Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ONS 15200 Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco ONS 1 520 0 P r oduct Description R ele ase 1 .
iii Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 CONTEN TS About t his Manual xi Manu al St ruct ure xi Relat ed Do cume ntatio n xi Releva nt Stan dards xii Obtain ing Docu mentati on xii World .
Cont ent s iv Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 3.1.1 ONS 15252 MCU 3-1 3.1.2 ONS 15201 SCU 3-3 3.1.3 Pow er Distri bution Panel 3-4 3.1. 4 F an Un it 3-4 3.1. 5 F iber O rgani zer 3-5 3.2 Physica l Layo ut 3-5 3.2.1 ONS 15252 MCU Physic al Confi guratio n 3-5 3.
Content s v Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 5.6 Bridg e Mo dule 5-4 5.7 Collec tor Fi lter Modul e 5-4 5.8 Conne ction Modul e X 5-4 5.9 Conne ction Modul e Y 5-4 5.10 Dummy Filt er Module 5-4 5.11 Dummy Network Adapta tion Modul e 5-4 5.
Cont ent s vi Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01.
FI GURES vii Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Figu re 1-1 Unprote cted ch annels i n an ONS 15200 sys tem 1-2 Figu re 1-2 Optica lly-fi ber protec ted c hannels in an ONS 1 5200 syste.
Figures viii Cisco ONS 15200 Pr oduct Descr iption 78-13766-01.
TABLES ix Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Ta b l e 3 - 1 Fan Unit LED Status 3-4 Ta b l e 3 - 2 ONS 15200 Wa velengt h Plan 3-11 Ta b l e 4 - 1 EIA/T IA- 232 inte rface parame ter 4-.
Tables x Cisco ONS 15200 Pr oduct Descr iption 78-13766-01.
xi Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 About this Manual This Ci sco ONS 1 520 0 Product Descript ion summariz es the Cisco O NS 15200 system ar chitect ure, manage ment, and pe rforman ce. Softwa re, comp onents, modules, mec hanical specific ations, an d installati on information are also cover ed.
xii Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 About th is Manual Relevant Sta ndards • Cisco ONS 15 200 W eb In terfac e S oftw are User Manual • Cisco ONS 15 200 Co mma nd Line In terfac e Ma nual Relevant Standa rds The fo llow ing sta ndard s a pp ly t o t he O NS 15 200: • CFR 1040.
xiii Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 About thi s Manual Obtaining Documentat ion T ranslat ed docum entat ion is ava ilable at the followi ng URL: http://www .
xiv Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 About th is Manual Obtain ing Docume ntation is the foundatio n of a suite of interac tive, networ ked servi ces th at provide.
xv Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 About thi s Manual Obtaining Documentat ion If you can not re solv e yo ur te ch nica l iss ues by usi ng th e Cisc o T AC W eb Si te, and you a re a Ci sco. co m regis tered use r , you can open a case on line by usin g the T AC Case Open tool at the foll owing URL: http://www .
xvi Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 About th is Manual Obtain ing Docume ntation.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 1 Product Technology This chapter prese nts the gene ral syst em techn ology a nd the availab le prot ection ar chitectu res fo r Cisco ’ s dense w avele ngth divisi on mul tiplexi ng ( D WDM) metr o sy stem , the Cisc o ONS 152 00.
1-2 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 1 Product Technol ogy Optical Cha nnels potenti ally conf licting pro tectio n schemes. Y ou c an add prot ection i n the client layer descr ibed in the “ Physic al Layout ” sec tion on page 3-5 .
1-3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 1 Product Technol ogy Optica l Chann els Figur e 1 -2 Optically -fiber pr ot ected chan nels in an ONS 15200 sys te m Client-l ay er pr ote cti on sc heme s f or the O NS 1 5200 a re: • SONET/SDH ADM ri ngs — T raffic travels i n t wo d irec tions be twee n any t wo nod es.
1-4 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 1 Product Technol ogy Optical Cha nnels.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 2 Product Configurations This c hapt er d escri b es co mm on Cisco ON S 1 520 0 n etwor k con fi gura tio ns. A ll mo dules men tio ned i n this chapter are described in more detail in Chapter 5 , “ Module De scr ipti ons.
2-2 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 2 Product Configu ration s ONS 15200 Ne twork Config urations Figur e 2-1 An ONS 1 5200 bus co nfigurat ion linking an ON S 15252 M CU t o eight O NS 1520 1 SCUs 2.
2-3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 2 Produ ct Configurat ions ONS 15200 Network Con figurations 2.1.3 Dual-Home Configuration In the dual-ho me config uration, a pair of ONS 15201 SCU s shar e the to tal data traffic load between two different fibe r-optic cabl e (fiber ) routes.
2-4 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 2 Product Configu ration s ONS 15200 Ne twork Config urations Note Th e physica l connec tion in Figu re 2-4 consists o f two fi ber -optic cab les. Figur e 2-4 Multicha nnel poin t-to-po int configur ations, s ingle and dua l connectio ns 2.
2-5 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 2 Produ ct Configurat ions ONS 15200 Network Con figurations Figur e 2-5 Ring configur ation w ith hubbed and meshed tr af fic 2.1.6 Full-Mesh Configuration In the ON S 1 520 0 f ull -m esh c onf igur ati on , al l O NS 1525 2 M CU s co mm unic ate w it h each o th er .
2-6 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 2 Product Configu ration s Netwo rk Protection Figur e 2-6 Fou r ONS 1 5252 MC Us in a ful l-mesh con figur ation 2.2 Network Protection Releas e 1. 1 p r ov id es th e Fo r war d Def ect Indi cat ion ( F DI ) s wit ch (f d i _sw itch), wh ich ca n b e enabled or disabl ed.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 3 Product Hardware This c hapt er d esc rib es t he Ci sco ONS 152 00 mech an ica l c ompone nts. I t a lso p rov ides e lec trica l, elec tromag netic , and saf ety info rmat ion abou t the ON S 15200.
3-2 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hard ware Modu larity and An cillary Equi pment Figur e 3-1 Fun ctional view of the ONS 15252 Multich annel Unit (p rot ect ed v ersion) T wo ve rs ions of the ON S 15 252 MCU m echa nic al shel f exist : Rele as e 1.
3-3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hardware Modul arity and Ancillar y Equipment ONS 15252 Rel eases 1.0.1 an d later incl ude a fan unit . Before using the Release 1.0.1 shelf, you must install the fan unit. Do not use the fan unit with a Release 1.
3-4 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hard ware Modu larity and An cillary Equi pment Figur e 3-3 A functio nal view of the ONS 15 20 1 SCU 3.1.3 Power Dis tribution Pa nel ONS 15200 site co nfigurat ions can includ e a power distribu tion panel (PD P).
3-5 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hardware Physical Layout Cautio n Y o u must install the fan u nit in a Relea se 1.0. 1 shelf. Running the Rel ease 1.0. 1 shelf withou t the f an unit will r esult in a unit t hat is not complia nt to any specifica tions, nor is w arranted or supporte d by Cisco.
3-6 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hard ware Physi cal Layo ut Figur e 3-4 Configur ation of the ONS 15252 Multich annel Unit The low er portion of the ONS 15252 MCU is referred t o as the passive opti cal shelf . The passive optic al shelf has an A si de a nd B sid e.
3-7 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hardware Physical Layout Figur e 3-5 T ypical ar r ang ement of the ONS 152 52 MCU mod ules 3.2.2 ONS 15 201 SCU P hysical Configuration The ON S 15201 SCU physical configur ation consists of a CLI P module and a CFM ( Figure 3 -6 ).
3-8 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hard ware Power and Grounding Figur e 3-6 Ph ysical lay out o f the ONS 1 520 1 SCU 3.
3-9 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hardware Power an d Ground ing Figur e 3-7 ONS 1520 1 SCU an d ONS 15252 MCU gr ounding 3.3.1 ONS 15 252 MCU P ower and G rounding T wo power suppl y conne ctors are located on the ba ckplan e of the ONS 152 52 MCU.
3-10 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hard ware Environ mental Com pliance 3.3.2 ONS 15 252 Fan Unit Power and Gro unding The fan uni t back pane l has two power sup ply co nnecto rs.
3-11 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hardware Wavelength Grid 3.6.2 Pro duct Safety The ONS 152 00 system eq uipmen t complie s with t he product safety requireme nts in Euro pean N orm (EN) 60 950 a nd Underw riters La borato ry (UL) 1950 .
3-12 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 3 Product Hard ware Wave len gth Gr id.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 4 Operation, Administration, and Ma intenance This c hapt er d escri b es t he c omp onent s re quir ed for ope rat ion, adm in istrati on , an d m ain ten ance o f th e Cisco ONS 1520 0. 4.
4-2 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Adm inistra tion, and Maint enance Netwo rk Managem ent Overvi ew An in tern al data bus, a lso cal led a c ontr oll er a rea ne twork (C AN) bu s, co nnec ts a n N C B modu le to different CLIP modules of the ONS 15252 MCU .
4-3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Administra tion, and Ma intenance EIA/TIA-232 (RS-2 32) Interface Figur e 4-1 An ONS 15200 netw or k man ageme nt implementatio n 4.
4-4 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Adm inistra tion, and Maint enance EIA/T IA-232 (RS -232) Inte rfac e Y ou only need the EIA/TIA -232 interface when you a re setting the initial IP ad dress of the NCB module.
4-5 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Administra tion, and Ma intenance Com mand Li ne In terfac e Figur e 4-2 ONS 15252 MCU manag ement a ccess 4.4 Command Line Inte rface The SNM so ftware package Com mand Line Interface (CLI) is a simple, interactiv e tool th at manages the ON S 15 200 system .
4-6 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Adm inistra tion, and Maint enance Mainte nance Manag er The CL I i nte rfa ce r esid es on t he N CB mo dule a nd op erat es on th e databa se se rv er for t he O NS 15200 system .
4-7 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Administra tion, and Ma intenance Web-Base d Interfa ce 4.6 Web- Based Inter face The web -ba sed interfa ce allows read- an d-write ac ce ss to the ONS 15200 syste m data from an y va lid IP address.
4-8 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Adm inistra tion, and Maint enance Inte rna l Data Bus Figur e 4-4 ONS 15252 MCU int er nal data bus ext ensi on por ts 6-POL.
4-9 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Administra tion, and Ma intenance Simple Network Manag ement Protocol Interface Figur e 4-5 ONS 1520 1 SCU int er nal data bus ext ension po rts 4.
4-10 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Adm inistra tion, and Maint enance Alarms T able 4-2 Envir onment P aramet er Definiti ons fo r Pr otect ed Channe ls Condit.
4-11 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Administra tion, and Ma intenance Alarms T able 4-4 LED Status Color Defin itions (Vi sible on NAM F r ont) Alarm Name Defin.
4-12 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 4 Operation, Adm inistra tion, and Maint enance Alarms.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 5 Module Descriptions This c hapt er p rovid es desc ripti ons and spe cifica tio ns for the C isco ON S 15 200 m odules, som etim es refer red to as a card or blade. For detail ed inform ation about ea ch module, consult th e Cisco ONS 15200 Module Handb ook .
5-2 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 5 M odule Descriptions Communi cation Inte rface Module optical sig nal to a specific Internatio nal T elecommunication Un ion (ITU- T) G.692-co mpatible wavelen gth. Th e CLIP module th en trans fers th e conver ted optic al signal to the DWDM si de of th e ONS 15200 netwo rk.
5-3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 5 Module De scriptions Network Adaptation Module 5.4 Network Adaptation Modul e The NA M spl its th e ou tgoi ng opt ica l signa l fr om t.
5-4 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 5 M odule Descriptions Bridge M odule 5.6 Bridge Mod ule The BM, installed in the passive optical shelf, transfer s the remainder of the incom ing optical signal from the A side to the B side and from the B side to the A side .
5-5 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 5 Module De scriptions Hub Filter Module 5.12 Hub Filter Module The HFM filter s one wavelength from the incom ing DWDM optical signal an d transfers th e remainder of the wa vele ngt hs to sub seq ue nt H FM s.
5-6 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapter 5 M odule Descriptions Terminat ion Modul e.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco ONS 15200 Pro duct Descript ion 78-13766-01 6 Engineering Sp ecifications The tab les below provi de gene ral specifi cations for the Cisco ON S 15200 system and specifi cations specific to t he Cisco ONS 15252 Multichann el Unit (M CU) an d Cisco ONS 15201 Singl e-Channel Unit (SCU) c om ponents.
6-2 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapt er 6 Engi neerin g Speci ficat ions Optical 6.2 Optical This secti on descri bes optical performa nce, fre quenci es, an d signal loss. 6.2.1 Optical Pe rformanc e Ta b l e 6 - 2 provides infor mati on about ONS 152 00 optic al perform ance .
6-3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 6 Engineering Spe cifications Optical 6.2.3 Optica l Loss This section descr ibes the optical loss for the 15252 Multic hannel Unit (MCU) and the 15201 Single-Ch annel Unit (SCU).
6-4 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapt er 6 Engi neerin g Speci ficat ions Optical Figur e 6-1 1525 2 MCU op tical pat h Single-Channel Unit Opti cal Loss Ta b l e 6 - 5 provide s optic al l oss i nform a tion f or the SCU.
6-5 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 6 Engineering Spe cifications Optical Figur e 6-2 1520 1 SCU unpr ote ct ed optical pa th (1 0 0/0 or 0/ 1 0 0) Throug h lo ss ( non -adj ace nt c hann el), I t o H 1.3 Y Drop filter loss, I to K 2.
6-6 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapt er 6 Engi neerin g Speci ficat ions Environ mental Figur e 6-3 1520 1 SCU pr ot ected optical path (1 0/90, 90/1 0, and 50/50) 6.3 Environm ental Ta b l e 6 - 6 shows the envir onment al tolerance s of ONS 15252 MC U and ONS 15201 SCU.
6-7 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Chapter 6 Engineering Spe cifications Mechani cal Note The operating tem perature an d humidity ra nges are normal c limatic lim its, i.
6-8 Cisco ONS 1 5200 Product Descri ption 78-13766-01 Chapt er 6 Engi neerin g Speci ficat ions Electrical 6.5 Electrical Ta b l e 6 - 9 shows power c onsumption s of ONS 1525 2 MCU and ONS 15201 SCU node s. T able 6-9 Po w er Consumption Para mete r Max.
A-1 Cisco ONS 152 00 Product Descrip tion 78-13766-01 APPENDIX A Acronyms The fol lowing acro nyms and i nitialisms are used i n this manual: A A A-side AC alternatin g current ADM add/drop m ultiplex.
A- 2 Cisco ONS 15200 Pr oduct Descr iption 78-13766-01 Appendix A Acronyms CAN contr ol area netw ork CCAN Collect or Contro l Area Netw ork board CFM Collector Filter module CFR Code of Federa l Regu.
A-3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Appendix A Acronyms E EIA Electroni c I ndu stries A ssociat ion EMC elect romagnetic compat ibility EMI elec tr om ag net ic i nte rf er en ce ES.
A- 4 Cisco ONS 15200 Pr oduct Descr iption 78-13766-01 Appendix A Acronyms I IEC Internatio nal Electrote chnical Commissio n IP Int erne t pr otoc ol ITU Internatio nal T elecommunications Un ion L L.
A-5 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 Appendix A Acronyms NFPA National Fire Protect ion Association O OADM optical a dd/drop m ultiplexer ONS optical ne tworking system OSA optic al s.
A- 6 Cisco ONS 15200 Pr oduct Descr iption 78-13766-01 Appendix A Acronyms SNM Subnetw ork M a nage r SNMP simple n etwor k mana ge ment p rotoc ol SONET synchrono us optical networ k STM synchrono us.
IN- 1 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 INDEX A alarm s 4-9 B bit rates 1-1 BM 3-1, 3-5, 5-4 Bridge mo dule see BM bus configura tion 2-1 C CAN 2-4, 4-7 CFM 3-3, 5-4 CIM 3-5, 5-2 Cisco.
Index IN-2 Cisco ONS 15200 Pr oduct Descr iption 78-13766-01 H hardware 3-1 HFM 3-1, 3-5, 5-5 Hub Filter module s ee HFM I internal data bus 4-7 L laser safety 3-10 Line mod ule see LM LM 3-1, 3-5, 5-.
Index IN- 3 Cisco ONS 15200 Prod uct Descripti on 78-13766-01 ONS 15201 SCU 3-10 ONS 15252 fan uni t 3-10 ONS 15252 MCU 3-9 product sa fe ty 3-11 R relate d documen tation xi ring c onfi gur ation 2-2.
Index IN-4 Cisco ONS 15200 Pr oduct Descr iption 78-13766-01.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems ONS 15200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems ONS 15200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems ONS 15200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems ONS 15200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems ONS 15200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems ONS 15200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems ONS 15200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems ONS 15200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems ONS 15200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center