Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product IWE 8128 B Indesit
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GB 1 English,1 Contents Installation, 2-3 Unpacking and levelling Connecting the electricity and water supplies The first wash cycle T echnical data Description of the washing machine, 4-5 Control pan.
2 GB Installation This instruction manual should be kept in a safe place for future reference. If the washing machine is sold, transferred or moved, make sure that the instruction manual remains with the machine so that the new owner is able to familiarise himself/herself with its operation and features.
GB 3 T ech ni c a l da ta Model IWE 8 12 8 Dimensi o ns width 59.5 c m he ig ht 85 c m de pth 60 cm Capac i ty fr om 1 to 8 k g Electric al connec tions please refer t o t h e tech n ical dat a plate fix ed t o t he machin e W ater c onnections max i mu m p res s u r e 1 MP a ( 1 0 ba r ) min i mu m pr es s u r e 0 .
4 GB Detergent dispenser drawer: used to dispense detergents and washing additives ( see Detergents and laundry ). ON/OFF button : press this briefly to switch the machine on or off. The ST AR T/P AUSE indicator light, which flashes slowly in a green colour shows that the machine is switched on.
GB 5 Display The display is useful when programming the machine and provides a great deal of information. The duration of the available programmes and the remaining time of a running cycle appear in section A ; if the DELA Y ST ART option has been set, the countdown to the start of the selected programme will appear .
6 GB Running a wash cycle 1 . SWITCH THE MACHINE ON. Press the button; the ST AR T/P AUSE indicator light will flash slowly in a green colour . 2. LOAD THE LAUNDRY . Open the porthole door . Load the laundry , making sure you do not exceed the maximum load value indicated in the table of programmes on the following page.
GB 7 D escri ptio n of th e wash cycle Max . tem p . (°C ) Max. sp e e d (r p m ) D e te r g e n ts M a x . l oa d (k g ) Cy cl e durat ion Pre- wa sh Was h Bleach Fa b r ic s of ten er No rm al Mini Lo ad Eco Tim e Daily 1 Cot t on wi t h prew ash : ex t r eme ly s o il ed w h i t es .
8 GB Deter gents and laundry Detergent dispenser drawer Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent will not necessarily result in a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the inside of your appliance and contribute to environmental pollution.
GB 9 Pr ecautions and tips This washing machine was designed and constructed in accordance with international safety regulations. The following information is provided for safety reasons and must therefore be read carefully . General safety This appliance was designed for domestic use only .
10 GB Car e and maintenance Cutting off the water and electricity supplies T ur n off the water tap after every wash cycle. This will limit wear on the hydraulic system inside the washing machine and help to prevent leaks. Unplug the washing machine when cleaning it and during all maintenance work.
GB 11 T r oubleshooting Y our washing machine could fail to work. Before contacting the T echnical Assistance Centre ( see Assistance ), make sure that the problem cannot be not solved easily using the following list. Problem: The washing machine does not switch on.
12 GB Service Before calling for Assistance: Check whether you can solve the problem alone ( see T roubleshooting ); Restart the programme to check whether the problem has been solved; If this is not the case, contact an authorised T echnical Assistance Centre using the telephone number provided on the guarantee certificate.
13 UK Óêðà¿íñüêà Çì³ñò Âñòàíîâëåííÿ, 14-15 Ð îçïàê óâàííÿ ³ âèð³âíþâàííÿ ϳäêëþ÷åííÿ âîäè é åëåêòðîåíåð㳿 Ïåðøè.
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TR # Türkçe Ýçindekiler Montaj, 26-27 Ambalajýn çýkartýlmasý ve seviye ayarý getirilmesi Su ve elektrik baðlantýlarý Ýlk yýkama T eknik veriler Çamaþýr makinesinin tanýmý, 28-29 Ko.
$ TR Montaj Bu kitapçýðý gerektiði her an danýþabilmeniz için özenle saklayýnýz. Çamaþýr makinesinin satýlmasý, devri veya nakli durumlarýnda da, yeni sahibinin faydalanabilmesi için bu kýlavuz makineyle beraber saklanmalýdýr .
TR % T e k n ik b ilg ile r M odel IW E 8128 Ölç ü le r geniþlik 59, 5 cm yüksek l i k 85 cm der inl i k 60 cm Kap as i t e 1 - 8 kg E le k trik b a ð la n týla rý m akine üst ünde t aký l ý olan t eknik ver il er plakasý na bakýn ýz. S u b a ð la n týlar ý m ax.
& TR Çamaþýr makinesinin tanýmý Deterjan Bölmesi: ve diðer katkýlarý koyunuz ( Deterjanlar bölümüne bakýnýz ). AÇMA/KAP AMA tuþu : makineyi açmak ya da kapatmak için bu tuþa kýsa süreli basýnýz. Y eþil renkte yanýp sönen BAÞLA/BEKLE uyarý lambasý makinenin açýk olduðunu gösterir.
TR ' Ekran Makineyi programlamak için yararlý bir gereç olmasýnýn yaný sýra ekranda deðiþik bilgiler verilmektedir . Mevcut programlarýn süresi ve çalýþan devrin kalan süresi bölüm A da görünür; GECIKMELI BAÞLAMA seçeneði ayarlanmýþsa, seçili programýn baþlangýcý için geri sayým görünecektir .
! TR Bir yýkama devri nasýl yapýlýr 1. MAKINENIN ÇALIÞTIRILMASI. tuþuna bastýktan ve BAÞLA/BEKLE uyarý lambasý yeþil renkte yanýp sönmeye baþlayacaktýr .
TR ! Programlar ve iþlevler Program tablosu Programlar Çizelgede belirtilen veriler takribidir. Tüm T est Enstitüleri için: 1) EN60456 standartlarý uyarýnca kontrol programlarý 60°C ye ve 2. programa ayarlayýnýz 2) Pamuklu uzun programý; 2 programda 40°Cye ayarlayýnýz.
! TR Deterjanlar ve çamaþýr Deterjan haznesi Yýkamanýn iyi sonuç vermesi doðru dozda deterjan kullanýlmasýna da baðlýdýr: aþýrý deterjan kullanmak suretiyle daha temiz çamaþýrlar elde edilemeyeceði gibi makinenin aksamýna zarar verilerek, çevre kirliliðine sebebiyet verilir .
TR !! Önlemler ve öneriler Çamaþýr makinesi uluslararasý güvenlik standartlarýna uygun olarak projelendirilmiþ ve üretilmiþtir . Bu uyarýlar güvenlik amaçlý olup dikkatlice okunmalýdýr. Genel güvenlik uyarýlarý Makine meskenlerde kullanýlmak üzere tasarlanmýþ olup profesyonel kullaným amaçlý deðildir .
!" TR Bakým ve özen Su ve elektrik kesilmesi Su musluðunu her yýkamadan sonra kapatýnýz. Böylece çamaþýr makinesinin su tesisatýnýn eskimesi engellenir , su kaçaðý tehlikesi ortadan kalkar . Bakým ve temizlik iþlemleri esnasýnda çamaþýr makinesinin fiþini çekiniz.
TR !# Arýzalar ve onarýmlar Çamaþýr makinesi çalýþmýyor olabilir . T eknik Servise baþvurmadan önce ( T eknik Servis bölümüne bakýnýz ) aþaðýdaki liste yardýmýyla kolay çözülebilecek bir problem olup olmadýðýný kontrol ediniz.
!$ TR T eknik Servis Servise baþvurmadan önce: Servise baþvurmadan çözülebilecek bir ariza olup olmadýðýný kontrol ediniz ( Arýzalar ve onarýmlar bölümüne bakýnýz ); Pro.
37 GR ÅëëçíéêÜ Ðåñéå÷ üìåíá Åãê áô Üóôáóç, 38-39 Áðïóõóêåõáóßá êáé ïñéæ ïíôßùóç ÕäñáõëéêÝò êáé çëåêôñéêÝò óõíäÝóå.
38 GR Åãê áô Üóô áóç Åßíáé óçìáíôéêü íá äéáôçñÞóåôå ôï åã÷åéñßäéï áõôü ãéá íá ìðïñåßôå íá ôï óõìâïõëåýåóôå ïðïéáäÞðïôå óôéãìÞ.
39 GR Ô å÷íéêÜ óôï é÷åßá Ìïí ôÝ ëï I W E 8128 Äéá óô Üó åéò ðë Ü ô ïò c m 59, 5 ýøï ò cm 8 5 âÜè ï ò c m 6 0 ×ùñçôéêüôçô á áðü 1 Ýùò 8 .
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An important point after buying a device Indesit IWE 8128 B (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Indesit IWE 8128 B yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Indesit IWE 8128 B - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Indesit IWE 8128 B you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Indesit IWE 8128 B will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Indesit IWE 8128 B, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Indesit IWE 8128 B.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Indesit IWE 8128 B. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Indesit IWE 8128 B along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center