Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ONS 15327 Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco ONS 1 5327 T r ou bleshootin g Guide Pr oduct and Documenta tion Release 3.
iii Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 CONTENTS About t h is Guid e xxi Docume nt Obje ctiv es xxi Audienc e xxi Relat ed D ocum ent atio n xxi Document Convent ions xxii Where t o Find Safe ty and Warning Informa tion xxiii Obtain ing Docu mentati on xxiii Cisco.
Cont ent s iv Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Create the Termina l Loopb ac k on a Desti na tion X TC Po rt 1-12 Test t he T ermin al Loop back Ci rcui t on t he De stinat ion XTC Port 1-13 Test t he D estin ation XTC Ca rd 1-14 1.
Content s v Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Create the Termina l Loopbac k on a Destina tion Node OC- N Port 1-39 Test th e Term i na l Lo o pb a ck Circu i t 1-40 Test th e OC - N Car d 1-40 1.4 Resto ring t he Da tabase and D efault Sett ings 1-41 1.
Cont ent s vi Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Launch CT C to Corr ect the Cor e Ver sion B ui ld 1-6 0 1.6.1 0 Username or Passwo rd Does Not Matc h the XTC Inf ormation 1-60 Verify Corr ec t U se rn a me an d Pas s w or d 1-61 1.
Content s vii Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Verif y Card LED Oper ation 1-80 CHAPTER 2 Alarm Troub leshootin g 2-1 2.1 Alarm In de x by Def ault Sev e ri ty 2-1 2.1. 1 C ritic al Al arm s (C R) 2-1 2.1. 2 Majo r Al a rm s (MJ) 2-2 2.
Cont ent s viii Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Clear t he AS-CMD Condit ion 2-23 2.6. 13 AS-M T 2-23 Clear t he AS-MT Cond ition 2-24 2.6. 14 AUD- LOG -LOS S 2-24 Clear t he AUD-LOG-LOS S Condit i on 2-24 2.6. 15 AUD- LOG -LOW 2-24 2.
Content s ix Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 2.6. 33 CA R L O SS (G Se rie s) 2-33 Clear t he CARLOSS (G Ser ies) Alarm 2-34 2.6. 34 CL DRES TA RT 2-36 Clear t he CLDRESTA RT Co nditio n 2-36 2.6. 35 COM IOX C 2-37 Clear t he COMIOXC Alarm 2-37 2.
Cont ent s x Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Clear t he E-W-MISMATCH Alar m in CTC 2-52 2.6.53 E XCCOL 2-53 Clear t he EXCCOL Alar m 2-53 2.6. 54 EXE RCI SE- RIN G-REQ 2-53 2.6. 55 EXE RCI SE- SPAN -RE Q 2-53 2.6. 56 EXT 2-5 4 Clear t he EXT Ala rm 2-54 2.
Content s xi Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Clear t he FE-FRCDWKSWPR -RING Condi tion 2-65 2.6. 75 FE-F RCD WKSW PR -SPA N 2-65 Clear t he FE-FRCDWKSWPR -SPAN Cond ition 2-65 2.6. 76 FE-I DLE 2-66 Clear t he FE-IDLE Condit ion 2-66 2.
Cont ent s xii Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Clear t he INHSWPR Condi tion 2-75 2.6. 98 INHS WWK G 2-75 Clear t he INHSWWKG Cond ition 2-7 6 2.6. 99 INVM ACA DR 2-76 2.6. 100 KB- PAS STH R 2-76 Clear t he KB-PASSTHR Co ndit io n 2-76 2.
Content s xiii Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 2.6. 11 8 L P BK T ER M IN A L (G-Se ries ) 2-88 Clear the LPB KTER MINA L ( G-Ser ies) Co ndit ion 2-88 2.6. 119 MA N-R EQ 2-88 Clear t he MAN-REQ Condi tion 2-88 2.6. 120 MA NRE SET 2-88 2.
Cont ent s xiv Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Clear t he RCVR-MISS Al arm 2-1 01 2.6. 142 RF I-L 2-101 Clear t he RFI-L Con dition 2-101 2.6. 143 R FI- P 2-10 2 Clear t he RFI-P Con dition 2-102 2.6. 144 RF I-V 2-10 2 Clear t he RFI-V Con dition 2-103 2.
Content s xv Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 2.6. 167 S SM- ST2 2-112 2.6. 168 S SM- ST3 2-112 2.6. 169 S SM- ST3 E 2-11 2 2.6. 170 S SM- ST4 2-113 2.6. 171 S SM- STU 2-113 Clear t he STU Cond ition 2-113 2.6. 172 S SM- TNC 2-113 2.
Cont ent s xvi Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Ident ify a Ring ID or No de I D Num ber 2-125 Change a Ri ng ID Number 2-125 Change a Nod e ID Number 2-126 Verify Nod e Vi si .
FIG U R ES xvii Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Figu re 1-1 Facil ity Loopb ack Pro ce ss on an XTC Ca rd 1-2 Figu re 1-2 Facil ity Loopb ack Pro cess on an OC- N Card 1-2 Fig.
Figures xviii Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 Figu re 3-4 Replac ing the Reusable Fan-Tr ay Air Filte r 3-5.
TABLES xix Cisco ONS 15327 Refer ence Manual, R3.4 April 2003 Ta b l e 1 - 1 Restor e the Node Data base 1-41 Ta b l e 1 - 2 Restor e the Node to Factory Configur atio n 1-43 Ta b l e 1 - 3 Unable t o.
Tables xx Cisco ONS 153 27 Reference Man ual, R3.4 April 2003 Ta b l e 1 - 3 2 Free-R unnin g Synchron izat ion Mode 1-70 Ta b l e 1 - 3 3 Daisy -Ch aine d BIT S N ot Fu ncti onin g 1-70 Ta b l e 1 - .
xxi Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 About this Guide This se cti on expla ins t he obj ectives, int en ded a ud ienc e, an d o rganizatio n o f this pu bli cat ion an d describ es the con ventions that con vey instr uction s and other inf ormati on.
xxii Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 About this Guide Document Conventi ons • Cisco ONS 15327 Procedur e Guid e, Re leas e 3.4 Provides installa tion, tur n up, provisionin g, and maint ainence procedures for Cisco ONS 15327 nodes and ne tworks • Cisco ONS 15 327 Refe r ence Manu al, Relea se 3.
xxiii Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 About th is Guid e Where to Find Safety and Warning Information Where to Find Safety and Warn ing Information For safety and warning information, r efer to the Cisco ONS 15 327 In stall ation Handb ook that accompa nied the product.
xxiv Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 About this Guide Obtain in g Technical Assis ta nce Ordering Docume ntation Y ou can find ins tr uct ions for or deri ng docu me nta tio n at thi s URL: http://www v ercd/cc/t d/doc/es_inpck/p di.
xxv Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 About th is Guid e Obtaining Technical Assistance • Regist er for online skill assessment , training, a nd certifi cation pr ograms T o obtain custo mized inform ation and se rvice, you c an self-r egister on Cisco.
xxvi Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 About this Guide Obtainin g Addi ti ona l Publicat io ns and Info rmatio n Cisco TAC Escalation Center The Cisco T AC Escalati on Center add resses priority lev el 1 or priority le vel 2 issues.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 1 General Troublesho oting This cha pter provides pro cedu res for trou bleshoo ting the most comm on problem s encou ntere d when operati ng a Cisco ONS 153 27. T o troubl eshoot spe cific ONS 15327 alarms, see Chapter 2, “ Alarm T roubleshoot ing.
1-2 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Netwo rk Troubles hooting Te sts 1.1 Network Troubleshooting T ests Use loopback s and hairpins to test ne wly crea ted circuits befo re running li ve traff ic o r to logically lo cate the so urce o f a ne twork fail ure.
1-3 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Netw o rk T roub le s hooti ng Te st s termina l loopbac k on the OC-N card turn s the signal ar oun d befor e it reache s th e LIU and sen ds it back through th e XTC car d to the M IC card.
1-4 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h A cross-con nect loo pback t ests a circu it path as it passe s through the cross-c onnec t card a nd loops bac k to the po rt bei ng teste d.
1-5 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path 1.2.1 Perform a Facility Lo opback on a Source XTC Por.
1-6 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h Step 3 Procee d to the “T est the Facilit y Loopb ack” proc edure on page 1 -6 .
1-7 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path c. Procee d to the “Perfo rm a Cross-C onn ec t L oop back on the So urce OC -N Por t” pro cedu re on page 1-23 .
1-8 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h b. Clear the facilit y loopback: • Click the Maintenance > Loopback tabs. • Choose None fro m th e Lo opb ack T ype col um n for t he p or t be ing t ested .
1-9 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path Figur e 1 -8 Hair pin Cir cuit on a Sour ce Node XTC P or t Note A n XTC card is req uired to operate th e ONS 15327 a nd can be used in a redunda nt or nonre dundan t configurat ion.
1-10 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h Step 3 If the test set indicate s a good circuit, no furth er testing is necessary with the hairpin loopback circuit: a.
1-11 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path Step 4 If the test set indicate s a good circuit, th e problem might be a defect i ve car d.
1-12 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h Figur e 1 -9 T er minal Loopb ac k on a Desti nation XTC P ort Cautio n Perfor ming a loop back o n an in-serv ice c ircui t is ser vice-af fecting.
1-13 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path Step 4 Create the te rminal loopback on t he destinat ion port bei ng tes ted: a. Go to t he nod e vie w of the des ti natio n node : • Choose Vi e w > Go T o Other Node from t he me nu ba r .
1-14 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h Step 4 If the test set indicate s a faulty circuit, the proble m might be a fault y card. Step 5 Procee d to the “T est the Destina tion XTC Ca rd” procedur e on page 1 -14 .
1-15 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path Figur e 1 -1 0 Hair pin on a Destination Node XTC Car.
1-16 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h Step 6 V erify that t he circui ts connect to the co rrect slo ts. F or ex ample, v erify that so urce node/Slo t 1 OC-N card ( east slot ) is conn ected to desti na tion nod e/Slot 2 (west slot).
1-17 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path • Click the Delete bu t to n. • Click the Ye s button in the De lete Circuits dialog box. • Conf irm that the hairpin circuit is deleted from the Ci rcuits tab list.
1-18 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h 1.2.5 Perform a Facility Loopback on a Destination XTC Card The facility loopback test is perfor med on the last port in the circuit, in this case the XTC port in the destination node.
1-19 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Path Step 3 Procee d to the “T est the Facility Lo opbac k Circuit ” proced ure on page 1-19 .
1-20 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a DS-N Circuit Pat h c. The entire DS- N circuit path has no w passed its co mprehensi ve ser ies of loopback tests. This circuit qualif ies to carry li v e traf fi c.
1-21 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path • Choos e the ap propriat e stat e (IS, OOS, or OO S_AINS) f rom the State co lumn fo r the p ort bein g tested.
1-22 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Figur e 1 -12 F aci lity Loopbac k on a Circuit So urc e OC-N P o rt Cautio n Perfor ming a loop back o n an in-serv ice c ircui t is ser vice-af fecting.
1-23 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path • Choose None from the Lo opbac k T ype colum n for the por t being teste d. • Choos e the ap propriat e stat e (IS, OOS, or OO S_AINS) f rom the State co lumn fo r the p ort bein g tested.
1-24 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Figur e 1 -13 Cr oss-Conne ct Loopbac k on a Source OC -N P or t Step 1 Connect an optical test set to the port you are t esting: a.
1-25 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path • Click A pply . • Click Ye s in the conf irmatio n dialog. b. Procee d to the “Perfor m a T erminal Lo opbac k on a Source- Node OC-N Por t” proce dure on page 1-27 .
1-26 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Procedure: Retest the Original XTC Card Step 1 Do a man ual switch of the XTC c ards to mak e the o riginal XTC ca rd the a ctiv e c ard: a.
1-27 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path 1.3.
1-28 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Step 3 Confirm th at th e newly cre ated ci rcu it ap pears on the Ci rcui ts tab li st as a t wo-way cir cuit .
1-29 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path Step 4 If the test set indicate s a faulty circuit, the proble m might be a fault y card. Step 5 Procee d to the “T est the OC-N Card” proc edur e on page 1 -29 .
1-30 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Figur e 1 -15 F aci lity Loopbac k on a n Int er media te-Node OC-N P or t Cautio n Perfor ming a loop back o n an in-serv ice c ircui t is ser vice-af fecting.
1-31 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path c. Click the Maintenance > Loopback tabs. d. Select OOS_MT from th e State c olumn. If this is a mult iport card, se lect the r ow appropriate for the desi red port .
1-32 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Procedure: Test the OC-N Card Step 1 Repla ce the susp ect card with a card kno wn to b e good. Se e the “Ph ysical ly Repl ace a Car d” procedu re on page 2-13 0 for details.
1-33 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path Figur e 1 -16 T er minal Loopbac k on an Int erme diate-N ode OC-N P ort Cautio n Perfor ming a loop back o n an in-serv ice c ircui t is ser vice-af fecting.
1-34 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path c. Click the Maintenance > Loopback tabs. d. Select OOS_MT from th e State c olumn. If this is a mult iport card, se lect the r ow appropriate for the desi red port .
1-35 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path Step 2 Resend test traf f ic on the loopback circ uit with a good card. Step 3 If the test set indicate s a good circuit, th e problem is probably the defec ti ve ca rd: a.
1-36 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Procedure: Create the Facility Loopback on a Destination Node O C-N Port Step 1 Connect an optical test set to the port you are t esting: a.
1-37 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path g. Click the Ye s button in the Conf irmation Dialog box. Note It is normal for a LPBKF ACILITY condi tion to appe ar durin g loopbac k setup.
1-38 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path b. Replace th e faulty car d. See the “Physicall y Re pla ce a C ard” proc edur e on page 2 -13 0 for details.
1-39 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Identify Points of Failure on an OC-N Circuit Path Procedure: Create the Terminal Lo opback on a Destination Node OC-N Port Step 1 Connect an optical test set to the port you are t esting: a.
1-40 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Identify P oin ts of Failure on a n OC-N Cir cui t Path Procedure: Test the Terminal Loopback Cir cuit Step 1 If the test set is not already sending traf f ic, send test traf f ic on the loopb ack circuit.
1-41 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Restoring the Database and Default Settings • Select the appr opr iate sta te (IS, O OS , or O OS_A INS) in th e St ate col um n for the por t bei ng tested.
1-42 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Restoring t he Databas e an d Defaul t Settings Cautio n If you ar e rest oring t he dat aba se on m ul tipl e nod es, wa it un t il t he XTC r e boot h as co mp let ed o n e a ch node befo re proc ee ding to t he next node .
1-43 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Restoring the Database and Default Settings 1.4.2 Res tore the Node to Factory Configuration Sympto m A node has both XT C cards in stan dby state, and you are una ble reset the XTC c ar ds to make the no de f unct iona l.
1-44 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Restoring t he Databas e an d Defaul t Settings Step 1 Insert the syst em softw are CD cont ainin g the reini t tool ( Figure 1-19 ) into the local craft interf ace PC driv e.
1-45 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Restoring the Database and Default Settings Figur e 1 -20 Confir m NE Restor ation Step 11 The s tatus b ar at th e bot tom of the wi ndow displays C ompl ete whe n the no de has a ctiv ated the software and uploa ded the dat abase.
1-46 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Restoring t he Databas e an d Defaul t Settings Figur e 1 -21 Reinitializa tion T ool in UNIX Step 4 If the node you ar e reinitializin g is an ENE in a proxy serv er netw ork, enter the I P address of the GNE in the GNE IP f ield.
1-47 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting PC Conn ectivit y Troubl eshoot ing Step 13 Manual ly set the node name and ne twork configurati on to site-sp ecific values.
1-48 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting PC Connecti vi ty Troubl es hooting If you do not re ceive a reply , your IP co nfigurati on might not be prope rly set. Cont act your Network Administra tor for instructions to corr ect the IP conf iguration of your PC.
1-49 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting PC Conn ectivit y Troubl eshoot ing Step 2 If you ar e using N etsc ap e N avigator: a. From the Netscape Naviga tor menu bar , clic k the Edi t > P referen c e s menus.
1-50 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting PC Connecti vi ty Troubl es hooting 1.5.4 Verify P C Conn ec tion to the ONS 15327 (Ping) Sympto m The TC P/IP c onnec tion is establ ished a nd the n los t, and a DISCON NECTED ala rm ap pears on CTC.
1-51 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting PC Conn ectivit y Troubl eshoot ing Step 3 If the wo rksta ti on ha s conn ec tivity to the ON S 1532 7, the pin g i s suc cessf ul a nd displa ys a reply fr om the IP addr ess.
1-52 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting CTC Operat ion Trou blesh oot ing 1.6 CTC Operation Troubl eshooting This secti on contai ns troublesh ooting proc edures for CTC login or oper ation probl ems.
1-53 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting CTC Oper ation Tr oubleshoot ing Procedure: Reset the CTC_HEAP Environment V ariable for Windows Step 1 Exit any and all ope n and runni ng CTC and Nets cape app licati ons.
1-54 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting CTC Operat ion Trou blesh oot ing 1.6.3 Brow ser S talls When Dow n loading CTC JAR Files from XTC Sympto m The br owser sta lls or h ang s whe n download ing a CT C J AR file from t h e XT C c a rd.
1-55 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting CTC Oper ation Tr oubleshoot ing Procedure: Redirect the Netscape Cache to a Valid Director y Step 1 Launc h Netscape. Step 2 Display the Edi t menu . Step 3 Choose Pref ere nces .
1-56 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting CTC Operat ion Trou blesh oot ing Figur e 1 -22 Deleting the CTC Cac he Procedure: Delete the CTC Cache File Man ually Cautio n All running sessions of CTC must be halted before deleti ng the CTC cache.
1-57 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting CTC Oper ation Tr oubleshoot ing 1.6.6 Nod e Ico n is Gr ay on CTC Netw ork Vi ew Sympto m The CTC networ k view sho ws one or more no de icons as gr ay in color an d withou t a node name.
1-58 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting CTC Operat ion Trou blesh oot ing Procedure: Manually Edit the java.policy File Step 1 Search your com puter for this f ile a nd open i t with a te xt editor (Notepad or W ordpad).
1-59 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting CTC Oper ation Tr oubleshoot ing T able 1-1 6 o n pa ge 1- 59 shows JRE compatibility with ONS 15327 software r eleases. Procedure: Launch CTC to Correct the Core Version Build Step 1 Exit the cu rrent CTC se ssion an d completely close the br ow ser .
1-60 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting CTC Operat ion Trou blesh oot ing Procedure: Launch CTC to Correct the Core Version Build Step 1 Exit the cu rrent CTC se ssion an d completely close the br ow ser .
1-61 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting CTC Oper ation Tr oubleshoot ing Procedure: Verify Corre ct Username and P assword Step 1 Ensure th at you r keyboard Ca ps Lo ck key is not tur ne d o n and a ffecting t he c ase-s ens itive entry of the username an d password.
1-62 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting CTC Operat ion Trou blesh oot ing Procedure: Cancel the Circuit Creat ion and Start Over Step 1 Canc el the ci rcu it crea tion: • Click the Cancel b utton.
1-63 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting CTC Oper ation Tr oubleshoot ing Figur e 1 -23 Ether net Co nnectivity Ref eren ce Procedure: Verify Ethernet Connections Step 1 V erify that t he alar m filt er is turned OF F .
1-64 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting CTC Operat ion Trou blesh oot ing Step 7 V e rif y co nne ctivity betwe en d evice A a nd device C by pingi ng bet wee n the se loc ally at ta ch ed devices (see the “1.
1-65 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting CTC Oper ation Tr oubleshoot ing Procedure: Change VLAN Port Tag and Untag ged Settings Step 1 Display the CTC card vie w for the Eth ernet card in volv ed in the problem VLAN.
1-66 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Circuits an d Tim ing Step 4 At the VLAN po rt set to Untag, click the port a nd choose Ta g g e d . Note The atta ch ed exter na l devices mu st re cogn ize I EEE 802.
1-67 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Circui ts and Timing Procedure: View the State of Circuit Nodes Step 1 Click the Circuits tab. Step 2 From the Circuits tab list, select th e circuit with the * _P AR TIAL state conditio n.
1-68 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Circuits an d Tim ing Step 4 Uncheck the bi directional check box in t he circui t creation windo w . Step 5 Gi v e the unidi rection al VT circuit an eas ily reco gnizable na me, suc h as “delet e me.
1-69 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Circui ts and Timing 1.7.5 OC-3 and DCC Limitations Sympto m Limi tati ons to OC -3 an d DCC u sage. Ta b l e 1 - 2 9 describes the potential ca use of the symptom and the solution.
1-70 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Circuits an d Tim ing 1.7.7 Hold over Sy nch ron izatio n Alarm Sympto m The cloc k is runnin g at a dif fere nt frequen cy than normal and th e HLDO VRSYNC alarm appe ars.
1-71 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Fiber a nd Cabling 1.7.10 Blink ing STAT LED after Inst alling a Card Sympto m After i nstalling a ca rd, the ST A T LED blin ks continuou sly for mo re than 60 seconds.
1-72 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Fiber and Cabl ing 1.8.2 Fa ulty Fibe r-Optic Connections Sympto m A line card has multiple SONET alarms and/o r signal error s. Ta b l e 1 - 3 6 describes the potential ca use(s) of the symptom and the solution(s).
1-73 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Fiber a nd Cabling c. Determi ne the pow er le vel of f iber wit h the fiber -o ptic po wer meter .
1-74 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Fiber and Cabl ing Ti p T o pr event ov erloa ding th e rec eiver , use an atten ua tor on th e fiber bet wee n the c ard t ransm itt er a nd the recei v er .
1-75 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Fiber a nd Cabling Ta b l e 1 - 3 7 shows the pinou t of a L AN cab le. Figure 1-2 8 on page 1-75 sho ws the layout of a cross- ov er cab le. Figur e 1 -28 Cros s-Over Ca ble La yout Ta b l e 1 - 3 8 sho ws the pin out of a cros s-o ver cable.
1-76 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Fiber and Cabl ing Replace Faulty SFP Connectors Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) connect ors are hot- swappable and can be installed or removed while the card or shel f assembly is po wered and runnin g.
1-77 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Fiber a nd Cabling Step 4 Grip the sides of the SFP with your thumb and fo refinger and inser t the SFP into the slot on the G1000-2 c ard. Note SFPs are ke yed to prev ent incorrect instal lation.
1-78 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Power and LED Tests 1.9 Power and LED Test s This se ction provides sy mptoms and so lutions f or power supp ly prob lems, power consump tion, and LE D indicator s.
1-79 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 1 General Tro ubleshoo ting Powe r an d L ED Te sts Procedure: Isolate the Cause of Power Supply Pro blems Step 1 If a single ONS 153 27 show signs of fluctuat ing power or po wer loss: a.
1-80 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapte r 1 General Trou bleshoo ting Power and LED Tests 1.9.3 Lamp Test for Ca rd LEDs Sympto m Card L ED d oe s n ot l ight or yo u a re unsu re i f LE Ds are worki n g prop er ly . Ta b l e 1 - 4 3 describes the potential ca use of the symptom and the solution.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 2 Alarm Troublesh ooting This c ha pter gives a descr i ption, severity , and t roubl es hoot ing pro cedu re fo r comm onl y en co unte re d Cisco ONS 1 5327 a larms and co nditi ons.
2-2 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm In dex by Def aul t Severity 2.1.2 Majo r Al arms (MJ) Ta b l e 2 - 2 lists Major alarms.
2-3 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alarm Index by Default Severity 2.1.4 Conditions (NA or NR) Ta b l e 2 - 4 lists Not Alarmed or Not Reported conditions.
2-4 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarms and Con ditions Ind exed B y Alph abetical Entry 2.2 Alarms and Conditio ns Indexed By Alphabetical E ntry Ta b l e 2 - 5 lists ala rms and c ond ition s by the name displa yed on t he CTC A lar ms window or Condi tions windo w .
2-5 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alarms and Conditions Indexed By Alphabetical Entry BA T -A-H GH-VL T , pa ge 2-28 FRCDSWTOSEC, page 2-71.
2-6 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm In dex b y Alarm Ty pe 2.3 Alarm Index by Alarm T ype Ta b l e 2 - 6 g ives the name a nd page n um ber o f every al arm in the c hapt e r organi ze d by ala rm t ype .
2-7 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alarm Index by Alarm Type DS3 :: AIS, pa ge 2 -16 DS3 :: AS-CM D, page 2-23 DS3 :: AS-M T , page 2-2 3 DS.
2-8 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm In dex b y Alarm Ty pe EQPT :: FORCED-REQ , page 2-69 EQP T :: HIT EMP , page 2-72 EQP T :: IMPR OPR.
2-9 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alarm Index by Alarm Type FA N : : MEM- GONE, pa ge 2-91 FA N : : MFGMEM , page 2-92 HDGE [G 1000]: : AS-.
2-10 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm In dex b y Alarm Ty pe NESYNCH:: FSTSYNC, page 2-71 NESYNCH:: HLDO VRSYNC, pag e 2-73 NESYNCH:: MAN.
2-11 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alarm Index by Alarm Type OCN:: F AIL TOSWR, page 2 -56 OCN:: F AIL TOSWS, page 2-58 OCN:: FE-EXERCI SIN.
2-12 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm In dex b y Alarm Ty pe OCN:: SSM -ST3E , page 2-11 2 OCN:: SSM-ST4 , page 2-113 OCN:: SSM-STU, p ag.
2-13 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alarm Index by Alarm Type 2.3.1 Alarm Type/Object Definition Ta b l e 2 - 7 de fines abbr eviations use d in t he al arm tro uble shoo tin g proce dure s.
2-14 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Trouble N otifica tions 2.4 Trouble Notifications The ONS 15327 uses sta ndard T e lcordia categories to charact erize levels of trouble .
2-15 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Safety Summary Minor alar ms, su ch as the FSTSYNC alarm (see page 2-71) , do no t have a ser ious affect on servi ce. FSTSYNC lets y ou know tha t th e O NS 1 532 7 is ch oosi ng a new timing re fere nce bec aus e t he ol d reference failed .
2-16 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Note Whe n ch ec kin g a lar ms, m ake sur e t hat al ar m supp re ssion is no t e nabl ed on t he ca rd or p ort . For mo re inform ation a bout alarm suppressio n, see th e Cisco ONS 1532 7 P r ocedu r e Gui de .
2-17 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.3 A IS- P • Not Repo rt ed ( N R), N on -Se rvic e A ffecting (N SA) The AIS Path (AIS-P) conditi on means there is an error in the SONET over head at the path layer .
2-18 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.5 APSB • Minor (M N), Non -Servi ce Affectin g (NS A) The Automa tic Protecti on .
2-19 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es War ni n g Invisible laser radiation might be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector . Do not stare into the beam directly with optical instruments.
2-20 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures War ni n g Invisible laser radiation might be emitted from the end of the unterminated fiber cable or connector . Do not stare into the beam directly with optical instruments.
2-21 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.9 APSC M • Majo r (MJ ), Se rvice Af fec ting (SA) The AP S Chan nel M isma tch (APS CM) al arm occur s when th e ON S 15327 expects a wor king ch anne l b ut recei v es a prot ection ch annel.
2-22 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 4 If two nodes have the same node ID number, complete the “Chang e a N ode ID Nu mbe r” p roce dur e on page 2-12 6 to c ha nge o ne no de’ s ID numbe r so that ea c h n ode I D i s u niq ue.
2-23 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.12 AS-CM D • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The Ala rms Suppr essed by User Comm and (AS-CM D) co ndition a pplies to the network elemen t (NE, or node) and card s.
2-24 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the AS -MT Condition Step 1 Com ple te th e “C lear a Lo opbac k” procedur e on page 2 -128 . Step 2 If the conditi on does not clear , log onto http: //www .
2-25 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.16 AUTORESET • Minor (M N), Non -Servi ce Affectin g (NSA) The Au toma ti c .
2-26 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.18 AUTO SW-LOP (S TSMON) • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) The .
2-27 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.21 AUTOSW-SDBER • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The Autom.
2-28 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.24 AUTOSW-UNEQ (VTMON) • Minor (MN ), Se rvic e A ffecting (SA ) A UT OSW -UNE Q (VTMON) indicates tha t an UN EQ-V al arm (se e pag e 2-123) caused auto matic UPSR protection switching to occur .
2-29 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.27 BAT-B-HGH-VLT • Not Repo rt ed ( N R), N on -Se rvic e A ffecting (N SA) The High V oltage Batte ry B (B A T -B-HGH-VL T) condition occurs when the v oltage le ve l on batte ry lead B is between –52 V DC and –56.
2-30 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the BK UPMEM P Alarm Step 1 V e rif y th at both XTC c ar ds are powered and ena ble d by confirm ing light ed ACT/STBY LE Ds on t he XTC ca rds.
2-31 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.31 CAR LOSS (EQ PT) • Majo r (MJ ), Se rvice Af fec ting (SA) A Carrier Loss on the LAN Eq uipment (CARLO SS) alarm occurs whe n the ONS 153 27 and th e workstatio n ho st ing CTC do not have a TCP/I P c onn ect ion.
2-32 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 7 If the alar m does not clear , log onto http:/ /www .c for more information or call T A C to report a servi ce- a ffecting p rob lem (1 -800-5 53- 244 7).
2-33 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Note When replacing a card with an identic al type of ca rd, no ad ditional CTC provisioni ng is requir ed.
2-34 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures the r eporting card. I f a tu rned-of f transmitter caus es the C ARLOSS al arm, o ther.
2-35 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Note Wh en the CARLOSS an d the T PTF AIL alarm s are r eporte d, the reason for t.
2-36 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 13 If the alarm d oes no t clea r , co mplete t he “Physical ly Replace a Ca rd” proce dure on page 2-130 for the Ether net (tra ff ic) card .
2-37 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.35 COM IOXC • Critical (CR), Service Af fecting (SA) The Inpu t/Output Sl ot T o XTC Communication F ailure (COMIO XC) alarm is cau sed by a commun ication error in the XTC c ard to a hig h-speed traf f ic c ard sl ot.
2-38 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 2 Position the cu rsor ov er the XT C card in Slot 6 and co mplete the “Reset the Acti ve XTC Card in CT C” procedu re on p ag e 2- 129 to make the st andby XTC in Slot 5 acti ve.
2-39 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es An XTC A to Sh elf Slot Commun ication F ailure ala rm occurs when the XT C card i.
2-40 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 9 If the rese t c ard or repl ac ed c ard has no t re bo oted su cc essful ly , or the al arm ha s no t cl eare d, ca ll T A C (1-800-553 -2447).
2-41 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 5 V e rif y th e fol lowing L ED b eh avior: • The F AIL LED b lin ks f or appr oxim ate ly 3 0 se cond s. • All LEDs bl ink once and tur n of f.
2-42 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the CTNEQPT-P BPROT Alarm Step 1 Perform a CTC r eset on the standb y XTC card. Comple te the “Rese t a Traff ic C ard i n C TC ” pr oc ed ure on page 2-12 9 .
2-43 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.41 CT NEQPT-PBW ORK • Critical (CR), Service Af fecting (SA) The Interconn e.
2-44 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 7 V erify that the reset is comple te and error -free: • No ne w alarms ap pear i n the Alar ms windo w in C TC. • If you are lookin g at the physical ONS 15327, the ACT/STBY LED is illuminated.
2-45 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.43 DBOSYNC • Major (M J), Non-Servic e Af fecting ( NSA) The Stan dby Databa.
2-46 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the DS 3-MISM Co ndition Step 1 Display the CTC card vie w for the reportin g (acti ve) XTC-28-3 card. Step 2 Click the Provisioning > DS1 > L ine tabs.
2-47 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Procedure: Clear the EHIBATVG-B Alarm Step 1 The pr obl em is external to th e ONS 15327. Troubleshoo t th e p ower sourc e sup pl ying ba tt ery lea d B .
2-48 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.49 EOC • Major (M J), Non-Servic e Af fecting ( NSA) The SONE T DCC T erm inat ion Failure (EOC) alarm oc curs wh en the ONS 1 5327 lo ses its data comm unicat ion s ch an nel.
2-49 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es e. If the St ate column l ists the p ort as OO S, click the c olumn and click IS from the drop- down menu .
2-50 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.50 EQP T • Critical (CR), Service Af fecting (SA) An Equipme nt Failure (EQPT) a larm indicates that a h ardwar e failure has occu rred on the reporting c ard.
2-51 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.51 EQP T-MISS • Critical (CR), Service Af fecting (SA) The Repl aceab le Equi pment or Uni t Missing (E QPT - MISS) ala rm is repor ted against the fan-tra y assembly un it.
2-52 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Note The physica l switc h proce dure is th e recomm end met hod of clea ring th e E-W -MISMA TCH alar m. The physical sw itch me thod re establi shes the logical pa ttern of conne ction i n the ring.
2-53 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 7 Chan ge the W est Line drop -do wn menu t o the slot you reco rded for th e East Li ne in Step 3 . Step 8 Chan ge the East Line drop- do wn me nu to the s lot you re corded for the W est Line in Step 3 .
2-54 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Note EXERCISE-SP AN-REQ is an informational condition.
2-55 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Cautio n Always use the sup plied elec trosta tic disch arge wristba nd when worki ng with a powered ON S 1532 7. Plug the wris tband cab le into the ESD jack loca ted betw een the top high -spee d and XTC slots.
2-56 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 2 If the co ndition does not clear , replace the ac tiv e OC-N c ard that is repor ting the high er priority alarm. Com ple te th e “Phy sical ly Replac e a Card” pro cedure on page 2-130 .
2-57 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 5 Record the OC -N card s listed und er W est Lin e and East L ine. Ensu re that these OC- N cards are act i ve and in ser vic e: a.
2-58 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.61 FAIL TOSWS • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) The F ailure to Switch to Protec tion Span (F AIL TOSWS) conditi on signals an APS span switch fa ilure.
2-59 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es b. T o determi ne whet he r the OC -N port is in service , d ouble-c l ick the ca rd in CTC t o di splay the card view . c. Click the Provisioning > Li ne tabs.
2-60 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the FAN Alar m Step 1 V erify whether the air filter nee ds replacement. Comp lete the “Insp ect, Clea n, and Rep lace the R eusable Air Filter” procedure on page 3-3 .
2-61 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.65 FE -DS1-M ULTLOS • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The F ar -End Multip le DS- 1 LOS Dete cted (F E- DS1-MU L TLOS) condition occurs when mul tip le DS- 1 signals are lost at the f ar -end nod e.
2-62 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.67 FE -DS1-S A • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) The F ar End D.
2-63 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.69 FE -D S3-NSA • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The F ar .
2-64 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.71 FE -EQPT -NSA • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) The Far End .
2-65 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Note FE- EXERCISI NG-SP AN is an informat ional co ndition.
2-66 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 4 If the conditi on does not clear , log onto http: //www .
2-67 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.78 FE -LOF • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The Far End LOF (FE- LOF) cond ition occ urs when a far-end node reports an LOF (DS-3) a larm ( see page 2 -79) .
2-68 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.80 FE -MANW KSWPR -RING • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) The F.
2-69 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.82 FE PRLF • Minor (M N), Non -Servi ce Affectin g (NS A) The Fa r End Prote.
2-70 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the FORC ED-REQ-RING Condition Step 1 Com ple te th e “Clea r the FORCED -REQ Condit ion” proce dure on page 2 -69 . Step 2 If the conditi on does not clear , log onto http: //www .
2-71 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.88 FR CDSWTO SEC • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The F or.
2-72 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures The FSTSYN C alarm disappea rs after approxim ately 30 sec onds. If the alarm do es not cle ar , log onto http://www for more information or call T AC (1-80 0-553-2447).
2-73 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Note The fan-tra y asse mb ly sh oul d ru n i mme dia tely wh en cor rect ly inse rted . Step 6 If the f an does not r un or the a larm persists, co mplete the “Re pla ce th e Fa n-Tray Ass emb ly ” pr oc ed ure on page 3-1 .
2-74 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Cautio n Do not re move a card dur ing a card re bo ot. If CTC begins t o reboo t a card bef ore you rem ove the card , allow the card to finish rebooting .
2-75 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es c. Click Delet e and clic k Ye s in the dialo g box that a ppears. Step 7 If the card is used as a timing referen ce, chang e the timing reference: a.
2-76 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the INHS WWKG Condition Step 1 Com ple te th e “Cle ar an Ext erna l Sw it chi ng C omm and” p roce dure on page 2-128 .
2-77 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.102 L OCKOUT-RE Q • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The Loc.
2-78 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the LOF (BIT S) Alarm Step 1 V e rify th at the fr aming an d line cod ing match betwee n the BITS in put and th e XTC: a.
2-79 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es e. V e rify that the line type of the repo rting por t matche s the line type of the signal source (DS4 and DS4, unf ra med a nd unf ra med, or ESF a nd ESF).
2-80 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.107 L OF (OC-N) • Critical (CR), Service Af fecting (SA) The OC-N L OF alarm o ccurs whe n a port o n the r eporting OC-N c ard has a n LOF con dition.
2-81 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Cautio n Always use the sup plied elec trosta tic disch arge wristba nd when worki ng with a powered ON S 1532 7. Plug the wris tband cab le into the ESD jack loca ted betw een the top high -spee d and XTC slots.
2-82 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Cautio n Always use the sup plied elec trosta tic disch arge wristba nd when worki ng with a powered ON S 1532 7. Plug the wris tband cab le into the ESD jack loca ted betw een the top high -spee d and XTC slots.
2-83 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es For specif ic proc edures to use the test set equipment, consult th e manuf acturer . T est th e line as clos e to the rece iv ing card as possible.
2-84 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 2 If the cabling is correct, verif y that the correct port is in servi ce (IS): Step 3 Conf irm that the OC-N car d sho ws a gr een LED i n CTC or on the physic al ca rd.
2-85 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Cautio n Always use the sup plied elec trosta tic disch arge wristba nd when worki ng with a powered ON S 1532 7. Plug the wris tband cab le into the ESD jack loca ted betw een the top high -spee d and XTC slots.
2-86 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.114 L PBKCRS • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) The L oopback X TC (LPBKC RS) co ndition indicate s that there is a so ftwar e cros s-conn ect loo pback acti v e betw een a t raf fi c card and an XTC car d.
2-87 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.116 L PBKFACILITY (OC-N) • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) An OC-N Loopback F acility con dition occurs when a software fac ility loopback is acti v e for a port on the repo rt ing car d.
2-88 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.118 L PBKTER MINAL (G-Serie s) • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) A G-Ser i es L o o pbac k T erminal condi tion o ccurs w hen a soft ware ter minal loopba ck is ac tive for a port on the reportin g card.
2-89 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.121 M ANSWTO INT • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The Manual Swit ch T o I nternal Clock (MANSWTOI NT) condition occ urs when the NE timing source is manually switched to the internal timing source.
2-90 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Clear the MANUAL-REQ-RI NG Condition Step 1 Com ple te th e “C lear a BL SR Span Lock Out” proc edure on pa ge 2-12 7 . Step 2 If the conditi on does not clear , log onto http: //www .
2-91 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 4 If you prefe r the card th at physic ally occu pies the slot and th e card .
2-92 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.129 M EM- LOW • Minor (M N), Non -Servi ce Affectin g (NSA ) The Fre e M em ory o.
2-93 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.131 P DI-P • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) A PDI P ath ( PDI-P) co nditi on in di ca tes a signal label mismatc h failur e (S LMF ).
2-94 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 4 Recreate the cir cuit with the correct cir cuit size. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15327 Pr ocedur e Guide fo r detailed pro cedures to create circuits.
2-95 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es • If you ar e looki n g at the nod e vi ew of t he O NS 1 5327 , an amb er L ED de picti on wi th “ Sby” h as replaced the wh ite “LDG” depiction on the c ard in CTC.
2-96 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 5 If the circ uit delet ion and re creat ion does not clear th e alarm , verify the far-end OC-N card that prov ides STS payload to the XTC card .
2-97 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 2 Find the nod e ID by comp leting t he “Ide ntify a Ri ng ID or Node ID Numb er ” proc edure on page 2- 125 . Step 3 Repeat Step 2 for all the nodes on the ring.
2-98 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures • All LEDs bl ink once and tur n of f. • The ACT/STB Y LED is gre en (a ctive). Step 7 If the alarm do es not clea r , log onto http:/ /www .
2-99 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 6 If the alarm do es not clea r , log onto http:/ /www .cisco.c om/tac for more info rmation or call T AC (1-80 0-553-244 7). 2.
2-100 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.139 P WR-R EDUN • Minor (M N), Non -Servi ce Affectin g (NSA) The Redundant Po wer Capabili ty Lost (PWR-REDUN) alarm applies to car ds that hav e two b uilt-in fuse s (suc h as ne wer optical cards ).
2-101 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es A Facilit y T ermination Equipme nt Receiv er Missing (RCVR-MI SS) alarm occurs when the facility terminatio n eq uipm ent detec ts an incor re ct am ount of impedan ce on its connec tor .
2-102 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 4 If the conditi on does not clear , log onto http: //www fo r more information or call T AC (1-80 0-553-244 7). 2.6.
2-103 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Cautio n Always use the sup plied elec trosta tic disch arge wristba nd when worki ng with a powered ON S 1532 7. Plug the wris tband cab le into the ESD jack loca ted betw een the top high -spee d and XTC slots.
2-104 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 6 Com ple te th e “C ha nge a Ring ID N um ber” p roce dure on pa ge 2 -125 . Step 7 V erify that the ring map is correc t. Step 8 If the alar m does not clear , log onto http:/ /www .
2-105 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Cautio n Always use the sup plied elec trosta tic disch arge wristba nd when worki ng with a powered ON S 1532 7. Plug the wris tband cab le into the ESD jack loca ted betw een the top high -spee d and XTC slots.
2-106 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures For UPSR protecte d circui ts, the BE R thresho ld on the O NS 15 327 is user provisionabl e and has a range for SD fro m 10 –9 to 10 –5 .
2-107 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es An SF Line (SF-L) condition is similar to a n SF cond ition (see pa ge 2-106) but it applie s to the lin e layer of the sign al.
2-108 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Note SFTWDO WN is an inf ormational alarm.
2-109 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es The Sp an Switch i s Acti v e W est Si de (SP AN-SW -WEST) co ndition occurs when a span switch occurs at the west side of a BLSR span.
2-110 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 5 If the signal is v ali d, v erify that th e po wer leve l of the optical sig nal is wit hin th e o ptical card’ s receiv er specif ication s.
2-111 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.161 S SM -LNC • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecting (NSA) The SSM L .
2-112 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.165 S SM -RES • Not Alarmed (N A), Non-Ser vice Af fecti ng (NSA) The SSM Re served (RES) For Network Synchr oniza tion Use c ondi tion occu rs when t he synch ronizat ion message quality le v el is changed to RES.
2-113 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Note SSM- ST3 E is a n in for mati onal cond itio n.
2-114 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures The Switch ing Matrix Mo dule Fa ilure (SWMTXMOD ) alarm occurs on the XTC c ard or a traf f ic card.
2-115 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es • If you ar e looki n g at the nod e vi ew of t he O NS 1 5327 , an amb er L ED de picti on wi th “ Sby” h as replaced the wh ite “LDG” depiction on the c ard in CTC.
2-116 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Procedure: Proc edure: Clear the SWTOTHIR D Condition Step 1 T o clear the conditi on, cle ar alarms related to failu res of t he primar y source, such as a SYNCPRI ala rm (see page 2 -117) or a SYN CSEC a lar m (see page 2-1 17) .
2-117 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 3 If t he SYNC -FREQ a larm cont inues to report afte r re placin g the XTC ca rd, log o nto http://www for more information or call T AC (1-800-5 53-2447).
2-118 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 5 If the sec ond ary t im ing sour ce is an inc om ing por t on th e O NS 1532 7, comp let e t he “Cl e ar t he LO S (OC-N) A la rm ” pro cedu re on pa ge 2-85 .
2-119 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es 2.6.181 S YSBOO T • Majo r (MJ ), Se rvice Af fec ting (SA) The Syste m Reboot (SYS BOO T) alarm indica tes that new software is booting on the XTC card.
2-120 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures Step 8 Click Close . Step 9 If the alar m does not clear , log onto http:/ /www .c for more information or call T A C to report a servi ce- a ffecting p rob lem (1 -800-5 53- 244 7).
2-121 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Cautio n Always use the sup plied elec trosta tic disch arge wristba nd when worki ng with a powered ON S 1532 7. Plug the wris tband cab le into the ESD jack loca ted betw een the top high -spee d and XTC slots.
2-122 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Alarm Proc edures 2.6.186 U NEQ -P • Critical (CR), Service Af fecting (SA) An SLMF U NEQ Path alarm occurs w hen the path do es not have a v alid sende r .
2-123 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Alar m P ro c edur es Step 7 If all O NS nod es in the ri ng appea r in t he CTC network vi ew , verify or not whe ther the re a re inc omplete circu its : a.
2-124 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting XTC Line Alarms Procedure: Clear the UNEQ-V Alarm Step 1 Com ple te th e “Clea r the UN EQ-P Alarm” proced ure on page 2- 122 . Step 2 If the alar m does not clear , log onto http:/ /www .
2-125 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Common Pr ocedur es in Alarm Tr oublesh ooting 2.8 Common Procedures in Alarm T roubleshootin g This sec tio n gives common procedur es that are freq uentl y use d when tr oub lesho ot ing alar ms.
2-126 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Common Pro cedures in Al arm Tr oublesho oting Step 4 Highlight the ring and clic k Edit . Step 5 In the BLSR windo w , enter the ne w ID in the Ring ID fie l d .
2-127 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Common Pr ocedur es in Alarm Tr oublesh ooting c. In the Port State area, click the Set to IS radio b utt on. d. V erify th at t he Disable OSPF on L ink check box is unchecked.
2-128 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Common Pro cedures in Al arm Tr oublesho oting Step 2 Dis play th e nod e vie w . Step 3 In no de v iew , cl ick the Ma intenance > Protection tabs. Step 4 Double- click the protect ion group that conta ins the reportin g card.
2-129 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 March 2 004 Chapter 2 Alarm Troub leshooti ng Common Pr ocedur es in Alarm Tr oublesh ooting Procedure: Reset the Active XTC Card in CT C Cautio n Resettin g the acti v e XTC card can be ser vice-af fe cting.
2-130 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 March 2004 Chapter 2 Alarm Trouble shooting Common Pro cedures in Al arm Tr oublesho oting Step 4 Under the SD BER (or SF BER ) column on the Prov isioning win dow , verify that the cell entry is consistent with the o riginally pr ovisioned t hreshold.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 3 Replace Hardware This cha pter provides pro cedure s for replacing Cisco ONS 15 327 hardware. • 3.1 Rep lace the Fan-T ray Assem bly , page 3-1 —Complete this proced ure to repla ce the fan- tray ass embl y .
3-2 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 3 Replace Har dw are Replace t he Fan-T ray Asse m bl y Figur e 3-1 Remo ving the F an-T ra y Assembly Step 5 Slide the ne w fan -t.
3-3 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 3 Replace Har dw are Remo v e an d R ein s ert ( Res e at) t he S tandb y X TC Note The F AN ST A TUS LED only illu minates when an XTC card is installed.
3-4 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 3 Replace Har dw are Inspect , Clea n, and Replace the Re usable A ir F il te r Step 1 Mov e a n y cable s that are routed in fro nt of th e f an-tr ay asse mbly and air f ilter so you can e asily sl ide the filter out, as shown in Figure 3-3 o n page 3- 4 .
3-5 Cisco ONS 15327 Trou bleshooting Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 3 Replace Har dw are Inspec t, Clean, and Repl ace the R eusable Air Filt er Figur e 3-4 Replac ing the Reus able F an-T ra y Air Fi.
3-6 Cisco ONS 15327 Tro ubleshootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 Chapter 3 Replace Har dw are Inspect , Clea n, and Replace the Re usable A ir F il te r.
IN-1 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 INDEX A air filter, r eplacing 3-3 AIS co nditi on descript ion 2-16 troublesh ooting 2-16 AIS- L condi tion descript ion 2-16 troublesh o.
Index IN-2 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 Audit Trail Lo g Low 2-24 AUD-LOG- LOSS condi tion descript ion 2-24 troublesh ooting 2-24 AUD-LOG- LOW 2-24 automatic p rotection.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 troublesh ooting 2-28 BAT-A-LO W-VLT cond ition descript ion 2-28 troublesh ooting 2-28 BAT-B-HGH-VLT condition descript ion 2-29 t.
Index IN-4 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 conditi ons indexed i ndivid ually by name CONTBUS-A -18 al arm descript ion 2-37 troublesh ooting 2-37 CONTBUS-B-18 a larm descri.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 descript ion 2-45 troublesh ooting 2-46 DS-N c ards, loss of sign al 2-82, 2-83 DS-N Facility Loopback 2-86 DS-N o r O C- N T er mi.
Index IN-6 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 OC-N port 1-22 test a d estination XT C card 1-18 test the circuit 1-22 Facility Termination Equipment Rec eiver Missin g 2-101 Fa.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 troublesh ooting 2-63 FE-EQPT- NSA condition descript ion 2-64 troublesh ooting 2-64 FE-EXERCISING-RI NG condition 2-64 FE-EXERCISI.
Index IN-8 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 H hairpin cir cuit creat e on a d estina ti on nod e 1-14 creat e on a so urce no de 1-8 definition 1-3 hard reset (card pull) 3-3.
Inde x IN-9 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 IP connect ivit y 1-61 designing subne ts 1-62 J Java browser will not la unch 1-48 Java Runt ime Enviro nment.
Index IN- 10 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 LOP-V alarm descript ion 2-81 troublesh ooting 2-81 LOS (BITS) alarm descript ion 2-81 troublesh ooting 2-82 LOS (DS-1) alarm de.
Inde x IN- 11 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 MAN-REQ c ondition descript ion 2-88 troublesh ooting 2-88 MANRESE T 2-88 MANSWTOINT 2-89 MANSWTOPRI 2-89 MANSWTOSEC 2-89 MANSWTO.
Index IN- 12 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 not alarm ed cond itions AS-CMD 2-23 AS-MT 2-23 AUD-LOG- LOSS 2-24 AUTOSW-LOP (ST SMON) 2-26 AUTOSW-P DI 2-26 AUTOSW- SDBER 2-27.
Inde x IN- 13 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 SQUELCH 2-109 SSM-DUS 2-110 SSM-FAIL 2-110 SSM-LNC 2-111 SSM-OFF 2-111 SSM-PRC 2-111 SSM-PRS 2-111 SSM-RES 2-112 SSM-SMC 2-112 SS.
Index IN- 14 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 descript ion 2-96 troublesh ooting 2-96 Primary Non- Volatile Backu p Memory Flash 2-29 Proced ural E rror Du plicat e Node ID 2.
Inde x IN- 15 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 troublesh ooting 2-106 SF-L condit ion descript ion 2-106 troublesh ooting 2-107 SFP 1-76 SF-P condition descript ion 2-107 troublesh ooting 2-107 side switch.
Index IN- 16 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 descript ion 2-115 troublesh ooting 2-116 SYNC-FREQ c ond ition descript ion 2-116 troublesh ooting 2-116 Synchroniz ation Fr eq uency Out of Bou nds 2-116 synchroniz atio n sta tus messag e.
Inde x IN- 17 Cisco ONS 15327 Trouble shootin g Guide, R3.4 April 2003 manual switch to thir d source (condition) 2-89 switch error 1-69 TIM- P a lar m descript ion 2-119 troublesh ooting 2-119 TL1 al.
Index IN- 18 Cisco ONS 153 27 Troubl eshootin g Guide, R3 .4 April 2003 Flash me mory ex ceeded 2-44 fram e format mismat ch 2-45 idle DS-3 signal 2-66 JAR file dowload pro blem 1- 54 line alarms 2-12.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems ONS 15327 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems ONS 15327 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems ONS 15327 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems ONS 15327 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems ONS 15327 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems ONS 15327, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems ONS 15327.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems ONS 15327. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems ONS 15327 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center