Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RPS 675 Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6387 ) Fax: 408 527- 0883 Cisco RPS 675 Re.
Network Registrar , PCNow , PIX, PowerPanels, ProConnect, ScriptShare, SenderBase, SMART n et, Spectrum Expert, StackWise, The F ast est W ay to Increase Y our Intern et Quotient, TransPath, W ebE x, and the W ebEx l ogo are registered trademar ks of Cisco Systems, Inc.
v Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 CONTENTS Cisc o Limit ed Life time Hardwa re Warr anty Terms ix Preface xiii Audienc e xiii Pur pose xiii Organi zation x.
Contents vi Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 EMC Re gulatory St atements 2-4 U.S.A. 2-4 Statemen t 257—Class A Noti ce for Taiwan an d Other Traditi o.
vii Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Conte nts Statemen t 265—Redundant Power Sup ply Connection Warning C-10 Statemen t 1001—Work Durin g Lightning Act.
Contents viii Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04.
ix Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Cisco Li mited Lifetime Hardware Warranty Terms There are special te r ms applicable to y our hardwa r e warran ty and various serv ices that you can use during the w arrant y peri od.
Cisco Li mited Li fetime Ha rdware Warr anty Te rms x Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Note Y ou must ha ve Adob e Acro bat Re ader to vie w and prin t PDF files. Y ou can download the reader from A dobe’ s websit e: http://www .
xi Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Cisco Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty Terms Complete t h e inf o rmation below , and keep it fo r refe r ence.
Cisco Li mited Li fetime Ha rdware Warr anty Te rms xii Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04.
xiii Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Preface Audience This pu blicat ion is de signed for pe ople who have some exper ience i nstallin g networking equipment suc h as routers, hubs, servers, and switches.
Preface xiv Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Organization This guide is org anized into the follo wing chapters: • Chapter 1, “Product Overview , ” is a physi cal and function al ove rview of the Cisco R PS 675 r edundan t power system.
xv Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Preface Statemen t 1071— Wa rning Definition War ni ng IMPORT ANT SAFET Y INSTRUCT IONS This warning symbol means danger . Y ou ar e in a situation that could cause bodily injury .
Preface xvi Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Atten tion IMPORTANTES IN FORMA TIO NS DE SÉCU RITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . Vo us vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des blessu res ou des dommages corporels.
xvii Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Preface Advarsel VIKTIGE S IKKERHE TSINSTRUKS JONER Dette advarselssymbolet betyr fare.
Preface xviii Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 V arni ng! VIKTIGA SÄ KERHETSANVISN INGAR Denna varningssignal signalerar fara.
xix Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Preface Avi s o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEGU RANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais.
Preface xx Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Advarsel VIGTIGE SI KKERHED SANVIS NINGER Dette advarselssymbol bet yder fare.
xxi Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Preface.
Preface xxi i Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04.
xxii i Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power Sy stem Har dware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Preface Related Publications For informati on about the de vic es that the Cisco RPS 675 sup ports, refer to the docu ments for those de vices. The se docume nts are a v ailable on www .
Preface xxiv Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Also refer to yo ur switch docum entati on and to the online RPS 675 Switch Compatibility Matrix ( posted with the RPS 675 documentat ion on www .cisco.c om) for a list of th e latest produ cts supporte d by the RPS 675.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 1 Product Overview The Ci sco RPS 67 5 Redund ant Power System (RPS), m odel PWR675-AC-RPS-N1=, provides N+1 re dundancy . The RPS 675 provides seamless failo ver to internal po wer supply failures for one of up to six switches.
Chapter 1 Product Overview Feature s 1-2 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 The RPS 67 5 was designe d to sup port specific Cisco product s; some ot her Cisco products are supported by the Ci sco 675W RPS.
1-3 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chapter 1 Product Ov erview Front-Panel Description • Front-pane l LEDs to sho w s tatus fo r each output chan n el, .
Chapter 1 Product Overview Front-Pa nel Desc ription 1-4 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Figur e 1 -2 RPS 675 F ront-P anel LEDs 1 Standby/ Acti ve b u.
1-5 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chapter 1 Product Ov erview Front-Panel Description The six DC output LEDs di splay the stat us of the six out put conne ctors that you use to conn ect to sup ported devices.
Chapter 1 Product Overview Front-Pa nel Desc ription 1-6 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Standby/Active Button The RPS 6 75 has a fro nt panel Sta ndby/Active button. Note Th e RPS is in activ e mode (Standby/A ctiv e LED green) when it powers up.
1-7 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chapter 1 Product Ov erview Front-Panel Description Figur e 1-3 St a n d by /A ct i ve B u tton When you wa nt to conne ct add itional devices, press t he Standby/Active bu tt o n t o place the RPS in stan dby mode.
Chapter 1 Product Overview Rear-Panel Descr iption 1-8 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Rear-Panel Descrip tion The RPS 675 rea r panel has an A C po wer input co nnecto r and six DC outpu t conn ectors (n umbered 1 to 6) to co nnect to su pported d evice s.
1-9 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chapter 1 Product Ov erview Deploymen t Strategie s Deployment St rategies Y o u can deplo y the Cisco RPS 675 in a v ariety of situ ations with mission- c ritical applicatio ns.
Chapter 1 Product Overview Deploym ent Strategies 1-10 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 When the networ k supports missi on-critic al applica tions that requ ire one-to -one redunda ncy , an RPS 675 is conn ected to eac h supported device to ensu re th at eac h s witch is always suppor ted.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 2 Installation This chapt er describes how to install and co nnect the Cisco Re dundan t Po we r System (R.
Chapter 2 In stallation Prepari ng for Installat ion 2-2 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Warn ings These war n ings are tr anslated into sever a l languages in Appendix C, “Tran slated Safe ty W arnin gs.
2-3 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Preparing for Installation . War ni ng This unit is intended for installat ion in restricted access area s . A restricted access area can be accessed only thro ugh t he use of a special tool, lock and key , or other means of security .
Chapter 2 In stallation Prepari ng for Installat ion 2-4 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 War ni ng No user -serviceable parts inside. Do not open. Statement 1 073 War ni ng Installation of t he equipment must com p l y with local and national electrical codes.
2-5 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Preparing for Installation Statement 191—VCCI Class A Warning for Japan Statement 294—Cla.
Chapter 2 In stallation Prepari ng for Installat ion 2-6 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Statement 256—Class A Warning for Hungary This e quipment is a Class A produc t and should b e used and insta lled pr operly accord ing to the Hun garian E MC Class A requi rements (M SZEN550 22).
2-7 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Preparing for Installation Site Requirements Be sure to observ e these requir ements as you det ermine wher e to place the Cisco RPS: War ni ng This unit is intended for installat ion in restricted access area s .
Chapter 2 In stallation Insta lling the Switch 2-8 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 • One 16 -pin-t o-14-pi n DC c onnect or cable • Mounti ng kit t.
2-9 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Installing the Switch Rack- Mountin g T o install the chassis in a 19-inch or 24-inch rack, follo w the instructio ns descri bed in t hese pr ocedure s.
Chapter 2 In stallation Insta lling the Switch 2-10 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 • When equi pment installed in a rac k (parti cularly in an enclose d rack) fails, try this test: Operate the equipment b y itself, if possible.
2-11 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Installing the Switch Note If you pl an to use the o ptional cable guide, you shou ld moun t the RPS wi th the rea r panel fo rward.
Chapter 2 In stallation Insta lling the Switch 2-12 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Figur e 2-2 At taching Br ack ets for 1 9-Inch Rac ks (Rear P anel .
2-13 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Installing the Switch Figur e 2-4 At taching Br ack ets fo r 24-Inch Ra cks (Rear P anel For.
Chapter 2 In stallation Connecting t he RPS 675 2-14 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Mounting the RPS in a Rack After th e brack ets are attached to the RPS, use the four s upplied numb er-12 Phillips m achine sc rews to securely attach th e brack ets to the rac k, as sho wn in Figure 2-5 .
2-15 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Connecting the RPS 675 Note Th e switch migh t restart when it cha nges from RPS power to its o wn in ternal po wer .
Chapter 2 In stallation Connecting t he RPS 675 2-16 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 Figur e 2-6 Connect ing the Ca ble t o the RPS 675 War ni ng Attach only the Cisco RPS (model PWR675 -AC-RPS-N1) to the RPS receptacle.
2-17 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Chap ter 2 Instal lati on Connecting the RPS 675 Figur e 2-7 Connect ing the AC Cabl e to the RPS 675 Step 7 Press the RPS Standby/Activ e butto n to p ut the RPS in to acti ve mo d e.
Chapter 2 In stallation Connecting t he RPS 675 2-18 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-03 3 Troubleshooting The Ci sco Red undant Power System (RPS) 675 is n ot repaira ble in the field. Ta b l e 3-1 shows the ap propriate acti on to tak e for specif ic LED indications .
Chapter 3 Troublesh ooting 3-2 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-03 Fan (blower) LED is amber . The b lower is not operati ng properly . The f an is de fecti ve. Replace t he RPS 675. One or more DC Output LEDs are blin king green.
A-1 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications Ta b l e A-1 lists the technic al specifications for the Ci sco Redundant Po w er System (RPS) 675 (m odel PWR675- A C-RPS-N 1=). Ta b l e A- 2 lists the agency approv als.
Append ix A Technical Spec ification s A-2 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Physical Dimensio n s We i g h t 13 lb . (5. 9 kg) Dimensi ons (H x W x D ) 1.75 x 17.5 x 14.8 8 in. (4. 45 x 44.4 5 x 37. 8 cm) 1.
B-1 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 APPENDIX B Connector and Cabl e Specifications This app endix descr ibes the cable co nnecto r that is used to conne ct the Cisco Redunda nt Power System (RPS) 675 to a suppor ted device.
Appendi x B Connector and Cabl e Specificati ons B-2 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Figur e B-2 16-Pin Conn ector Pinouts Ta b l e B-1 14-Pin and 16-Pi.
C-1 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 APPENDIX C Translated Safety Warnings This appen dix repeats in multip le languages the warning s in this guide.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 17B—Ov ertempera ture Warnin g C-2 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 17B—Overtemperature .
C-3 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Stat ement 17 B —Overt em per ature Warn ing Advar sel For å unngå at bryteren overopphetes skal utstyret i kke brukes på steder hvor anbefalt maks omgivelsestemperatur overstiger 113 grader Farenheit (45°C).
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 17B—Ov ertempera ture Warnin g C-4 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04.
C-5 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 43—Jewelry Removal Warning Statement 43—Jewe lry Removal Warning War ni ng Before working on equipment that is connected to power lines, rem ove jewelry (including rings, necklaces, and watches).
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 43—Jewe lry Removal War ning C-6 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Atte ntion Avant d’accéde r à cet équipement connecté aux lignes élect riques , ôter tout bijou (anneaux, colliers et montres compris).
C-7 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statem ent 4 8—Sta cking the C hassi s War ning Statement 48—Stacking th e Chassis Warning War ni ng Do not stack the chassis on any other eq uipment.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 48—S tacking t he Chas sis Wa rning C-8 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Avertissement Ne placez pas ce châssis sur un autre appar eil . En cas de chute, il pourrait provoquer de graves blessures corporelles et d'importants domma ges.
C-9 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 100C —Attaching the Cisco RPS (model PWR675-AC-RPS-N1) Statement 100C—Attaching th e Cisco RPS (model PWR675 -AC-RPS- N1) War ni ng Attach only the Cisco RPS (model PWR675-AC-RPS-N1) to the RPS receptacle.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 265—Redun dant Powe r Supply Conne ction Warning C-10 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 265.
C-11 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Stat ement 265—Redun dant Power Supp ly Connection W arning Advar .
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1001—W ork Duri ng Lightnin g Activity C-12 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 1001—Work During Lightning Acti vity War ni ng Do not work on the s y stem or connect or disconnect cables during periods o f lightning activity.
C-13 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1004—In stallation Instructions Statement 1004—Installa tion Instructions War ni ng Read the installation instructions bef ore connecting the sy stem to the power source.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1004—Ins tallation Ins tructions C-14 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 ¡Advertenc ia! Lea las instrucciones de inst alación antes de conectar el sistema a la red de alimentación.
C-15 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1006—Chassis Warning for R ack-Mou nting and Servicing S.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1006—Cha ssis Warnin g for Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-16 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Va ro .
C-17 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1006—Chassis Warning for R ack-Mou nting and Servicing A.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1006—Cha ssis Warnin g for Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-18 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 ¡Adve.
C-19 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1006—Chassis Warning for R ack-Mou nting and Servicing �.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1006—Cha ssis Warnin g for Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-20 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Avi s .
C-21 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1006—Chassis Warning for R ack-Mou nting and Servicing.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1006—Cha ssis Warnin g for Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-22 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04.
C-23 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1006—Chassis Warning for R ack-Mou nting and Servicing.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1006—Cha ssis Warnin g for Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-24 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04.
C-25 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statem ent 1017—Restricted Area Statement 1017—Restricted Area War ni ng This unit is intended for inst allation in restricted access areas.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1017—Res tricted Are a C-26 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 ¡Advertenc ia! Esta unidad ha si do diseñada para instalación en áreas de acceso restringido.
C-27 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statem ent 1017—Restricted Area.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1019— Main Di sconnect ing Devi ce C-28 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 1019—Main Discon necting Device War ni ng The plug-socket combination must be accessible at all times, because it serves as the main disconnecting device.
C-29 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1019—Main Disc onnecting Device Advarsel Kombinasjonen støpsel/uttak må al ltid være tilgjengeli g ettersom den fungerer som hovedfrakoplingsenhet.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1024—Grou nd Conducto r C-30 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 1024—Ground Con ductor War ni ng This equipment must be grounded.
C-31 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Stateme n t 1024—Grou nd Conductor Atten tion Cet équipement doit être mis à la ma sse.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1024—Grou nd Conducto r C-32 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04.
C-33 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Stateme n t 1024—Grou nd Conductor.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1030—Eq uipment In stallati on C-34 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 1030—Equip ment Installation War ni ng Only trained and qualified personnel should be all owed to install, replace, or service this equipment.
C-35 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1030—Eq uipment Installation Avi s o Somente uma equipe treinada e qualificada tem permissão para instalar , substituir ou dar manutenção a este equipamento.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1040—Pro duct Dispos al C-36 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 1040—Product Disposal War ni ng Ultimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all nat ional laws and regulations.
C-37 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statem ent 1040—Product Disp osal Avi s o Deitar fora este produto em conformidade com todas as leis e regulamentos nacionais.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1073—N o User-Serv iceable Parts C-38 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04 Statement 1073—No Us er-Serviceable Parts War ni ng No user -servi ceable parts inside.
C-39 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statem ent 1073—No User-Serviceab le Parts Va ro i t u s Ei sisällä käyttäjän huollettavi ssa olevia osia. Älä avaa.
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1073—N o User-Serv iceable Parts C-40 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04.
C-41 Cisco RPS 675 Redundan t Power Syst e m Hardware In stalla tion Guide 78-15201-04 App end ix C Tra nsla ted S afety Warn in gs Statement 1074—Comply with Lo cal and Nation al Elect rical Codes .
Appendi x C Translated Safety W arnings Statemen t 1074—Com ply with Lo cal and Nat ional Electr ical Codes C-42 Cisco R PS 675 Redundant Po wer System Hardware Inst allation Guide 78-15201-04.
IN- 1 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 INDEX Numerics 19-inch rack 2-10 24-inch rack 2-10 A AC power connect ing 2-16 conn ector 1-8 specifi cations A-1 act.
Index IN-2 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04 E equipm ent rac ks 2-9 equipm ent requ ired for i nstalla tion 2-10 F featu res 1-2 G ground conduct or war.
IN- 3 Cisco RPS 675 Redundant Power System Hardware Installation Guide 78-15201-04 Index R rack-m ountin g guideline s 2-9 instructions 2-14 warnin g 2-3, C-15 regu latory agency approv als A-2 restr .
Index IN-4 Cisco RPS 675 Redu ndant Power Syste m Hardware In stallation Guid e 78-15201-04.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems RPS 675 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems RPS 675 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems RPS 675 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems RPS 675 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems RPS 675 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems RPS 675, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems RPS 675.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems RPS 675. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems RPS 675 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center