Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SR270X Citizen
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F ile na m e: HDB 0R10 07 21_ Co ver _o k .do c ve rsion : 2 010/07 / 12 SI ZE: 140 x74mm P ARTS NO. HDB0R1 00 721 (SR100) Scientific Calculator S R-270 X Instruction Manual Manual de Instrucciones Li.
E – 1 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 General Guide ................................................. 3 T urning on or off............................................. 3 Battery replacement ...............
E – 2 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Probability .................................................... 13 Other functions ( √ , 3 , X , x -1 , x 2 , x 3 , x y , A bs, RND ) ..............................
E – 3 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 General Guide Turning on or off To turn the calculator on, press [ ON ]; To turn the calculator off, press [ 2nd ] [ OFF ]. Battery replacement SR-270X is a dual pow er system which is power ed by one button-type battery ( G13 or L1154) and a solar cell.
E – 4 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Display readout The display comprises the entry line, the result line, and indicator s. D 12369x 7532 x 10 32 9 . 31633 08 x1 0 39 Entr y li ne In d i c at o r Result l in e Ma th c Entry line SR-270X display s an entry of up to 99 digits.
E – 5 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Give " 2: STAT " as an example: Method : Press [ MODE ] and then key in directly the number of the mode, [ 2 ] , to enter the desired mode immediately.
E – 6 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Using " 2nd " " ALPHA " Keys W hen you pr ess [ 2nd ], the " 2nd " indicator shown on the display indicates that you will be selecting the second function o f the next key you press.
E – 7 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Memory calculation Memory v ariable The calculator has seven memory variables for repeated use -- A, B, C, D, M, X, Y . You can store a real number in any of the seven memory vari ables.
E – 8 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 3) Functions preceded by values, pow ers, power roots, for example, x 2 , x 3 , x –1 , x!, DMS, ° , r , g , x y , X , % 4.
E – 9 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 x 3 x ≦ 2.15443469003 x 10 33 x -1 x < 1 x 10 100 , x ≠ 0 3 x x < 1 x 10 100 X ! 0 ≦ x ≦ 69 ( x is an integer) .
E – 10 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 (3) When result of function calculations exceeds the range specified (4) When specifying an argument to a function outside the vali d range Synt ax ERROR (1) Input err ors are made, ex.
E – 11 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Percentage calculation [ 2nd ] [ % ] divides the number in the displ ay by 100. You can use this key sequence to cal culate percentages, add-ons, discounts, and percentage ratios.
E – 12 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Logarithmic and Ex ponential functi ons The calculator can calculate common and natural logarithms, and exponentiation using [ log ], [ ln ], [log a b], [ 2nd ] [ 10 x ], and [ 2nd ] [ e x ].
E – 13 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Sexagesimal ↔ Decimal transformation You can use sexag esimal figure (degree, mi nute and second) to perform calculations and conver t values between sex agesimal and decimal notation by using [ D MS ] or [ 2nd ] [ e DMS ] keys.
E – 14 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 [ nCr ] Calcul ates the number of possible combinations of n items taken r at a time. [ x ! ] Calculates the factorial of a specified integer n , w here n ≦ 69. [ RANDM ] Generates a random real number between 0.
E – 15 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 To E nter data for statistical analy sis Before entering data, press [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ T ] [ 3 ] in sequence to set Frequency column as On or Off. FREQ column enables you to enter the number of repeats for each of the same value occurred.
E – 16 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 x σ n-1 [5: Var] [ 4 ] Sample standard deviation of x value s minX [6: MinMax] [ 1 ] Minimum of x-value maxX [6: MinMax] [.
E – 17 File name : HDB0R100721_E nglish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 2 ˆ x [7: Reg] [ 5 ] Estimated value of x2 y ˆ [7: Reg] [ 6 ] Estimated value of y You also can add a new data any time. The unit automatical ly recalculates statistics each time you press [ = ] and enter a new data value.
S – 1 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guía General ................................................... 3 Ap agado o encendido ..................................... 3 Substitución de la batería .........
S – 2 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 T ransformación de coordenadas ................. 15 Probabilidad ................................................. 15 Otras funciones ( √ , 3 , X , x -1 , x 2 , x 3 , x y , A bs, RND ) .
S – 3 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guía General A pa gado o encendido Para encender la calculadora presione [ ON ]; Para apagar la calculadora presione [ 2nd ] [ OFF ].
S – 4 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 A j uste del contra ste Presionando [ W ] o [ X ] seguido de las teclas [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ T ] [ 5 ] ( W CONT X ) secuencialmente puede hacer q ue el contraste de la pantalla sea más brillante o más oscuro.
S – 5 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Disp El valor mostr ado es un resultado intermedio cuando se lleva a cabo la función multi-sentenci a A ntes de comenzar el.
S – 6 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 d/c : d/c muestra la fracción en formato impropio (por defecto) STAT : STAT configura la pantalla de edición de datos estadísticos para mostrar u ocultar la columna FREQ Disp : Disp configura el punto decimal como un punto ( .
S – 7 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Función de pantalla de posición de error Cuando se ha realizado un cálculo matemáticamente ilí cito se genera un er.
S – 8 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 • La memoria corriente no está di sponible cuando está en modo estadísticas.
S – 9 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Los números usados como entrada deben estar dentro del rang o de la función dada como sigue:.
S – 10 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Funciones Rango de entrada sin x cos x Deg : 0 ≦ x < 9 x 10 9 Rad : 0 ≦ x < 157079632.
S – 11 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 x y x > 0 : –1 x 10 100 < y log x < 100 x = 0 : y > 0 x < 0 : y = n, m/(2n+1) (m, n son enteros) pero –1.
S – 12 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Para solucionar l os errores de arriba, por fav or presione [ W ] [ X ] para corregir su er ror, o presionar la tecla [ AC ] par a cancelar su cálculo o simpl emente presione la tecla [ ON ] para reini cializar la calculadora.
S – 13 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Para seleccionar una notación científica, presione [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ 7 ] y luego un v alor de (0~9) para especificar el número de dígitos decimales. Los valores que se exhiben se redondean según l a cantidad de lugares especificada.
S – 14 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 En el modo linear, para entrar un número mixto, entre la parte entera, presione [ d/ e ], entre el numerador, presione [ d/ e ], y entre el denominador; Para entrar una fracción impropi a, entre el numerador, presione [ d/ e ], y entre el denomi nador.
S – 15 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Función Hiperbólica / Inversión Hip. SR-270X usa [ HY P ] para calcular las funciones hiperbóli cas e inversión hiper bólica: senh, cosh, tanh, senh –1 , cosh –1 y tanh –1 .
S – 16 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Función multi-sentencia Una función multi-sentencia es un número de sentencias individuales ag rupadas en conjunto para mostrar resultados de comandos ( : ) para una ejecución secuencial.
S – 17 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Menú STATVA R Significado 1: Type Menú de los tipos de cálculo estadísti co, ver los 8 tipos previamente mencionados en.
S – 18 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 n [5: Var] [ 1 ] Número de los pares x -y entrados x y [5: Var] [ 2 ] [5: Var] [ 5 ] Media de todos los valores x o y x σ.
S – 19 File name : HDB0R100721_S panish_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 5. Para insertar una entrada, posicione el cursor en la línea superior a la que qui ere insertar, presione [ 2nd ] [ STATVAR ] [ 3 ] y luego seleccione [ 1 ] ( Ins) para crear una entrada nueva en blanco, ingrese el nuev o dato en el lugar en blanco y presione [ = ].
P – 1 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guia Geral ....................................................... 3 Ligação ou desligação ................................... 3 Substituição de bateria .....
P – 2 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Probabilidade ............................................... 14 Outras funções ( √ , 3 , X , x -1 , x 2 , x 3 , x y , A bs, RND ) .............................
P – 3 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guia Geral Ligação ou d esligação Para ligar a calcul adora, pressione [ ON ]; Para deslig ar a calculadora, pressione [ 2nd ] [ OFF ].
P – 4 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 A j uste de contr aste Pressionando o [ W ] ou [ X ] seguido das teclas [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ T ] [ 5 ] ( W CONT X ) na seqüência pode clarear ou escur ecer o contraste.
P – 5 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 A ntes de Iniciar o Cálculo Usando tecla s " MODE " Pressione [ MODE ] para ex ibir os menus do modo ao especificar um modo operante ( " 1: COMP ", " 2: STAT ", " 3: TABLE " ).
P – 6 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Disp : Disp configur a o ponto decimal para Ponto ( . ) ou Vírgula ( , ) (Ponto é o padrão) W CONT X : Ajuste de Contraste Usando o Modo Matemá tico Pressione [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ 1 ] para entrar o modo Matemático.
P – 7 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Função de E xibição da Posição d e Erro Quando um cálculo matematicamente ilegal executado causa um erro e uma.
P – 8 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 • A variável da memória M e a m emória em execução utilizam a mesma área da memória. • Para substituir o conteúdo da memória com o número exibi do, pressione a tecla [ 2nd ] [ STO ] [ M ].
P – 9 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Grad : 0 ≦ x < 1 x 10 10 tan x Mesmo do sen x, exceto q uando Deg : x = 90 (2n-1) Rad : x = 2 π (2n-1) Grad : x = 100 (2n-1) sin –1 x, cos –1 x 0 ≦ x ≦ 1 tan –1 x 0 ≦ x < 1 x 10 100 sinh x, cosh x 0 ≦ x ≦ 230.
P – 10 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 x y y > 0 : x ≠ 0, –1 x 10 100 < x 1 log y < 100 y = 0 : x > 0 y < 0 : x = 2n+1, (2n+1)/m (m ≠ 0, m.
P – 11 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Cálculos Básicos Use modo COMP ( [ MODE ] 1 ( CO MP ) ) para cálculos básicos. Cálculo aritmétic o Operações aritméticas são executadas ao pressi onar as teclas na mesma seqüência como na expressão.
P – 12 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Notação de Norma Pressione [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ 8 ] e em seguida selecione Norm1 (o padrão) ou Nor m2 para determinar a var iação para que exiba o resultado em formato não-exponencial ( dentro da variação) ou em formato exponencial (fora da vari ação).
P – 13 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Durante o cálculo de fração, se o número for reduzív el, um número é reduzido aos termos mais baix os depois de pressionar a tecla [ = ]. O padrão inicial para um r esultado de fração é a fração imprópria.
P – 14 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 (Nota) : Ao usar essas teclas, assegure-se de que a calculadora está configurada para a unidade desejada de ângul o.
P – 15 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 quando a última declaração estiv e r sendo executada. Veja Ex emplo 40.
P – 16 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 4: Sum O sub-menu de soma 5: Var O sub-menu da variáv el estatística 6: MinMax O sub-menu máximo/míni mo 7: Reg (2-VAR) O sub-menu de regressão Use opções 1~3 para ver ou mudar dados.
P – 17 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 x σ n y σ n [5: Var] [ 3 ] [5: Var] [ 6 ] Desvio padrão da população de valor es x ou valor es y minX [6: MinMax] [.
P – 18 File name : HDB0R100721_P ortuguese_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 (Nota) : Dados estátisticos e resultados são retidos quando a calculadora for desligada, mas são apag ados quando você muda os tipos de cálculo, configuração de FREQ ou apaga dados selecionando comando Del-A do menu STATVAR.
G – 1 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Allgemeine A nleitung ...................................... 3 Ein- und A usschalten ..................................... 3 Batterieaust ausch .........................
G – 2 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Funktionen .................................................... 14 Hyperbel / Hy perbelumkehrfunktionen ........ 14 Koordinatentransformation .......................... 14 Wahrsscheinlichkeit .
G – 3 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 A llgemeine A nleitung Ein- und A usschalten Zum Einschalten des Rechners auf [ ON ] dr ücken.
G – 4 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Kontrastei nstellung Das aufeinander folgende Drücken der Taste [ W ] oder [ X ] nach den Tasten [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ T ] [ 5 ] ( W CONT X ) stellt den Kontrast heller odder dunkler ein.
G – 5 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Vor dem Rechnen Verw endung der Taste " MODE " Drücken Sie [ MODE ], um di e Modusmenüs währ end der Festlegung eines Betriebsmodus ( " 1: COMP ", " 2: STAT ", " 3: TABLE " ) anzuzeig en.
G – 6 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 STAT: STAT stellt das Statistikdaten-Editorbild auf Anzeig e oder Ausblendung der FREQ-Spal te ein. Disp: "Disp" stell t den Dezimalpunkt auf Punkt ( . ) oder Komma ( , ) ein.
G – 7 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Fehlerposition-Anzeigefunktion W enn eine mathematisch unzuläßig e Berechung ausgeführt w ird und einen Fehler verur sacht, dann wird eine Fehler meldung (siehe < Fehlerkonditionen >) angez eigt.
G – 8 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 • Im Statistikmodus ist der laufende Speicher nicht v erfügbar. • Die Speichervariable M und der laufende Speicher verwenden denselben Speicherplatz. • Um den Speicherinhalt durch di e angezeigte Zahl z u ersetzen, drücken Sie die Tasten [ 2nd ] [ STO ] [ M ].
G – 9 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Funktionen Einga bebereich sin x cos x Deg : 0 ≦ x < 9 x 10 9 Rad : 0 ≦ x < 157079632.
G – 10 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 0 0 ׀ 0 ׀ ׀ ≦ x ≦ 9999999 59 ׀ 59 ׀ ׀ x y x > 0 : –1 x 10 100 < y log x < 100 x = 0 : y > 0 x.
G – 11 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Insufficien t MEM Error Wenn der Speicher platz zur S peicherung der Daten oder Ausführung der Rechnung unzureichend ist.
G – 12 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Displaynotationen Der Rechner besitz t folgende Anzeigenotationen für Displayw erte.
G – 13 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Bruchrechnunge n Der Bruchwert w ird folgenderweise angezeig t: Unechter Bruch Uneiheitlicher Bruch Math.
G – 14 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Der sexagesimal e Zahlwert wir d folgenderweise angez eigt: 125 45 ׀ 30 ׀ ׀ Repräsentiert 125 Grad (D) , 45 Minuten (M), 30 Sekunden (S) Trigonometrische / Umkehr-Tri.
G – 15 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 [ x ! ] Berechnet den Faktor einer spezifizierten Ganz zahl n, wenn n ≦ 69.
G – 16 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 1. W ählen Sie den Berechnungstyp im STAT-Menü. Dem gewählten Ty p entsprechend gibt es z wei Dateneditorformate ( 1–VAR oder 2–VAR / Regressionsdaten). 2. Geben Sie einen x - W ert ein und drücken Sie [ = ].
G – 17 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Paarvariablenstatistik-/ Regressionskalkulationen Variablen Tasten Bedeutung Σ x Σ y [4: Sum] [ 2 ] [4: Sum] [ 4 ] Summe a .
G – 18 File name : HDB0R100721_German_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Sie können jederzeit neue D aten hinzufügen. Der Rechner kalkul iert Statistiken automatisch jedesmal erneut, w enn [ = ] gedrückt und ein neuer Datenwert eing egeben wird. Überprüfen und Änder n von Daten 1.
F – 1 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guide général .................................................. 3 Mise en marche ou arrêt................................. 3 Remplacement de la pile ...............
F – 2 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Fonctions T rigonométrique et Inverse-T ri. .................................................... 14 Fonctions Hyperbolique et Inv erse-Hyp....... 14 T ransformation de coordonnées .
F – 3 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guide général Mise en marche ou arrêt Pour mettre la calculatrice en marche, pressez [ ON ]; pour étei ndre la calculatrice, pressez [ 2nd ] [ OFF ].
F – 4 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 clair ou plus sombre. Une fois v otre réglage terminé, pressez [ AC ] pour terminer. Lecture de l’affichage L’affichage comprend la ligne d’entr ée, la ligne de résultat, et les indicateurs.
F – 5 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Av ant de commencer les calcu ls Utilisation des touch es " MODE " Pressez [ MODE ] pour afficher le menu des modes lors d’une spécification d’un mode opératoire ( " 1: COMP ", " 2: STAT ", " 3: TABLE " ).
F – 6 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Disp : Disp choisit la déci male sous forme de point ( . ) ou de virgule ( , ) (Le point est choisi par défaut) W CONT X : Réglage du Contraste Utilisation du mode Math Pressez [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ 1 ] pour entrer dans le mode.
F – 7 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 d’erreur vous i ndiquera où l’erreur se trouve avec le curseur. Dans ce cas, veuillez apporter les correctio ns nécessaires avant d’effectuer le calcul à nouveau. Voir ex emple 3.
F – 8 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 • Pour eff acer le contenu de la mémoire courante, vous pouv ez presser [ 0 ] [ 2nd ] [ STO ] [ M ] dans cet ordre.
F – 9 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Deg : x = 90 (2n-1) Rad : x = 2 π (2n-1) Grad : x = 100 (2n-1) sin –1 x, cos –1 x 0 ≦ x ≦ 1 tan –1 x 0 ≦ x < 1 x 10 100 sinh x, cosh x 0 ≦ x ≦ 230.
F – 10 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 x y y > 0 : x ≠ 0, –1 x 10 100 < x 1 log y < 100 y = 0 : x > 0 y < 0 : x = 2n+1, (2n+1)/m (m ≠ 0, m, n .
F – 11 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Pour effacer les erreur mentionnées ci-dessus, pressez [ W ] [ X ] pour corriger v o tre erreur, ou pressez la touche [ AC ] pour effacer vos calculs, ou pressez simplement la touche [ ON ] pour réinitialiser la calculatrice.
F – 12 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Notation scientifique La notation scientifiq ue exprime les nombres à un chiffre vers l a gauche de la décimale et la puissance de 10 appropr iée.
F – 13 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 numérateur + dénominateur + signes séparateur s) excède 10. En mode Linéaire, pour entrer un nombr e mixte, entrez la p.
F – 14 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Fonctions Trigonométrique et Inverse-Tri. SR-270X dispose de fonctions standard et invers e de trigonométrique: si n, cos, tan, sin –1 , cos –1 et tan –1 . Voir exemples 24~26.
F – 15 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 A utres fonctions ( √ , 3 , X , x -1 , x 2 , x 3 , x y , A bs, RND ) La calculatrice dispose aussi de fonctions de ré.
F – 16 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 3. Entrez la fréquence ( FREQ ) de la valeur x (en mode 1–VAR ) ou de la valeur correspondante y ( en mode 2–VAR ) puis pressez [ = ]. 4. Pour entrer plus de données, répétez depuis l’étape 3.
F – 17 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Statistiques à variables doubles / Calculs de Régression Variables Touches Signification Σ x Σ y [4: Sum] [ 2 ] [4: Sum].
F – 18 File name : HDB0R100721_F rench_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 y ˆ [7: Reg] [ 6 ] Valeur estimée de y Vous pouvez aussi ajouter une nouvelle donnée à n’importe quel moment. L’unité recalcule automatiq uement les statistiques chaque fois que vous pressez [ = ] et entrez une nouvelle donnée.
It – 1 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guida Generale ............................................... 3 Accensione o spegnimento............................ 3 Sostituzione delle batterie ..................
It – 2 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Funzioni T rigonometriche / T rigonometriche Inverse .............................. 13 Funzioni Iperboliche / Iperboliche Inverse ....................................
It – 3 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Guida Generale A ccensione o spegnimento Per accendere il calcolator e, premere [ ON ]; Per spegnere il calcolatore, premere [ 2nd ] [ OFF ].
It – 4 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Regolazione del cont rasto Premendo i tasti [ W ] o [ X ] dopo i tasti [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ T ] [ 5 ] ( W CONT X ) in sequenza, il contrasto dello schermo div iene più chiaro o scuro.
It – 5 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Prima di A vv iare il Calcolo Utilizzo dei tasti " MODE " Premere [ MOD E ] per visualiz zare i menu della modal ità, quando si specifica una modalità operativ a ( " 1: COMP ", " 2: STAT ", " 3: TABLE " ).
It – 6 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Disp : Disp imposta il punto deci male su Punto ( . ) o su Virgola ( , ) (Punto è il valor e predefinito) W CONT X : Regolazione del Contrasto Utilizzo della Modalità Matematica Premere [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ 1 ] per immettere la modalità Matematica.
It – 7 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Funzione di Visualizzaz ione della Posizione dell’Errore Quando un calcolo matematicame nte illegale ef fettuato caus.
It – 8 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 • La memoria di esecuzione non è disponi bile quando si è in modalità di statistica. • La m emoria variabile M e la me moria di esecuzione utilizzano la stessa area di memoria.
It – 9 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Funzioni Gamma di immissione sin x cos x Deg : 0 ≦ x < 9 x 10 9 Rad : 0 ≦ x < 157079632.
It – 10 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 0 0 ׀ 0 ׀ ׀ ≦ x ≦ 9999999 59 ׀ 59 ׀ ׀ x y x > 0 : –1 x 10 100 < y log x < 100 x = 0 : y > .
It – 11 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Per rimuovere g li errori descri tti in alto, si prega di premere [ W ] [ X ] per corregger e l’errore, di premer e il tasto [ AC ] per annullare il calcolo o di premere il tasto [ ON ] per inizial izzare nuov amente il calcolatore.
It – 12 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Annotazione Scientifica L’annotazione scientifica espri me i numeri con una cifra sulla sinistra del decimale e l'esatta potenza di 10.
It – 13 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 (Nota) : I valori vengono automaticamente visual izzati in formato decimale, anche se il numero di cifre totale di un valore frazionale (i ntero + numeratore + denomi natore + marchi del separatore) supera 10.
It – 14 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 (Nota) : Quando si utilizzano ta li tasti, accertarsi che il calcolatore sia impo stato per l’unità dell’angolo prescelta.
It – 15 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 ( [ 2nd ] [ X ] ), numeri quadrati ( [ x 2 ] ), numeri cubici ( [ x 3 ] ) e funzioni di esponenziaz ione ( [ x y ] ).
It – 16 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 [ STATVAR ] per visualiz zare il menu STATVAR. ( Vedere la tabella in basso) Per analizzare i dati immessi Dopo aver i.
It – 17 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Σ x 2 Σ y 2 [4: Sum] [ 1 ] [4: Sum] [ 3 ] Somma di tutti i valori x 2 o valori y 2 Σ x 3 Σ x 4 [4: Sum] [ 6 ] [4: Sum].
It – 18 File name : HDB0R100721_I talian_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Per visu alizzare o modificare i dati 1. Premere [ 2nd ] [ STATVAR ] [ 2 ] per immettere lo Schermo dell’Editore. 2. Premere [ T ] o [ S ] per scorrere lungo i dati immessi.
D – 1 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Algemene inleiding ......................................... 3 Aan- en uit zetten ............................................ 3 De batterijen verv angen ...............
D – 2 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Hyperbolische / inv erse hyperbolische functies ......................................................... 14 Coördinaattransformatie .............................. 14 Waarschij nlijkheid .
D – 3 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 A lgemene inleiding A a n- en uitzetten To turn the calculator on, press [ ON ]; To turn the calculator off, press [ 2nd ] [ OFF ]. De batterije n vervangen De SR-270X wordt gev oed door één knopbatterij (G13 of L1154) en één zonnecel.
D – 4 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Het contrast bijregelen Druk op [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ T ] [ 5 ] ( W CONT X ) en druk verv olgens op [ W ] of [ X ] om het contr ast te verlagen of te ver hogen. Hou één van beide toetsen ingedrukt om het beeldscherm donkerder of lichter te maken.
D – 5 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Alv orens het uitvoeren van berekeningen De " MODE " toets g ebruiken Druk op de [ MODE ] toets om: een menu weer te geven voor het bepalen van de wer kingsmodus ( " 1: COMP ", " 2: STAT ", " 3: TABLE " ).
D – 6 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 STAT : ST AT stelt het scherm van de statistische gegevensbew erking in om de kolom FREQ w eer te geven of te verberg en Disp : Disp stelt de decimale komma in op een punt ( .
D – 7 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Om alle tekens te wissen, kunt u in beide modi gewoonweg op [ AC ] drukken. Foutieve invoer weergeven W anneer er een onge.
D – 8 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 • Het opvrag en van de inhoud van het actief geheug en door op de toets [ RCL ] [ M ] te drukken, zal de inhoud van het actief geheugen niet beïnv loeden. • Het actief geheugen is niet beschikbaar i n de statistische modus.
D – 9 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 10 cijfers of een manti sse met 10 cijfers plus een exponent met 2 cijfers tot 10 ± 99 . De ingev oerde getallen moeten zich bevi nden in het bereik van de onderstaande functies: Functies Invoerbereik sin x cos x Deg : 0 ≦ x < 9 x 10 9 Rad : 0 ≦ x < 157079632.
D – 10 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 θ : hetzelfde als sin x DMS │ D │ , M, S < 1 x 10 100 , 0 ≦ M, S e DMS x < 1 x 10 100 Decimale Q Sexagesimale con.
D – 11 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 (2) Wanneer onj uiste argumenten gebruikt worden in opdrachten of functies. St ack ERROR Wanneer een berekeningsuit drukking de capaciteit van de numeri eke stapel of de operatorstapel over schrijdt.
D – 12 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Weergaven otaties De rekenmachine heeft de volgende w eergavenotaties voor het weergev en van de waarden.
D – 13 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Bewe rkingen met bre uken Breuken worden als v olgt op het beeldscherm voor gesteld: Onechte breuk Gemengd getal Wiskundi.
D – 14 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 converteren v an de sexagesimale notatie naar de decimale notatie, en omgekeerd.
D – 15 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 [ nPr ] Berekent het aantal mogelijke permutaties van r uit n objecten. [ nCr ] B erekent het aantal m ogelijke combina ties van r uit n objecten. [ x ! ] Berekent de faculteit van een opgeg even geheel getal n , waarbij n ≦ 69.
D – 16 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 Gegev ens voo r statistische analy se invoeren Alvorens de gegevens in te v oeren, drukt u achtereenvolgens op [ 2nd ] [ SET UP ] [ T ] [ 3 ] om de Frequentie kolom in of uit te schakelen.
D – 17 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 x σ n-1 [5: Var] [ 4 ] Standaardafwijking v an de steekproef van de x-w aarden minX [6: MinMax] [ 1 ] Minimum van x-w aarde .
D – 18 File name : HDB0R100721_D utch_text_100426.doc version : 10/04/26 y ˆ [7: Reg] [ 6 ] De geschatte waarde van y U kunt steeds nieuw e gegevens inv oeren. Elke keer dat u op [ = ] drukt en nieuwe geg evens invoert, z al de rekenmachine automatisch de statistieken opnieuw ber ekenen.
F ile na m e: HDB 0R10 07 21_ Co ver _o k .do c ve rsion : 2 010/07 / 12 SI ZE: 140 x74mm P ARTS NO. HDB0R1 00 721 (SR100) P ri nt ed in China HD B0 R10 07 21 XX X.
An important point after buying a device Citizen SR270X (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Citizen SR270X yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Citizen SR270X - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Citizen SR270X you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Citizen SR270X will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Citizen SR270X, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Citizen SR270X.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Citizen SR270X. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Citizen SR270X along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center