Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product OL-8155-01 Cisco Systems
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6387 ) Fax: 408 526- 4100 Cisco IP Interoperabil ity and Collaboration S y stem S er v er Installation Gui de R ele as e 1 .
iii Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 CONTENTS Introd ucti on vii Audienc e vii Organi zati on viii Relat ed Do cume nta tion viii Cisco Cal lMana ger Docu mentatio n ix Cisco 78 00 S.
Contents iv Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Defini tion s of Ser vice Reque st Seve rity xvii Obta ining Addi tio nal Pub lica tions an d Infor matio n xviii CHAPTER 1 Overview 1- 1 I.
v Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Conte nts Generat ing the Cisco IPICS PMC Appl icat ion In stal ler 2-58 CHAPTER 3 Upgr adi ng Cis co IPIC S 3-1 Perfo rmi ng the Upgr ade from a C.
Contents vi Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01.
vii Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Preface Introduction The Cisco IPICS Server In stallation Gu ide provides you wi th the informa tion that you need to install the Cisco IP Interoperabili ty and Collaboration System (IPICS) 1.0(1) server soft ware.
Preface Organization viii Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Organization This docu ment is organi zed as follows: Related Documentation For more i nformat ion a bout Cisc o IPIC S serve.
ix Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Preface Rel ate d Do cum ent atio n • Cisco IPI CS PMC Quick Start G uide, Rele ase 1.0( 1) —Thi s documen t provides t ips an d quic k refer ences for the most frequen tly us ed proc edures that a user can perfo rm on the Cisco IPIC S PMC .
Preface Rel ated D ocum enta tion x Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Cisco 780 0 Series Media Converg ence Serv ers Docume ntation For informat ion about Ci sco 7800 Seri es Media Conv ergence Servers, see the MCS data sheets at this URL: http://www .
xi Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Preface Document Notes and Con ventions http://www .ci /uni ve rcd/cc/t d/doc/produ ct/softwar e/ Document Notes and Conventions This document use s the follo wing con ventions for instructions and informa tion: Note Means r eader ta ke no te .
Preface Obtaining Documentation xii Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Obtaining Documentation Cisco docum entati on and additi onal litera ture are av ailable on Cisc Cisco also prov ides se veral w ays to obtain technical assista nce and other technical resources.
xiii Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Preface O btai nin g Do cume ntat io n guides for Cisco product s and to view technica l docume ntation in H TML. Wi th the DVD, you have acce ss to the same d ocumenta tion th at is found o n the Cisco website withou t being connec ted to the In ternet.
Preface Documentati on Feedba ck xiv Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Documentatio n Feedback Y ou can ra te and provid e feedba ck about Cisco technic al documen ts by completing the online feedbac k form that appear s with the technical docu ments on Cisco.
xv Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Preface Obtaining Techni cal Assist ance Reporting Se curity Problems in Cisco Produ cts Cisco is committed to deli v ering secure products. W e test our products inter nally before we rele ase them, and we stri v e to correct all vulne rabilities q uickly .
Preface Obtaining Tech nical Assist ance xvi Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 servic e contra ct, C isco T ec hnica l Assis tance Center (T AC) engineer s provide telepho ne support . If you do not hav e a valid Cisco ser vice contra ct, co ntact you r reseller .
xvii Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Preface Obtaining Techni cal Assist ance solution s. If your i ssue is not resol ved using the re commen ded res ources, yo ur service req uest is a ssigned to a Cis co en gine er . The T AC Servic e Re quest T ool is located at thi s URL: http://www .
Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xviii Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Obtaining Ad ditional Public ations and In formation Informa tion abo ut Cisco produ cts, tech nologies, and ne twork solu tions is av ailable fro m va riou s onlin e and printe d sour ces.
xix Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Preface Obtaining A dditional Pub lications and I nformati on • Internet Pr otocol Journal i s a qua rterly j ournal pub lished by Cisco Syst ems for eng ineerin g profe ssionals inv olved in de signing, deve loping, and operatin g pu blic a nd pr i v ate i ntern ets an d intr anets.
Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xx Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 1 Overview This chapter pro vides an ov ervie w of the Ci sco IPICS serv er softwar e installation . It also c ontai ns info rmation about sy stem re quirem ents fo r the Cisco IPICS ser ver softwar e and the PM C applica tion.
Chapter 1 Ov erview Inst allat ion Ove rview 1-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Installation CD Step Description Cisco Linux operatin g sy stem Cisco Linux Setup Utility This procedure di sables default featur es on the se rver tha t may be incompatib le with Cisco Linux.
1-3 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 1 Overvi ew Installation Overview Cisco IPICS server software Introduction This wi ndo w pro vides intr oductory informatio n about t he insta llation. End Us er Lice nse Agreem ent This wind o w allo ws you to re view the lice nse ag reemen t for the Cisco IPICS server software.
Chapter 1 Ov erview Installed Com ponents 1-4 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Installed Compon ents The Cisco I PICS insta llation inc ludes the follo wing c omponents: • Cisco IPICS Admin istration Co nsole (Cis co IPICS version 1.
1-5 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 1 Overvi ew System Re quirem ents PMC Requirements The min imum PMC re quirements inc ludes th e follo win g items: • 300 MH z Pent ium.
Chapter 1 Ov erview System Requireme nts 1-6 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Softwa re Re quirements This section lists the softw are requirements for using Cisco IPICS.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 2 Installing the Cisco IPICS Server Software This cha pter describ es the proc edures you ne ed to follow to install the Cisco Linux operating system and the Cisco IPICS server software. There are also tasks you must complete b efore you beg in the installa tion.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Before You B egin 2-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Obtaining the IP Addresses for Your Cisco IPICS Syste m T o fac ilitate com.
2-3 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Installing the Cisco Li nux Operati ng System Cisco IPICS runs on Cisc o Linux, which i s based on the Red Hat Enterpri se Linux AS 3 op erating system (OS).
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-4 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 array of dr i ves appear s to the server as a single lo gical stora ge unit or drive. The virtual install di sk is a holding place within the system R OM th at contain s embedde d boot drivers.
2-5 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem The R OM-Based Setup Utilit y displays.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-6 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Note The CD ver sion that displa ys reflects th e vers ion of Cisco Linux, not th e Cisco IPICS server software.
2-7 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Figur e 2-2 Cisco Lin ux Insta lling P ackag es Window The Cisco Linux installer f irs t formats the file system and th en proceeds with installing the softw are packag es.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-8 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Note K eep your instal lation CD i n a safe location, so that you can reinstal l the opera ting sys tem, if nece ssary .
2-9 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem The server re boots. Note During the bootu p process a GRUB v ersion win dow displays. The windo w times out in a fe w seconds .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-10 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-4 Cisco Lin ux W elcome Windo w Step 7 T o proce ed with t he set up of Cisco L inux, fol low these ste ps: a.
2-11 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Figur e 2-5 D at e and Ti me Windo w b. In the D ate pan e, use th e arro ws to na vig ate to the correc t month a nd year and then click th e current day of the month.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-12 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Note Cisco IPICS does not support the Network Time Protocol (NTP) feat ure. c. T o conti nue with the installat ion, click Next .
2-13 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Figur e 2-6 S ystem User Windo w d. T o cr eate a no n-admi nistra tor user f or the C isco L inux sy stem, e nter the n ame for the user i nto th e Userna me f ield .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-14 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-7 A dditional C Ds Windo w .
2-15 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Figur e 2-8 Finish Set up Win do w h. T o cont inue, click Next . The GNOM E login window displays with a Use rname field.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-16 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figure 2-9 GNOME Us er name Fiel d Note In Step 8 , ensure th at you log in as th e root user and not the syste m user that you cr eate d earlie r in the inst allati on.
2-17 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Step 10 Y ou must now configure th e Ethernet port in your ser ver that you w ill use for Cisco IPICS.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-18 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-1 1 Netw or k Device Contr o l Windo w c. T o conf ig ure the port, click the eth0 de vice fr om the li st and th en click Conf igure .
2-19 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Figur e 2-12 Netw or k Config ura tion Windo w d. T o conti nue with the conf iguration , click eth0 again an d then click Edit .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-20 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-1 3 Ether net Device Wi ndo w e. T o enter a static IP address for eth0, click the Statically set IP addr esses option.
2-21 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Figur e 2-1 4 Enter ing the Static IP A ddr e ss f. In the Addr ess f iel d, ent er the st atic IP ad dress.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing the Cis co Linux Opera ting System 2-22 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-1 5 Enter ing DNS Infor mation j. In the Hos tname fi eld, enter a name for the system .
2-23 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installi ng the Cisco Linux Oper ating S ystem Figur e 2-16 Netw or k Device Contr ol Windo w p. T o acti vate eth0 , click Acti v ate . The st atus for e th0 ch anges to act i v e.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-24 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Step 14 T o v eri fy net work connecti vity , follo w th ese steps : a. T o open a te rminal windo w , cl ick the Red Hat menu and choose System T ool s > T erminal b.
2-25 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Y ou can install the Cisco IPICS server softw are by u sing the i nstallation CD at the Cisco IPICS server or you may install it remotel y by copying t he install er file to the serv er .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-26 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 For information about settin g the date and time as part of the operati ng system installati on, see the “Installin g Cisco IPICS Ser ver Software” section on page 2-24 .
2-27 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Figur e 2-1 7 Cisco IPICS CD Ic on Step 4 T o open the CD conte nts, d ouble-cl ick the CD i con. Cisco Linux disp lays a window that shows the Cisco IPICS installer file.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-28 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-1 8 Installer File o n the Cisco I PICS CD Step 5 T o start the insta llation, d ouble-c lick the install er icon.
2-29 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Figur e 2-1 9 Run or Displa y Mes sage Windo w Step 6 When you a re prompte d to run or display t he file contents, click Run in T erminal .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-30 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-2 0 Introd uction in the Installer Wi ndo w Step 7 T o conti nue with the installat ion, click Next .
2-31 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software • Upgrad e—This option i nstalls an upgra de .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-32 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Cautio n For security reas ons, Cisco strongly recom mends that yo u change the ro ot password from the default password that was su pplied i n your product package.
2-33 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Step 11 T o confirm the new password, press Ta b and type th e passw or d agai n. Then, click Next .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-34 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-2 3 Pr einstallation S ummery Step 13 T o begi n in stall ing Cis co IP ICS f iles, cli ck Nex t .
2-35 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Figur e 2-2 4 Cisco IPICS Inst allation Pr ogr ess Window Step 14 When the fil e installat ion completes, the Ci sco IPICS Install Complete windo w displays.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-36 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-2 5 Install Complet e Win do w Step 15 T o cont inue, click Next . The Re start Com puter wind ow displays to p rovide you the option of restarti ng the compute r now o r at a later time.
2-37 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Figur e 2-2 6 Restart Comput er Windo w Step 16 A.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-38 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Installing Cisco IPICS fr om a Remote Location Y ou may find it nece ssary or desirabl e to perfo rm the Cisco IPICS server software installa tion fro m a remote lo cation on you r network.
2-39 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software The En ter Pass word window displ ays. f. Enter t he root password a nd then click OK . An SSH T ectia Clien t windo w displa ys.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-40 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 h. T o initi ate th e cop y proc edure, d rag the u pgrade f ile from the l eft pane o f the window to the right pane.
2-41 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Figur e 2-2 7 Starting the Remot e Ins tallation After t he fil es are extrac ted, the installer displays an introduct ion.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-42 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 • Upgrad e—This option i nstalls an upgra de to a.
2-43 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software The insta ller prompts y ou to ente r a password f or the ipic sadmin use r . Step 12 Repeat Step 10 and Step 11 for the ipicsadmin u ser and the info rmix user .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-44 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-3 0 Pr einstallation S ummary Step 13 T o contin ue, pre ss Enter . The insta llation pr ocess begins.
2-45 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software Figur e 2-32 Install Complet e Message T o contin ue, pre ss Enter . The Rest art Compute r page displa ys an option for you to restart the se rver no w or later .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software 2-46 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 2-3 4 Cisco Linux R eboot Br o adcast Messa g es When the system r eboots, the connection to the se rve r is disrupte d.
2-47 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Prep arin g to Us e Cisc o IPICS [root tmp] # tar xvf /root/CSAStandAlone.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS 2-48 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 T o a cces s the Ci sco IPICS Admi nist ratio n Con sole f rom a b ro wser and chec k the installati on, perform the follo wing procedure: Proc edure Step 1 Open a browser window on your PC.
2-49 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Prep arin g to Us e Cisc o IPICS T o obtai n your license f ile, se e the “Obtai ning Y our Lice nse File” secti on on page 2-49 .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS 2-50 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 After you up load your licenses and begi n using Cisco IPICS, the license mana ger comp onent monitor s the co ncurrent usa ge of PMC users , Cisco IP Phone use rs, and act i ve ports.
2-51 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Prep arin g to Us e Cisc o IPICS c. Choose Syste m T ools > Network Device Control .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS 2-52 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 d. T o open the Networ k Configuration wi ndow , click the eth0 de vice from t he list an d then clic k Conf igure .
2-53 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Prep arin g to Us e Cisc o IPICS b. Open a terminal windo w to enter c ommands. T o do so, open th e Red Ha t menu on t he Cisco Linux d esktop by cl icking th e Red Hat icon and choosing System T ools > T erminal .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS 2-54 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 For informat ion about upl oading th e license f iles, see the “U ploading the Cisco IPICS Licen ses” sect ion on page 2-55 .
2-55 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Prep arin g to Us e Cisc o IPICS Uploading the Cisco IP ICS Licenses When you rece i ve your li cense file(s), you can u pload t hem by a ccessing the Manage Li cense win do w of the Cisco IPIC S Admini stration Consol e.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS 2-56 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figu re 2-39 Refr eshi ng th e Lic ense Wind ow The l icense m .
2-57 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Prep arin g to Us e Cisc o IPICS Managing Licenses with the Ops Views Feature When t he .
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS 2-58 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 If the same PMC user logs in to multiple PMC sessions from dif f erent PMC client mach ines, th at user wi ll consume m ultiple l icense s (one for ea ch PMC session).
2-59 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 2 Installi ng the Cisco IPI CS Server Softwa re Prep arin g to Us e Cisc o IPICS Step 3 Log in with system administrat or pri vile ges. Y ou may also log in with the Userna me, i pics, and the p assword, ci sco123.
Chapter 2 In stalling the Cisco IPICS Server Software Preparing to Use Cisco IPICS 2-60 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS When Cisco rele ases a new version of Cisco IPI CS, you receive the upgrade in one of two ways: • Downloading an inst aller by following the l ink that Cisco pr ovides you when an upgra de becom es a v ailable .
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a CD 3-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Performing the Upgrade from a CD When Cis co pro v ides an up grade to Cisco IPIC.
3-3 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming the Upgra de from a CD Figur e 3-1 Cisco IPICS CD Ic on Step 6 T o open the CD conte nts, d ouble-cl ick the CD i con. Cisco Linux disp lays a window that shows the Cisco IPICS installer file.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a CD 3-4 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 3-2 Instal ler File on the Cisco I PICS CD Step 7 T o start the insta llation, d ouble-c lick the install er icon. Cisco Li nux disp lays a me ssage wi ndo w that offers optio ns to displa y or run the installer f ile.
3-5 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming the Upgra de from a CD Figu re 3-3 Run o r Di splay Me ssage Wi ndow Step 8 When you a re prompte d to run or display t he file contents, click Run in T erminal .
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a CD 3-6 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 • Upgrad e—Upg rades yo ur Cisco IPICS server sof tware to th e new version, .
3-7 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming the Upgra de from a CD Figur e 3-5 Intr oducti on in the I nstaller Windo w Step 10 T o conti nue with the installat ion, click Next . The Cis co IPI CS insta ller di splays t he E nd User Licens e Agre ement.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a CD 3-8 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Step 12 T o upgr ade C isco I PICS, cho ose U pgrade . Th en, cli ck Next . The Cisco I PICS installer displays the Prein stallati on Summary .
3-9 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming the Upgra de from a CD Step 15 Enter t he infor mix pa ssword again and pre ss Enter . Cautio n Nev er ch ange t he passwo rd fo r the inform ix us er out side of the C isco IP ICS installe r .
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a D ownloa ded File 3-10 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Performing the Upgrade from a Do wnload ed File If Cisco makes a n upgrade file av ailable on a Cisco website , you must download the upgrade f ile to your PC and then transfer it to the Cisco IPICS server .
3-11 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming t he Upgra de from a Downloade d File Figur e 3-8 Savi ng the U pgra de File t o Y our Comput er Step 5 Click Sa ve . The f ile do wnloads t o the directory t hat you specif ied.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a D ownloa ded File 3-12 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 The SS H T ect ia File T ran sfer Cl ient co nnec ts to th e Cisc o IPICS server an d displays th e content s of the root directory in the right pan e of the window .
3-13 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming t he Upgra de from a Downloade d File [root] # ls -al The co ntents of the root directory display in th e window . Step 4 T o begi n the up gra de, en ter t he fol lo wi ng comm and : [root] # .
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a D ownloa ded File 3-14 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 The Cisco I PICS installer windo w displays with a n introductio n to th e process. See Fi gur e 3- 10 fo r an e xampl e.
3-15 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming t he Upgra de from a Downloade d File • Upgrad e—This option i nstalls an upgra de to a previous ly installe d version of Cisco IPICS server software Step 8 T o upgr ade C isco I PICS, cho ose U pgrade .
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a D ownloa ded File 3-16 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 The inst aller pro mpts you to re-e nter the i nformix password. Step 10 Enter t he infor mix pa ssword again and pre ss Enter .
3-17 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming t he Upgra de from a Downloade d File Perfor ming th e Upgrad e from a Remo te Locati on Cisco IPICS a llo ws you to perf orm an up grade remote ly , using the SSH T ectia Client on a PC.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a D ownloa ded File 3-18 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 [root] # ./< name of upgra de file >.bin -i console where name of upgrad e file represent s the name of the .b in file you downloaded and tr ansfe rred to the se rver .
3-19 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 3 Upgradi ng Cisco IPICS Perfo rming t he Upgra de from a Downloade d File Step 13 Enter a informix pa ssword that is at least six characters in length . Then, pre ss Enter . The inst aller pro mpts you to re-e nter the i nformix password.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Cisco IPICS Performing the U pgrade from a D ownloa ded File 3-20 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 4 Uninstalling Cisco IPICS This chapter provi des informatio n about the procedures th at you need to follo w to the Cisco IPICS server sof tware.
Chapter 4 Uninstalling Cisco IPICS Uninstalling Cisco IPICS from the Cisco IPICS Server 4-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Uninstalling Cisco IPICS from the Cisco IPICS Server T o un.
4-3 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 4 Uninst alling Cisc o IPICS Uninst alling Cisco IPI CS from the Cis co IPI CS Serve r Figur e 4-1 Intr oducti on Windo w of the Uninsta ller Step 5 T o conti nue with the uninstalla tion, click Uninstall .
Chapter 4 Uninstalling Cisco IPICS Uninstalling Cisco IPICS from the Cisco IPICS Server 4-4 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Figur e 4-2 Uninstal lation Pr ogress When the uninstaller f inishes remo ving f iles, the Uninstall Complete w indo w displays.
4-5 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 4 Uninst alling Cisc o IPICS Uninstalling Cisco IP ICS from a Remo te Location Figur e 4-3 Uninstal l Complet e Window Step 6 T o close the Uninstal ler windo w , c lick Done . The win dow closes and you ar e retur ned to the Cisc o Linux de sktop.
Chapter 4 Uninstalling Cisco IPICS Uninstalling Cisco IPICS from a Remote Locat ion 4-6 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Proc edure Step 1 On your PC, open the SSH T ectia Clie nt b y choos ing Start > All Programs > SSH T ectia Client > SSH T ectia Client .
4-7 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 4 Uninst alling Cisc o IPICS Uninstalling Cisco IP ICS from a Remo te Location If you press Ent er , the uninstal lation proceed s and the uninstall er displays inform ation about the process es that it is shut ting down and removing.
Chapter 4 Uninstalling Cisco IPICS Uninstalling Cisco IPICS from a Remote Locat ion 4-8 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Step 11 T o close the SSH T ectia Client win do w , click X .
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 5 Troubleshooting the Installation This chap ter pro vides informatio n abou t basic tro ubleshootin g tips and error messages tha t you may enco unter dur ing the instal lation of th e Cisco Linux operating system or the Cisco IPICS server software.
Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Cisco IPICS Instal lation Issues 5-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Cisco IPICS Installation Issues The issu es that are de scri bed in this s ection may occu r durin g or as a result of installing the Cisco Linux operating system o r the Cisco IPICS serv er softw are.
5-3 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 5 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Cisco IPICS Installation Issues Step 6 Open a term inal wind ow to en ter co mman ds by cli cking the Red Hat i con on the Cisco Linux deskto p and choo sing Syst em T ools > Network De vice Contr ol .
Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Cisco IPICS Instal lation Issues 5-4 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 If the pi ng comm and is not succe ssful, tro ubleshoo t the ne twork conn ectivity with yo ur network admin istrator .
5-5 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 5 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Cisco IPICS Installation Issues T o check the da tabase, pe rform the following proced ure: Proc edu.
Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Cisco IPICS Instal lation Issues 5-6 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 Error Displays When Perf orming Remote Installation Problem Wh en y.
5-7 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Chapter 5 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Uninstalling CSA Uninstalling CSA The re ma y be sit uat ions whe re y ou n eed to ma nuall y unin stal l CS A. Y ou perf orm the un installatio n from a Cisco Linux termina l on th e Cisco I PICS ser ver .
Chapt er 5 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Unin stalli ng CSA 5-8 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01.
A-1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 APPEND IX A Changing the Cisco Linux Root Password Y ou ca n ch ange t he passwo rd for t he Cisco L inux ro ot user, as ne eded , by perform ing the fo llowing proce dure: Note Y our new password must be a mini mum of six chara cters and c annot be based on a dictio nary word.
Appendi x A Changing the Cis co Linux Root Pass word A-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 When you ent er your pas sw ord , no cha ract ers di spl ay f or se curit y reas ons. Step 6 At the Re type Ne w Password prom pt, e nter the n e w password again a nd press Enter .
GL-1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 GLOSSAR Y A acti vate d A VTG state that indicate s that the SIP (unicast) line or multic ast line is fully operati onal. The PTT and volume indic ators appea r highlig hted. acti vati ng A VTG state that be comes eff ecti ve when the Acti v ate button is cli cked .
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 bandwidth The dif ference betwee n the h ighest and lo west frequ encies that ar e a v aila ble for network si gnals. T he te rm also d escribes the rated t hroughpu t cap acity of a specific network me dium or prot ocol.
GL-3 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary channel spa cing The dis tance from th e cente r of one ch anne l to the c enter of the next-adjac ent-c hannel. T ypically mea sured i n kil ohertz. Cisco Cal lManager The sof tware-bas ed call -processi ng compo nent of the Ci sco IP teleph ony solution.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 convention al radio system A non-t runked sy stem tha t is sim ilar to telepho ne party- line i n that the use r determines a vailability by listen ing for an open chan nel. COR carrier operated relay.
GL-5 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary DS0 digital service zero (0). Single timeslot on a DS1 (also kno wn as T1) digital interface—t hat is, a 64-k bps, sync hronou s, full-d uplex data chann el, typic ally used fo r a single voic e connec tion o n a PBX.
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 F FDM frequenc y-di vision m ultiplex ing. T echniqu e whereb y informatio n from multiple chan nels can be al located bandwi dth on a sing le wire based o n fre quency . FDMA fr equency-division mul tiple ac cess.
GL-7 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary G gateway De vice that perfor ms an a pplicat ion-lay er conv ersion o f infor mation from one protocol stack to a nother .
Glos sary GL-8 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 i I inacti ve VT G A VTG that is stored for use. The Cisco IPICS server st ores inacti ve VTGs so that the y can be automatic ally acti v ated by a policy or manually a ctiv ated by a dispa tcher .
GL-9 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary L latch The PM C fun ctionali ty that allo w s a Cis co IPI CS user to lo ck in a PTT ch annel. linear modu lation A radio freque ncy trans mission tec hnique t hat provides the phy sical tra nsport layer of a r adio s ystem.
Glos sary GL-10 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 multicast p ool Multica st IP addre sses that a re defined as part of a multic ast pool. Ci sco IPICS allocate s a m ulticas t addres s from this pool of reso urces wh en a dispat cher activates a V TG.
GL-11 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary NAT Network Addre ss T ranslati on. Provides a mech anism for translat ing addresse s that are not glo bally unique into globally routab le addresses for conn ection to the Internet .
Glos sary GL-12 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 packet s witching Th e proce ss of routing and tra nsferri ng data by usin g addresse d packets so tha t a cha nnel is occup ied du ring the transm ission of the p acket onl y . Up on completion of the transmissio n, the channel is made av ailable for the transfer of other tra ff ic.
GL-13 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary policy c hannel A ch annel that can be set up by the d ispatch er and conf igured as a desig nated channel; that is, a channel that i s alw ays open to enab le your inte raction with the dispa tcher .
Glos sary GL-14 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 R radio chan nel Repr esen ts an a ssign ed ba nd of frequ enci es s uf f ic ient for ra di o commu nicat ion . The ba ndwidth of a r adio cha nnel dep ends upo n the type of t ransmissi on and its freq uency tole rance.
GL-15 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary S scannin g A subscr iber un it fe ature th at auto matical ly allo ws a radio to ch ange c hannels or talk grou ps to e nable a us er to listen to con versations that a re o ccurring on different cha nnels or t alk groups.
Glos sary GL-16 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 stored VTG Also refe rred t o as inact i ve VTG. subscrib er unit A mobile or port able radio un it that i s used in a radio syst em.
GL-17 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary terminal A device cap able of sending, receiving, or sendi ng and r eceiving info rmation ov er a com municatio ns chan nel. throughput The number of bits , charact ers, or block s passing thr ough a dat a communi cation s system, or a po rtion of tha t system.
Glos sary GL-18 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 user The Cisco IPICS user m ay set up pe rsonal login informa tion, download the PM C applic ation, cus tomize the PMC skin, and s pecify co mmuni cation pr eferen ces that ar e u sed to conf i gure a udio de vices.
GL-19 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Glossary VOX V oice-operated transmit. A keying relay th at is actuated b y sound or voic e energy above a c ertain thresh old an d sensed by a conn ected acoust o-elect ric transducer . V O X uses v oic e ener gy to ke y a tr ansmitter , eliminatin g the nee d for push-to- talk oper ation.
Glos sary GL-20 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01.
IN- 1 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 INDEX A Additiona l CDs w indow, Cisc o Linux 2-14 address, obtain ing for Cisco IPICS 2-2 analog ports, types supported for C isco IPICS 1-5 a.
Index IN-2 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 transfer ring insta ller file to server 3-10 Cisco IP Ph ones do cumen tation x Cisco Land Mo bile Radio (L MR) documen tation x Cisco MCS s.
IN- 3 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Index H hard ware, loca ting MAC addr ess 2-24 I ifconfig comma nd, usi ng to o btain M AC addres s 2-24, 2-52 Info rmix dat abas e checki ng 5.
Index IN-4 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01 note, descri bed xi O ops views, lic ensing an d 2-57 P Package inst allation window Cisco IPICS 1-3 Linux 1-2 passwd com mand, Ci sco Linux.
IN- 5 Cisco IPICS Ser ver Installat ion Guide OL-8155-01 Index T T1 netw ork module s, types support ed for Ci sco IPICS 1-5 Tomcat servi ce, che cking 5-3 troublesh ooting authorizati on error after .
Index IN-6 Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide OL-8155-01.
An important point after buying a device Cisco Systems OL-8155-01 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Cisco Systems OL-8155-01 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Cisco Systems OL-8155-01 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Cisco Systems OL-8155-01 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Cisco Systems OL-8155-01 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Cisco Systems OL-8155-01, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Cisco Systems OL-8155-01.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Cisco Systems OL-8155-01. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Cisco Systems OL-8155-01 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center