanced ADVANCED → VoIP → SIP Advanced Listen Port UDP: Enter the V oIP Router ’s listenin g port in this field. Leave it as default settings, unless it conflicts wit h port s used by other device in your network.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 53 Session Expiration: This field will set the time that the VoIP Router will allow a SIP session to remain die (without traffic) before dropping it. Session Refresh Request: Select UPD ATE or re-INVITE to send refresh requests to the Server.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 54 ADVANCED → VoIP → SIP Advanced Anonymous Caller ID (CLIR): Chec k the box to lock the delivery of the Caller ID to the called party .
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 55 SIP CallerId Obtaining: Select the part of the SIP packet from the VoIP Router to obtain Caller ID.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 56 3-2-2 Access Control 3-2-2-1 MAC Filtering Use MAC Filters to deny computers within the loca l area n etwo rk from accessing the Internet. Y ou can either manually add a MAC address that are connecte d to the V oIP Router .
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 57 3-2-3 Firewall and DMZ 3-2-3-1 DMZ DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) allows the server on the LA N site to be directly expo sed to the Internet for accessing data and to forward all in comi ng ports to the DMZ Host.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 58 3-2-3-2 DoS Prevention ADVANCED → Firewall and DMZ → DoS Prevention.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 59 ADVANCED → Firewall and DMZ → DoS Prevention Enable DoS Prevention: Check the bo x to prevent DoS attacks from WA N or LAN. There are various types of DoS attacking.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 60 3-2-3-3 IP Filtering Use IP Filters to deny p articular LAN IP addresses from accessing the Internet. Y ou can deny specific port numbers or all port s fo r a spe cific IP address.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 61 3-2-3-4 Port Filtering Port filtering enables you to control all data that c an be transmitted over router s. When the port used at the source end is within the defined scope, it will be filtered without transmission.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 62 3-2-3-5 Virtual Server Enable users on Internet to access the WWW, FTP a nd other se rvices from your NAT.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 63 This section introduce s advanced configuration for the wi rel ess access point. If you are not familiar wit h the following functions, keep the default parameters.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 64 RTS Threshold: RTS Threshold is a m echanism to implement in collision avoidance. In a large wireless network, two statio ns do not hear each other b ut can hear wireless ac cess point.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 65 3-2-4-2 Access Control The Access Control setting provides a servi ce that y ou can control different access right s for different wireless clients conne c ted to your VoIP Router.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 66 3-2-5 Advanced Network 3-2-5-1 QOS WAN QoS ADVANCED → Advanced Network → QoS Enable WAN QoS: Check the box to guaranty the voice quality. Voice packets have the highest priorit y in IP networks, and the data transmissio n is distributed to less b an dwidth.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 67 LAN QoS ADVANCED → Advanced Network → QoS Enable LAN QoS: Check the box to enable LAN QoS by Hard ware.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 68 3-2-5-2 NA T T raversal If your VoIP Router is set up behind an Internet shari ng device, you can select either the NA T or STUN protocol.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 69 3-2-5-3 STUN Inquiry Use “STUN Inquiry” to detect your IP sh aring device’s NAT type and communi cation between a STUN server and client. ADVANCED → Advanced Network → STUN Inquiry NAT Type: It shows the NAT type of your router.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l A D V A N C E D D-Link Systems, Inc. 70 3-2-5-4 Static Route Build static routes within an internal network. These routes will not apply to the Internet. ADVANCED → Advanced Network → Static Route Route: Destination net work of the route.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 71 3-3 MAINTENANCE 3-3-1 Device Management MAINTENANCE → Device Management Note: There are two operating levels when entering the W eb UI. Logging-in as the ADMIN allows you to change all settings.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 72 3-3-2 Backup and Restore Save and Reboot MAINTENANCE → Backup and Restore Save All Settings: Click the Save All Settings check box and reboot the system after co mpleting changes.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 73 To restore a system settings file, click on Bro w se to search the local hard d rive for the file to be used. Once you locate the file, click Upload Settings to overwrite the current settings with the settings saved to the file.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 74 3-3-3 Firmware Update The VoIP Router supports a softwa re upgrade function from a remote server. Please consult your VoIP Service Provider for information about the following de tails.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 75 3-3-4 Dynamic DNS ADVANCED → Dynamic DNS Enable Dynamic DNS: Check the box to enable DDNS function. It is only nece s sary when the VoIP Router is set up behind an Internet sharing device that use s a dynamic IP address an d does not support DDNS.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 76 3-3-5 Log Settings MAINTENANCE → Log Settings Enable: Check the box to send event notification me ssages across IP networks to the Server. Server Address: Enter the System Log Server’s IP addre ss.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 77 3-3-6 Diagnostics Use “Ping” to verify if a remote peer is reachable.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 78 3-3-7 Provision Provisioning is a function that automatic ally update s your VoIP Router’s configuration by using a TFTP, FTP, or HTTP server located on the Internet.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 79 Provision Retry Times: Enter the ret ry time if a provisioni ng attempt fails. Retry Interv al: Enter the interval for retrying. Suspend Service: Check t he box to stop VoIP call service.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l M A I N T E N A N C E D-Link Systems, Inc. 80 3-3-8 CDR The user can set up a CDR Server to record call details for every phone call with TCP protocol.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S T A T U S D-Link Systems, Inc. 81 3-4 ST A TUS 3-4-1 Device Info STATUS → Device Info For WAN Port Information, it shows IP address, subn et mask, defa ult gateway a nd DNS server. If you use PPPoE to obtain IP, you will know if the IP is obtained through th is method.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S T A T U S D-Link Systems, Inc. 82 3-4-2 VoIP Status STATUS → V oIP S tatus For Port Status, it includes if each port register s to Proxy successfully, the last dialed number, how many calls each port has m ade si nc e the VoIP Router is start, etc.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S T A T U S D-Link Systems, Inc. 83 3-4-3 LAN Client The Active Wireless Clients table displayed the identification and transmission statu s of active wireless clients on wi reless LAN interface. The DHCP Clients table displayed LAN device that h a s already been assigned an addre ss from DVG-G5402SP.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l S T A T U S D-Link Systems, Inc. 84 3-4-4 Statistics STATUS → St a t i s t i c s Display the information of the last call made.
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual V oIP Router Configuration-IVR D-Link Systems, Inc. 85 4. Configuring the VoIP Router through IVR VoIP transmits voice data (packets) via the Inter net, hence the con dition and status of the network environment is relatively important to the telecomm uni cations qu ality.
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual V oIP Router Configuration-IVR D-Link Systems, Inc. 86 a new IP address) Æ enter 192*168*1*2 (new IP address). Save Settings When all setting procedures a re completed, dial 509 (Save Settings) from phone keypad. Wait for about three seconds, you should hear a voice prompt “1 (on e).
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual V oIP Router Configuration-IVR D-Link Systems, Inc. 87 4-1-1 IVR Functions Table: Function Code Description Example / Notes 111 / 1 0 1 W AN Port IP address Set/Query 1 12.
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual V oIP Router Configuration-IVR D-Link Systems, Inc. 88 4-2 IP Configuration Settings—Set the IP Configuration of the W AN Port Static IP Settings Note: Complete static IP settings should inclu de a static IP (option 1 under 114 ), IP address (111 ), Subnet Mask (112 ), and De fault Gateway (113 ).
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual V oIP Router Configuration-IVR D-Link Systems, Inc. 89 Select a PPPoE After entering IVR mode, dial 114 . When voice prompt plays “Enter value,” dial 3 (to select PPPoE). PPPoE Account Settings After entering IVR mode, dial 121.
DVG-G5402SP User ’s Manual V oIP Router Configuration-IVR D-Link Systems, Inc. 90 4-2-1 PPPoE Character Conversion Table: The table below provides a list of PPPoE conversion co des.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l D i a l i n g P r i n c i p l e s D-Link Systems, Inc. 91 5. Dialing Principles 5-1 Dialing Options Dial the phone number which you want to call an d pre ss # to call ou t immediately. Note that if the “# (pound)” not dialed, the number will be called out after 4 se conds by default.
D V G - G 5 4 0 2 S P U s e r ’ s M a n u a l D i a l i n g P r i n c i p l e s D-Link Systems, Inc. 92 St a r t Enter a phone number (D#) Is (D#) defined in S peed Dial table? Does this gateway hav.
DVG-G5402SP User ’ s Manual Appendix D-Link Systems, Inc. 93 Appendix Product Features WAN • One 10/100Mbps auto-negotiation, auto -crosso ver RJ-45 Ethernet port • Support static IP , PPPoE, Bi.
DVG-G5402SP User ’ s Manual Appendix D-Link Systems, Inc. 94 o Te l n e t • Status reports: o Por t s t a t u s o R egistration status o Ping tests o STUN/UPnP status o Hardware / softw are inform.
An important point after buying a device D-Link DVG-G5402SP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought D-Link DVG-G5402SP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data D-Link DVG-G5402SP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, D-Link DVG-G5402SP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get D-Link DVG-G5402SP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of D-Link DVG-G5402SP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime D-Link DVG-G5402SP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with D-Link DVG-G5402SP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device D-Link DVG-G5402SP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center