Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DGS-3400 D-Link
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® CLI Manual Product Model : xStack ® DGS-3400 Series Layer 2+ Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch Release 2.6 ..
July 2009 651GS3400095G RECYCLABLE ..
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... ...........................1 USING THE CONSOLE CLI .....................................
D–LINK SINGLE IP MANAGEMENT (SIM) COMMAN DS ......................................................................................296 POE COMMANDS ..................................................................................................
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 1 1 I NTRODUCTION The xS tack ® DGS–3400 Series is a memb er of the D–Link xStack ® switch family. xStack ® is a complete family of stackable switches that range from edg e 10/100M bps swi tches to c ore Giga bit sw itches.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual Boot Proced ure 1 .00–B13 ––––––––––––– –––––––––––– ––––––––––– –––---------- --------- --–––––––––– ––––––––– Power On Se lf Test.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 2 U SING THE C ONSOLE CLI The Switch supports a console m anagement interface t hat allows th e use r to connect to the Switch’s m anagement agen t via a seria l port and a t erminal o r a computer running a terminal emulation program.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 4 ? cable_diag po rts clear clear address _binding dhc p_snoop bin ding_entry po rts clear arptabl e clear attack_ log clear count.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 5 DGS–3426:5#co nfig account Command: confif ac count N ext possible completions : < username> DGS–3426:5#co nfig account Command: confif ac count N ext possible completions : < username> DGS–3426:5# Figure 2– 4.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 6 DGS–3426:5#sh ow Command: show N ext possible completions : 802.1p 802.1 x access_pr ofile account A ccounting acct_ client ad.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 3 C OMMAND S YNTAX The followi ng sym bols are us ed to descri be how command ent ries ar e made and val ues and arguments are s pecified in this m anual. The online help contained in the CLI and available through the consol e interface uses the sam e syntax.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 8 (parentheses) Purpose Indicates at least one or more of the values or arguments in the preceding syntax enclosed by braces must be specifie d.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 9 4 B ASIC S WITCH C OMMANDS The basic switch commands in the C ommand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) i n the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections. create account Purpose Used to create user accounts.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 11 To configure the user password of “d link” account: DGS–3426:5#co nfig account dlink Command: config ac count dlink Enter a old p assword:**** Enter a case- sensitive ne w password: **** Enter the new password ag ain for con firmation:*** * Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 12 enable password encryption Purpose Used to enable password encryption. Syntax enable password encryption Description The user account conf iguration information will be stored in the configuration file, and can be applied to the system later.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 13 show module_info Purpose Used to display information about installed modules. Syntax show module_info Description Displays information about optional modules that may be installed on the Switch .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 14 show session Purpose Used to display a list of currently logged–in users. Syntax show session Description This command displays a li st of all t he users that are logged–in at the time the command is issued.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 15 DGS–3426:5#sh ow switch Command: show swit ch Device Type : DGS–3 426 Gigabit Ethernet Swi tch MAC Address : 00–01 –02–03–04–0 5 IP Address : 172.1 8.211.246 ( Manual) VLAN Name : defau lt Subnet Mask : 255.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 16 DGS–3427:4#sh ow serial_port Command: show seri al_port Baud Rate : 115200 Data Bits : 8 Parity Bits : None Stop Bits : 1 Auto–Logout : 10 mins DGS–3427:4# config serial_port Purpose Used to configure the serial port.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 17 DGS–3426:5#en able clipaging Command: enable cl ipaging Success. DGS–3426:5# disable clipaging Purpose Used to disable the pau sing of the cons ole screen scrolling at the end of each p age when a command displays more than one scre en of information.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 18 enable telnet Purpose Used to enable communi cation with an d management of the Switch using the Telnet protocol. Syntax enable telnet <tcp_port_number 1–655 35> Description This command is used to enable the Tel net proto col on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 19 DGS–3426:5#en able web 80 Command: enable we b 80 Note: SSL wil l be disable d if web is enabled. Success. DGS–3426:5# disable web Purpose Used to disable the HTTP–based management soft wa re on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 20 reboot Purpose Used to restart the Switch. Syntax reboot {<string>} Description This command is used to restart the Switch. Parameters <string > – This parameter is used to perform the command without prompt if a user enters / y for yes or / n for no.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 21 login Purpose Used to log in a user to the Switch’s console. Syntax login Description This command is used to initiate t he login procedure. The user will be prompted for a Username and Passw ord.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 22 DGS-3426:5#sh ow trusted_hos t Command: show trus ted_host Management St ations IP Address ------------- -- Total Entries : 1 DGS-3426:5# delete trusted_host Purpose Used to delete a trusted host entry made using the create trusted_host comm and above.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 23 5 S WITCH P ORT C OMMANDS The switch port commands in the C ommand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 24 config ports auto_negotiation restart_ an - Restart the auto-negotiation pro cess . flow_control [enable | disable] – Enable or disable flo w co ntrol for t he specified ports.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 25 DGS–3426:5#sh ow ports Command: show port s Port Por t Settings Co nnection Add ress St ate Spee d/Duplex/Fl owCtrl Speed /Du.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 26 DGS–3426:5#sh ow ports descripti on Command: show ports descr iption Port Por t Settings Co nnection Add ress St ate Spee d/D.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 27 6 P ORT S ECURITY C OMMANDS The Switch’s port security c ommands i n the Comm and Line Inte rface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 28 DGS–3426:5#co nfig port_se curity port s 1:1–1:5 adm in_state enable max_learning_ addr 5 lock_ address_mod e DeleteOnRes et Command: config po rt_security port s 1:1–1:5 admin_st ate enable max_lea rning_add r 5 lock_addres s_mode Delet eOnReset Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 29 clear port_security_entry Purpose Used to clear MAC address entries learned from a specified p ort for the port security function.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 30 DGS–3426:5#sh ow port_securi ty ports 1:1–1:5 Command: show port_securi ty ports 1: 1–1:5 Port Admin S tate Max.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 31 7 S TACKING C OMMANDS The stacking configuration commands in the Command Line Interface (C LI) are listed (along with the appropriate param eters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 32 Usage example: To change a box ID: DGS–3426:5#co nfig box_id curren t_box_id 1 new_box _id 2 Command: config bo x_id current_box _id 1 new_box_id 2 Success. DGS–3426:5# show stack_information Purpose Used to display the stack information table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual config stacking mode Purpose Used to configure the stacking mode. Syntax config stacking mode [disable | enable] {<string >} Description This command will ena ble or disable the stacking mode for the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 34 Usage example: To display the stacking devi c es: DGS–3426:5#sh ow stack_devic e Command: show stac k_device Box ID Box T ype.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 35 8 N ETWORK M ANAGEMENT (SNMP) C OMMANDS The network managem ent commands in the Com mand Line Interface (C LI) are lis ted (along with the ap propriate pa rameters) i n the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 36 Command Parameters delete snmp group <groupname 32> show snmp gr oups create snmp [host <ipaddr> | v6host <ipv6a.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 37 disable snmp Purpose Used to disable SNMP on the Switch. Syntax disable snmp Description This command is used to disable t he Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 38 config snmp linkchange_traps Purpose Used to configure S NMP linkchange traps on the Swit ch. Syntax config snmp linkchange_ traps ports [all|<portlist>][enable|disable] Description This comma nd is used to configure SNMP linkchange traps o n the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 39 create snmp user Purpose Used to create a new SNMP user and a dds the user to an SNMP group that is al so created by this command.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 40 DGS–3426:5#cr eate snmp user dlin k default en crypted by _ password auth md5 canadian priv none Command: crea te snmp use r dlink d efault encry pted by _ password a uth md5 c anadian priv none Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 41 create snmp view Purpose Used to assign views to community stri ngs to limit which MIB objects and SNMP manager can access.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 42 show snmp view Purpose Used to display an SNMP view previously created on the Switch. Syntax show snmp view {<view_name 32>} Description This command is used to display an SNMP view previously create d on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 43 create snmp community Purpose Used to create an SNMP community string to define the relationship betwe en th e SNMP manager and an agent. The comm unity string a cts like a password to permit access to the agent on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 44 DGS–3426:5#de lete snmp co mmunity dli nk Command: delete sn mp community dlink Success. DGS–3426:5# show snmp community Purpose Used to display SNMP community strings configured on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 45 show snmp engineID Purpose Used to display the identificat ion of the SNMP engine on the Switch. Syntax show snmp engineID Description This command displ ays the ident ification of the SNMP engine on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 46 create snmp group Restrictions Only Administrator and Oper ator-level users can issu e this command.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 47 Notify View N ame : restricted Security Mode l : SNMPv3 Security Leve l : NoAuthNoPri v Group Name : public ReadView Name : Com.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 48 create snmp host Purpose Used to create a recipient of SNMP traps generated by the Switch’s SNMP agent .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 49 delete snmp host Purpose Used to remove a recipient of SNMP traps generated by the Switch’s SNMP agent.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 50 DGS–3426:5#sh ow snmp host Command: show snmp host SNMP Host Tab le Host IP Addre ss SNMP V ersion Community Na me/SNMPv3 Use.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 51 DGS–3426:5#en able snmp traps Command: enable sn mp traps Success. DGS–3426:5# enable snmp authenticate traps Purpose Used to enable SNMP authentication trap support.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 52 disable snmp traps Purpose Used to disable SNMP trap support on the Switch. Syntax disable snmp traps Description This command is used to disable SNMP trap su ppo rt on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 53 DGS–3426:5#co nfig snmp sy stem_contac t MIS Departm ent II Command: config sn mp system_contac t MIS Department II Success. DGS–3426:5# config snmp system_location Purpose Used to enter a description of the locatio n of the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 54 To enab le RMON: DGS–3426:5#en able rmon Command: enable rm on Success. DGS–3426:5# disable rmon Purpose Used to disable RMON on the Switch. Syntax disable rmon Description This command is used to di sabl e remote monitoring (R MON) on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 55 9 S WITCH U TILITY C OMMANDS The switch utility commands in the Comman d Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along w ith the a ppropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 56 download • config − Download a new config uratio n on the switch from a TFTP server. • <ipaddr> − The IPv4 address of the TFTP server. • <ipv6addr> − The IPv6 address of the T FTP serve r.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 57 config configuration Purpose Used to designate a stored configuration file section ID as a boot up configuration, active configuration or to delete the configuratio n file.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 58 DGS-3426:5#co nfig firmware imag e_id 1 boot_up Command: config fi rmware image_id 1 boot _up Success. DGS-3426:5# show firmware information Purpose Used to display the firmware section informatio n.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 59 show config Purpose Used to display the current or saved version of the configuration settings of the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 60 DGS–3426:5#sh ow config current_ config Command: show config curr ent_config #–––––––––––– –––�.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 61 upload Purpose Used to upload switch settings or the switch history log to a TFTP server.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 62 DGS–3426:5#up load attack_lo g_toTFTP 10.53.1 3.23 c:attackl og1 unit 1 Command: upload at tack_log_toTF TP c:attacklog1 uni t 1 Connecting to server..... .........
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual DGS–3426:5# enable autoconfig Purpose Used to activate the aut o-configuration function for the Switch. This will load a configuration from the TFTP server spec ified in the re ply.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual DGS–3426:5# c reate iprout e default 1 1 Command: crea te iproute d efault 172.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 65 DGS–3426:5#sh ow autoconfig Command: show auto config Autoconfig St ate: Disable d.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 66 Example usage: To ping the IPv6 address 2009::2 80 :C8FF:FE3C:5C8A four times: DGS–3426:5#pi ng6 2009::28 0:C8FF:FE3C :5C8A t.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 67 10 N ETWORK M ONITORING C OMMANDS The network monitorin g comm ands in the C ommand Li ne Interface (C LI) are listed (along with the appr opriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 68 Example usage: To display the packets analys is for port 7 of swit c h 1: DGS–3426:5#sh ow packet po rts 1:7 Command: show pa.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 69 DGS–3426:5#sh ow error ports 1:3 Command: show error ports 1:3 Port number : 1:3 RX Fr ames TX Frames ----- ---- --------- CR.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 70 DGS–3426:5#sh ow utilization ports Command: show utilization ports Port TX/s ec RX/se c Util Port T X/sec RX/sec Ut il ––.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 71 clear counters Purpose Used to c lear the Switch’s statistics counters. Syntax clear counters {ports<portlist>} Description This command will clear the counters used by the Switch to compile statistics.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 72 Example usage: To display the switch h istory log : DGS–3426:5#sh ow log index 1–5 Command: show log inde x 1–5 Index Dat.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 73 create syslog host Purpose Used to create a new syslog host. Syntax create syslog host <index 1–4> {sev erity [informat.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 74 create syslog host 18 local use 2 (local2) 19 local use 3 (local3) 20 local use 4 (local4) 21 local use 5 (local5) 22 local use 6 (local6) 23 local use 7 (local7) local0 − Specifies that local use 0 messages will be sent to the remote host.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 75 config syslog host Switch. Numerical Severity Code 0 Emergency: system is unusable 1 Alert: action must be taken immediately 2 .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 76 config syslog host local5 − Specifies that local use 5 messages will be sent to the remote host. Thi s corresponds to number 21 from the list a bove. local6 − Specifies that local use 6 messages will be sent to the remote host.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 77 config syslog host all Code 0 Emergency: system is unusable 1 Alert: action must be taken immediately 2 Critical: critical cond.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 78 config syslog host all local6 − Specifies that local use 6 messages will be sent to the remote host. Thi s corresponds to number 22 from the list a bove. local7 − Specifies that local use 7 messages will be sent to the remote host.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 79 DGS–3426:5#de lete syslog host 4 Command: delete sy slog host 4 Success. DGS–3426:5# show syslog host Purpose Used to display the syslog hosts currently configured on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 80 config system_severity Purpose To configure severity level of an aler t required for log entry or trap message.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 81 config log_save_timing Purpose Used to configure the method of saving log files to the switch’s flash memory.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 82 11 M ULTIPLE S PANNING T REE P ROTOCOL (MSTP) C OMMANDS This Switch supports three versions of the Spanning Tree Protocol; 802 .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 83 Command Parameters show stp mst_config_id Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 84 config stp version Restrictions Only Administrator and Oper ator-level users can issue this command. Example usage: To set the Switch globally for the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP): DGS–3426:5#co nfig stp version mstp Command: config st p version mstp Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 85 config stp loopback has been detected. After the timer ha s expired the Switch che cks for an STP loopback, if no loopback detected, STP will be re sum ed. Entering 0 will disable LBD recovery.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 86 config stp ports loops, however an edge port can lose edge po rt status if a topology change creates a potential for a loop. An edge port normally should not receive BPDU packets.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 87 DGS–3426:5#cr eate stp instance_ id 2 Command: create st p instance_id 2 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 88 delete stp instance_id Purpose Used to delete a STP instance ID from the Switch. Syntax delete stp instance_id <value 1–15 > Description This command allows the user to delete a previously configured STP instance ID from the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 89 config stp mst_config_id Parameters revision_level <int 0–65535> – Enter a number between 0 and 65535 to identify the MSTP region. This value, along with the name will identify the MSTP region configured on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 90 To designate p orts 1 to 2 on modul e 1, with instance ID 0, t o have an aut o internalCost a nd a priori ty of 0: DGS–3426:5.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 91 Status 3 : STP enabled for MSTP DGS–3426:5#show stp Command: show stp STP Bridge Global S ettings –––––––––.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 92 show stp instance Purpose Used to display the Switch’s STP instance configurati on Syntax sho w stp instance <value 0–15> Description This comma nd is used to display the Switch’s cu rre nt STP Instance Settings and the STP Instance Operational Status.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 93 DGS–3426:5#sh ow stp mst_config_ id Command: show stp mst_ config_id Current MST Configura tion Identific ation ––––�.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 94 12 F ORWARDING D ATABASE C OMMANDS The layer 2 forwarding dat abase commands in the C ommand Li ne Interface (CLI) are listed (a long with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 95 create multicast_fdb Purpose Used to create a static entry to the mu lticast MAC ad dre ss forwarding table (databa se) Syntax .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 96 config fdb aging_time Purpose Used to set the aging time of the forwarding database. Syntax config fdb aging_time <sec 10–100 00 00> Description The aging time affects the learning pro cess of the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 97 DGS–3426:5#de lete fdb default 01–0 0–00–00–01– 02 Command: delete fd b default 01–00–00 –00–01–02 Success. DGS–3426:5# clear fdb Purpose Used to clear the Switch’s forwardi ng database of all dynamically learned MAC addresses.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 98 DGS–3426:5#sh ow multicast _fdb vlan d efault Command: show multicast_f db vlan def ault VLAN Name : default MAC Address : 01.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 99 DGS–3426:5#sh ow fdb Command: show fdb Unicast MAC A ddress Aging Time = 300 VID VLAN Na me MAC Address Po rt Type –––�.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 100 show multicast filtering_mode Purpose Used to show the multicast packet f iltering mode as configured for the VLANs.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 101 DGS–3426:5#sh ow ipfdb Command: show ipfd b Interface IP Address Port Learned –––––––––––– –––––––––– –––– ––––– – –––––––––– –– System 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 102 13 T RAFFIC C ONTROL C OMMANDS On a com puter network, packet s such as Multicast packets and Broa dcast pack ets continually flood the network as normal procedure.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 103 config traffic control Purpose Used to configure broadcast/multicast/dlf traffic contro l.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 104 Example usage: To configure t raffic cont rol and enabl e broadcast storm cont rol system wi de: DGS–3426:5#co nfig traffic control al l broadcast e nable Command: config tr affic control all broa dcast enable Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 105 Example usage: To configure t raffic cont rol and enabl e broadcast storm cont rol system wi de: DGS–3426:5#co nfig traffic trap sto rm_occurred Command: config tr affic trap storm_o ccurred Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 106 14 Q O S C OMMANDS The xStack ® DGS–3400 Series supports 80 2.1p priority queuing .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 107 config bandwidth_control Purpose Used to configure bandwidt h control on a port–by– port basis.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 108 show bandwidth_control Purpose Used to display the bandwidth control table. Syntax show bandwidth_control {<portlist>} Description This command is used to display the current bandwidth control co nfiguration on the Switch, on a port–by–port basis.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 109 config scheduling Purpose Used to configure the traffic scheduling mechanism for ea ch QoS queue.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 110 DGS–3426:5#sh ow scheduling Command: show sche duling QOS Output Schedul ing Class ID MAX.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 111 show 802.1p user_priority Purpose Used to display the current mapping between an in co ming packet’s 802.1p priority value and one of the Switch’s seven hardwa re priority que ues.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 112 Example usage: To configure 802.1p defau lt prio rity on the Switch: DGS–3426:5#co nfig 802.1p defaul t_priority all 5 Command: config 80 2.1p default_pri ority all 5 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 113 config scheduling_mechanism Purpose Used to configure the scheduling mecha nism for the QoS function Syntax config scheduling_.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 114 DGS–3426:5#sh ow scheduling_ mechanism Command: show sche duling_mechan ism QOS scheduling_m echanism CLASS ID M echanism �.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 115 show hol_prevention Purpose Used to show HOL prevention. Syntax show hol_prev ention Description This command is used to di splay the Head of Line prevention state. Parameters None.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 116 15 P ORT M IRRORING C OMMANDS The port m irroring com mands in t he Comma nd Line Interface (CLI ) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) i n the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 117 To add the mirrorin g ports: DGS–3426:5# c onfig mirror port 1:1 a dd source por ts 1:2–1: 7 both Command: config mi rror port 1:1 add source po rts 1:2–1:7 both Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 118 DGS–3426:5#di sable mirror Command: disable mirror Success. DGS–3426:5# show mirror Purpose Used to show the current port mirroring configuration on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 119 16 VLAN C OMMANDS Along with normal VLAN co nfigurations, this Switch now incorporate Q-in-Q VLANs.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 120 create vlan Purpose Used to create a VLAN on the Switch. Syntax create vlan <vlan_name 32> {tag <vlanid 2-4094 > | type 1q_vlan | advertisement} Description This command is us ed to create VLANs on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 121 config vlan Purpose Used to add addition al ports to a previously configured VLAN.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 122 config gvrp Purpose Used to configure GVRP on the Switch. Syntax config gvrp [<portlist> | all] {state [enable | disabl .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 123 DGS–3426:5#en able gvrp Command: enable gv rp Success. DGS–3426:5# disable gvrp Purpose Used to disable GVRP on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 124 DGS-3426:5#sh ow vlan Command: show vlan VID : 1 VLAN Na me : defa ult VLAN Type : Static Adverti sement : Enab led Member Por.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 125 DGS–3426:5#sh ow gvrp Command: show gvrp Global GVRP : Disabled Port PVID GVRP I ngress Chec king Accepta ble Frame Type –.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 126 disable double_vlan Purpose Used to disable the Q-in-Q VLAN feature on the Switch. Syntax disable double_vlan Description This command, along with the enable d ouble_vlan command, enables a nd disables the Q-in-Q Tag VLAN.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 127 config double_vlan Purpose Used to config the parameters for a p r eviously created Q-in-Q VLAN (Doubl e VLAN) on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 128 DGS–3426:5#co nfig double_ vlan Tiberi us delete 1:4 –1:8 Command: conf ig double_vl an Tiberius delete 1:4–1 :8 Success. DGS–3426:5# show double_vlan Purpose Used to display the Q-in-Q VLAN settings on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 129 DGS–3426:5#en able pvid auto_ass ign Command: enable pv id auto_assign Success. DGS–3426:5# disable pvid auto_assign Purpose Used to disable auto–assign PVID Syntax disable pvid auto_assign Description The command is used to enable auto–a ssi gn PVID.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 130 17 ISM VLAN C OMMANDS The ISM VLAN comm ands in the Command Li ne Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in t he following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 131 DGS–3426:5#de lete igmp_sn ooping mult icast_vlan te st Command: delete ig mp_snooping mult icast_vlan test Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 132 DGS–3426:5#co nfig vlan default del ete 10–20 Command: config vl an default delete 10–2 0 Success. DGS–3426:5#cr eate vlan v10 Command: create vl an v10 Success. DES–3426:4#cr eate vlan v20 Command: create vl an v20 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 133 DGS–3426:5#co nfig igmp_sn ooping mult icast_vlan_gr oup test add 225.1.1. 1–,22 Command: conf ig igmp_snoo ping multic ast_vlan_grou p test ad d 225.1.1.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 18 L INK A GGREGATION C OMMANDS The link aggre gation comm ands in the Co mmand Line Interface (CL I ) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 135 delete link_aggregation group_id Purpose Used to delete a previously configured link aggre gati on group. Syntax delete link_aggregation group_id <v alue 1–32> Description This command is used to delete a previously configured link a ggregation group.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 136 DGS–3426:5#co nfig link_ag gregation g roup_id 1 mas ter_port 1:5 ports 1: 5–1:7,1:9 Command: conf ig link_aggr egation gro up_id 1 maste r_port 1: 5 ports 1:5– 1:7,1:9 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 137 DGS–3426:5#sh ow link_aggreg ation Command: show link _aggregation Link Aggregat ion Algorith m = MAC–sou rce–dest Group.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 138 show lacp_port Purpose Used to display current LACP port mod e settings. Syntax show lacp_port {<portlis t>} Description This command is used to display the LACP mode settings as they are currently configured.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 19 IP–MAC-P ORT B INDING (IMPB) C OMMANDS The IP net work layer uses a fo ur–byte IP address. T he Ethernet l ink layer uses a six–by te MAC address. Bindi ng these two address types t ogether allo ws the transm ission of data between t he layers .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 140 Command Parameters create address_bi nding ip _mac ipaddres s <ipaddr> mac_address <m acaddr> {ports [ <po rtli.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 141 DGS–3426:5#cr eate address _binding ip _mac ipaddres s 10.1.1. 3 mac_addres s 00–00– 00–00–00–04 Command: create ad dress_binding ip_mac ipaddress 10. 1.1.3 mac_addre ss 00–00–00– 00–00–04 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 142 config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress Purpose Used to configure an IP–MAC-Port Binding entry.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 143 config address_binding ip_mac ports port with its IMPB entries. If the IP-MAC pair in the packet matches the IMPB entry, the MAC address will be unblocked and sub seq uent pa ckets sent from this client will be forwarded.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 144 DGS–3426:5#co nfig address _binding ip _mac ports 1: 2 state e nable Command: config ad dress_binding ip_mac ports 1:2 state enable Success. DGS–3426:5# show address_binding Purpose Used to display IP–MAC-Port Binding e ntries.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 145 delete address_binding Purpose Used to delete IP–MAC-Port Binding entries. Syntax delete address_binding [ip_mac [ipadd ress.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 146 disable address_binding trap_log Purpose Used to disable the trap/log for the IP–MAC-Port Binding function.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 147 Example usage: To disable IMPB debug gi n g on the Swit c h: DGS–3426:5#no debug addre ss_binding Command: no debug addr ess_binding Success. DGS–3426:5# enable address_binding dhcp_snoop Purpose To enable the DHCP snooping option for IMPB.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 148 disable address_binding dhcp_snoop Purpose To disable the DHCP snooping option for IMPB. Syntax disable address_binding dhcp_snoop Description When the DHCP snoop function is disa bl ed, all of the auto-learned binding entries will be removed.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 149 DGS–3426:5#show address_binding dhcp_snoop Command: show address_binding dhcp_snoop DHCP_Snoop : Enabled DGS–3426:5# To display an address b inding DHCP sn oop binding entry: Note: “Inactive” indicated that the entry is curren tly in active due to port link down.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 150 config address_binding dhc p_snoop max_entry ports Purpose Specifies the maximum number of entri es which can be dynami cally learned (DHCP snooped) by the specified ports.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 151 20 IP C OMMANDS (I NCLUDING IP V 6) The IP interface comm ands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 152 DGS–3426:5#cr eate ipif p1 Tiberius sta te enable Command: crea te ipif p1 1 T iberius state enable Success. DGS–3426:5# config ipif Purpose Used to configure the System IP interface.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 153 DGS–3426:5#co nfig ipif Ti berius ipv6 ipv6address 3ffe:501: ffff:100::1/ 64 Command: conf ig ipif Tibe rius ipv6 i pv6address 3f fe:501:ff ff:100::1/64 Success. DGS–3426:5# show ipif Purpose Used to display the configuration of an IP interface on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 154 DGS–3426:5#en able ipif s2 Command: enable ip if s2 Success. DGS–3426:5# disable ipif Purpose Used to disable the configurati on of an IP interface on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual enable autoconfig Purpose Used to activate the aut o-configuration function for the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 156 show autoconfig Purpose Used to display the auto-configuration status. Syntax show autoconfig Description The command is used to di splay the auto-configu ratio n status. Parameters None.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 157 disable ipif_ipv6_link_local_auto Purpose Disables the auto configuration of lin k local addresses whe n no IPv6 addresses are configured.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 158 21 IP V 6 N EIGHBOR D ISCOVERY C OMMANDS The following commands a re used to detect IPv6 neig hbors of the s witch and t o keep a runni ng databa se about these neigh bor devices.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 159 delete ipv6 neighbor_cache ipif Purpose Used to remove a static IPv6 neighbor.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 160 config ipv6 nd ra ipif Purpose Used to configure the parameters for ro uter advertisement packet s being sent from the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 161 DGS–3426:5#co nfig ipv6 nd ra ipif tr iton state en able life _time 1000 reachable_tim e 10000 retr ans_time 50 000 hop_limi.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 162 config ipv6 nd ns ipif Purpose Used to configure the parameters for Neighbor solicita tion messages to be sent from the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 163 Example usage: To display the neigh bor detection parameters for IPv6: DGS–3426:5#sh ow ipv6 nd Command: show ipv6 nd Interf.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 164 22 IGMP S NOOPING C OMMANDS The IGMP S nooping commands i n the C ommand Li ne Interface (CLI) are listed (al ong wi th the ap propriate para meters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 165 config igmp_snooping Purpose Used to configure IGMP snooping on the Switch. Syntax config igmp_snooping [ vlan <vlan_name 3.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 166 config igmp_snooping querier Purpose Used to configure the IGMP snooping querie r.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 167 create igmp_snooping static_group Purpose Used to create IGMP snooping static group information on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual DGS–3426:5#co nfig igmp_snoo ping static_grou p vlanid 1 add 5 Command: config ig mp_snooping stat ic_group vlanid 1 add 5 Success. DGS–3426:5# delete igmp_snooping static_group Purpose Used to delete the current IGMP snoo pi ng static group on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 169 DGS–3426:5#sh ow igmp_snoopi ng static_group Command: show igmp_snoopi ng static_g roup VLAN ID/Name IP Ad dress S tatic Mem ber Ports ------------- ------------ --- ----- ---------- - --------- ------ 1/default 225.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 170 config router_ports_forbidden Purpose Used to configure ports as forbidden mul t icast router p orts.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 171 disable igmp_snooping Purpose Used to disable IGMP snooping on the Switch. Syntax disable igmp_snooping {forward_mcrouter_only } Description This command is used to di sabl e IGMP snooping on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 172 DGS–3426:5#sh ow igmp_snoopi ng Command: show igmp _snooping IGMP Snooping Global Stat e : Enabled Multicast ro uter Only : .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 173 show igmp_snooping group Purpose Used to display the current IGMP snooping group configuration on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 174 23 MLD S NOOPING C OMMANDS Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snoop ing is an IPv6 fun ction u s ed similarly to IGMP snooping in IPv4. It is used to discover ports on a VL AN that are requesti ng multicast dat a.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 175 enable mld_snooping Purpose Used to enable MLD snooping globally on the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 176 config mld_snooping Purpose Used to configure MLD snoopin g on the Switch. Syntax config mld_snooping [vlan <vlan_name 32&g.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 177 config mld_snooping mrouter_ports Purpose Used to configure ports as static router p orts on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 178 DGS–3426:5#co nfig mld_snoop ing mrouter_port s_forbidden default add 1:11– 1:20 Command : con fig mld_snoo ping mroute r_.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual NOTE: The robustness va riable of the MLD sn ooping querier is u sed in creating the following MLD message intervals: Group Listen.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 180 show mld_snooping group Purpose Used to display MLD snooping group configurations on the Switch. Syntax show mld_snooping group {v lan <vlan_name 3 2>} Description This command is used to display MLD snooping group configuratio ns on the Swi tch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 181 To display the MLD snooping multicast router port settings: DGS–3426:5#sh ow mld_snoopin g mrouter_ports Commands: sho w mld.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 182 24 L IMITED IP M ULTICAST A DDRESS (IGMP F ILTERING ) The Limited IP Multicast Address (IGMP Filtering) commands allow users to specify which multicast address(es) reports are to be received on specified port s on the switc h.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 183 delete limited multicast address Purpose Used to delete Limited IP multicast address range.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 184 DGS–3426:5#sh ow limited multica st address 1:1–1:3 Command: show limi ted multicast addr ess 1:1–1:3 Port Fr om To Acce.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 185 25 802.1X C OMMANDS The xStack ® DGS–3400 implements the server–sid e of the IEEE 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 186 Command Parameters create 802.1x guest_vlan <vlan_name 32> config 802.1x guest_vlan ports [<portl ist> | all] state [enable | disable] delete 802.1x guest_vlan {<vlan_nam e 32>} show 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 187 DGS–3426:5#di sable 802.1x Command: disable 802.1x Success. DGS–3426:5# show 802.1x Purpose Used to display the 802.1X gener al configurations o n the Switch. Syntax show 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 188 show 802.1x auth_configuration ports Purpose Used to display the current configur ation of the 802.1X server on the Switch. Syntax show 802.1x auth_configuration por ts <portlist> Description This command is used to display t he 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 189 DGS–3426:5#sh ow 802.1x au th_configur ation ports 1 :1 Command: show 802.1x auth _configurat ion ports 1:1 Port number : 1:.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 190 MAC 00-00-00-00-00-2 0 attempts to start authenticati on, MAC address is followed by “(P)” to indicate the port-based mode au thentication.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 191 config 802.1x capability ports Purpose Used to configure the 802. 1X capa bility of a range of ports on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 192 config 802.1x auth_parameter ports Purpose Used to configure the 802.1X Authenticat ion parameters o n a range of ports. The default parameter will return all p orts in the spe c ified range to their default 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 193 DGS–3426:5#co nfig 802.1x auth_p arameter ports 1:1–1:20 directio n both Command: conf ig 802.1x au th_paramete r ports 1:1–1 :20 direc tion both Success. DGS–3426:5# config 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 194 config 802.1x reauth Purpose Used to configure the 802.1X r e–authentication feature of the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 195 config radius add Purpose Used to configure the settings the Switch will use to communicate with a RADIUS server.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 196 DGS–3426:5#co nfig radius delete 1 Command: config ra dius delete 1 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 197 To display RADIUS settings on the Switch : DGS–3426:5#sh ow radius Command: show radi us Index IP Add ress A uth–Port Ac c.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 198 DGS-3426:5#sh ow 802.1x user Command: show 802.1x user Current Acco unts: Username Passwor d ------------ --- ------- -------- 1 123 Total Entrie s:1 DGS–3426:5# delete 802.1x user Purpose Used to delete an 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 199 show acct_client Purpose Used to display the current RADIUS accounting client. Syntax show acct_client Description This command is used to display t he current RADIUS accounting client currently configured on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 200 DGS–3426:5#sh ow auth_client Command: show auth _client radiusAuthCli ent ==> radiusAuthCl ientInvalidS erverAddres ses 0 radiusAuthCl ientIdentifi er radiusAuthSe rverEntry == > radiusAuthSe rverIndex :1 radiusAuthSe rverAddress 0.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 201 DGS–3426:5#sh ow auth_diag nostics por ts 1:16 Command: show auth _diagnostics por ts 1:16 Port number : 1:16 EntersConnec t.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 202 DGS–3426:5#sh ow auth_sessio n_statistics por ts 1:16 Command: show auth_sessio n_statistic s ports 1:16 Port number : 1:16 .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 203 create 802.1x guest_vlan Purpose Used to configure a pre–existing VLAN as a 802.1X Guest VLAN. Syntax create 802.1x guest_v lan <vlan_name 32> Description This command is used to configure a pre–defined VLAN as a 80 2.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 204 DGS–3426:5#co nfig 802.1x guest_ vlan ports 1:1–1:5 state enable Command: config 80 2.1x guest_vlan po rts 1:1–1:5 state enab le Warning! The ports are mo ved to Gues t VLAN! Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 205 config 802.1x auth_failover Purpose Used to configure 8 02.1X authentication failover. Syntax config 802.1x auth_failover [enable | disable] Description When the authentication failover is di sab l ed, if the RADIUS server s are unreachable, the authentication will fail.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 206 config 802.1x fwd_pdu ports Purpose Used to c onfigure the forwarding of EAPOL PDU. Syntax config 802.1x fw d_pdu ports [<po rtlilst>| all] [enable | disable] Description This command is a per port setting used to control the forwarding of EAPOL PDU.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 207 config 802.1x max_users Purpose Used to configure the max number of users that can be learned via 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 208 show accounting service Restrictions Non e. Example usage: To display the accounting service: DGS–3426:5#sh ow accounting se.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 209 26 A CCESS C ONTROL L IST (ACL) C OMMANDS The xStack ® DGS–3400 implements Access Control Lists that enable th e Switch to deny network access to specific de vices or device groups based on IP set tings an d MAC address.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 210 Command Parameters {src_port <value 0-6553 5> | dst_port <value 0-6553 5>} | protocol_id <value 0 - 255> {us.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 211 create access_profile (for Ethernet) Purpose Used to create an access profile on the Sw itch by examining the Ethernet part of the packet header. Masks entered can be combined wi th the values the Switch finds in the specified frame header fields.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 212 config access_profile profile_id (for Ethernet) access profile when it is created with the crea te ac cess_profile command. The lowe r the profile ID, the higher the priority the rule will be given.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 213 config access_profile profile_id (for Ethernet) target port must be set. deny – Specifies that packets that match t he access profile are not permitted to be forwarded by the Switch and will be filtered.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 214 create access_profile (IP) Parameters • type − Specifies that the Switch will exam ine each frame’s IGMP Type field. • tcp − Specifies that the Switch will examine each frames Transpor t Control Protocol (TCP) field.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 215 config access_profile profile_id (IP) Parameters profile_id <value 1–6> – Enter an integer between 1 and 6 that is used to ide ntify the access profile that will be configured with th is command.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 216 config access_profile profile_id (IP) permit – Specifies that packets that mat ch the a ccess profile are pe rmitted to be forwarded by the Switch. • priority <value 0–7 > − This param eter is specified if you want to re–write the 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 217 create access_profile (packet content ) Purpose Used to create an access profile on the Sw itch by examining the Ethernet part of the packet header. Packet content masks entered will specify certain bytes of the packet header to be identified by the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 218 config access_profile profile_id (packet content) Description This command is used to set the rule for a previously configured access profile setting based on packet content mask.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 219 config access_profile profile_id (packet content) deny – Specifies that packets that match t he access profile are not permitted to be forwarded by the Switch and will be filtered.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 220 DGS–3426:5#cr eate access_ profile pro file_id 4 ipv 6 class f lowlabel Command: create ac cess_profile pro file_id 4 ipv6 class flowlabel Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 221 config access_profile profile_id (ipv6) • priority <value 0–7 > − This param eter is specified to re–write the 802.1p default priority previously set in the Switch, wh ich is used to determine the CoS queue to which packets are fo rward ed to.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 222 delete access_profile Purpose Used to delete a previously created access profile. Syntax delete access_profile {profile_id <v alue 1–6> | all} Description This command is used to delete a previously created acce ss p rofile on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 223 DGS–3426:5#sh ow access _ profile Command: show acce ss_profile Access Profile Tab le Access Profil e ID: 1 TYPE : Et hernet ============= ============ =========== ============= ========= ========== MASK Option : VLAN 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 224 create cpu access_profile 0x0–0xffffffff> <hex 0x0–0xfffff fff> <h ex 0x0–0x ffff ffff> <h ex 0x 0–0.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 225 create cpu access_profile • offset_0–15 – Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 0 to byte 15. • offset_16–31 – Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 16 to byte 31.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 226 DGS–3426:5#de lete cpu access_pr ofile profile_ id 1 Command: dele te cpu acces s_profile p rofile_id 1 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 227 config cpu access_profile profile_id Parameters • source_ip <ipaddr> − Specifies that the access profile will apply to only packet s with this source IP address.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 228 config cpu access_profile profile_id address. • destination_ipv6 <ipv6add r> − Sp ecifie s an IPv6 address mask for the destination IPv6 address. <portlist>| all – Enter the port or ports to which this ac ce ss profile applies.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 229 DGS–3426:5#sh ow cpu access_prof ile Command: show cpu acce ss_profile CPU Interface Filtering S tate: Disab led CPU Interfa.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 27 T IME R ANGE C OMMANDS The Time Range commands are used in conj unction with the Access Profile commands listed in the pr eviou.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 231 DGS–3426:5#co nfig time_ra nge time1 h ours start_ti me 6:30:0 0 end_time 2 1:40:00 weekdays mon–fri Command: config ti me_range time1 hou rs start_time 6:30 :00 end_time 21:40 :00 weekdays mon–fri Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 28 S AFEGUARD E NGINE C OMMANDS Periodically, malicious hosts on the net work will attack the Switc h by utilizing pac ket flooding (AR P Storm) or ot her methods. These attacks may increase the CPU utilization beyond its capability.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 233 config safeguard_engine Purpose To config ARP storm control for system. Syntax config safeguard_engine {state [enable | disabl.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 234 DGS–3426:5#sh ow safeguard_e ngine Command: show safe guard_engine Safeguard eng ine state : Disabled Safeguard eng ine curr.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 235 29 T RAFFIC S EGMENTATION C OMMANDS Traffic segmentation allows you to further sub–divide VLANs into smaller groups of po rts that will help to reduce traffic on th e VLAN. The VLAN rules take precedence, and then the traffic segm entation rules are applied.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 236 show traffic_segmentation Purpose Used to display the current traffic segmentation config uration on the Switch. Syntax show traffic_segmentation {<portlist>} Description This command is used to display the current traffic segmentation configuration o n the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 237 30 T IME AND SNTP C OMMANDS The Sim ple Network Time Prot ocol (SN TP) (an a daptati on of the Network Tim e Protoc ol (NTP) ) comma nds in the C ommand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the ap propriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 238 show sntp Purpose Used to display the SNTP information. Syntax show sntp Description This command is used to display SN TP settings information incl uding the source IP address, time and poll interval.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 239 To disable SNTP: DGS–3426:5#di sable sntp Command: disable sntp Success. DGS–3426:5# config time Purpose Used to manually configure system time and date settings.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 240 DGS–3426:5#co nfig time_zo ne operator + hour 2 min 30 Command: conf ig time_zone operator + hour 2 min 3 0 Success. DGS–3426:5# config dst Purpose Used to enable and configure time adjustments to allow for the use of Daylight Savings Time (DST).
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 241 config dst Parameters e_date – Configure the specific date (day of the month) to begin DST. • <end_date 1–31> – The e nd date is ex pressed numerically. offset [30 | 60 | 90 | 120] – Indicates number of minutes to add or to subtract during the summertime.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 242 31 DHCP R ELAY C OMMANDS The DHCP relay commands in th e Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 243 DGS–3$00:4#co nfig dhcp_rela y hops 2 time 23 Command: config dh cp_relay hops 2 time 23 Success. DGS–3426:5# config dhcp_relay add ipif Purpose Used to add an IP destination address t o the switch's DHCP/BOOTP relay table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 244 config dhcp_relay option_82 state Purpose Used to configure the state of DHCP re lay agent information option 82 of the swi tch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 245 DGS–3426:5#co nfig dhcp_re lay option_ 82 check enab le Command: config dh cp_relay option_ 82 check enable Success. DGS–3426:5# config dhcp_relay option_82 policy Purpose Used to configure the reforwarding poli cy of relay agent information option 82 of the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 246 DGS–3426:5#sh ow dhcp_relay Command: show dhcp _relay DHCP/BOOTP Re lay Status : Enabled DHCP/BOOTP Ho ps Count Lim it : 2 D.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 247 disable dhcp_relay Purpose Used to disable the DHCP/BOOTP relay function on the Switch. Syntax disable dhcp_relay Description This command is used to disabl e the DHCP/BOOTP relay function on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 248 config dhcp_relay option_60 add Purpose This command is used to add an entry for DHCP rel ay option 60 Syntax config dhcp_rela.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 249 config dhcp_relay option_60 delete Purpose This command is used to delete dhcp_relay option_6 0 entry.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 250 DGS–3426:5#sh ow dhcp_relay opti on_60 Command: show dhcp _relay option_60 Default Proce ssing Mode: Drop Default Serve rs: Matching Rules: String Match Type IP Address ------ ----------- --------- abc Exact Match 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 251 config dhcp_relay option_61 add Purpose This command is used to add a rule for DHCP rel ay option 61.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 252 config dhcp_relay option_61 delete Purpose This command is used to delete an option 61 rule. Syntax config dhcp_relay option_61 delete [mac_add ress <macaddr> | string <d esc 255>|all] Description This command is used to delete an option 61 rule.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 253 32 R OUTING T ABLE C OMMANDS The Switch supports o nly static rou ting for I Pv4 and IPv6 formatte d addressing. Users can create up t o 128 static route entries for IPv4 and IPv6 com bined.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 254 DGS-3426:5#cr eate iproute 21/8 55 primar y Command: crea te iproute 1 /8 primary Success. DGS-3426:5# delete iproute Purpose Used to delete an IP route entry from the Switch’s IP routing tabl e.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 255 DGS-3426P:5#s how iproute static Command: show ipro ute static Routing Table IP Address/Ne tmask Gatew ay Co st Protocol Backup Status ------------- ----- ----- -------- -- --- -------- ------- - -------- 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 256 delete ipv6route Purpose Used to delete an static IPv6 route ent ry from the Switch’s IP routing table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 257 DGS–3426:5# s how ipv6rout e Command: show ipv6 route Routing Table IPv6 Prefix: 1234::/32 Pro tocol: St atic Metric : 1 Nex.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 258 33 MAC N OTIFICATION C OMMANDS The MAC not ification com mands in the Command Line Interface (C LI) are listed, in the following table, along with their appropriate parameters.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 259 DGS–3426:5#di sable mac_no tification Command: disable mac_notificati on Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 260 DGS–3426:5#co nfig mac_not ification p orts 1:7 enab le Command: config ma c_notificatio n ports 1:7 enable Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 261 DGS–3426:5#sh ow mac_notific ation ports Command: show mac_ notification por ts Port # MAC A ddress Table Notificati on Stat.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 34 A CCESS A UTHENTICATION C ONTROL C OMMANDS The TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADI US commands allows users secure a ccess to the Switch using the TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS protocols.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 263 Command Parameters enable authen_policy disable authen_poli cy show authen_policy create authen_login metho d_list_name <st.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 264 enable authen_policy Purpose Used to enable system access authentication policy. Syntax enable authen_policy Description This command is used to enable an adm inistrator– defined authentication policy for user s trying to access the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 265 DGS–3426:5#sh ow authen_poli cy Command: show auth en_policy Authenticatio n Policy: En abled DGS–3426:5# create authen_login method_list_name Purpose Used to create a user defined method list of authentication methods for u sers logging on to the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual config authen_login Parameters the TACACS protocol from the remote TACACS se rver ho sts of the TACACS server group list.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 267 DGS–3426:5#co nfig authen_lo gin default method xtacacs tacacs+ local Command: conf ig authen_lo gin default method xtaca cs tacacs + local Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 268 Example usage: To view the authentication log in method list named Tiberius: DGS–3426:5#sh ow authen_lo gin method_ list_nam.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 269 config authen_enable that point, the Switch will restart the same sequence with the following protocol listed, xtacacs . If no authentication takes place using the xtacacs list, the local_enable password set in the Switch is used to authenticate the user.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 270 DGS–3426:5#co nfig authen_en able method_list _name Tiberius met hod tacacs xtac acs local Command: config au then_enable meth od_list_nam e Tiberius method taca cs xtacacs local Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 271 show authen_enable Purpose Used to display the method list of authentic ation methods for promoting normal user level privileges to Administrator level privileges on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 272 config authen application Purpose Used to configure various applications on the Switch for authe nticat ion using a previously configured method list.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 273 DGS–3426:5#sh ow authen ap plication Command: show authen appl ication Application Login Meth od List E nable Method List �.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 274 DGS–3426:5#cr eate authen server_host p rotocol t acacs+ port 1234 timeout 10 re transmit 5 Command: crea te authen se rver_host 1 pro tocol tac acs+ port 12 34 timeout 10 re transmit 5 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 275 delete authen server_host Purpose Used to delete a user–def ined authentication server h ost.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 276 DGS–3426:5#sh ow authen server_h ost Command: show authen serv er_host IP Address Protocol Port Time out Retransm it Key ––––––––––––– –––––––– ––––– –––– –– –––––––– ––––––– 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 277 config authen server_group Purpose Used to configure a user–defined authe ntication server group.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 278 delete authen server_group Purpose Used to delete a user–def ined authentication se rver group. Syntax delete authen serv er_group <string 15> Description This command is used to de lete an authenticatio n se rver group.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 279 config authen parameter response_timeout Purpose Used to configure the amount of time the Switch will wait for a user to enter authentication before timing out.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 280 show authen parameter Purpose Used to display the authentication para meters currently configured on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 281 config admin local_enable Purpose Used to configure the local enable pa ssword for admi nistrator level privileges. Syntax config admin local_enable Description This command is used to conf igure the locally enabled password for the ena ble admin command.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 282 35 SSH C OMMANDS The steps re quired to use the Secure Shell (SSH) protoc ol for sec ure comm unication between a remote PC (t.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 283 DGS–3426:5#en able ssh Command: enable ss h TELNET will b e disabled w hen enable SSH. Success. DGS–3426:5# disable ssh Purpose Used to disable SSH. Syntax disable ssh Description This command is used to disabl e SSH on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 284 DGS–3426:5#co nfig ssh authmode pas sword enable Command: conf ig ssh authm ode passwor d enable Success. DGS–3426:5# show ssh authmode Purpose Used to display the SSH authentication mode setting.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 285 DGS-3426P:5#c onfig ssh se rver maxses sion 3 contim eout 300 authfail 2 p ort 1 rekey 10min Command: conf ig ssh serve r maxsessio n 3 contimeou t 300 aut hfail 2 port 1 rekey 10min Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual Example usage: To configure the SSH user: DGS–3426:5# c onfig ssh us er Rubio au thmode Passwo rd Command: config ss h user Rubio authmode Pas sword Success. DGS–3426:5# show ssh user authmode Purpose Used to display the SSH user setting.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 287 config ssh algorithm Purpose Used to configure the SSH algorithm. Syntax config ssh algorithm [3DES | AES128 | AES192 | AES256.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 288 DGS–3426:5#sh ow ssh algorithm Command: show ssh algo rithm Encryption Al gorithm ––––––––––––– �.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 289 36 SSL C OMMANDS Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is a security feature that will prov ide a secu re communication path between a host and client throu gh the use of authentication, digital signatur es and encryption.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual enable ssl Purpose To enable the SSL function on the Switch. Syntax enable ssl {ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 | RSA_with_3DES_.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 291 disable ssl Purpose To disable the SSL function on the Switch. Syntax disable ssl {ciphersuite {RSA_with_RC4_128_MD5 | RSA_wit.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 292 Example usage: To set the SSL cachetimeout for 7200 seconds: DGS–3426:5#co nfig ssl cachetime out timeout 7200 Command: conf ig ssl cache timeout tim eout 7200 Success. DGS–3426:5# show ssl cachetimeout Purpose Used to show the SSL cache timeout.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 293 DGS–3426:5#sh ow ssl certificate Command: show ssl cert ificate Loaded with RSA Certif icate! DGS–3426:5# download SSL certificate Purpose Used to download a certificate f ile for the SSL function on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 294 37 J UMBO F RAME C OMMANDS Certain switches can sup port jumbo frames (fra mes larger than 1536 bytes).
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 295 DGS–3426:5#di sable jumbo_ frame Command: disable jumbo_frame Success. DGS–3426:5# show jumbo_frame Purpose Used to display the status of the jumbo frame function on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 296 38 D–L INK S INGLE IP M ANAGEMENT (SIM) C OMMANDS Simply put, D–Link Single IP Management is a concept that will stack switches together over Eth ernet instead of using stacking ports or m odules.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 297 With SIM enabled , the applications in the CS will redirect the packet instead of execu ting the packets. Th e applications will decode the packet from the administrator, m odify some data, then send it to the MS.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 298 DGS–3426:5#en able sim Command: enable si m Success. DGS–3426:5# disable sim Purpose Used to disable Single IP Management (SIM) on the Switch. Syntax disable sim Description This command is used to disable SIM globally on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 299 show sim Purpose Used to view the current information regarding the SIM group on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 300 DGS–3426:5#sh ow sim Command: show sim SIM Version : VER– 1.61 Firmware Vers ion : 2.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 301 DGS–3426:5#sh ow sim group Command: show sim grou p SIM Group Nam e : default ID MAC Addre ss Pl atform / Hold Firmw are Dev.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 302 config sim_group Purpose Used to add candidates and delete members from t he SIM group.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 303 config sim Purpose Used to configure role parameters for the SIM protocol on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 304 DGS–3426:5# c onfig sim co mmander Command: config si m commander Success. DGS–3426:5# To update t he name of a gr oup: DGS–3426:5#co nfig sim commander group_name Trinit y Command: conf ig sim comma nder group_ name Trinity Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 305 To download configuration files: DGS–3426:5# dow nload sim configu ration_from _tftp 10.53.13. 94 c:/ dgs3426 . txt all Command: downloa d sim configuratio n_from_tftp 10.53.13.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 306 39 P O E C OMMANDS The xStack ® DGS–3426P suppor ts Power over Ethern et (PoE) as defined by the I EEE 802.3 af specif ication. Ports 1–24 supp ly 48 VDC power to PDs over Categor y 5 or Ca tegory 3 UTP Ethernet cables.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 307 config poe system Purpose Used to configure the parameters for the whole PoE system.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 308 config poe ports Purpose Used to configure the PoE port settings. Syntax config poe ports [all | <portlist>] {state [ena.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 309 DGS–3426P:5#c onfig poe po rts 1:1–1:3 state enable priority critical po wer_limit class_0 Command: conf ig poe ports 1:1–1:3 st ate enable pr iority cr itical power _limit class_0 Power limit h as been set to 15400mW( Class 0 PD up per power limit 12.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 310 DGS–3426P:5#s how poe port s Command: show poe port s Port Stat e Priority Pow er Limit( mW) C lass Power(mW ) Voltage (deci.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 311 DGS–3426P:5#s how poe syst em Command: show poe syst em Unit 1 PoE System Info rmation ––––––––––––�.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 312 40 C OMMAND H ISTORY L IST The switch history commands in the Com ma nd Line Interface (CLI) a re listed (along w ith the appropriate parameters) in t he following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 313 To display the parameters for a specific command: DGS–3426:5# ? config stp Command:? con fig stp Command: config st p Usage:.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual DGS–3426:5#sh ow command_his tory Command: show comm and_history ? ? show show vlan show command history DGS–3426:5# 314.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 315 41 M ODIFY B ANNER AND P ROMPT C OMMANDS Administ rator and Operato r level users ca n modify t he login banne r (greeting m essage) and c ommand prom pt by usin g the commands des cri be d below.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 316 DGS–3426:5# c onfig greeti ng_message Command: config gr eeting_messag e Greeting Message s Editor ============= ============ =========== ============= ========= ====== DGS–34 26 Gigabit Ethernet Swit ch C ommand Line Interface F irmware: Bu ild 2.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 317 config command prompt Purpose Used to configure the com mand prompt. Syntax config command_prompt [<string 16> | username | defaul t] Description This command is used to change the command prompt.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 318 42 JWAC C OMMANDS The Switch’s Japanese Web-base d Access Control (JWA C) commands in the Comm and Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 319 Command Parameters show jwac auth_state ports <portlist> show jwac ports <portlist> config jwac auth_failover [ena.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 320 DGS–3426:5#di sable jwac Command: disable jwac Success. DGS–3426:5# enable jwac redirect Purpose Used to enable the JWAC redirect functi on.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 321 enable jwac forcible_logout Purpose Used to enable the JWAC forcible logout function.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 322 DGS–3426:5#en able jwac udp_filt ering Command: enable jw ac udp_filtering Success. DGS–3426:5# disable jwac udp_filtering Purpose Used to disable the JWAC UDP filtering function.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 323 disable jwac quarantine_server_monitor Purpose Used to disable the JWAC quarantine server monito r. Syntax disable jwac quarantine_serv er_monitor function Description This command is used to d is able the JWAC quarantine server monitor.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 324 config jwac redirect Purpose Used to configure redirect destin ation and delay time before an unauthenti cated host is redirected to the Quarantine Server o r the JWAC login Web page.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual DGS–3426:5#co nfig jwac virtual_ ip Command: config jw ac virtual_ip 1.1. 1.1 Success. DGS–3426:5# config jwac quarantine_server_url Purpose Used to configure JW AC Quarantine Server URL.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual DGS–3426:5#co nfig jwac clear_qu arantine_ser ver_url Command: config jw ac clear_quarant ine_server_ url Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 327 config jwac switch_http_port Purpose Used to configure the TCP port which the JWAC Swit ch liste ns to.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 328 config jwac ports Purpose Used to configure the JWAC port state. Syntax config jwac ports [<portl ist> | all] {state [en.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 329 config jwac radius_protocol Purpose Used to configure radius protocol used by JWA C.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 330 DGS–3426:5#cr eate jwac us er 112233 Command: create jw ac user 112233 Enter a case– sensitive ne w password: *** Enter the new password ag ain for con firmation:*** Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 331 DGS–3426:5# d elete jwac u ser 112233 Command: delete jw ac user 112233 Success. DGS–3426:5# show jwac user Purpose Used to display a JWAC user in the local DB. Syntax show jwac user Description This command is used to display JWAC users in the local DB.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 332 DGS–3426:5# clea r jwac auth_state po rts all blocked Command: clea r jwac auth_ state ports all blocked Success. DGS–3426:5# show jwac Purpose Used to display the JWAC configurations.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 333 show jwac auth_state ports Purpose Used to display JWAC client host information. Syntax show jwac auth_state ports {<portlist>} Description This command is used to display the information for JWAC client hosts.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 334 DGS-3426:5#sh ow jwac auth _state port s 1-3 Command: show jwac auth_s tate ports 1-3 Port MAC Address State VID Prio rity Agi.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 335 config jwac authentication_page element Purpose Used to customize the authentication page.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 336 config jwac authorization network Purpose Used to enable or disable the ac ce pting of an authoriz ed configuration.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 337 show jwac authenticate _page element Purpose Used to show the element mappi ng of the customize authenticate page. Syntax show jwac authenticate_ page element Description This command is used to disaplay the elements of the cust o mize authenticate page.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 338 43 C ABLE D IAGNOSTICS C OMMANDS The cable diag nostics comm ands in t he Comm and Line Interface (CLI ) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 339 44 MAC- BASED V LAN C OMMANDS The MAC-based VLAN c ommands in the Command Line Interface (CL I) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 340 DGS–3426:5#de lete mac_based _vlan mac_addres s 00–00–00–00–0 0–01 vlan defa ult Command: delete ma c_based_vlan mac mac_address 00–00 –00–00–00–0 1 vlan default Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 341 45 L OOP - BACK D ETECTION (LBD) G LOBAL C OMMANDS The Loop-back Detection (LBD) Global co mmands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along w ith the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 342 config loopdetect ports Purpose Used to configure loop – b ack dete ction function for t he port on the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 343 DGS–3426:5#di sable loopde tect Command: disable loopdetect Success. DGS–3426:5# show loopdetect Purpose Used to display the switch’s current loop-detect configuration.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 344 DGS–3426:5# s how loopdete ct ports 1 –8 Command: show loopdetect ports 1–8 Port Loopde tect State Loop Stat us ––�.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 345 DGS-3426P:5#c onfig loopde tect trap l oop_detected Command: config lo opdetect trap loop _detected Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 346 46 S ERIAL N UMBER C OMMANDS The Serial Number commands in the Com ma nd Line Interface (CLI) a re listed (along w ith the appropriate parameters) in t he following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 347 Clipaging : Enabled MAC Notification : Disabled Port Mirror : Disabled SNTP : Disabled HOL Prevention State : Enabled Syslog G.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 348 show stack_device Purpose Used to display the information for devices in the stack. Syntax show stack_device Description This command is used to display stack device information.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 349 47 802.1Q VLAN C OMMANDS The 802.1Q VLAN Function commands in the Comm and Line Interface (CLI) are listed (a long with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 350 delete vlan Purpose Used to delete a previously configured VLAN on the switch. Syntax delete vlan <vlan_name> Description This comman d is used to delete a previo usly configured VLAN on the Swit ch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 351 config vlan delete ports Purpose Used to delete one or more ports from a previously configured VLAN. Syntax config vlan <vlan_name> delete <portlist> Description This command is used to delete one or mo re ports from a previou sly config ure d VLAN.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 352 DGS–3426:5#en able gvrp Command: enable gv rp Success. DGS–3426:5# disable gvrp Purpose Used to disable the Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP). Syntax disable gvrp Description This command is used to di sabl e t he Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP).
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 353 DGS–3426:5#sh ow vlan Command: show vlan VID : 1 VLAN Na me : de fault VLAN TYPE : Static Adverti sement : En abled Member P.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 354 DGS–3426:5# s how gvrp Command: show gvrp lobal GVRP : Disabled Port PVID GVRP Ingress Che cking Accept able Fram e Type –.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 355 48 MAC- BASED A CCESS C ONTROL (MAC) C OMMANDS The MAC-based Acce ss Control (MAC) commands in the Command Li ne Interface (CLI) a re listed (a long with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 356 To enable MAC-based access control: DGS–3426:5# e nable mac_ba sed_access_ control Command: enable ma c_based_acces s_control Success. DGS–3426:5# disable mac_based_access_control Purpose Used to disable MAC-based access cont rol.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 357 config mac_based_access_control method Purpose Used to configure the MAC-based access control authenticating method.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 358 config mac_based_access_control ports Purpose Used to configure the parameters of MAC–based access control.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 359 DGS–3426:5#co nfig mac_based _access_contr ol ports 1 – 8 mode port_ based Command: config ma c_based_acces s_control port s 1 – 8 mode port_based Success. DGS–3426:5# create mac_based_access_control Purpose Used to create a guest VLAN.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 360 clear mac_based_access_control auth_state Purpose Used to reset the current state of a user.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 361 config mac_based_access_control_local mac Purpose Used to configure the local database ent ry.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 362 show mac_based_access_control Purpose Used to display the MAC-based access control global and port settings. Syntax show mac_based_acces s_con trol {ports {<portlist> }} Description This command is used to display the MAC-b ased access control global and port settings.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 363 show mac_based_access_control_local Purpose Used to display a MAC-based access control local d ataba se.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 364 DGS–3426:5#sh ow mac_based_a ccess_control _local vlan defaul t Command: show mac_based_a ccess_contr ol_local vlan default .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 365 To configure the MAC-based access c ontrol authentication failover: DGS–3426:5#co nfig mac_based _access_contr ol auth_failov er enable Command: config ma c_based_acces s_control auth _failover enable Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 366 DGS–3426:5#co nfig mac_based _access_contr ol max_users 126 Command: config ma c_based_acces s_control max_ users 126 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 367 49 Q- IN -Q C OMMANDS The Q-in-Q commands in th e Command Line In terface (CLI) are liste d (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 368 disable qinq Purpose Used to disable the Q-in-Q mode. Syntax disable qinq Description This command is used to disabl e the Q-i n-Q mode. All dynamically learned L2 address will be cl eared.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 369 config qinq ports Purpose Used to configure a Q-in-Q port. Syntax config qinq ports [<portlist>|all] {role [nni | uni] |.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 370 DGS–3426:4#sh ow qinq port 1:1-1:4 Commands: sho w qinq ports 1:1-1:4 Port Role Miss Dro p TPID ----- ------ -------- - ----.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 371 delete vlan_translation ports Purpose Used to delete pre-created VLAN translation rule s. Syntax delete vlan_translation ports [< portlist> | all] {cvid <vidlist>} Description The command is used to delete pre-created VLAN transl ation rul es.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 372 50 LLDP C OMMANDS The Link Lay er Discove ry Protoc ol (LLDP) comm ands in the Comma nd Line Int erface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 373 enable lldp Purpose Used to enable LLDP operation on the Switch. Syntax enable lldp Description This command is used as a global cont rol for the LLDP function.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 374 DGS–3426:5#co nfig lldp message_ tx_interval 30 Command: config ll dp message_tx_in terval 30 Success. DGS–3426:5# config lldp message_tx_hold_multiplier Purpose Used to configure the message hold multiplier.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 375 config lldp reinit_delay Purpose Change the minimum time of the reinitialization delay interval. Syntax config lldp reinit_delay <sec 1-10> Description An re-enabled LLDP port will wait fo r reinit_delay after last disable command before reinitializing.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 376 config lldp ports notification Purpose Used to configure each port for sending notification to configu red SNMP trap receiver(s).
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 377 config lldp ports mgt_addr Purpose Used to enable or disable port(s) spe c ified for advertising indicated management address instance.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 378 DGS–3426:5#co nfig lldp po rts all bas ic_tlvs syste m_name en able Command: config ll dp ports all basic_tlv s system_name enab le Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 379 DGS–3426:5#co nfig lldp po rts all dot 1_tlv_protoco l_vid vla nid 1-3 enab le Command: config ll dp ports all dot1_tlv_ protocol_vid vlanid 1-3 enable Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 380 config lldp dot1_tlv_protocol_identity GVRP, STP(including MSTP), and LACP protocol identity is enabled on this port a nd it is enabled to be advertised, then this proto col iden tity will be advertised.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 381 config lldp forward_message Purpose Used to configure the forwarding of LLDPDU packets whe n LL DP is disable d.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 382 show lldp mgt_addr Purpose Used to display the LLDP management address information. Syntax sho w lldp mgt_addr {[ipv4 <ipaddr> | ipv6 <ipv6addr>]} Description This comman d is used to displa ys the LLDP management address i nformation.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 383 Enabled VLAN Name (None) Enabled Protocol_Identity (None) MAC/PHY Configuration/Status Disabled Power Via MDI Disabled Link Ag.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 384 show lldp remote_ports Purpose Used to display the information learned from the neighbor. Syntax sho w lldp remote_ports {< portlist>} {mode [brief | normal | detailed]} Description This comman d is used to display the information learned from the neighbor para meters.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 385 show lldp statistics ports Purpose Used to display the ports LLDP statistics information. Syntax sho w lldp statistics ports {< portlist>} Description This comman d is used to display per-port LLDP statistics.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 386 51 S F LOW sFlow is a feature that allows users to monitor network traffi c running through the switch to id entify n etwork proble ms through packet sampling and packet counter inform a tion of the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 387 enable sflow Purpose Used to enable the sFlow function on th e switch. Syntax enable sflow Description This command, along with the disable sflo w command, is used to enable the sFlow function on the switch without altering configuration s.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 388 create sflow analyzer_server timeout <sec 1-20000 00 > − Used to specify the timeout for the Analyzer server. When the server times out, all sFlow samples and co unter polls associated with this serv er will be deleted.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 389 Example usage: T o co nfigure th e sFlow s erver: DGS-3426:5#co nfig sflow a nalyzer_ser ver 1 collect oraddress Command: config sf low analyzer_ser ver 1 collectoradd ress 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 390 DGS-3426:5# create sflow counter_poller ports Purpose Used to create the counter poller for the sFlow function of the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 391 DGS-3426:5#co nfig sflow c ounter_poll er ports 1 in terval 50 Command: create sf low counter_poll er ports 1 interval 50 Success. DGS-3426:5# delete sflow counter_poller ports Purpose Used to delete the counter poller for the sFlow function of the switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 392 create sflow flow_sampler ports Purpose Used to configure the flow sampler settings for the sF low function.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 393 config sflow flow_sampler ports Purpose Used to configure the flow sampler settings for the sFlow function.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 394 show sflow flow_sampler Purpose Used to display the sFlow sampler information for the sFlow function of the switch. Syntax show sflow flow_sampler Description This command is used to display t he Switch’s sFlow flow sample r information.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 395 52 DHCP S ERVER C OMMANDS For this release, the Switch now has the capability to act as a DHCP server to devices within its locally attached network.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 396 Command Parameters show dhcp exclud ed_ address show dhcp pool { <pool_name 12>} Each command is listed in detail in the fo llowing sections. create dhcp pool Purpose Used to create a DHCP pool.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 397 create dhcp pool manual_binding Purpose Used to create a DHCP pool manual binding entry.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 398 show dhcp pool manual_binding Purpose Used to display the manual binding settings for a DHCP pool. Syntax show dhcp pool manual_binding {<pool_name 12>} Description This command is used to display the manual bin ding entries for the selected DHCP pool.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 399 clear dhcp_binding Purpose Used to clear the DHCP binding information. Syntax clear dhcp_binding {<pool_name 12>} Description This command is used to clear the DHCP binding settings for a particular created DHCP pool.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 400 Example usage: To configure t he Ping tim eout: DGS-3426:5#co nfig dhcp ping_tim eout 500 Command: config dh cp ping_timeout 50 0 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 401 config dhcp pool dns_server_address Purpose Used to configure the IP addresses of DNS serve rs for a specific DHCP pool.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 402 config dhcp pool lease Purpose Used to configure the lease time of DCHP clients within a DHCP pool.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 403 config dhcp pool netbios_node_type Purpose Used to set the Net BIOS node type for the DHCP server.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 404 config dhcp pool next_server Purpose Used to configure the IP address of the server that has the boot file for the DHCP pool.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 405 DGS-3426:5#disable dhcp_server Command: disable dhcp_server Success. DGS-3426:5# show dhcp_server Purpose Used to display the DHCP server settings.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 406 delete dhcp excluded_address Purpose Used to delete IP addresses that hav e been configured as ex cluded from the DHCP Server pool of addresses.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 407 show dhcp pool Purpose Used to show the DHCP pool information. Syntax show dhcp pool {<pool_name 12>} Description This command is used to display the DHCP pool information.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 408 53 DHCP S ERVER S CREENING C OMMANDS The DHCP Server Screening Commands in th e Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (a long with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 409 Example usage: To add an entry fro m the DHCP server/c lient filter list in the switch’s datab ase: DGS-3426:5#co nfig filter dhcp _ server add pe rmit serve r _ ip 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 410 config filter dhcp_server trap_log Purpose Used to configure the trap and log re lated to the DHCP server screening. Syntax config filter dhcp_server trap_log [enable | disable] Description This command is used to e nable or di sable trap/log related to DHCP server filter.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 411 54 RSPAN C OMMANDS The Remote Swi tched Port Anal yzer (RSPAN ) function com mands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 412 disable rspan Purpose Used to disable RSPAN Syntax disable rspan Description This command is used to disabl e the RS PAN function. Parameters None. Restrictions Only Administrator and Oper ator-level users can issue this command.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 413 delete rspan vlan Purpose Used to delete an RSPAN VLAN. Syntax delete rspan vlan [vlan_name <v lan_name> | v lan_id <value 1-4094 >] Description This command is used to delete an RSPAN VLAN.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual NOTE: If the ACL function has been use d to implement per flow RSPAN, the source needs to be set otherwise the per port RSPAN will not work.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 415 To configure R SPAN redi rect: DGS-3426:5#co nfig rspan v lan vlan_id 2 redirect a dd port 1 :18 Command: conf ig rspan vla n vlan_id 2 redirect add port 1:1 8 DGS-3426:5# show rspan Purpose Used by display RSPAN configuration.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 416 55 ACL FLOW M ETERING C OMMANDS ACL Flow Me tering i s used t o configu re per-flo w Bandwi dth Contr ol. Befo re configu ring the ACL Flow M eter, her e is a list of acronyms and terms users will need to know.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 417 config flow_meter profile_id Purpose Used to configure the flow metering function for ACL.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 418 config flow_meter profile_id • permit – Enter this parameter to allow packe t flows that are in the yellow flow.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 419 Example usage: T o display ACL fl ow m etering: DGS-3426:5#sh ow flow_meter prof ile_id 1 access_id 1 Command: show flow _mete.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 420 56 L AYER 2 P ROTOCOL T UNNELING (L2PT) C OMMANDS Users at different sites connect ed across a service- provider netwo rk need to use vari ous Layer 2 pr otocols to scale t heir topol ogies to include all remote sites, as well as the local sites.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 421 show bpdu_tunnel Purpose Used to display the L2PT global state, tunnel destinat ion MAC address, and port state. Syntax show bpdu_tunnel Description This command is used to display L2PT global state, tunnel dest ination MAC address, and port state.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 422 DGS-3426:5#di sable bpdu_t unnel Command: disable bpdu_tunnel Success. DGS-3426:5#.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 423 57 ARP AND G RATUITOUS ARP C OMMANDS The ARP commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate param eters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 424 delete arpentry Purpose Used to delete a static entry into the ARP table. Syntax delete arpentry [<ipaddr> | all] Descri.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 425 Example usage: To display the ARP tab le : DGS-3426:5#sh ow arpentry Command: show arpe ntry ARP Aging Tim e : 20 Interface IP Address MAC Address Type ------------- ---------- ----- ---- ------------- ------- -------- System 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 426 Example usage: To configure a static ARP entry for th e IP address 2 and MAC address 00:50:BA:00 :07:36: DGS-3426:5#co nfig arpentry 10.4 8.74.12 00-50- BA-00-07-36 Command: config ar pentry 10.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 427 Example Usage: To enable send a gratuitous A RP request when a duplicate IP is detected: DGS-3426:5#co nfig gratuit ous_arp sen d duplicate_i p_detecte d enable Command: config gr atuitous_arp sen d duplicate_ip_ detected enabl e Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 428 disable gratuitous_arp Purpose Used to disable gratuitous ARP trap and log state. Syntax disable gratuitous_arp {ipif <ipif_n a me 12>} {trap |log} (1) Description This command is used to di sabl e gr atuitous ARP trap and log state.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 429 Example usage: To display gratuitous ARP log and trap state: DGS-3426:5#sh ow gratuitous_ arp Command: show grat uitous_arp Se.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 430 58 C OMPOUND A UTHENTICATION C OMMANDS The Compound Authentication commands in th e Command Lin e Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 431 delete authentication guest_vlan Purpose Used to delete a configured authenticati on guest VLAN.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 432 config authentication ports Purpose This command is used to configure security ports.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 433 show authentication guest_vlan Purpose This command is used to display the guest VLAN settings. Syntax show authentication guest_vl an Description This command is used to s how the information of the guest VLAN.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 434 enable authorization network Purpose To enable authorization on the Switch. Syntax enable authorization network Description This command is used to enable authorization of the netwo rk.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 435 Example usage: To display au thorization : DGS-3426:5#sh ow authorizati on Command: show auth orization Authorization for Netw.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 436 59 W EB - BASED A CCESS C ONTROL (WAC) C OMMANDS The Web-based Access Control (WAC) commands in the Command Li ne Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 437 DGS-3426:5#en able wac Command: enable wa c Success. DGS-3426:5# disable wac Purpose Used to disable Web-based acce ss control on the Swi t ch. Syntax disable w ac Description This command is used to di sable the WAC function o n the Switch.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 438 config wac method Purpose Used to configure the global para meter of the web authentication. Syntax config wac method [local | radius] Description This command is used to configur e the global pa rameter for Web authentication.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 439 config wac default_redirpath Restrictions Only Administrator and Oper ator-level users can issue this command. Example usage: To configure t he WAC de fault redirect path: DGS-3426:5#co nfig wac default_r edirpath http: //2.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 440 Example usage: To configu re the WAC vi rtual IP: DGS-3426:5#co nfig wac virtual_i p Command: config wa c virtual_ip 1.1.1 .1 Success. DGS-3426:5# config wac switch_http_port Purpose Used to configure the TCP por t that the WAC Switch listens to.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 441 create wac user Purpose Used to create a user account for We b-b ased Access control.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 442 config wac user Purpose Used to configure the VLAN ID of the user account. Syntax config wac user <userna me 15> [vlan <vlan_name 32> | v lanid <vlanid 1-4094> | clear_vlan] Description This command is used to change the VLAN associate d with a user.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 443 show wac Purpose Used to display the Web authentication global setting s. Syntax show wac Description This command is used to display the WA C global settings. Parameters None. Restrictions Non e.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 444 show wac user Purpose Used to display the Web Authentication user. Syntax show wac user Description This command is used to display the Web Authenticati on account. Parameters None.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 445 DGS-3426:5# s how wac auth _state port s 1-3 Command: show wac auth_st ate ports 1 :1-1:3 Port MAC Addr ess State VID Prior it.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 446 Example usage: To clear WAC authentication state: DGS-3426:5#cl ear wac auth _state port s 1-5 Command: clea r wac auth_s tate ports 1:1-1:5 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 447 60 P ROTOCOL VLAN G ROUP C OMMANDS For brid ges that i mplem ent Port-and -Protocol -based VLA N classifi cation, the VID ass .
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 448 config dot1v_protocol_group Purpose Used to configure the parameters for a protocol VLAN gro up. Syntax config dot1v_protocol_group group_id <id> [add | delete] protocol [ethern et_2 | ieee802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 449 Example usage: To delete a protocol VL AN group: DGS-3426:5#de lete dot1v_p rotocol_gro up group_id 1 Command: delete do t1v_protocol_ group group_id 1 Success. DGS-3426:5# show dot1v_protocol_group Purpose Used to display the configurations for a protocol VLAN gro up.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 450 config port dot1v Purpose Used to bind a VLAN with a protocol template on one or more po rts.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 451 Example usage: To configure t he po rt s fo r a prot ocol VLAN gr o up: DGS-3426:5#sh ow port dot1v ports 1:6 -1:8 Command: sh.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 452 61 M ULTICAST VLAN R EPLICATION C OMMANDS The Multicast VLAN Replication commands in the Co mmand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (a lo ng with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 453 Example usage: To disable the static IP multicast VLAN replication: DGS-3426:5#di sable ipmc_v lan_replica tion Command: disable ipmc_vlan_repl ication Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 454 Example usage: To create an IP multicast VLAN replication entry: DGS-3426:5#cr eate ipmc_vlan _replication_ entry rg1 Command: create ip mc_vlan_repli cation_entry rg1 Success.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 455 config ipmc_vlan_rep lication_entry destination Purpose Used to configure the destination of an IP multicast V LAN replication entry.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 456 show ipmc_vlan_replication Purpose Used to display the IP multicast VLAN replication global setting s. Syntax show ipmc_vlan_replication Description This command is used to display the IP multicast VLAN replicatio n global settings.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 457 Appendix A T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS Specifications listed here app ly to all Switches in the xStack ® DGS–3400 Series except whe re othe rwise noted. General Standards IEEE 802.
xStack ® DGS -340 0 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual 458 Physical and Environmental Internal power supply Redundant po wer supply AC Input: 100 – 240 VAC, 50–60 Hz Power Consumption DGS–3400 Series S witch DGS–3426 (78.2 Watts) DGS–3426P (517.
An important point after buying a device D-Link DGS-3400 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought D-Link DGS-3400 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data D-Link DGS-3400 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, D-Link DGS-3400 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get D-Link DGS-3400 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of D-Link DGS-3400, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime D-Link DGS-3400.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with D-Link DGS-3400. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device D-Link DGS-3400 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center