Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 6814B Agilent Technologies
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Quick Start Guide A gilent Technologies Models 6811B - 6814B, 6834B, and 6843A A C Pow er Solutions Documentation Map Quick Start Guid e (this document) Condensed ov erview of ac source operation. Read this to quickly get started. Quick Reference Card Memory jogger for fron t panel and re mo t e p r o gr ammi ng c o mma nd s.
2 Contents The front panel, at a glance 3 The rear panel, at glance 4 What the ac source can do 5 How to use the front panel 7 Some basic operations 9 Measuring the output 11 Program ming output trans.
3 The front panel - at a glance 14-character display shows menu com mands and measured v alues. ♦ Annunciators indicate operating modes and status conditions. Rotary controls set voltage and frequency when ac source is in local mode. ♦ Turn rapidly for coarse control ♦ Turn slowly for fine control.
4 The rear panel - at a glance Rear Panel Connections ( see Chapt er 3 i n the User’s Guide f or det ai l s) 1 INH (Rem ote Inhibit) TTL input signal for externally disabling the power source. FLT (Discrete Fault Indicator) TTL output sig nal when there is a device fault.
5 What the ac source can do Generate waveform shapes ♦ Sinewave ♦ Squarewave ♦ Clipped sinewav e ♦ User- definable waveform s Program the output ♦ Phase Agilent Models 6811B, 6812B, 6813B pr.
6 Sy nchronize transient events or measurements with external signals ♦ Triggers applied to the unit ♦ Triggers g enerated by the unit Operate in four transient modes ♦ Fixed ♦ Step ♦ Pulse .
7 How to use the front panel Make sure the unit is turned on. From the Sy stem key group Press Local to activate the front panel k eypad if the unit is not already in local m ode. (If the Local Lockout com mand is in effect, cycle power to return the unit to local m ode.
8 The following chart shows the com mands in the Voltage function m enu. Some comm ands may not appear on all models. Menus are circular, you can return to the starting position by continuously pressing p or q .
9 Some basic operations Make sure the unit is turned on. Use either the front panel k eys or the corresponding SCPI comm ands. The column on the left indicates the front panel k eys that program the indicated action. If the SCPI program ming sy ntax is substantially different from the front panel m enu comm and, it is shown inside parentheses ( ).
10 Set the rms current limit (and peak current on A gilent 6811B/6812B/6813B units) CURR:LEV 10 When this comm and is sent, the rms current lim it is set to 10 A. If m ore current than the program med lim it is drawn, the output voltage am plitude is reduced to keep the rm s current within the specified limit.
11 Measuring the output All m easurements are based on acquiring and subsequently processing output waveform information. When the ac source is on, it takes m easurements and updates the front panel m eter continuously. The Meter k ey accesses the measurem ent functions from the front panel.
12 Harmonic measurements Use the harm onic menu to mak e harmonic m easurements of the output current. The following exam ple illustrates the current mag nitude measurem ents returned at harmonics 0 to 5. Note that harm onic 1 is the fundamental. Harm onic 0 is the dc component.
13 Programming output transients Up to now the ac source has been program med with the transient system in Fixed mode. The following examples briefly describe the transient system’ s Step, Pulse, and List modes, w hich require the application of a trigg er to implem ent the transient mode.
14 More transient examples The previous exam ples showed how the transient system can be used to control the output voltage amplitude. The transient sy stem can also control output frequency, phase, w aveform shape, v oltage and frequency slew rates, offset v oltage, and peak current lim it.
15 Programming trigger sy nchronization and delays The previous transient exam ples were programm ed to respond to imm ediate triggers. Howev er, delayed and phase synchroniz ed triggers can also be program med as show n in the following examples.
16 Trigger delay ; 90 degree phase synchronization VOLT: M STEP VOLT 120 VOLT:T 150 DELAY .0167 SYNC:SOUR PHAS SYNC:PHAS 90 INIT : IMM ED When these comm ands are sent, the voltag e amplitude changes at the next 90 degree phase ang le that occurs after the .
17 The front panel menus - at a glance Press to change the ac s ource’ s select ed interf ace from remote oper ation to local (fron t panel) operation. Pressing the k ey will have no effec t if the i nt erface st ate is alr eady Local, Loc al- with- Loc kout, or Remot e-with-Loc kout.
18 Trigger Trigger Funct ion Press ing the Shift Tr igger key gener ates an immediat e trigger Trigger Cont rol Functions INIT:I MMED Initi ate trigger i mmediately INIT:C ONT ON | OFF Ini t iate trig.
19 These key s let y ou s croll t hrough choic es in a parameter list th at apply t o a s pecifi c command. Paramet er lists are circ ular; y ou c an retur n t o the start ing positi on by continuous ly pres s ing either k ey. If the command has a numeric range, these key s increment or decrement the exist ing value.
20 A gilent Sales and Support Offices For more inform ation about Agilent Technolog ies test and measurement products, applications, serv ices, and for a cur rent sales of fice list ing, v i sit our web sit e: http:// www.
An important point after buying a device Agilent Technologies 6814B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Agilent Technologies 6814B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Agilent Technologies 6814B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Agilent Technologies 6814B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Agilent Technologies 6814B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Agilent Technologies 6814B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Agilent Technologies 6814B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Agilent Technologies 6814B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Agilent Technologies 6814B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center