Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DSL-3580L D-Link
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Tab le of C onte nt D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 1.
Tab le of C onte nt D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 2.
Tab le of C onte nt D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 3 Table of Conte nt s PACKAGE CONTENT S .................................................................. 5 SYSTEM R EQUIREMEN TS ...........................................................
Tab le of C onte nt D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 4 I P v 6 S TAT U S ....................................................................... 109 IPv6 ROUTING INF O ........................................................... 11 0 TROUBLESHOO TING .
Section 1 - Produc t Ov erv iew D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 5 Package Contents • DSL - 3580L se ries W ir eles s AC1200 Dual - Ba nd Gigabi t ADSL2+ Mo dem Rout er • 2 I nternal Ant e.
Section 1 - Produc t Ov erv iew D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 6 System Requirements 1. ADSL Internet serv ice Computer wi th: • 200MHz Process or • 64MB Memory • CD - ROM Drive • Et.
Section 1 - Produc t Ov erv iew D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 7 11 Introducti on HIGH - SPEED WAN ( ADSL2/2+ or Gigabit Ethernet W A N) INTERNET C O NNECTION Latest ADSL2/2+ standards provide Internet transmission of up to 24M bps dow nstream, 2.
Section 1 - Produc t Ov erv iew D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 8 Features • Faster Wireless Ne tworking - The DSL - 3580L series router provides up to 866Mbps * w ireless connection wi th other 802.
Section 1 - Produc t Ov erv iew D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 9 *Maximum w ireless si gnal rat e derived fro m IEEE standar d 802. 11 ac specificati ons.
Section 1 - Produc t Ov erv iew D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 10 Hardware Overview – Connections Power in sert Use the adapt er ship ped w ith the Router t o connec t to pow er source Power button Push in to pow er - on th e Router.
Section 1 - Produc t Ov erv iew D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 Hardware Overview – LED Indicat i on Pow e r St eady G reen light indicate s the unit is p owered on . W hen the device is powered off this rem ains dark . DSL St eady G reen light indicate s a vali d ADSL con nection.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 12 Installation This sec tion w il l walk you throug h the i nstall ation process . Plac ement of the r outer is v ery import ant. Do not pl ace t he rout er i n an enc losed ar ea such as a clos et, cabi net, or in th e atti c or g arage.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 13 Installation No tes In order to est ablis h a connecti on to the In ternet it w il l be necess ary to prov ide in formatio n to th e Rout er that w ill be s tored i n its memory . For so me users, only their acc o unt in formatio n (User name and Pas swor d) is requi red.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 14.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 15 802.1 1 Wirel ess LA N Con figuration All the 802. 1 1 wi reless LAN s etting s may be config ured on a sing le page us ing th e w eb - based manager . For bas ic w ireless c ommunic ation you need to decide w hat c hannel to use and w hat SSID t o assig n.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 16 Inform ati on you ne ed f r om the Internet service provider Username This is the Us ernam e used to l og on to y our ADSL serv ice pr ovider ’ s netw ork. It is com monly i n the fo rm use r @isp.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 17 VPI Most user s w i ll not be req ui red t o ch ange t his s etti ng . The V ir tual Pat h Id enti fier ( VPI) i s used i n c onj.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 18 Inform ati on you ne ed t o k now about DSL -3580L System A dmin istrator Usernam e This i s the Usern ame needed ac cess the Router’s manage ment in ter face.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 19 Inform ation you will need about your LAN or computer : Ethern e t NIC If your c omput er has an Eth erne t N IC , y ou ca n con nect th e DSL - 3580L to thi s E ther n et por t us ing an Eth ernet c abl e.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 20 Wireless Installation Considerations DSL - 3580L lets you ac cess y our netw ork using a w ireless conn ectio n fro m vir tually anyw here wi thin the o perati ng rang e of your wi reless networ k.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 21 Device Installation DSL - 3580L series D aul Band 802. 1 1ac W ir ele s s A DS L 2+ Gigabit Et hernet R outer m aintai ns four separ ate int er faces, a n Ether net LA N, a w ireles s LAN , an Et hern et WA N and an ADSL Intern et ( WA N) connec tion.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 22 Factory Reset Button The Rou ter may be r eset t o the ori ginal factor y default s etti ngs by us ing a bal lpoin t or paper cl ip to g ently push down t he res et but ton i n th e follow i ng sequence: 1.
Section 2 - Ins tallati on D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 23 Hub or Switch to Router Connec tion Connect the Rout er to an uplink port ( MDI - II) on an Ether net hub or sw itch wi th a st raig ht - throug h 8P4C RJ - 45 Eth ernet cabl e as show n in thi s diag r am .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 24 Configurat ion This sec tion w il l show y ou how to config ure y our new D - Link w ir eless router using the w eb - base d con fig ur a ti on uti li ty .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 25 SETUP This chap ter i s conc erned w i th using y our compu ter to con figure t he WAN con necti on. The follow i ng chapt er descr i bes th e var ious w indow s used to config ure and monitor the Ro uter i ncludi ng ho w to c hange IP s etting s and D HCP ser ver setup.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 26 W elcome t o the Setu p Wizard This w izar d will guide user t hroug h a step - by - st ep wiz ard, div ided in to 7 steps, to config ure this r outer and to c on nect to t he Inte rnet.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 27 Step 2: Selec t Y our Ti me Zone In this s tep th e user can c onfigur e the time z one set tings t hat w ill be used by this r outer .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 28 Please enter an SSID to do so. The d efaul t na me is D - Li nk DSL - 2875AL. Ple ase n ot e that the length of th e 5G SSI D must be between 3 and 3 2 alph anumeri c char acters onl y inc luding hyphens and spaces.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 29 BEST : Sel ect t his opt ion i f your w irel ess adapter s SUP POR T WP A2. BETTER : Select t his o ption i f y our w ireless a dapter s SUPP OR T W P A. GOOD : Sel ect thi s opti on if y our w ireles s adapter s DO NO T S UPPO R T W PA .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 30 On the n ext Pag e reg ister M ydlink ™ Cloud Serv ices acc ount If you al ready hav e Mydlink ™ account, use the ex isti ng.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 31 Name). Password: Ent er the p assw ord. Confirm Password: Enter the co nfirm passw ord. First Name: Enter the first na me. Last Nam e: Enter the l ast n ame. Click the S ign Up butto n to sig n up Mydlink ™ Cloud S ervi ces accoun t.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 32 W AN SETUP T o access the WAN SETUP etti ngs w indow , click on the I ntern et Setup button in the SET UP direc tory in th is pa.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 33 Choose t he inter net c onnecti on mode your ISP is using..
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 34 For PPPoE/ PPPoA INTERNET CO NNE CTION TYPE: Type in t he User name and Passw ord (and PPPoE Serv ice Name , if requi red by your I SP). You can use Stat ic IPv 4 Addres s c heck b ox and ty pe St atic I P .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 35 Note: A fter My dlink ™ reg istrat ion is co mpleted , y our router ’ s defa ult PPP oE con nect ion wil l be s et to “ A lwa ys - on ” .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 36 For ST A TI C I P A DDRESS INTERNET CONNECTIO N TYPE T ype IP A ddr ess , Subnet M ask , Def ault Gat e way , and select Connection in drop - d own men u.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 37 For BRIDGE CO NNE CTION TYPE Serv ice Categ ory : To set up the ATM QoS functi on, y ou may need t o consult y our I SP for this.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 38 Residen tial G atew ay Mode T o use ETH WA N as your inter net conn ectio n Dyn amic IP A dd ress: The dev ice w ill obtai n the.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 39 WIRELESS SETUP Use this secti on to co nfig ure the w ir eless set ting s for y our D - Link rou ter . T o access the WIREL ESS ( W LAN ) setti ngs window , click on t he W i rele ss S etu p bu tton i n the SET UP tab .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 40 A dd Wireless Dev ice with WPS The w izard show s the optio n to set up WPS by Au t o or Manual .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 41 A dd Wireles s Dev ice with WPS ( WI - FI PRO TEC T ED SETUP ) WI ZAR D This pag e wi ll count d ow n the tim er and pl eas e start W PS on th e wireless devic e you ar e adding i n time.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 42 Manual WIRELES S Connec tion Setup SETTINGS DSL - 3580L comes w ith 2 phy sical wirel ess inter faces (k now n 2.4GH z and 5GHz). Click on th e Enable Wirel ess box to acti vate th e w ireles s interfac e .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 43 Channel B an dw idth 2.4G Wir el e ss Inter f a ce W it h 2.4G in terfac e , you c an cho os e 20MHz (up to 150Mb ps) or Aut o 2.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 44 WIRELESS SEC URIT Y Mode To prot ect y our priv acy y ou can c onfig ure w ireless sec uri ty featur es. T his devic e suppor ts thre e w ireless securit y modes includi ng: WEP , WPA , WPA 2 , Au t o ( W P A o r W P A2 ) .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 45 WIRELESS SEC URIT Y MODE – W PA - Personal Use W P A or WP A2 mode to ac hi ev e a b alan ce o f str ong sec ur it y and b est compatibi lity . This mode uses WPA for l egacy client s whi le mai ntaini ng higher securi ty wi th stations t hat are W PA2 capabl e.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 46 W PA / W PA 2 ( Enterpr ise ) Some netw ork - securi ty ex perts now rec ommend that w ir eless n etwor ks use 802 .1X sec ur i ty measur es to ov erc ome s ome w eakness es in st and ar d W EP applicati ons.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 47 L AN SETUP Y ou can con figure t he LAN I P a ddress to s uit y our pr eferenc e. Man y user s wil l find it co nv enient to use the defaul t setti ngs together with DHCP serv ice to man age the I P s etting s for t heir pr iv ate netw ork.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 48 AD D /EDIT DHCP RESER V A TION (OPTIONAL) Select the Enab le to let you r eser ve the IP Address for the desig nate d PC w ith the co nfigur ed MAC Ad dr e s s .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 49 T IME AND DA TE The T ime and Dat e co nfigur ation option al lows you to c onfig ure, u pdate, and mai ntain t he c orrect ti me on t he int ernal s ystem cl ock.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 50 T IME SETTIN G: Check the Aut omatically synchronize wi th Intern et time s erv ers Select s peci fic ti me serv er to use from t he First N TP time server and Second NTP time serv er spec ific N TP ser ver name.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 51 European U nion, y ou mus t selec t March , Last , Sund ay . The ti me must d epend on y our country ’ s time z one. For exampl e, I n Germany y ou must ty pe 2 b ecause Germany ’ s ti m e zo ne is 1 hour ahead o f GMT or UTC ( GMT+1 ).
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 52 IPv6 Setup The IP v6 co nfi gurat ion option all ows y ou con figur e IPv6 i nternet connecti on. Y ou can conf igure fol low IPv6 Internet Connec tion Setup Wizard utilize or Manua l l y Ipv6 Internet Connection Setup .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 53 IPv6 Connection T yp e : Li nk - local onl y LAN IPv6 A DDRESS SETT ING Link - local only is com municat ion w ith i n inter nal netw ork . The L AN I P v6 Link - local A dd ress is used as defau lt se ttin g.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 54 IPv6 Connection T ype: Stati c IPv6 WA N I P v 6 A DDRESS SET TINGS Y ou can check Use Link - Local Address box to Link - local only , or ty pe the WA N I Pv6 A ddress and Subnet Pre fix Length .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 55.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 56 IPv6 Connection T ype: A utoc onfiguration (SL AA C/DHCP v6) IPv6 D NS SETTING Choose O btain I Pv 6 DNS ser vers automatic ally or ty pe Primary IPv6 DNS serv er and Secon dary IPv6 D NS server .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 57 IPv6 Connection T ype: PPPoE P PPoE session set Share with IPv4 At Add ress M o de if you choose Dynamic IP , router w ill obtained WAN IPv6 addr ess by Dy namicall y or you can s et static IPv 6 a ddress in Static IP Address/Prefix Length to rout er .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 58 SLAAC+RDNSS to set c omputer s on R outer netw ork obtai ned IPv6 address by RDNSS Statefu l DHCP to se t comp uter s on Rout er.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 59 USB SETUP The DSL router c omes wi th a USB 2.0 int erfa ce wh ic h you can con nect a USB pr inter , a USB s torage d evi ce (e.g . USB dis k / US B exter nal Har d Disk) or a U S B 3G modem.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 60 USB ST ORA GE FILE SER VER USB St orage S erv er allows you to s hare yo ur USB s torag e devic e to all the conn ected l ocal hosts. Firs t connect your U SB Storage dev ice to th e USB port.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 61 SAM BA FILE SERVE R Enable SA M B A FILE SER VER to config ure U SB Stor age Dev ice as a SAMBA File serv er . Setup th e Serv er Name , Serv er Descrip tion and Group Name of fi le serv er .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 62 WEB FILE SER VER Ti c k Ena ble W eb S erv er to c onf ig ure USB S t orage D evic e as a web based file serv er . Clic k the Brow se to c hoose a fol der for Path , and type Port Number of W EB fil e serv er .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 63 Mydlin k ™ Settin gs T o access th e My dlink ™ Setti ngs p age, cl ick on the S etup menu link , at t he top , and t hen cl ick on the My dli nk ™ Setti ngs m enu link , on t he left .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 64 ADVAN CED This chapt er i ncl ude s t he m ore a dv anced f eat ur es us e d for ne tw or k manag em ent and s ecu r i ty as wel.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 65 PORT FO R W ARDING Use the PORT FORW ARDING window to op en ports in your rout er and r e - dir ect data thro ugh thos e por ts to a s ing le PC on y our n etwor k (WA N - to - LAN tra f fic).
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 66 APP LICA TION RUL ES CON FIGUR A TION Some appl icatio ns suc h as ga mes, v ideo con ferenci ng a nd remote access applicatio ns re quir e specific ports on the Router 's fir ew all to be o pened for the applic ations to pass t hr oug h .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 67 QOS SETUP Quality of Serv ice Set up c an be us ed to impro ve dat a flow for di f ferent appli cations by pr ioriti zi ng the netw ork tr af fic base d on sel ected cri teria .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 68 WIRELESS QOS RULES C ON FIGU RA TION T ype the poli cy na me on t he Name , s et the pr iority value on t he Prior it y . Select t he Protocol , ANY , ICMP , TCP an d UDP . Set the Source IP Rang e and th e Destination IP R ange .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 69 OUTBO UND FI L TER By defaul t, all outg oing IP traf f ic fr om the LAN i s not res trict ed . The Outboun d Filter allow s y ou to creat e a filter rul e to block outgoing IP t raffic by speci fying a filter name and at l east one condi tion b elow .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 70 INBOUN D FIL TER Remark: Inboun d filter feat ure MU ST wor k in conj uncti on wi th fir ew all feature . In order to use the i nboun d filter feat ure, y ou w ill hav e to crea te the filter policy refl ecting to ap plicati on sce nario.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 71 AD D IN BOUND IP FIL TE R T o creat e the n ew policy and fil l in th e filter nam e .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 72 WIRELESS FI L TER This feat ure c an let you ad d a poli cy to d eny or allow W LAN d evi ces conn ected t o the r out er T o ac.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 73 DNS SETUP The DNS feature is de s i g ned for resol v i ng the DNS hos t name in to IPs. Unles s you w ant the rou ter q uery the sp ecific D NS ser ver s; other wi se, y ou can leav e the s etting as obt ain DNS serv er addr ess autom atica lly .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 74 DDNS CONFIGUR A T I ON Please en able t he Enable Dynamic DNS if you w ant to us e DDN S . Choose w hic h DDNS w eb si te to use on the Serv er A ddress . Type w hich Hos t name w hich you r egis tered w ith your DDNS s ervi ce prov ider .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 75 FIREW ALL & DMZ The rou ter alr eady prov ides a s imple firew all by vir tue of the w ay NA T w orks. By de fault NA T does not r espond t o unsol icit ed incom ing requ est s on any por t, ther eby making your WAN invisi ble to I nterne t cy ber att acker s.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 76 DMZ Setti n g Please tick the E na ble D MZ and type the D MZ com puter IP on t he DMZ IP A ddress o r you also can choose the DM Z host from the d rop - down me nu instea d of ty pe i n IP manual ly .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 77 ADV ANCED ADSL The Advanced ADSL setting pag e al low s you to d o furt her co nfigur ati ons under D SL phase. A d vanced ADSL Setti ngs Please s elect follow ing ADSL profile to l ink.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 78 ADV ANCED WI RELES S These opt ions are for user s that wi sh to chang e the behav ior of th eir w ireless radi o from the standar d setting . D - Link does not reco mmend changing these set ting s fro m t he fact or y defaul t.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 79 GUEST WIR ELESS S ETTING Guest w ireles s domain , only avai lable on 2.4 GHz interface, is an i sol ated zone from dev ice LAN and mai n SSID domai n.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 80 ADV ANCED LA N These optio ns are for users th at wi sh to ch ange t he LAN set ting s. D - Li nk does n ot reco mm end chang ing th ese s etting s from fact ory def ault. Changi ng these setti ngs may af fect the b ehav ior o f your ne twor k.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 81 PORT MAPPING P ort Map ping s upports multi ple ports to PVC and br idgi ng g roups. E ach group w ill per form as an ind epend ent net w ork. T o support t his f eat ure , you must cre ate m appi ng gr oups w ith appr opri ate LA N and WAN in ter faces usi ng the Add butto n.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 82 PORT MA PPING CONFUGURA TION Ty p e Group Nam e an d select W AN Interface use d in the grouping in drop - dow n menu Choose Grouped LA N Interf ace from A vailable LA N Int erfaces .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 83 SNMP SETUP Simple N etw ork Mana gement Protoc ol (SNM P) all ows a managem ent a pplicati on to r etriev e stati stics and s tatus from t he SNMP agent i n this devic e. Select the d esired v alues a nd cli ck "A pply " to con figure t he SN MP optio ns.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 84 P ARENT AL CONTROL Parental Control prov ides tw o use ful t ool s for r est ri c ti ng Inter net acc ess. B loc k Websites al low s you t o q ui ck ly create a list o f all w eb si tes t hat y ou wi sh to stop users from acc essing .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 85 ROUT ING SET UP Over the Routi ng Setup pag e, y ou can con fig ure stati c r outing p olici es or RI P protoc ol setti ng s. T o access the Routing setting wi ndow , click on the Routing button u nder the A DV ANCED tab.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 86 Routing -- RIP Configuration Allows you to con figur e RIP (Routi ng In formation Pr otocol ). T o acti vate RIP for the dev ice, s elec t the 'Enabl ed' r adio butt on for Gl obal R IP Mode.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 87 Wi -Fi PROTECTED SE TUP Wi - Fi Protecte d Setup (also know n as W PS) is a standar d desig ned to pair u p a new join ed client devices t o a AP n etw ork by using a PIN or hardw are push butt on .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 88 IPV6 FIREW ALL The Fir ewal l setting s secti on is an adv ance fe ature used to allow or deny tra ffic fro m passi ng t hrough t he dev ice. It w orks i n the sam e way as ip filters w ith ad dition al s etting s.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 89 SCHEDULE RULE Click Add button to add a new schedul e . ADD SCHEDULE RU LE Type Name for t his rul e and s elect D a y( s ) , you can sele A ll Week or select Da y( s ) .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 90 IPV6 ROUT I NG This Ro uting p age all ow s you to sp eci fy custom r outes that d eter mine how data is moved around y our netw ork .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 91 BUDGE T Q UOT A Budget Quota is a t raffic m eter f eat ure off ers • T r aff ic quot a metering on the user s peci fied int e.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 92 LOGOU T The LOGOUT pag e en ables y ou to log out o f manag em ent GU I a nd as well clos es the bro w ser .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 93 MAINTE NANCE Click on th e M AI NT E N AN C E tab to rev eal the w indow buttons for v arious functi ons loc ate d in thi s direc tory . P ASSWORD The fac tory default p ass wor d of this r outer i s 'admi n'.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 94 SA VE/REST ORE SETTINGS The devi ce fir mware of fers you con figurati on backu p featur e whi ch you c an back up t he con figurati on setti ngs a s a plan tex t file and stor e on your computer hard drive.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 95 FIRMW ARE UPDA TE Use the FIRMWA RE UPGRADE window to load t he la test fir mw are for the devi ce.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 96 REMOTE MANAG EM ENT This secti on al low s y ou to e nable/ dis able re mote acces s t o the r oute r fro m the Int ernet . Advanced ac ces s co ntrol a ll ows you to co n figure access via speci fic serv ices.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 97 D IAGNOS TICS Y our router i s capa ble of testi ng y our DSL connecti on. The indiv idual tes ts ar e liste d belo w . If a test di splay s a fail st atu s, click "Return Diagno s t ics T ests" at the botto m of this pag e to make sur e fail status is co nsisten t.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 98 PING TEST The tes ts on thi s pag e can b e used to ver ify whet her or not y our rout er is wor king c orrectly .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 99 SYSTEM LO G The sy stem Log allow s y ou to con figure l ocal, remote and e mail log ging , and to v iew the log s that have b een cr eated. T o access the SYST EM LOG setting wi ndow , click on t he Sy stem Log button und er the MAINTEN A NCE tab.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 100 ENAB LE EMAIL NOTIFIC A TION Please en able. If any logs occur , the sy stem w ill s end mail to the m ail address y ou set . EMAIL SETTINGS Please i nput the From MAIL A ddress , T o M AI L Ad d r e s s and S MT P Serv er A d dress .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 101 SCHEDULE Schedul e allow s y ou to cr eate sche duling rule s to be a pplied for y our firew all. Max imum o f 16 ent ries T o access the SCHEDULE RULE setting w indow , click on the SCHEDULE RULE button und er the MAINTENANCE tab.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 102 ST A TUS Clic k on the ST A TUS t ab to reveal the w indow butt ons for var ious fu nctions loc ated in t his dir ectory . The DEVICE ST A T US window is the f irst item in the S T AT U S director y .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 103 INTERNET I NFO This w indow di splay s W AN in formati on inclu ding I P ad dress , Mask , Default Gatew ay , Primary /Secondary DNS S erv er . WIRELESS LAN This session dis plays the 2.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 104 LOCAL NETW ORK INFO This w indow di splay s LAN i nformati on incl uding MAC, IP ad dress, Mask, an d D HC P Serv er . USB 3G DONG LE INFO T his sess ion sh ow you USB 3G do ngle si gnal s trength an d as w ell the operati on mode .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 105 CONNE CTED CLI ENTS This featur e s how s all the c lien t devi ces and c omputer s cur rently associ ated w ireless ly or conn ected ov er Eth ernet LAN. T o access th e Wireles s cl ients se tting wi ndow , click on t he Connected Clients butto n in the S T AT U S tab.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 106 ST A TISTICS This in formati on re flects the cur rent s tatus o f y our rout er .
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 107 A DSL ST A TISTICS This w indow di splay s all t he A DSL stat us Y ou can click the A DSL BER T est button t o test th e ADSL c onnecti on. Y ou can click the R eset Statist ics but ton to s et all s tatis tics to recou nt.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 108 ROUT ING INFO T o access the ROUTE INFO setting w indow , click on t he ROUTE INFO button under t he S TAT U S tab.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 109 IPv6 ST A TUS T o access the IPv6 Status setti ng w indow , click on t he IPv6 Status button under the S T AT U S tab. All o f your IPv 6 Int ernet an d netw ork c onnecti on detail s ar e display ed on this pag e.
Section 3 - Conf igur ation D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 0 IPv6 ROUTI NG INFO T o access the IP v6 Routing Info setting w indow , click on the IPv6 R outing I nfo button u nder the S T AT U S tab. This Ro uting p age dis play s the IPv 6 routi ng policies currentl y conf igur ed on your router .
Section 4 - Troubl esho oting D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 111 T roubleshooting This cha pter prov i des s olutions to pro ble ms that can occ ur d uring th e inst allat ion a nd oper ation of th e DSL - 3580L . R ead t he follow i ng de scri ptions if you ar e having proble ms.
Section 4 - Troubl esho oting D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 2 • Config ure y our Inter net set tings : • Go to Start > Settings > Control Pa ne l . Dou ble -click on t he Internet Options Icon. From the Securi ty tab, click on the but ton to r estor e the settings to their de faults.
Appendix A - W ireless Basics D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 3 APP ENDIX Wireless B asi cs D- Link w ir eless produc ts are base d on i ndust r y s tandards to pr ov ide eas y - to - use a nd com pati ble high - speed w ir eless con nectiv i ty w ithi n your home, business or publ ic acc ess w irel ess netw ork s.
Appendix A - W ireless Basics D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 4.
Appendix A - W ireless Basics D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 5 Wireles s Loca l A rea Net work (WLA N) In a wi reless local ar ea net wor k, a dev ice cal led an Ac cess Point ( AP) connects comput ers t o the networ k.
Appendix A - W ireless Basics D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 6 Using a D - Link Cardbu s Adapter wi th your lapt op, you c an acc ess th e hots pot to connect to I nternet from r emote l ocatio ns li ke: Airp orts , Hotels, Coffee S hops, Librar ies, R estaur ants, and Co nventi on Cente rs.
Appendix B - Net wor king Bas ics D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 7 Networking Basics Check your IP address After y ou inst all y our n ew D - Link adapt er, by default, the TCP/IP s etti ngs s hould be s et to obtai n an IP addres s fr om a DHC P serv er (i .
Appendix B - Net wor king Bas ics D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 8 Statically Assign an IP address If you ar e not using a DHC P capabl e gatew ay/ router, or you ne ed t o assig n a stati c IP a ddr ess, ple ase fol low the ste ps b elow: Step 1 W ind ows ® XP - Clic k on Start > Control Panel > Network Connections .
Appendix C – FCC Caution D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 11 9 FCC Caution Statemen t : This devi ce complies wi th part 15 o f the FC C R ules.
Appendix D – IC Caution D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 120 IC Caut io n English: This Clas s B dig ital appar atus c omplies wi th Canadi an ICES - 003 and RSS - 210 .
Appendix E – Cont acting Techni cal Sup port D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 121 Contacting T echnical Support Y ou can find s oftw are updates and user docu mentatio n on t he D - Lin k w ebsites. If you r equir e produc t supp ort, w e encour age you to br ows e our F AQ section on th e Web Si te be fore cont acting the Su pport line.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 122 D- Link Link ’ n Print Introduc tion D- Link Link ’ n Pri nt allows you to sh are USB dev ices such as exter .
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 1 23 Instal lation 1. Inser t the C D - ROM into y our com puter . 2.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 124 7. The icon in th e W ind ow s Sys tem T ray sho uld change to a n ic on. Connect USB Dev ices t o the D - Link R outer The D - Link Li nk’n Pri nt aut omatic ally detects for each con nected U SB devic e.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 125 1. Right - click on the icon. 2. Cl ick on Ope n D - Link Link ’ n P rint . 3. The D - Link Link ’ n Pr int display s t he c onnect ed U SB dev ices on th e networ k.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 126 4. Adv anced Opt ions c an be s et by clic king on Adv anced Opti ons.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 127 V irtual l y Conn e ct and Dis conn ect a USB Dev ice 1. Mov e the cur sor t o W aiting to Connec t and click on Connect to virtual ly connect a U SB dev ice. 2. The D - Link Link ’ n Pr int di splay s w hich user is v irtually connecti ng this USB dev i ce.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 128 3. Mov e the cur sor t o In Use By (Ow ner) and c lick on Dis connect to virtual ly disconnect the U SB dev ice.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 129 1. Mov e the cur sor t o W aiting to Connec t and click on Man age Dev ice .
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 130 3. Inser t the C D - ROM of the multi functio n print er and follow the instruc tions to ins tall th e multi functi on pri nter ’ s dri ver . W hen the install ation pr oces s prompts you to conn ect t he mul tifunc tion printer to y our PC, c lick N ext .
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 131 5. Choos e the print er driv er that you w ant D - Link Link ’ n Pri nt to auto - conn ect w hen yo u print . When Y ou W a nt to Sc an 1. Mov e the cur sor t o Avai lable for Use an d clic k on Scan N o w.
Appendix – F D - Link Link ’ n Pr int D- Link DSL - 3580L Seri es User M anual 132 T echnical Specifications ADSL Standards • ANSI T1.413 Is sue 2 • ITU G .992.1 ( t) Ann exA • ITU G .992.2 (G.lite) A nnex A ADSL2 Sta nda r ds • ITU G .
An important point after buying a device D-Link DSL-3580L (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought D-Link DSL-3580L yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data D-Link DSL-3580L - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, D-Link DSL-3580L you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get D-Link DSL-3580L will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of D-Link DSL-3580L, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime D-Link DSL-3580L.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with D-Link DSL-3580L. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device D-Link DSL-3580L along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center