Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PWR2306B Chief
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS I nstruccion es de in stal ación I nstal lati onsanl eitu ng I nstruções de Insta lação I struzion i di install azione I nstal lati e-i nstr ucti es I nstructi ons d ´i.
PWR Instal latio n Ins truction s 2 DISCLAIMER Mile sto ne A V Technol ogies, a nd its aff ili at ed corpora tions and subsi di aries ( col lect ive ly , "Mile stone" ), int end to mak e this manu al acc urate and co mplete.
Installa tion Ins tructi ons PWR 3 TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLA TION AND P ARTS x1 I/M 7/3 2" B (2) E (4) C ( 1) D (1) A (1) F ( 4) G (4 ) 5/16 x 2-1 /2" H ( 4) .
PWR Instal latio n Ins truction s 4 DIMENSIONS F igur e 1 15.65 397 16. 00 406 1. 00 25 7. 00 178 .33 8 2. 51 64 8.89 226 3.36 85 18.0 0 457 18.58 472 ALL ME AS URE M ENT S ARE I N THE FOLLOWING FORMAT : [MIL L IM ET ER S] INCHES Mounting P attern PRODUC T FEATU RES WEIG H T CAP A CI TY 125 L BS HEIGHT ADJUST MENT ,- 15 / 2.
PWR Instal latio n Ins truction s 6 Mount Lateral P osition Adjust ment The PWR is des ig ned to all ow up to 5" of r i ght or left lateral adjus tment after bein g moun ted to the w al l. Thi s lat eral adjus tment can be used t o more pr eci sely posi t ion whe re the cente r of the displ ay is loca ted when i nstal lation i s compl ete.
Installa tion Ins tructi ons PWR 7 Cover Installa tion To i nst all cha nnel cover s: 1. Inst all upp er and l ower wall ch annel cove rs (B) by tippi ng cover t op down and pos iti oning as show n i n end vi ew of fi gure be low . (See Figur e 5) 2. Tap firml y acros s bottom of channels (B) to loc k in place as shown in f igure below .
PWR Instal latio n Ins truction s 8 Display Installat ion WARNING: IMPROPER INSTALLA TION CAN LEAD TO MOUNT F ALLING CAUSI NG SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT . Displ ays can weigh in excess of 40 l bs (1 8.1kg). AL W A YS use two pe ople and proper l ift in g tech niques when i nstalli ng di spl ay .
Installa tion Ins tructi ons PWR 9 F igur e 8 (E) x 4 x 4 F rom Dis play (A) ADJUSTMENTS Pitch Tension Adjustment To adju st display pi t ch ten sion: 1. With di splay in stalled, t ighte n or l oose n two s crews , one o n each si de, usi ng a 5/32” h ex wrench.
PWR Instal latio n Ins truction s 10 Roll Adjust me nt The PWR all ows for th e horizon tal alignmen t (Roll )o f the di sp lay to be adj usted up to 2° right o r left to level the di splay af ter inst all ing. To adj us t Roll: 1. Loosen t he r ol l tensi on a djustmen t nu t locat ed on t he b ack side of the faceplat e asse mbly .
Installa tion Ins tructi ons PWR 11.
PWR Instal latio n Ins truction s Chief Manuf act uring , a product s divisio n of Milest one A V Techno log ies 8831-0000 06 RevF 201 0 Mil est one A V Technologi es, a Duchos sois G roup Com pa ny www .ch 08/10 USA/In ternati ona l A 8401 E agl e Creek Par kway , Savage , MN 553 78 P 800.
An important point after buying a device Chief PWR2306B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Chief PWR2306B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Chief PWR2306B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Chief PWR2306B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Chief PWR2306B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Chief PWR2306B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Chief PWR2306B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Chief PWR2306B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Chief PWR2306B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center